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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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52 members have voted

  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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Holy sweet mother of god!! I just got home and read all the clayandr posts (thank you x a bjillion to my lucky friend) and holy mother of god. The heck with Clay. *I* want to have Jaymes' baby! I saw names that made be grin - couchie and wanda and a few others (I am still sitting here gobsmacked so I can't recall who else. OMFG. You ladies ROCK, as does Jaymes. FLOVE!!!!!!!!!!

Hee - and now I see that I'm gonna be in for sloppy seconds (eighths? twelfths??) to get me some Jaymes. Wheeeeeee!!

You know - I don't mean to be flippant - but this might just be the best day I've ever had in this fandom.

P.S... that is not a lie, either. :-)

I guess I'm Invisible... :whistling-1:;)

Here's the link to Jaymes' first post today: #2986 in the People Magazine Interview thread in the Man forum. And her MOST AWESOME MUST READ long post: #3781

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I lied. I said I wasn't going to post in that OFC thread but I read one that made my jaw drop and hit the floor and I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me.

Well, TBH, Luckiest it wasn't that you posted....it's just that you LIED........ :o


You have led a sheltered life. A man can get an erection looking at a piece of asparagus.

BWAH :lmaosmiley-1:

I am not an OFC member but I love to hear Jaymes comments. I am never surprised when the most mild mannered woman turns into her wild lioness self when protecting her cubs. I have been known to get all hardass on someone who looked sideways at mine. Anyone mentions that sweet baby in a negative sentence does so at their own peril, and good for her too.

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I hope everyone with an OFC membership gets to the People Mag thread and reads Jaymes' really long post, No. 3781 - I think it should be required reading!

She addresses a lot of the questions that have been asked ad nauseum this week.

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I hope everyone with an OFC membership gets to the People Mag thread and reads Jaymes' really long post, No. 3781 - I think it should be required reading!

She addresses a lot of the questions that have been asked ad nauseum this week.

I think someone said she gave permission to bring her posts elsewhere, would some kind person copy this one here please?

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Couchie, is it okay to bring it over? Erm, I hope I don't piss you off by doing this, girlfriend! Please delete if it's not okay

Gibby..sorry dont' know if it's ok. Let's find out. This might be better in PMs anyway/couchie - bwah why can't I fix this.

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I don't know if it's ok. Anyone who has been reading there..we need the exact language of her permission. If it was just in regards to that one issue of how they aren't going to edit..then fine. If not, please take it down. Can someone check that out for me quickly please because I don't want to violate any rules of the OFC. Gibby can you remove until we know for sure. Your friends will share in the meantime.

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I thought she said it was ok to quote the people she quoted but not her.

I may be wrong about that or she may have changed her mind--it was early when she started posting that someone asked her about quoting.

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Is the People mag on the stands yet? I'm definitely going to buy it.

What time does ET come on?

People may be on the stands some places--not here yet.

ET comes on at various times and channels as it's syndicated.

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In my wanderings of the net today I saw post from a gay paper - the man was not a fan, wasn't particuarly interested in Clay but he watch GMA this morning and he said he cried listening to Clay and seeing him with the baby. I think Clay became a human being to a lot of people today. Maybe that will make some of us angry that it took this - but it's progress. The longer lesson would be..everyone has a story - and if you just make them a punchline then you dehumanize them. Give folks a chance.

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WOW...what an interesting day!!!!

I loved that interview...just the right tone...

LOVE Clay....

Love Jaymes...she pretty much matches Clay's titanium ones...

I love FCA...you guys are fantastic.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss: to everyone...and HUGS to those that needs it...

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God, I'm tired. I've been sick as a dog with the flu all week and spent my first day out of bed glued to my computer and OFC because I feel it's so important that supportive fans post their thoughts. It was great to see so many FCAers there and to read your posts. We're a pretty impressive bunch, I think.

I'm so happy that Clay shared his sperm with Jaymes. Very good choice. That child will probably have a giant set of titaniums--considering the genes he's inheriting.

The thing I liked most about Clay's interview is that he refused to act as though he's some poor victim of his homosexuality. He was proud and open, and I completely adore this man.

More than ever!!

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Couchie, is it okay to bring it over? Erm, I hope I don't piss you off by doing this, girlfriend! Please delete if it's not okay

Gibby..sorry dont' know if it's ok. Let's find out. This might be better in PMs anyway/couchie - bwah why can't I fix this.

Couchie - thanks for figuring that out. I was at work and wanted to post it quick before I left, so couldn't stay to figure it out. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

And now that I'm home I finally get to read over at the OFC without interruptions from doctors and patients!!

Wanda, I hope you feel better soon! :thbighug-1:

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