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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. FYI Openly Gay Episcopal Bishop to give Invocation at Lincoln Memorial from the NY Times Jan 12 YES! For me this is sort of an antidote to the announcement that Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Southern California is giving the invocation at the Presidential inauguration. Ah grammar pet peeves. How about "I am bored of ......." Or how about answering "yes" to the question "do you mind....?" I loved seeing the latest seagull pictures. I think for some fans it is still hard to acknowledge that gay Clay is a sexual being. I hope you don't mind my bringing up the topic of Clay's future career vis a vis RCA. Clay loves to sing, he will continue to sing. IMO, since Jaymes and he have a child, it seems logical that she will do all in her power to make sure that he continues to have a career for as long as he wants one. 4 edits later..i think a record for me
  2. After watching the video I think that you will see Clay from 0.37 to 0.41, 1.09 to 1.11 and 1.26 to 1.28. The storm has already started...I got lots of scroll past quickly practise on other boards today.
  3. I found this link from lyricAKP over at CH 15 Reasons Mr Rogers was the best neighbour ever He really was such special person and, like lyricAKP, I found a number of things about Mr. Rogers that I did not know. Did you know that all the cardigans he wore were hand knit by his mother?
  4. Thanks cha cha trusty OMC The man of a 1000 faces! luckiest1 You know I figure if they go together in nature...blue sky, brown earth..then to heck with what the fashionistas say. I have always loved combining green and blue but back when I was in high school, lo those many years ago, it was considered totally unacceptable..my response..I like it and I'll wear it.
  5. Mine too, thanks for bringing this over. And cha cha trusty thanks...he looks so good, so handsome, so delicious in that photo...and those white pants...mmmm. I just went to OFC to read some of the comments about Clay's last night's apparel and all the ones posted today are positive. I think that there are just a few fans who get super critical.
  6. Lordy, I wish you could videotape that dream and show it to us--I would love to see that! And he is certainly not above teasing some of his fans about how they are dressed. "Did you look at yourself in the mirror?" to one fan who I think was wearing mistletoe at a Christmas concert. And to others who I'm sure loved the attention even tho' he was making fun of them. I was amazingly happy to see the 2 photos we have of Clay from last night. He looks like the Clay who is going to give a talk on something close to his heart such as children's education...schoolteacher Clay, not singer Clay. And from earlier today: I just don't get the attraction. I prefer singers who can actually sing. But then I'm not 12. ETA At 12 I loved Elvis's Heartbreak Hotel but even if I had been able to see him on TV, my parents didn't get one until I left home for university, being a fan would have been totally frowned upon and discouraged by my father.
  7. With all the talk there has been lately on the boards about Facebook and My Space, I thought those of you with those pages would be interested in this 5 minute video put out by the Privacy Commission of Canada Privacy on Social Networks and this information from UBC which is a tutorial called Your digital tatoo Just saw this over at CH Neon Limelight.com AI Countdown: Revisited: Clay Aiken - To love Somebody The video of Clay singing TLS is posted on the site.
  8. I wonder if Clay had the okay on these PR photos of him which are so airbrushed and idealized. Yes he looks beautiful in them but I do prefer ones that actually look like the real him such as the many photos taken by us, his fans. Didn't we see these videos when they came out? I do remember my reaction to them at the time. Frankly I was a little uncomfortable because I thought they were not well done. I thought the eye boinks were overdone and there was nothing to indicate that he was making fun of himself. As his dresser not his underdresser I offer to make sure that if the undershirts don't disappear, at least they will shrink. I will also take full responsibility in hopes that he will give me a loving and forgiving hug. I was struck by the courage of the newspaper person who hurled his shoes at Bush, shouting that this was for all the women and children killed in his country. Afterwards he was tortured for 24 hours until he "confessed" that a terrorist had induced him to take that action.
  9. ausdon Love the image. :pickme: I would love to play the kazoo or the marachas on one number, when I am not dressing his hotness.
  10. Likewise...not musical. I will volunteer to be his dresser and I'm sure I could learn over the course of the tour to dress him quickly. So are we going to have a fight now? How about I dress him and you circle him staring at him for as long as you want?
  11. jmh123 May I share this date with you? It's my birthday and yes I would forgo Mother's Day to see him in concert. Likewise...not musical. I will volunteer to be his dresser and I'm sure I could learn over the course of the tour to dress him quickly. Excellent post! It's so true. :clap: After the US election of 2004 I read that in the United States the number of people who identified themselves as liberal is greater than the entire population of Canada, now at 33,212,696. I saw people on the Capitol building grounds in Austin taking a tour on Segways and thought what a fun way to get around.
