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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. I need some help. In 2 1/2 hours I'm getting on Ticketmaster to get tickets to see Leonard Cohen. Have any of you been to a concert at GM Place in Vancouver? What are good seats there? I love the banner. ETA: OMG I just looked outside...there's 3" of snow on my deck!!!! WTH It's almost the end of February on the wet coast, a time when I'm usually cleaning up the garden, even planting some seeds.
  2. Yes, this has been talked about before, I think, by Jerry. Clay wants a name that has some gravitas and has Inclusion in it. It's been about 3 1/2 weeks since his surgery. How long does it take to heal from TMJ surgery?
  3. Am I really the first one to report that he blogged?
  4. For any of you, like me, who didn't know how this works there is a interesting article on Clay News network Music contracts 101 I know that recording artists signed to a label get most of their income from tours but this article spells out how little they get from CD sales especially if they don't write their own songs. What? KarenEh you're leaving Baku for Denmark? Cool!
  5. I wonder if Clay is now laughing at all the speculation brought on by a simple request for information....maybe he did it on purpose to give fans something relatively innocuous to talk about. I've decided it's about time I visit relatives in England before any more of them die so I've booked a month's travel there....couldn't wait any longer to make arrangements and I hoping, hoping that Clay isn't on tour while I'm away or if he is, that there are still some dates after I return. For you Leonard Cohen fans, they've started announcing his North American concerts...Yipee there will be one in Vancouver in April!! Just hope I can get tickets. Apparently they sell out very fast. I'm now in Florida for a few days enjoying the sunshine for today at least...the forcast is for cooler and cloudy for the rest of my visit..but oh it is so nice to sit out by the pool under a clear blue sky with no jacket. The maintenance man here has a pet snowy egret which follows him around!
  6. :hb2: luckiest1 Thanks for this trip down memory lane. I was there and despite what is said,"If you remember the 60's, you weren't there" I do remember those amazing years of change..vividly in psychedelic colours. I think an important change for women in the 1960's was the introduction of the birth control pill. It led to sexual freedom which in my experience meant sexual freedom for men and charges of frigidity for women who said no. I wonder why it wasn't included. Perhaps because birth control is still such a contentious issue among a significant vocal minority in the U.S.?
  7. S'Okay no need to apologize...everything about Clay is fascinating It's another example of OTT fan reaction. Lets see...Boobgate as I understand it apologies for any inaccuracies picture surfaces of Clay standing behind the A1 makeup artist, big cheesy grin on his face, each of his hands cupping a breast of said makeup person major fan freak out...it can't be true...he's a gentleman...he's so pure...yada yada...must be photoshopped...endless technical discussions on just how photoshopped. major disappointment for some fans...he's not who I thought he was. photo not photoshopped and thought by those involved to be a private image of a just fooling around moment i think that covers it
  8. Broccoli soup...love it. Please post the recipe..I need the low fat version. Yes he needed to go on tour but I think he is enjoying it and his fans have received him so enthusiastically. He performed to sold out crowds last summer in Canada and just recently in Australia. I've read some reviews of the Australian concerts and it sounds as though his energy is high. I just hope I will be able to get a ticket if he comes here or Seattle. Have you seen the tribute concert movie Leonard Cohen "I'm Your Man"? ETA I love this report of Leonard Cohen's comeback and how it came to be. The promoter, a fan since he was 12, was shocked when he heard that Leonard had been robbed and that even his cash card wouldn't work. So he figured out a way to make things better for his hero.
  9. Here in B.C. we still don't have a holiday in February. Now that I'm retired it doesn't bother me so much but I were still at a job I'd be envious of those of you who get one. Yes there are some good shots of when Clay turns around in triumph at getting that jacket zipped up. I have just learned of how to do the simplest of screen caps but my reflexes really aren't fast enough to get just the right millisecond as yet....darn it, I knew there was a reason for playing video games. For those of you who are Leonard Cohen fans, his next tour is starting this Thursday in New York. I am hoping that there will be a Vancouver date. I just recently started getting Google alerts for him and he's putting out a new album with a 26-track set culled from the July 17 performance at London's 02 Arena in 2008 and it will be available as either a DVD or two-CD package on March 31.
  10. I just had a look at the banter before WY. Clay had the idea of signing the stools they had been sitting on and auctioning them off. At one point he says to an audience member who has called out to Jesse "I love you" "Just for that you can't bid on my stool" and it goes on from there.
  11. Every so often I watch Aflack's montage, BlockParty2006. Available at CU. Always gives me a lift. How is it that there was not a repeat of the Block Party?...I wasn't at it, before my time, but it sounds like it was fun.
  12. Oh I like it...especially since I haven't had the time to write my story yet and I'll be away from my computer all tomorrow. It will be interesting reading the boards after the revelation that OMG Clay tells dirty jokes??!!! I seem to remember that I read very early in my fandom that he has a bawdy sense of humour.
  13. I don't understand it either. What more can a person do than work in good faith for 38 years? And then the company just like that can take it all away. ARGH!! Unfortunately the way things work in our North American economies now is that the people who do the actual work are the last ones considered. A corporation is required by law to put the interests of their shareholders above all others.
