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#2 - Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!


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Wow. Just wow.

These pictures call for....dancing bananas!!!!


Specially this one, because I'm in lurrrrrrrrve...

He looks so joyful, and happy, and playful. Brooding Clay is fun, smirking Clay is even better....

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Whew, couldn't get into my photobucket account there for a couple of minutes.... I think it may have overheated or something.

Anyway, we have very similar chairs in my office. Unfortunately, none of my single male co-workers looks anything like this guy. Which I guess is a good thing, 'cause I wouldn't get any work done if that were the case. I don't think my employer would pay me to hang over the top of my cube and drool at my officemate, or make endless trips to the recycling bin and the supply cabinet so I could walk past his desk just one more time...


Caption this:


"This piano bench seems to be a little fragile, baybee, and the couch is right over there... ;) "

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georgia Am I okay? Why yes...why do you ask.


The pic that bottleasked us to caption...that's the one...it's got everything..Let's take an inventory, shall we?

1. ring...check

2. neck bling...check

3. chest hair...check

4.lickable neck...check

5.soft, fingerable hair...check

6. natural, softly highlighted hair color...check

7. fitted shirt that shows...what's THIS? :o Do I see DEFINITION in the pectoral area? holyshit.

8. gorgeous, perfect, asking-me-to-nibble-on-it stubble...check

9. oh god, sideburns...check

10. holycrap...the lips.theman'slipsarekillingmeiwanthismouth...check

11. the eyefornications...the freaking eyefornications..holyholyholy...check

12. the lips, the mouth...oh..sorry, said that already

12. the crotch...the purposely unbuttoned and pushed aside shirt bottom...the packed, perfect and perfectly jeans...the man...checkohgodcheck.





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So, muskifest, can I assume you approve of the new pictures? Hee. :D

So, do you think this guy SantaMonica8.jpg

who is rawking the vintage Trent Reznor look Reznor2.jpg

is going to go on Leno and sit with his leg folded under him and giggle at the embarassing photo / film clip his mama sent along to Jay? :unsure:

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Actually, I think that guy is going to go on Leno, sit with his leg folded under him and giggle at the pictures we're looking at here!

I think he's having a freaking BLAST with his 'new' look! I think he's cracking his own shit up! :lol: I'm joining him. He's hawt and sexy and fun and so very smart and I just love him. Some people are having a big conversation about the rings. I happen to believe he likes jewelry. He's often worn necklaces (we'll conveniently forget the puka shell!)...and the beads for life bracelet...he wore a thumb ring in that YMCA picture...he wore crazy-assed sneakers in school and had a pet goat, for crying out loud!

Now he has money. He's having pictures taken for a CD that is full of LOVE songs...he's having a blast, I tell ya! this is the same guy who bent over for long seconds on stage and made a comment about us taking pictures of his rear end...the same guy who grinded the you know what out of Angela (lucky beyotch), the same guy who makes "O" faces and strokes the mic stand in such a way that HE KNOWS drives us crazy...the same man who has given us MULTIPLE looks at the proof of his enjoyment of being on stage and being adored by thousands of women---and who, after many pictures of said proof appear online, just doesn't care. (I'Ve always thought there's a bit of the exhibitionist in our boyfriend, actually.)...

Why people are having a hard time looking at these pictures and 'seeing' the 'real' Clay is beyond me. All of his looks are the real Clay. He's infinitely fascinating.I love him.

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I think he's having a freaking BLAST with his 'new' look! I think he's cracking his own shit up! :lol:

Most definitely. He's had plenty of time to absorb the reaction the library lean picture caused (heck, that hasn't been posted in awhile, so here it is again)


and this set of pictures seems to be in response to it.

There's no way that the carefully-groomed stubble, jewelry, open collar, smirk and eyef**k are anything but deliberate.


That snarky bastard is determined to kill us, oh-so-slowly, note by note and picture by picture. <_< Hee.

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Actually, I think that guy is going to go on Leno, sit with his leg folded under him and giggle at the pictures we're looking at here!

I think he's having a freaking BLAST with his 'new' look! I think he's cracking his own shit up! :lol: I'm joining him. He's hawt and sexy and fun and so very smart and I just love him. Some people are having a big conversation about the rings. I happen to believe he likes jewelry. He's often worn necklaces (we'll conveniently forget the puka shell!)...and the beads for life bracelet...he wore a thumb ring in that YMCA picture...he wore crazy-assed sneakers in school and had a pet goat, for crying out loud!

Now he has money. He's having pictures taken for a CD that is full of LOVE songs...he's having a blast, I tell ya! this is the same guy who bent over for long seconds on stage and made a comment about us taking pictures of his rear end...the same guy who grinded the you know what out of Angela (lucky beyotch), the same guy who makes "O" faces and strokes the mic stand in such a way that HE KNOWS drives us crazy...the same man who has given us MULTIPLE looks at the proof of his enjoyment of being on stage and being adored by thousands of women---and who, after many pictures of said proof appear online, just doesn't care. (I'Ve always thought there's a bit of the exhibitionist in our boyfriend, actually.)...

