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#40: He simply makes me smile when I see him.


Thread Title Poll  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • He looks great, he looks happy and healhty...me likey, me happy!
    • He makes me go broke with a smile on my face!
    • He is excessively, endlessly, adorably CUTE!!!!!!!!
    • God the voice is gorgeous. I'll never take it for granted.
    • Break open those piggy banks! Remember - if you choose to rob a bank, just don't wear a Clay Aiken t-shirt!
    • Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!
    • Clay has some serious mojo!!!
    • He sings. He dances. He talks. He wears PANTS! verra, verra niiiicely. The rest is just noise!
    • Someone take the measure of that man!
    • Who CARES? He's hot!!!
    • But in the final analysis - he could be bald and I would still love him.
    • Is there ever enough Clay?
    • He's Clay, you know. The hotness intensifies as time goes by.

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You know, with the amount of money I've supposedly won from the many international lotteries I've never played and/or dead people I've never met who have supposedly left me their life savings, I think I could afford for all of us to go to Spamalot! We could all have premium seats for every.single.show. and we could afford to stay in the swankiest hotel in NYC! Afterall, these offers keep popping up in my Spam folder...


I just got one of those today. :lilredani:

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WOO! HOO! Look what I just found "elsewhere!"


What a cute ad! He's the i in is.

Hee, you're a couple of days late, but I agree, it's a CUTE ad! When I picked up the newspaper on Sunday at Chapters, the salesperson assumed I wanted it for the political coverage. Heh, not quite. ;)

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Gibby, we do have 7 of the songs or medleys already rated and uploaded if you want to get a head start on your CITH playlist. :)


Thank you!! There are some good recommendations in there. Heeee - one of them is mine, cuz I got mine done. :)

It's Monday. Again. :cry4:


Can't you just see Clay duckwalking through his house getting his legs and butt ready for the bottledance? I remember when I was in school, they used to make us duckwalk in gym. Do they even have gym anymore? LOL!!

Thanks- girls -Seriously, it is all mystifying. Is there anyone in the entire fandom that can explain what happened to us all?

Yup, merry, they do still have gym! It's a requirement in most schools, although in high school they don't have to take gym every semester. My daughter is taking weightlifting all year, and I'm jellus! I really enjoy lifting weights.

I do hope that Clay won't be quite as sore this time around. I guess that depends on how much he got out of shape during the summer!

Oh, yeah, he was GORGEOUS that day!! YUMMMM!!


You know, with the amount of money I've supposedly won from the many international lotteries I've never played and/or dead people I've never met who have supposedly left me their life savings, I think I could afford for all of us to go to Spamalot! We could all have premium seats for every.single.show. and we could afford to stay in the swankiest hotel in NYC! Afterall, these offers keep popping up in my Spam folder...


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Totally (well mostly anyway) O/T and self-serving post ahead: I know a few people here used to read my little fan-fic - Blessings - and I never did finish it. This spring I decided to revisit it and try to finish it. And I did! I'm reposting it at CV (after much deliberation, lol) if you're interested.

Carry on! :013085001176249046:

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Can I just say ^^ it's awesome ^^. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

So, has anyone else watched Canadian Idol yet? I caught it early, on the NFLD feed. FromClaygary, hope you were able to sabotage those phone lines that we talked about........

Yes caught it. Maybe there will be a big storm out east? OOPS one that won't affect FromClaygary but will affect the phone lines.

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Just wanted to post a heads up that goldarngirl PM'ed me when she noticed a glitch in the Merrillville WTOW that I posted a couple weeks ago. Luckily it's not in the original tape, so I'm re-rendering that one as well as 2 others from Merrillville that had issues the first go-round.

Thanks for the Tyra link, ldj! Now I regret promising gg I'm going to render tonight because it sure is fun to stay on YouTube and watch all the parts of that interview. Just kidding, goldarngirl! -- :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I haven't been following Canadian Idol but I hope whoever you're backing wins, luckiest, goldgarngirl & FromClaygary -- or do you have different favorites?

ETA: Oh, it's Theo! OK! *sending lots of good thoughts and positive energy his way, plus static storms to whereever luckiest1 wants them*

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Just wanted to post a heads up that goldarngirl PM'ed me when she noticed a glitch in the Merrillville WTOW that I posted a couple weeks ago. Luckily it's not in the original tape, so I'm re-rendering that one as well as 2 others from Merrillville that had issues the first go-round.

