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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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heh, bottle...wait til you listening to the others...my favorite seems to be which ever one I happen to be listening to now...

I have this POWERFUL urge to go break into a radio station and sort of acquire a CD....

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Oh god I didn;t recognize Right HEre....I love the instrumetantation.

really so far...Without You...has been the most uninspried arrangement and I love that song!!!...the others have been spectacular and very different.

I totally love LNM...I love the fact he co wrote it...

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Everything I Do - I was weary of the original version of this song. Clay's version - beyond gorgeous. I love the thumpy drum thing and the pipes.

I am reading the CH, and noticed someone believes the Star Search thing might be on Canadian TV at some point. If so, cool.

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Yup and I'm hoping we get some really good clack cos scarlett is in da house!!!!

I want to see what that part about Clay was all about it sounded like so much fun...

OMG...I love Everytime you go away!!!! Its so fresh...

I love the very casual way he is singing this.

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Oh, I forgot about Scarlett the video magician. That relieves any residual guilt I had over skipping the crinkly cellstream.

ATDW just keeps getting better and better. Because You Loved Me has been de-wimpified. I Want to Know What Love Is - I gotta go back and listen to again - love the blend.

Here You Come Again - I wasn't completely digging it until he hit me with a low note. Gah!

Everything I Have - my heart hurts. To have a man say those things to you, and mean them? OMG!!!!! I neeeeeeddddd to see him sing this live.

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The funny thing is...WY is the one that sounded the most dated...but most of the other covers are so fresh and sounds so new. I am really loving WISYS...I love the strings.

He has to have some strings on the concert tour. Even ATD sounded really good...very hard driving...the most rock sounding track...wow the productions is really beautiful and how powerful is sounds. Nothing like that bootleg...

EID...I love the celtic feel...Its very Corrs. again very different fromt he original

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From CV:

Clay did a soft shoe at the end .... all the judges, finalists, .... trying for a group shot .... D.F. ... said this is boring we gotta do something ... so Clay did a "soft shoe" dance ... very cute.

what a GUY!!!!!

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2:30am and I gotta go to bed so I can get up and go to church in the morning. Not that listening to the ATDW hasn't been a religious experience....

Man, if I had a choice, I wouldn't quit playing these songs, like, ever.

Smooches to whomever sent me the psychic message to get out of bed at 1:00am so I could hear this....

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Hee, I went back to bed at 3:00am this morning, but if you could see the circles under my eyes, you'd have a pretty good idea that I didn't end up getting much sleep. It's a sad sad situation. B)

georgiaclay, I'm giving you fair warning about close-ups of THE HAIR coming up. Plus stubble and eyelashes...

From galrow at the CH:



And links to a couple of photos from the David Foster website.

This group photo makes me laugh, because most of the group is looking at the camera. Except for Jaymes (shorter dark-haired woman in the back row) whose focus is on someone at the other end of the line.

A picture of the judges. I hope good things continue to come from Clay's association with David Foster. Foster seems to be a pretty powerful person to have as a friend.

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From Ms. Marmalade at the ClackHouse:

Tonight was so freaking fun. Clay was in his element and all the judges seemed to be having so much fun. Clay and DF were chatting away and whispering to each other all night long. They were also trading quips and seemed to get along really well.....they obviously know each other well.

As you know, Clay will be on the cover of freaking People Magazine next Friday I think. The Primetime stuff is supposed to air around the time of the album release according to a teenage girl that I spoke with who was interview. ET Canada was there after the show interviewing a bunch of people.....don't know if Clay will be on that or not. Global TV will be airing the Star Search program here in BC in a couple of weeks. Roger sat beside us on the stairs all night and watched but we didn't get a chance to chat with him.

