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Since not much going on in Clayland, at least that we know of, I've been checking out the rest of this board so I wanted to chip in here. Just read the last page so far, but I was shocked by the season finale of CSI too. I actually thought there were a lot of good season finales this year, even though I'm not happy about some of the results. I had just started to like Amber on House and then they kill her off. Really sucks and Wilson is my favorite character on that show. Liked the ER ending, sad that they made that sweet guy on Bones as the killer, though thankful he didn't eat anyone. And I though Lost was great all season, unlike last season where it kind of bored me.

Ok, that's enough tv talk for now. Going to check out other topics.

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I am feeling quite surly because CBS cancelled Moonlight. Talk about committed fans - they organized a blood drive - makes sending peanuts seem like peanuts. And there was a hilarious parallel with Clay World - people were selling Moonlight Blood Drive tshirts, and other people were complaining that a profit was prolly being made......CMSU.

On the other hand, maybe I will be able to afford the inevitable DVD. Or maybe another channel will pick them up.

The cute little "commercial" on A&E where Vincent D'Onofrio brings a pie to the star of a new series in order to welcome her to the neighborhood - he acts just as oddly and charmingly (IMO) strange as he does on his TV show - is one of my favorite "ads".

I wonder if Lisa knows she is the gazillion to 1 favorite to be booted from Top Chef tonight?

I have fallen in love with Burn Notice. Which means its days are numbered.

Addendum - Top Chef - after watching the first half, and thinking aboout Antonia's kind of unexciting food so far, I was quite unsurprised that the dreaded Lisa stayed and Antonia was cut. Stephanie or Richard will win, though, unless they both really mess up. Stephanie needs to cook something really different, though, IMO, she seems to play it more safely than Richard.

Funny watching earlier shows, when the cheflets moan about hoping to get to Puerto Rico - almost all the contestants show up wherever the finale is, they just don't have any more pressure. Yes, I know they want to win, but only one can win anyway.

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Don't be jinxing my Burn Notice. I love that show. And I haven't seen the ad with Vincent D'Onofrio but I so enjoy him. I wish it would just be him and Eames on CI, because even though I liked Chris Noth on SATC and the original Law and Order, I just don't enjoy him so much on CI. Love me some Goren and Eames. I like a lot of those quirky shows on USA, like Monk, and shows like The Closer. Also can't wait until Damages comes back. Thank God for Tivo.

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I was flipping through channels last night, and stopped when I saw Tom Colicchio - it was the Bravo A-List awards. So I watched a little.

O. M. G. What a hot mess o' strange people.

Anyway, Tom and the Spanish chef/restaurant owner who was a guest judge on Top Chef did a quick-fire challenge, and a strangely assorted crew of Chef contestants was going to judge, and then Griffin tripped when carrying the plates to be judged, food and broken plates all over the stage, she started eating it with her hands.

That was the classiest moment of the evening; I googled around this morning, and yes, I know girls just want to have fun, but Pig H. got an award and a speech (didn't actually watch), Lauren Hutton seemed more drugged out than Pauler and actually rubbed her beauty icon award or whatever on her crotch and bragged she had been up for 46 hours nudge wink; Lance Bass, Griffin, a dildo, and some fake breasts - recipe for A-List entertainment, fo sho.

Like someone blogged concerning the show - I watched and googled so you don't have to.

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I just wanted to thank whoever recommened Eli Stone. Who knows how long ago, I searched out the first episode on torrent, and stashed it away for a rainy day. I watched it last night, and lo and behold, I really liked it! Pretty unusual for me. So I am going to d/l the rest. But I also need to catch up on The Riches. There were only 7 episodes in the second season (short season) but I have only watched the first two, I think. Who needs TV when we have torrents? :cryingwlaughter:

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I am watching Next Food Network Star - funny how my likes and dislikes have flipped. I had not liked Bobby Flay for a long time, ever since he jumped up onto a cutting board with his shoes on, near the end of the first American - Japanese Iron Chef show. A long time ago. But I love him on NFNS, go figure, and now I like to watch his Throwdown show, too. Plus I am now almost lusting over a Peninsula Grill Giant Coconut Layer Cake.