Why people are having a hard time looking at these pictures and 'seeing' the 'real' Clay is beyond me. All of his looks are the real Clay. He's infinitely fascinating.I love him.

muski, I was going to try and snip something out of this...but I just couldn't . I think every word of this is true, so very true. He's getting to the point where he KNOWS of what he does to women, and he's getting a great, big.........

...kick out of it. (Did you think I'd say something dirty there? :P )

And, just to prove the point...this was just posted by Jazzy at the CH, taken in July at a Krispy Kreme:


Clickable...and note the jewelry. :D

That's my dichotomy man. He's whiplash inducing some days, to be sure...but I love him so very much. He can be brooding, he can be smirky, he can be smiling, and he can be goofy...and I just love him all the more.

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Lady J,

You forgot to add one thing about the picture, besides the jewerly, the beautiful man, is that he is wearing none of his FAMOUS UNDERSHIRTS!!! lol. That man is going to be the death of me, but as Shakespear said, something, something, something is a sweet sorrow. At this point in time after being stunned by the last two days of pictures, I can't remember Williams's words at this time.

Have a good day.



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:lol: Dude, you can dress him up, but you can't ever completely de-dork him can you? I love that picture! I bet with the NU HAIR, Clay's actually less recognizable than he is with the Burberry bucket hat on. At this point, that hat probably draws more attention to him then being trailed around by Jerome with Raleigh tucked under his arm. On the other hand, if I ran into Clay on the street with the NU HAIR, I'm not sure I'd recognize him (unless I saw the familiar duck-footed stride...) :P
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These latest pictures just confirm my previous post, don't they? :P Hee! Love it, love him! And on EAYOR I've put this picture as my avie nopimple.jpg(I messed around with one of the piano man pics to give it even more edge---dark, brooding...rode hard and left out wet ...heh...) and under the avie is this: "Open your mind to the infinitely fascinating..."

Because that's him to me...just his own naturally complex and fascinating self...He's so freaking sexy because of it, too...whatever his look, whatever his 'pose' or whichever fingers he chooses to wear rings on...he's always Clay and that's always good.

In fact, I started writing a little ditty this morning while in the waiting room of a doctor's office (my Mom's appt.) and interspersing said ditty with the pictures that we got yesterday. I'm calling this quickie "Piano Man"...ahem. B)

Whoops...sorry, couchie...I forgot FCA doesn't host such things....Well, you who like to indulge know where to find them, eh? ;)

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Reports from the early showings of The Insider say no Clay on today's show and no mention of him in the promo's for tomorrow's show. Hopefully, the Clay Nation News people can get an update of when Clay will be on. Even better, maybe the OFC will post a note, since Team Clay seems to be getting better at those things.

Sigh. THE SILENCE OF THE HAIR continues..... And I was so hopeful it would speak to me today.

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For some strange reason, I want a little chianti - hmmm.

I am not a ring person. I cannot stand that stuff on my fingers. Didn't even wear a wedding ring for the 25 years I was married (after the first few weeks of constantly losing it because I was always taking it off - the ring), heh. I stopped wearing a watch as soon as I got a cell phone which always has time on it and I wear necklaces over my clothes, rarely on the skin.

I guess this means I could never be a hip hop bling bling star. Maybe Ruben is wearing on to Clay, he has had bling for a while. I would be very sad to see Clay if he started any piercing, including an ear, or a tattoo.

So when you add this to the fact that I hate seeing anyone in bangs (pimples in waiting for me), I guess I am a bad fan. The good news is I just have to listen to him, some times at concerts I close my eyes. The vox is all for me.

So is there going to be a praty anywhere on-line for the people who have no release day parties to attend?

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Today's find (from CV and/or the CH) - "Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word" is now a downloadable ringtone option on Sony Musicbox. You can click on the "preview" button to listen to it on the site. It's freakin' beautiful, and is a different section of the song than the snippet we already have. "Without You" is also a ringtone option. I don't even own a cellphone, but that ringtone is making me think I neeeeeed one.

So, I haven't been able to sort out if the rumor that "If You Don't Know Me by Know" will be a bonus track on the CDs sold by KMart has been confirmed yet or not. In any case, I thought I'd do a little reconnaissance at the KMart near my mom's house this evening to see what the CD section looks like. Yeeks - that store is a disorganized mess, and only for Clay would I be willing to venture back in there. Anyway, they had a pretty good stock of today's big releases (Beyonce and Audioslave), both on sale for $9.99. I wondered down to the "A's" - Clay had a card and one MOAM was in stock. I don't relish going back in that store, but I'm willing to do it to score CDs with a bonus track. :ph34r:

playbiller, I don't wear rings either - I have short fingers, so rings would make them look even more stubby. The bangs are another issue. I've always had bangs, but when they grow much below my eyebrows they bug me. In fact, I was getting my hair cut today, and the stylist left a section of wet hair draped over the bridge of my nose for a bit. Drove me nuts! I definitely couldn't stand to wear my bangs as long as Clay's. I do, however, love to layer my necklaces, so I guess I can claim that connection to Clay.