I thought Clay was wearing black boots but I was informed later that they were sort of a brown colour. He was only 10 feet away from me and he's so damn pretty. He was wearing a greyish tie, blue shirt and darker pinstriped blue suit. He had on his 3 silver rings (thumb and middle finger on the left hand and index finger on the right hand) and he would play with the rings quite often. He also checked his phone a couple of times and we think he was reading a text message cause he smiled once and put it back in his pocket.

All the judges seemed to get along well and I thought they did a good job in providing critiques but Clay went a step beyond and gave them good advice on what they could do performance wise to improve. He was at the rehearsal all afternoon and worked with the contestants and gave advice on everything from their songs to their vocal performance to their stage presence and apparently he even told one girl she should wear her hair down instead of up.......Heh!

Speaking of hair......the colour was lovely......red and gold highlights and so pretty. It was a little too "soft" looking and unstyled and I think he needs to use a bit more product to get some style in it and the bangs definitely need a bit more product but they're a little longer now which was nice to see. I had a profile view of him most of the evening and his eyelashes are so pale and white. We decided a little eyelash dying and eyeliner are in order. He fidgets A LOT....playing with his rings, playing with his hands, tapping his fingers, tapping his feet, leaning forward, leaning back, scratching his head (a lot!) etc. He was so entertaining to watch and many of us didn't look at much else. Those feet are freakishly huge and those legs are soooooooo long and he's sooooooooo thin but he's gorgeous.......

He entered right in front of us and walked back and forth a few times when the judges left to evaluate their scores and he walks very quickly......it was hard to get a picture!

He got a huge response when he entered and when his video clip was shown later in the evening. The video clip was shown when they were talking about the judges and people who helped with the event. DF said something like "I love this man" and then they showed the clips of his platinum presentation on GMA and winning his AMA and the covers of MOAM and MCWL and LTS and the Invisible video and a bunch of other stuff. At the end he just shook his head and said something like he was sitting between two Grammy winners so he didn't need to be profiled and obviously Jaymes just wanted to sell a few more albums. Then he turned the tables and showed an old video of DF. It was funny. He was quick with the comments and lines all night long. At one point the announcer said something innocently about "packing wood" and everyone laughed and Clay cracked up and banged his head against the desk in front of him. When he disagreed with DF once and DF called him Marie, he said something like isn't she the one who always shows you up each night on Celebrity Duets? Him and DF then high fived each other. He also made a comment to one of the 14 year old contestants that DF would probably ask her out when she turned 20 cuz she was so gorgeous. He also used the dreaded "Claymates" word once but I forgave him for it. He told DF that there were a bunch of Claymates behind him that would get him after DF made a joking comment about Clay.

You could tell that the two men like and respect and enjoy each other.

That's all I can remember right now. It was sooooo much fun and I can't wait till tomorrow night. Apparently Faye told canuck2010 that she'd meet Clay at the gala reception cuz he'd be mingling so we'll see if he shows up. I'll have my cell phone at the ready just in case!!!!!

I hear the album stream is available but I think I'll wait till the 19th. Besides I get to hear Clay sing to me live tomorrow night and what could be better than that!!


Oh....I forgot.....at the end of the event after they'd announced the winner it was kinda anticlimactic and they didn't have any music playing or anything. Clay asked "Where's the confetti?". They were all standing around for a photo op and everyone looked kinda awkward so Clay did a quick imitation of a tap dance routine. It was very cute and very funny and I loved it............

I haven't completely caught up, but it sounds like there will be plenty of Clack!

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Dancing with the stars. OHHHH OHHHHHH I am so excited. Can you tell. He is going to blow Barry M and Michael Bubble out of the water. OOHHHHHHH OOHHHHHH. Just DAMN. I have got to work nights now, but I have DVR, VCR, T VO on stand by. Actually I don't have TVO just yet. Am looking into it. Anybody else have TVO and can it be hooked up to a cable that is on a splitter, like a second TV, not the main one. Am I making sense. Ellen, Dancing with the Stars, GMA, and Primetime live!!!!!


