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Everything posted by ldyjocelyn

  1. Well, that's what I did with the last Christmas tour -- I had my recommendation up 2 weeks before the DCAT tour, I believe. That's why I'm only volunteering for one song. If I do any more, I'll be doing this until 2010. I also think that maybe we should wait about a week or so to let the last clack flow in. There's still stuff appearing from the California shows at this point. And then, we need to make sure Scarlett gets her stuff in too!
  2. lickiest1 called RHW and WY in a previous post....OK, I see changes made.... Damn, gotta run....
  3. I'm calling BYLM. Why yes, I like crying, and do own stock in Kleenex. I think jamar should take the TV medley. Aw, artquest, if no one else steps up for EIH *nudges KAndre*, I'll take it too. LURVELY song.
  4. I think what frustrates me about speculation and discussion about the business of Clay's business is that, for some reason IMO, things turned into FACT very quickly. Maybe it wasn't really that way, but it sure seemed like it. I do enjoy learning about the business, and talking about it with people who have done a bit of studying. As someone said, though, as long as it's still stated as opinion, I'm cool. And -- as long as I can respectfully disagree, I'm cool too. Somewhere down the line last year, that didn't happen. IMO the respect got lost. I would not disagree that I may have been a part of losing the respectful nature of a post....but I'm sure that it was because of my frustration. Personally, I like to talk about Clay's career....but it's also not my job either. I guess it's because I know that if I talk about Clay's career, I really can't DO anything about Clay's career. I should NEVER have that kind of influence. Finally, I do feel that I can't really take Clay out of the equation when I talk about him on a message board. To paraphrase him, "his name is on the board." I tend to treat Clay as if he was a member here, even if I know full well he's not. It's just my nature. (Doesn't mean I wouldn't tell him that he needs a haircut though -- I do that to my husband for God's sake!)
  5. I've been having a hard time understanding why I feel a certain way about some fans, and a totally different way about others. This, however, makes perfect sense to me. It's a power trip WITHIN the fandom that makes me go "blech." Now, I don't read much elsewhere anymore, so I don't know how much some of these fans that Clay notices in concerts crow about it afterwards. If they do, then I'm troubled by their actions and words. If they don't...well, then I'm troubled that OTHER fans can't deal with it. It's something I'M gonna have to deal with, I guess. On another note, I reread suebee's M&G account again this morning, and for some reason, this paragraph stood out for me in this reading: To me, this sounds like a paraphrasing of what Jaymes told Clay -- "stay in your lane, but don't be afraid to swerve a little." I think this little section gives me a clue of what they are shooting for with the next album -- he's not going to change his style all that much. He might vary it a bit, but for the most part, I really think him talking about "upbeat" means lyrically rather than tempo. I'm not saying that he won't sing a fast song or two, I think he will. But my crystal ball doesn't really see Rock!Star!Clay appearing any time soon. What I hope for, though, is some more blue-eyed soul, like IYDKMBN. I would consider that "swerving" a bit. *g* Glad you had a fantastic time djs -- and to ALL those who got to attend those shows. I just hope CG is managing to stay awake at work this morning.... :F_05BL17blowkiss: back at PuddinsJoy....
  6. Oh man, I want that score sooooooooooooooo badly. Alas, I'm not that rich. However, I will keep an eye on the baton. I could actually USE that, since I conduct my bell choir at church. I mean, I probably wouldn't (because I wouldn't want Jesse's autograph to wear off), but I COULD.
  7. Nope, but I have watched "Law & Order" from time to time. Actually, I was expecting you to say, "No, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night." That's really the beauty of HIM as well, isn't it? I mean -- he's human. Just as we all are. We all have inconsistencies in our lives and our opinions -- he just seems to celebrate them all that much more. Love him so very much.
  8. As a fan of the striped socks, I love this. I'm glad someone asked him this question (thanks suebee!), and find it so "guy" that he just picks up whatever is around. Thank you Clay. I'm not one to want to know his "business," just that I want him to be successful. But I know for some of the fans, their fandom revolves around his business dealings. Just doesn't sound like that much FUN to me, and from this answer, I get the feeling that Clay doesn't really want people to know that much either.
  9. Originally posted by Flower: Hi, I will be going to see Clay's Christmas Show in Albany, NY on December 7. We got our tickets a few weeks ago and we are center orchestra row 4. Hope we are permitted to take pictures. Will anyone else be going to this Christmas Concert in Albany? If so maybe we can connect and have the chance to get acquainted. Flower
  10. {{{{{{{{{{Totally}}}}}}}}}} This is cute....someone took the Tampa TV medley and put subtitles over it.