  14. I don't know who took these as they are un-tagged, but hopefully they don't mind them being posted. ETA: okay, those are prior to him doing it up - I'm trying to recall if he actually did that after - I remember the yesssss very well though! And this look... Thank you cindilu2 Not quite what I was looking for though. I was hoping for one taken after he had zipped up the jacket when he turned around...jacket fully zipped..arms flung wide..exclaiming YES!! Could one of you video goddesses make a screen cap of the moment which I found in jojoct's video of ringtones and bust and jacket auctions around 13:39?
  15. I am enjoying reading your stories of conversion to Claydom but I'd like to interject a small request here. I have been doing some sorting of Clay photos and there is one from the BAF Gala 2008 that I would love to have. Do any of you have a photo of Clay when he turned around in his leather jacket after successfully zipping it up, flung wide his arms and shouted "Yes!!" to the delighted screams of the audience?
  16. spikesmom Oh I like that. I have an inherent resistance to change so it's something that I will try to keep in mind.
  17. This is a video made by a group that is pro gay marriage in California. It's a plea not to divorce all the married gay couples. I had tears in my eyes by the end of it. It's very nicely done. Please don't divorce us
  18. Yep full frontal male nudity just as the Cardinals got ahead. I get what your saying Couchie and perhaps I just haven't gotten inured yet the idiocy of some so called Clay fans. Of course, getting embarrassed is a waste of time but it was still my immediate reaction...right now..not so much. For any of you on PST, PBS has an hour tribute to George Carlin...The Mark Twain Award. On right now and repeating on Detroit PBS at 230am.
  19. OMG!!! And I find this embarrassing...why can't "fans" leave it alone? Does it make a big difference in their lives where and when and if he was eating crab cakes? From what he used to say about the food he liked to eat you'd think he ate nothing but MacDonalds...but tastes change and who knows maybe he'll even get to like edamame at some point.
  20. claytonic I first heard Amy Winehouse about two years ago and loved her voice and her songs. Her videos were great and she looked good in them and then her decline started and I thought what a waste. Is she going to end up like Janis? I wish the tabloid press would leave her alone and I wish she would go to Rehab. She's a good song writer and has a great blues voice. Clay on ANTM. Hmm....I'd much rather see him on Kimmel but will happily d/l the Clack when it's posted. His advice? Maybe more along the lines of don't be crushed by the criticism but learn from it.
  21. I think that people go to concerts for many reasons and one reason for going to say, a Madonna show, or Beyonce or Christina A. is that they are more spectaculars than simple singing ballads concerts with a band or orchestra. There's flashing lights, dancers, pyrotechnics and thousands of enthusiastic jumping fans. Half the time the audience has difficulty even hearing the lyrics ...it's the excitement of the whole experience for which they are happy to pay $75 +.
  22. 5 MINUTE CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE 4 tablespoons cake flour(that’s plain flour, not self-raising) 4 tablespoons sugar I use 3T 2 tablespoons baking cocoa dark dutch cocoa 1 egg 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons oil I use 2 T 3 tablespoons chocolate chips(optional) a small splash of vanilla essence 1 coffee mug Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla essence, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. ( 800 watts works). The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed! Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. (I also add a few grains of salt and I have read that chopped nuts are good in it)
  23. Lotus scratches her head. Where oh where is the recipe thread? I have a recipe for 5 minute chocolate cake for desperate chocolate cake lovers or for those of you with small children visiting. Kids love to make this. |Big kids too. I have to get off the computer and finish the book for book group tonight. 5 MINUTE CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE 4 tablespoons cake flour(that’s plain flour, not self-raising) 4 tablespoons sugar I use 3T 2 tablespoons baking cocoa dark dutch cocoa 1 egg 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons oil I use 2 T 3 tablespoons chocolate chips(optional) a small splash of vanilla essence 1 coffee mug Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well. Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla essence, and mix again. Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts. ( 800 watts works). The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don’t be alarmed! Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired. (I also add a few grains of salt and I have read that chopped nuts are good in it)
  24. Well that would suppose that I have some self control which I don't. There are some neat things that get posted on CV and CH that don't get over here so I am ever hopeful that I will find those not the negative stuff. And you know what pissed me off even more is that not even a week had passed since we had the pleasure of experiencing the GFI, thanks to the wonderful Clack goddesses. Lotus takes a deep breath...relax... this too will pass. That was fun to watch. Soo...if Clay had thrown his leg over any one of you would your response be like I'd hope mine would have been...like Tyra..more, more!!
  25. Thank you, Thank you for your posts this morning. Last night I went to bed feeling depressed and really pissed off at what I had been reading on other boards. Yes I know, stay away from them then... but I haven't been able to reach that level of self control as yet. Anyway I wanted to yell at everyone :fssign: :blinkies_114: and doing that is a big NO NO . So Thanks. I feel better cept I'd feel much better if I thought that bitching and whining would ever stop.
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