This definitely calls for some dancing somethings, doing the yah yah dance.


:dancingpickle::bounce: :00000442: :00000442: :ura: :ura: :00000441: :00000441: :trink4:

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A link from ClackUnlimited to download some of the fan video of Clay's judging last night. I currently have these downloading myself, so I don't what it looks like.

eta: A lot of the back of Clay's head (with his hair looking very red) and his shoulders (Gah!). If you want to see Clay's commentary to a couple of the contests, focus on JudgeClay1 and JudgeClay2.

O/T - Exactly how old is Babyface, and is that nickname still appropriate if you're middle-aged? Hee.


From Eeyore of the CH:

OMG, Y'all! Who thought the Hair would be a regular Chatty Cathy?

He started kinda slow and tentative, but then he really came into his own with his comments as the evening wore on. And the snarking back and forth between Clay and David? Priceless.

Clay -rogue judge of the night - lovingly dubbed "Marie" by his v.v. good friend, David Foster (to which Clay replied, quietly, but I could hear him, "Isn't she the one who beats you up?")

At one point David said, "There aren't too many guys I could take, but you're one of them." And Clay said, "I'm sure some people out there would have my back." When the audience didn't respond appropriately enough, he turned in his chair, and said, "C'mon, wouldn't some of you have my back?" YAY! (chants) Zombie Horde! Zombie Horde! (Okay, the only chant was in my head)

Ooooh, I remember now when David said this. He'd got up on stage again - the man canNOT sit down for long. Clay put his hand on David's chair top, and David said, "Clay, don't touch my chair." Clay just shot him a look, and spun the swivel chair for all its worth. Too friggin funny.

Kristy is freaking adorable. Her singing kinda sucked "Ooh, I messed that up." but her personality more than makes up for it. Plus, she's got the whole adorable thing going for her. Petite too.

The woman with the worst singing voice David has ever heard was Daisy Fuentes.

One other funny moment from Clay. The oldest contestant - the woman who ended up taking third place - works construction. Howard, the emcee, asked what type of construction, and she said, "Oh anything. Pouring concrete. Framing." "Oh, I do that too." "Packing wood." "Me too." (Small laughter from audeince members with minds in gutters) Female (in low voice, implying naughtiness, and staring southward): "Howard."

Clay just about died! He smacked his forehead on the judge's table and kept it there for a full fifteen seconds so people wouldn't see him cracking up.

Quick bits:

I was the last person to touch Clay's chair before he sat in it!

Somebody stole his two water bottles even though he never drank any! He did pick up one bottle to look at it though. I tried to steal the pencil he dropped but someone else was quicker than me!

Clay handed both envelopes to the judges!

His feet are huge!

He wore three rings! Thumb and middle on the left, index on the right.

Hair parted on the right last night! New highlights! Mesmerizing highlights!

eta: They tried to get Clay to sing at the end of the show. David tried to hand him a mic and everything, but Clay waved it off and said, "I'm off tonight." He did the soft-shoe though, which kinda made up for it.


Couchie, I'm with you on getting a solid source for the supposed promo stuff besides Primetime and People, which were acknowledged last night. It sounds great if it all pans out. The OFC poster with her Canadian "inside" sources has made me a little wary of news originating from north of the border, since I don't feel like she has the greatest track record. (No offense to Ansa, our very own lovely and reliable Canadian, eh?)

Edited by bottlecap
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One other funny moment from Clay. The oldest contestant - the woman who ended up taking third place - works construction. Howard, the emcee, asked what type of construction, and she said, "Oh anything. Pouring concrete. Framing." "Oh, I do that too." "Packing wood." "Me too." (Small laughter from audeince members with minds in gutters) Female (in low voice, implying naughtiness, and staring southward): "Howard."