  12. cha cha trusty Exactly..."It's a bad picture". I think of the Unicef raising of the snowflake photos. In some he was beyond gorgeous and others were used by the tabloid press of examples of him gaining...what did they say? 50lbs? I just went to 3, yep 3, different places to get my passport picture taken. 3 because in the first 2 I looked ghastly..the third is sort of ok. I do think tho that sometimes the press looks at all the photos taken of Clay at a particular event and then posts the least flattering one. Clay is going to do what he wants to do despite what we might think would be best for his career or goals. It's like back in the early 60's when we were on peace marches and marches against racial discrimination, the advice was that we dress our best in order to make the best impression on those observing. I don't think that dressing our best made anyone change their mind.
  13. ldyjocelyn Thanks for repairing that Bagdad blog link. I just got back on line a few minutes ago. Thank you thank you....has anyone seen the movie? Is it any good? If Reed isn't dancing in Wicked anymore I wonder if he will be joining Clay in Raleigh? I sure hope so.
  14. A new blog from a soldier who was at Spamalot last week soldier's blog Lotus rushes off to find fine ass video.
  15. I've been having one of those sleep interrupted nites so I gave up and came here. And what a nice surprise, Scarlett. Thank you for your recap and I look forward to reading more. After reading of the fun you all are having, I feel this tugging from across the continent...I want to be there sharing it all with you. Getting recaps and photos kinda pales in comparison but is, after all, the next best thing.
  16. Happy New Year FCA loved the photos ldyjocelyn To all of you packing up to go to New York or on your way to New York, have a wonderful time. I hope you all arrive safely and on time. And please give us your recaps of the shows and SD pictures. Even if you think that you will only be repeating what others have said it. Just speaking for myself here, then those of us who can't be there can feel part of this celebration.
  17. I think it is wonderful that Spamalot is having more sold out shows. Even if it probably has a lot to do with it being Christmas school holidays, it's a great way for Clay to end his Spamalot run. Whine, whine, whine...wish I were there. I want to see Clay flirty and cute! To all of you who will be there for the last performances, have a fantabulous New Year, New York Spamalot experience.
  18. :14: smitten That is great news. The start to your new life and it looks like there will be many Clay fans to welcome you to California. One teensy bit of advice, as a grandmother I can't resist, make sure you have an agreement with your employer on exactly what your duties will be, what your wages are, what hours you will be expected to be available and when you have time off.
  19. I'm taking the opportunity now while my grand daughters, daughter and DIL are napping to catch up here. We had a very late Christmas dinner, seems that the regulator on my propane tank was acting up. I was tired and starting to feel a little overwhelmed. It was the first time I've cooked a turkey in 7 years! Fortunately my son and daughter took over and shooed me out of the kitchen so I got to play with the grandkids while they took care of dinner. I guess part of the appeal for the people bidding on the bears is that it is one of a kind but I think it would be a great idea for money raising. I'd love one of those bears. I am filled with admiration for those of you looking after aged parents. I love my mother but I tell you that we would drive each other nuts if we lived together. After my father died, Mother at 88 was determined to stay in the house she and Dad had lived in for over 30 years. My brother and I put in place all the help she would need outside of a full time live in companion, which she would have hated. After a few months she realized that she could not stay there alone any longer and with the help of her doctor and my brother found a place in a very nice assisted living facility in the community where she is known and loved. Still it is hard for her at 90 with so many of her friends gone, my brother over 200 miles away and me across the continent. I talk with her about 3 times a week for an hour or so and usually have a joke to end the conversation on a laugh. I just wish I weren't so far away. I saw with a shock that Eartha Kitt just died at 81, still performing up until a few months ago. Her Santa Baby is the definitive version.
  20. Bummer! So did he leave the iPod in his pocket? I can't see you deliberately tossing it in the washer. Thanks, annabear, for the latest pictures of a very cute and happy looking Clay.