  11. Clay Aiken at Chastain Park in Atlanta From musicnewsnashville.com.
  12. Gibby, I would have added to the picture brigade this morning, but photobucket was down for maintenance. Via toni7babe from the Orlando show: Very cool lighting...and he's definitely a STAAAAH! Sing it with me! Victory! (And damn that t-shirt) These Open Arms...will fight for you... Because you loved us Clay....and we loved you right back... I love Jesse watching in the background of this one....
  13. The Orlando Sentinel Aiken Packs Surprises in a Goofy Night of Fun
  14. I had to post this one again, just 'cause. Ansa, if you want to use what I wrote for FCA, go ahead. I'd also put PuddinsJoy's piece there too, if I were you. It was fantastic as well. You know....upon sleepling overnight, I've decided that I need to offer an apology to Bob and Linda. I used to get incredibly frustrated at them, especially since they were able to attend so many shows and managed to gather the attention of Clay. I said so as much publicly on a message board too. But lately -- I don't know. It seems as if there's more and more of this same kind of thing happening on message boards, it's just directed at different people. And now it seems that it's not just happening on the message boards, it's happening at concerts (thank you Clay for calling this behavior out). While I'm still not crazy about people who tend to draw attention to themselves at a concert (it's really not my nature to do that kind of thing), I just have come to realize that Ethel, Regina, Bob & Linda, all the glowstick people, Cookie (remember her from Mike & Juliette?) and so many others, are FANS first and foremost. It's not MY style of fandom, but I can deal with it. So anyway, Bob & Linda, if you're reading this -- I'm sorry I wrote some of the things I did. *Besides, I think I know people who have seen Clay almost as many times as they have at this point* Surprised there's no clack up from last night.... couchie, when you get back we'll talk about Merrillville. I know luckiest1 and crew will be there, with at least part of the eHP as well. I'd love for all of us to get into the same hotel if possible. I know money is tight for some, but if we work it right, maybe we can stay at the good hotel there and keep it as cheap as possible. I'd room with some of you, but since I'm gonna have hubby with me, I think that's out. (I also think that the next morning, I'll be leaving for Christmas in Minnesota....straight from Indiana. Totally different for us....)
  15. YAY for couchie winning money! And I just saw the first Bourne movie Friday night, and will be getting the next one in a week or so. Yeah, I'm behind in the times, what of it? Anyway, that was too funny woman! PuddinsJoy....I tend to do the same thing you do.... ___ Thank you Mary for being tour manager. I’m going to guess that the first few days of the tour probably weren’t the best for you (seems like I read something about an airplane?!?!), but in the end, you made it work. From what I can tell, you managed to keep an eye on Clay in regards to where he needed to be and when – which I would again guess is not an easy thing to do. Oh, and thank you for not providing all the words to TWYMMF the first night in Houston. *g* Thank you Jamie for helping Clay look his best (or, according to some of the fans, most of the time). I’d especially like to thank you for the blue shirt/navy blue jacket/low, low jeans/black belt combination in Sterling Heights. Even though I did not see that one live, that outfit lives in my dreams. Gah. Also, IMO, I think his hair has been great….but you had a good subject to work with. Finally, thank you for traveling with Clay as a member of his family – his “real” family in this instance. Thank you Tracy – yes you, the bus driver. You had a major job to do, getting Clay and company to each and every venue safe and sound. Thank you for doing it so well. Thank you Fern. OK, so I’m not real happy with you because the sound in my section of the venue in Houston really was not good. But I’ll forgive you for making Clay sound so good many, many other times. Again, you’ve got a good subject to work with, but I know that your job was to do your best, and you succeeded. Oh, and if you could continue to provide Deep!Voiced!Clay! during the next tour, I’ll send you some home-baked cookies. Thank you Jerome – I don’t think I can thank you enough, actually. First of all, I’m amazed and thrilled that you worked with the staff at so many of the venues, in order for the buslines to happen. For me, I was overjoyed that I got to see Clay up-close that one night – and my busline was early in the tour, when there were only maybe 200 of us to herd. The job toward the end of the tour must have been torture for you to organize, plan and oversee the security. I’m just grateful that the “skinny white redheaded kid” trusts you with his life. I’m sorry we didn’t get to hear you sing though – but I hear your skills as a tackle are pretty good. *g* Thank you to the fans for 1) staying