Who's Howard? :blink:

And we know that Clay knows all about packing wood, don't we? B)

Well, since I have a Mac I didn't listen to the sneak peak of hte CD...I was gonna be all noble and whatnot and wait til next Tuesday night at the release party. However..someone at EAYOR had created mp3s of the stream from Clear Channel and I..er...downloaded them onto iTunes...now I guess the next step is to transfer them onto my iPod, huh?

heh. :unsure:

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Who's Howard? :blink:

I believe Howard was the Ryan Seacrest of the show. No relation to Waldo, if that's what you were wondering. ;)


My intention is to close all my other windows, put my headphones on, shut my eyes, and listen to all the tracks on the stream one last time, with no distractions. I think that might hold me until I can get the actual CD in my hot little hands. Yeah, we'll see how that goes.... :blink: I have already sent the link to my work e-mail, so I'm not absolutely sure I can resist streaming it one or two (cough*thousand*cough) times at the office.

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I haven't listened yet. A buddy at EAYOR said that the quality of the mp3 versions of the songs don't compare to that of the streaming version...

Think I'll wait. I've waited this long. It's almost as good just to read people's reactions. I'm so excited about them! And I'm gonna LOVE popping the CD into my home stereo system and then putting my noise canceling headphones on and listening to the CD all by my lonesome. :P

'Course, I guess I'll be hearing it first at the CD release party, right couchie?

Exciting times in ClayLand, ain't it? :D

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Who knew? One day I miss and it takes me pages(2) to catch up!

HA! FCA moves at lightspeed, baby!

Seriously, at CV, I have given up trying to read anything but the Focus Thread this weekend. There are just too many pages, and it's easier to get caught up by going to the CH.

muskifest, I wonder if ATDW might be streamed on AOL's First Listen or at VH1 / MTV.com next week. Are you able to stream from those sites?

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Yes muski the album will be available at the listening stations at Virgin..and we'll play it aloud before the bell strikes midnight.

You could have also come over to my house and listened...any time babe.

well the cellstream was choppy for me but it still so nice to hear Clay again. I bet her was nervous..first time on a stage in quite a long time. what a weekend.

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Business Wire:

Clay Aiken's Back in ``A Thousand Different Ways''

--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clear Channel (NYSE:CCU)

-- Clear Channel Radio's Online Unit Offers Sneak Peek of Artist's Latest Project

WHAT: Clay Aiken is back on the music scene with a new look and

brand new CD, "A Thousand Different Ways." He's offering his

fans an exclusive Sneak Peek of the CD before its September 19

release through Clear Channel Radio's Online unit. "A Thousand

Different Ways," featuring 10 cover versions of well-known

songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s plus four brand-new songs,

will be available for on-demand on over 80 Clear Channel Radio

station Web sites.

WHEN: Exclusively available on-demand September 12 - 15

WHERE: Log onto www.clearchannelmusic.com for more information.

WHY: If you've heard Clay's single, "Without You," you know you're

in store for a great CD - you don't want to miss this one!

WHO: Clear Channel Radio's Online Music & Radio unit

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Business Wire:

Clay Aiken's Back in ``A Thousand Different Ways''

--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Clear Channel (NYSE:CCU)

-- Clear Channel Radio's Online Unit Offers Sneak Peek of Artist's Latest Project

WHAT: Clay Aiken is back on the music scene with a new look and

brand new CD, "A Thousand Different Ways." He's offering his

fans an exclusive Sneak Peek of the CD before its September 19

release through Clear Channel Radio's Online unit. "A Thousand

Different Ways," featuring 10 cover versions of well-known

songs from the '70s, '80s and '90s plus four brand-new songs,

will be available for on-demand on over 80 Clear Channel Radio

station Web sites.

WHEN: Exclusively available on-demand September 12 - 15

WHERE: Log onto www.clearchannelmusic.com for more information.

WHY: If you've heard Clay's single, "Without You," you know you're

in store for a great CD - you don't want to miss this one!

WHO: Clear Channel Radio's Online Music & Radio unit

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