  21. I too was glad that the there has been some effort to counteract the report that Jaymes had just left Parker with Clay and Reed. Sometimes Clay sense of humour doesn't help him...I wonder how many parents eyebrows shot up after reading "he's still uber dependent". Well..yes. So he's ready for him to start talking. I bet there were mothers who thought "typically male". I remember how every little change in my babies was a source of wonder, something that their father really missed out on. While it is nice to have a "white Christmas", enough already!!! It is still snowing, there is 6" of wet compacted snow on my deck, I do not have all the groceries I need for Christmas dinner and I am hoping that the new snow tires I got last week will allow me to get up the steep hills around here so that I can get to the grocery store. But I do have power, and a full wood box. My son and family have been without power since 300am. Being the procrastinator that I am, I finally got the tree up and the Christmas decorations up yesterday. When I was a child we didn't see the Christmas tree until Christmas morning as my parents would put it up and decorate it on Christmas eve. The long range forecast is for more snow with up to 6 inches next Sunday. Yikes! Crazy weather all over the continent. This is not what we expect for winter here. I think last winter I might have had a total of two inches of snow the whole season!
  22. Happy Solstice Bringing this over from CV by Fountaindawg It's good that I was not drinking anything when I read the bolded part. (With apologies to Clement C. Moore) A Visit With St. Nichols 'Twas the night before Christmas and at Shubert's house All the French guards were taunting, calling Arthur a louse! Sir Robin was shocked! Galahad was a-twitter,. “No one else to talk to? We’re stuck with this *bleep*er!” Lancelot was a-dancing, Bedevere just gas-passing 'French Peeeeopllllle' still chasing & mocking & harassing! The cow from the catapult flew high and far. Landing close to the mark ... pretty much right on par. The Lady and Laker Girls all led a cheer Patsy had notes. (St. Nichols must be near!) Out front at the castle, taunters leaned from the door Gazing in joy at d'art like their Renoooooiiiiiirrrrrrrrrr. At Camelot, off-stage the ladies did partay, (Wishing an Idle would give *them* something to say.) When what to their wondering eyes did appear But an easily distracted guard admiring his spear. Yes, the silly, daft guard loved his flowers and pike! While St. Nichols prayed that house numbers would spike. More rabid than most, zealous Clay fans they came (And out came Jerome's file. He knows some by name!) From gaze-y to bouncy, from screechy to sappy, With Playbills for signing and cameras for snapping, Up out of their seats with a run through the hall. Down to Shubert Alley ...now dash away, y'all! The ushers all ran, ducking off to the side When they witnessed the stampede; found places to hide! Down to the stage door, tossing his <blond/brown/reddish/insert current color> mane, Clay emerged to the crowd that was cheering his name. Then in an instant charging down Shubert Alley. Came stupid paparazzi. Now Clay couldn't dally. Out shot Jerome's hand without even a sound And he whisked Clay inside! Not a paps shot was found. The next night Clay returned, dressed as is his want. (Each hoodie known to humankind his wardrobe does flaunt.) A sharpie in hand, he signed right and left ... Sometimes even behind him, autographing quite deft! His eyes how they sparkled, his humor a-showin', He greeted one and all with a "Hey, how ya doin'!" His lips pulled aside in those now well-known smirks Enjoying the fans and ignoring the jerks. The alley a-lit by the gleam of his teeth Won't keep fans from noticing those mandals beneath! As Sir Robin, he sings about idols and Jews, Both dancing & singing according to cues. At first not too sure if this gig fit himself, Mike Nichols said "Kid, just get over yourself!" So decked out in tabard, with chicken at ready, He took on this gig. (Hey, the work would be steady!!!) Now close to the end, life's no longer for one. Clay looks beyond ‘Robin’ to life with his son. As Spamalot's days now draw near to their close, The cast will *all* be missed! (Damn these economic woes!) Each will go their own way to new challenges sent. With memories they've built of this time they have spent. As they party this holiday with those they hold dear, Hope they know they've touched hearts (& funny bones) far & near.
  23. claytonic Thanks for the video of Alexandra what a lovely voice and a lovely young woman. claygary Thanks for that SD video...but what was the person behind the camera thinking...no tight jeans shot! no sneakers shot! I really was hoping to see those tight jeans. Now Reed...sweet looking, talented, athletic (maybe he'll be the impetus to get Clay into shape), and intelligent. I would love to see them as a couple as in living and loving together but I find it really interesting how fandom has jumped to that conclusion. Maybe this is just dating...you know..you date one person for a while and then someone else until you find that person perfect for you and that person feels the same way about you. There is 4" of snow on my deck and more to come on the weekend. Damn. Too many people out here haven't a clue how to drive in the snow and I need to get into Vancouver this weekend. Wish me luck.
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