quiet during LAA; and 2) adding to the energy of the program. Sure, there are a few of you that I wish would have kept quiet (Tulsa springs to mind immediately), and those pesky tables in San Diego were definitely a problem. And yet…as Clay said every night, you’re the reason he does what he does. So, as frustrating as a fandom we can be sometimes, I’ve just got to offer a big HUG! Thank you Sean. You were the “newbie” for the tour, and immediately gained a fan following. You also quickly gained a place in “the family” for being such a good sport regarding thrill park rides. I really think your drumming is fantastic too – and IMO you’re one cutie-patootie. BTW – did you like Harry Potter? Thank you Jesse. You were, IMO, the musical “brains” behind this whole shebang. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that first meeting between you and Clay, planning for this show. TV themes? SexyBack? Achy Breaky Heart? “Sure, bring it on,” (said through fits of laughter, I would guess…) Your arrangements on the two medleys were pure genius to me. The arrangements you did for the ATDW songs were also outstanding – improving on what was already pretty darn good to begin with. Finally, you worked tirelessly with many different orchestras. I’m an amateur musician, and I know how much fun rehearsal time can be (which is to say, not very). Thank you for working with them to make the music sound fantastic. Thank you Angela and Quiana for being great comedic foils for Clay. I would bet that when you signed up for these back-up singer roles 3 years ago, you did not realize you would be integral parts of the Clay Aiken show. Your “teaching” Clay to be cool is some of the funniest stuff I’ve ever seen…and it was all done with a (mostly) straight face. Your actual back-up singing has been first-rate to me – adding a depth to his voice and striking a great balance with his vocals. And, my God….your solos. “When the Lights Go Down” was amazing every single night, and “Listen” is now no longer a Beyonce song to me. I can’t give you enough gratitude. (BTW – thank you Angela for agreeing with me that Clay has no butt, and thank you Quiana for attempting with Clay to cover for Angela on “Listen” that one night.) And finally…. Thank you Clay Aiken. This whole summer for me has been one big thrill ride – a few ups and downs to be sure, but for the most part…I’ve never smiled, laughed, and thudded so much in my entire life. This was a show that proved, really proved, to me that you are an entertainer as much as a singer. I think I’ve known it for a while, but the proof came with this tour. Your talent and quick wit were evident every single night…not to mention your acting chops, which, during the “I’m not cool” schtick, became a highlight for me. I also truly appreciated your snark. Whether it be directed toward the fans, record labels, the radio industry, or yourself, it gave me so much enjoyment. And your voice! The passion in your singing was so palpable, even through the clack. There were just too many highlights for me: you knocked MOAM out of the park every night; LAA was simply sublime; and my favorite, BYLM, was so heartfelt. (I’m tearing up now thinking about how this song was a thank you to us…especially when so many of us are so grateful to you for what you’ve brought into our lives…) Thank you too for the new M&G format. The fans connected via the internet have learned so much about you through these M&G’s – even through “filters.” Finally, though…just thank you for being you. It may be “uncool” to love you – but I’m proud to be your fan. Love, ldyjocelyn I know full well that the people thanked here will never read this…but a girl can dream, right?
  16. I wish! But I can't! And that makes me sad too....
  17. Per CH cellcert, Clay was drinking BYLM all in...very emotional. God, I really don't want this to be the last one.
  18. OMG, I can't believe it is over. Can I use time-travel to take me back to July 4? I'm just gonna ditto this post....
  19. Talking about Fern Alvarez, the sound guy. Now for you, the fans. We pick on you a lot...but that's because you're family. And I'm not gonna stop. Asking for the house lights to come up. It is not lost on me on how much you make this possible for me. One day of rehearsal for this thing! We didn't prepare to have this much....it was because of you. You give up your money for this, you give up your husband's money for this.... I'm so appreciate this, I'm so grateful... ...this song is my heartfelt thank you for you. I love you all. ___ *sob*
  20. Bringing Mary out on the stage right now. Good for him! She's playing the piano -- "Theme to Ice Castles!!!" Hee!!!! Mary has always had the worst stage fright ever, had to drug her to get her on stage -- and now she's playing piano on the stage!!!! Here's Jamie now... If you don't like my hair today, blame me, if you do -- she worked on it a bit today. Introducing Jerome again.
  21. I certainly hope so! Fantastic job Clay!
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