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muskifest, posters have been griping about Real Player issues on Clayversity, the main problem being that it takes over as your default player. I got around that problem by going to my Windows Start menu, choosing "Set Access and Defaults" and using a dropdpwn menu to re-set Windows Media Player as my default. Another poster made the suggestion to pay very close attention to every single box and pop-up when you install Real Player, and if you click / unclick the right thing, it won't take over your computer.

Good luck if you decide to download it.

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Thanks, bottle...will try that stuff when I get home and have a chance. I just remember reading a long time ago about some spyware/virus crap that happened to some people who discovered it was from their RealPlayer downloads. That had me spooked about it before this, even.



I'm blue. I need something to cheer me up.

Hmmm....how's this?


ain't he purdy?


I just love a man who's obviously loaded with.....confidence. B)


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We have another great honor for Clay to celebrate:

Found this Personnel Announcement from President Bush posted at the OFC. Since it's a public document, I think it's OK to post it here. Our guy is truly a winner. Hope he talks about this in an interview or print article, along with an in depth discussion of his music.

See press release.



The President intends to appoint the following individuals to be Members of the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities:

Dallas Rob Sweezy, of Virginia, and upon appointment designate Chair, for an additional two year term expiring May 11, 2008.

Clayton Aiken, of North Carolina

Stephen Bird, of Virginia

Valerie Billmire, of Utah

James Boles, of New York

Stephanie Brown, of Florida

William J. Edwards, of California

Brian J. Kelly, of California

Mary Margaret Pucci, of Illinois

Linda Hampton Starnes, of Florida

Stephen Henry Suroveic, of Pennsylvania

William E. Tienken, of Illinois

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Lord, that man just continues to impress. I bet he's giggly happy about this--how amazing that he's getting so many opportunities to do exactly what he said three years ago he hoped any celebrity he gained could help him do. Anybody else remember Slimon rolling his eyes on that Oprah visit to AI when Clay answered her question about what each of the three finalists hoped to do with the whole AI gig? Reuben said something along the lines of "Whatever God has in store for me." Kim Locke said, "To use it as a launching pad for a career."

And Clay talked about how being a celebrity carried opportunities to make a difference, call attention to things, be an influence, etc. Simon, more than once throughout the AI journey, pooh-poohed Clay any time he said things that downplayed the money, fame, etc. angle of stardom, making it clear that he thought Clay was just brown-nosing, etc.

Simon Cowell..what a freaking waste.

Clay Aiken...excuse me, CLAYTON Aiken...

What a man. What a definitive example of what a man can be. God, I love him. I'm all misty eyed, damn it.

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Yup, I remember old rolling eyes cowell during the Oprah visits AI segment (remember when these kids had to appear on 3 shows a week - only year 2. Hmm, lack of stamina in the others)

I hope that Clay actually does get to do things on this committee and does not get jaded at the uselessness of some of them, like so many dreamers do. It is one thing to run your foundation right, but to get a committee to actually agree on something.......

Well, got to pack, looks like a greta beach week coming up and the rain has stopped!!!! Just get some tickets tomorrow morning and off I go.

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To quote the oh-so-profound 90's group En Vogue, Whatta Man

What a man, what a man, what a man

What a mighty good man (you gotta say it again now)

What a man, what a man, what a man

What a mighty good man (yeah, he's a mighty mighty good man)

What a man, what a man, what a man

What a mighty good man (yes he is, ah)

What a man, what a man, what a man

What a mighty good man (oh uh yeah)

Sniff. ^_^


The CD Release Party press release (by Corabeth of the Clackhouse) has hit the wires:

Clay Aiken may have titled his new album A Thousand Different Ways for artistic reasons, but his fans want to propel him ONE way...and that's straight to the top of the charts.

The eagerly awaited CD goes on sale Tuesday, September 19th and will feature the hit single, "Without You." Participating stores will stay open late on the night of Monday, September 18th, allowing fans to buy Clay's CD at the stroke of midnight. Party activities will vary by store but will include music and raffles. Retailers nationwide include WalMart, Virgin Megastores, Barnes & Noble, Tower Records, Wherehouse Music and Borders, among others. To find a party by region, visit www.clayaikencdparties.com.

Clay's first CD, 2003's Measure of a Man achieved the highest first week sales for a debut solo artist in 10 years. The following year his second CD, Merry Christmas with Love smashed the Billboard record for highest first week sales for a holiday album. Last month, A Thousand Different Ways shot to #1 on Amazon.com just hours after pre-ordering began. The Clay Nation is eager to hear the CD as quickly as possible and will be holding CD release parties in 81 cities in North America.

The CD Release parties are a 100% fan based initiative and are not affiliated with Sony/BMG.

The release then goes on to list the cities holding parties. Cool.

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Dang, bottle! I wish I'd said that! Those En Vogue people are quite eloquent, ain't they? :P:lol:

Another day. My goal today is to make it a good one. Gonna listen to that Clay Aiken fella in the car before I catch the bus. That usually gets things moving in the right way. :D

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