Thanks for the Tyra link, ldj! Now I regret promising gg I'm going to render tonight because it sure is fun to stay on YouTube and watch all the parts of that interview. Just kidding, goldarngirl! -- :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I haven't been following Canadian Idol but I hope whoever you're backing wins, luckiest, goldgarngirl & FromClaygary -- or do you have different favorites?

There are only two left. I personally don't have a favourite (in that I probably won't be buying an album) BUT I sure know which one deserves to win.

I agree luckiest1 my prayer for the last few weeks is please don't let Mitch win. He seems like a nice guy BUT I can't even listen to a full performance. SO hopefully it will work out for everyone concerned.

hmm Scarlett I'm just ignoring that RED part up there k?

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Well, hope this works because I've been kicked off twice....succinctly....can't vote! Lines blocked!

HATED the two "crowning" songs!

LOVED Hedley's comments!

Unfortunately~quite liked Theo's last song....you know the one. :lol:

If Mitch wins, someone should get indicted....and yes, Scarlett we're all for the same person.

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Just wanted to post a heads up that goldarngirl PM'ed me when she noticed a glitch in the Merrillville WTOW that I posted a couple weeks ago. Luckily it's not in the original tape, so I'm re-rendering that one as well as 2 others from Merrillville that had issues the first go-round.

Thanks for the Tyra link, ldj! Now I regret promising gg I'm going to render tonight because it sure is fun to stay on YouTube and watch all the parts of that interview. Just kidding, goldarngirl! -- :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I haven't been following Canadian Idol but I hope whoever you're backing wins, luckiest, goldgarngirl & FromClaygary -- or do you have different favorites?

There are only two left. I personally don't have a favourite (in that I probably won't be buying an album) BUT I sure know which one deserves to win.

I agree luckiest1 my prayer for the last few weeks is please don't let Mitch win. He seems like a nice guy BUT I can't even listen to a full performance. SO hopefully it will work out for everyone concerned.

hmm Scarlett I'm just ignoring that RED part up there k?

Just kidding, goldarngirl! The only Clay I'll watch tonight is Merrillville -- besides I find JNT Clay just as hawt or even more so than the cute/adorable one.

*still concentrating on your Theo -- though you know... postive thoughts are nice but good old power-dialing works wonders too!*

And a good evening to everyone -- couldn't send good morning greetings this am because I overslept again. Thanks goodness it was only up to 7:30 this time.

ETA:*waves wildly at FromClaygary!!!*

ETAA: I guess I should go before gg starts looking at her watch and tapping her foot... Good luck on CI!!!

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I was off the computer for 3 days and didn't realize someone had already posted the Spamalot ad.....but it's cute anyway!!!

Okay - what's the deal with uTube? I can't get in to it anymore. Do you need to register now or something?

Scarlett..........oversleeping? What's with that? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well, hope this works because I've been kicked off twice....succinctly....can't vote! Lines blocked!

HATED the two "crowning" songs!

LOVED Hedley's comments!

Unfortunately~quite liked Theo's last song....you know the one. :lol:

If Mitch wins, someone should get indicted....and yes, Scarlett we're all for the same person.

Yeah not in love with the crowning songs either. of course LOVE Hedley loved Jacob's comments, boy he grew up who knew (no silliness)

Totally agree about Mitch.

My thought was that they should have him sing a Clay song, just made sense. When it started though my stomach dropped and my head said


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*still concentrating on your Theo -- though you know... postive thoughts are nice but good old power-dialing works wonders too!*

And a good evening to everyone -- couldn't send good morning greetings this am because I overslept again. Thanks goodness it was only up to 7:30 this time.

ETA:*waves wildly at FromClaygary!!!*

ETAA: I guess I should go before gg starts looking at her watch and tapping her foot... Good luck on CI!!!

How did you know I was tapping my foot and watching my watch (can you see through this thing???)

Not my Theo, not going to vote for someone I won't support monetarily. He still should win though.

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*still concentrating on your Theo -- though you know... postive thoughts are nice but good old power-dialing works wonders too!*

And a good evening to everyone -- couldn't send good morning greetings this am because I overslept again. Thanks goodness it was only up to 7:30 this time.

ETA:*waves wildly at FromClaygary!!!*

ETAA: I guess I should go before gg starts looking at her watch and tapping her foot... Good luck on CI!!!

How did you know I was tapping my foot and watching my watch (can you see through this thing???)

Not my Theo, not going to vote for someone I won't support monetarily. He still should win though.

Ok, ok I'm going!!! Off to spend the night with JNT guy.... I bet I'll oversleep tonight as well!

In case it's a DNS problem, how about typing this instead of youtube.com -- ? (or as the URL)

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