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# 68: The Absurdly Charming Clay Aiken


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EOnline article about reality show contestants in politics:  http://www.eonline.com/news/755385/donald-trump-is-hardly-the-first-why-the-leap-from-reality-tv-to-politics-has-never-been-less-of-a-stretch  Clay is mentioned a few times.  I'll put the entire article in the news section.


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I watched Clay's last "Third Rail" appearance last night, and it's stellar.  The Sirius radio guy (I don't know his name) was snarky toward Clay, and I thought it was funny.  (Maybe Clay didn't?  I don't know...)  The other guy seemed fairly respectful too, at least toward Clay.  I enjoyed that one thoroughly!

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Not to be picky because you are all doing a fabulous job, but I can't read the last post on a page. I tried making the zoom under 100% but even that didn't work. I'll try chrome maybe that will work better than IE. Yes it works better in chrome.

Edited by FearofH2O
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Fear, that isn't being picky.  It's basic.  Unfortunately, I can't find a reason for it.  Is it just the most recent last page or any last page?  What version of IE are you using?  Thanks.

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I'm using IE 11 on my desktop. It just started with the new board. Everything else is better than before. I also had issues when CV changed their board, but chrome is the answer to most of my problems. Thanks to you and ldyj for setting up this new board.

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Ah, that explains it, Fear, but it doesn't help. We have the same edition now as CV. One would think IE 11 would be advanced enough. I hope there's an upgrade with the board or IE that will fix it.

It's gotten to the point now where browsers just can't work with everything anymore, new or old. I've been using Firefox for everything for a couple of years, but it's starting not to work with certain things. And there was a while there--a year probably, that I couldn't open a pdf from IE, Chrome, or Firefox. I had to right click and save as as if it were clack.  ARGH. 

All the credit goes to ldyj, and to kimiye for moral support and more, and to Invision, which had the whole process automated. All we had to do was stay out of the way and pray.  I just play with colors--no structural stuff or anything fancy.

Ldyj, I think I saw that Third Rail. It sounds familiar. Will have to find it and watch. A lot of clack appeared at once, finally--lots of catching up to do.

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Hi rohdy!

It is going to be really weird to not be checking The Clack House on a regular basis.  I have four boards I read regularly...and now it will be down to three.  For many years, the CH was my ONLY board.

I'm just glad I've got this place!

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Since this board was formed as an offshoot of the CH, I am a bit bummed.  But...this board was also formed as an off shoot of the CH.  Make sense?  

I'm off work today and Monday.  I have family coming in tomorrow, so today is cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.  

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Have I said I love the color scheme?


Loved the last Third Rail. So sorry it's gone. Think the Sirius radio guy is a known comedienne, probably known to Clay as such. Somehow I had missed that Clay was on Aljazeera besides the third rail. Liked the moderator. Clay is sooo good on these shows.

Edited by jmh123
edited for ninna
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Ninna, I couldn't find a reason in the settings why you shouldn't be able to edit your post. That's got to be frustrating for you. Maybe it's just too late for my brain to work.

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