However, Paula Deen? Unnecessarily rude and bitchy and negative, won't be watching her again, unless it is the show with Clay, and even then I may pass. Was talking to playbiller about this last night and after thinking about Deen and also Rachel Ray (who hosted a segment with the wannabe chefs) I think that Paula and Rachel really do not want to see another female food network star. My favorite contestant is Lisa, I know she has no chance to win, though.

New Project Runway started last night - as a group, the new crop seem much more talented than last year's bunch, if a bit top-heavy towards Rock Star clothes. Yes, they all have experience, but then again, they mostly seem to need that Big Break, so it doesn't matter much to me. Austin Scarlett was the guest judge, he has not changed much.

I think it is very nice of A&E to put Project Runway on at 9, followed by Shear Genius at 10.

New Burn Notice tonight! Looks like, for now, CSI Miami and Big Bang Theory (LOVE that show!) are the only two network shows I watch on purpose.

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I don;t think NFNS is on in Canada yet ...but its coming.

I also hated Flay after that Iron Chef episode...but still haven't changed my mind...I do watch throwdown cos he loses there a lot. I loved it when ing Tsai beat him handily in the duck battle.

Deen...I always liked her cos I though she was down home and sweet. I am curious to see if she will also turn me off.

Top Chef is on its 3rd episode here in Canada...spike is sooo arrogant and Richard looks like he will poop his pants at any time...hee

I am curious to see how white chocolate and wasabi taste like. We often mix sweet and spice and salt flavor in Filipino cuisine.

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Deen...I always liked her cos I though she was down home and sweet. I am curious to see if she will also turn me off.

Deen did not like the macaroni and cheese that Lisa made (Lisa's specialty was cassoulet, almost impossible to make in a short time, and Lisa nailed it perfectly, the mac & cheese was Adam's specialty). Deen made faces, said she didn't like it, and went on to add that in fact she hated it. I know there is a certain amount of editing, but all those words and looks did come from Deen. It was jarring, and not even entertaining and colorful, like when Anthony Bourdain doesn't like something. I was really taken aback, because Deen was so ungracious.

The thing I like about Throwdown is that I get the impression that Flay is just there to have fun, not to really win, and I like how the recipes are deconstructed. I didn't want to like Throwdown, but I do. I was actually thinking, oh, I could make a 12 layer coconut cake! Piece of cake! :-0

They will ship you one, but shipping is prolly $100.

Isn't it funny how that jumping up on the chopping block was so negatively memorable? It happened in 2000, I think. Also think Flay has learned to tone the ego down. He is very supportive of all the NFNS peeps, which is why Deen's remarks were so surprising. I don't think I have forgiven him so much as he doesn't irritate me any more. I had just recently gotten back from working in Japan when that show aired, and I was just so shocked at Flay's behavior.

Susie, one of the judges, thinks there is something going on between Lisa and Adam.

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AAAArgh! Last night the next food network star show did not get rid of any of the remaining three - I believe it is because they want Aaron to win, and Aaron pretty much sucked. Actually I think the show is already over, they picked Aaron, and Aaron has already filmed an episode of his show.

Hopefully Lisa will stick around and get a chance at something, I like her.

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*puts up dukes and prepares to fight*

I like Aaron, and would watch his show definitely. He seems like a friendly, smart guy, and for the most part (except unfortunately last night) his food appeals to me.

I do like Lisa too, but I'm not sure if I could deal with her on a regular basis. She really surprised me early on, and she is definitely proof that first impressions mean nothing. I first saw her, and thought she was going to be a stuck-up snob. She has proven that this is not the case. But yet, I feel that her confidence levels have been flagging lately -- if she gets the show, I actually think that might help her in that regard.

I hated Adam most of the time, but last night was good for him.

But then, this opinion comes from the person who loves Guy (winner of season two) and didn't like the other two winners (and where are they now, by the way?).

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(can't find dukes, dang!) - somewhere in the TwoP thread for this, it is said that the French girl did not want to stick around after the first six episodes, though she was made an offer, and went back to France. The two guys had a couple of shows, then disappeared.

I like Aaron, but he always looks petulant, teary, or scared, and I could not believe how bad his intro was last night, plus three pasta dishes do not a fancy buffet make. I do think the judges have already crowned him, tho.

I really like Lisa, though she is high-strung. Didn't think that wine angel thing was quite fair, but the edited result looked good. Major major props for her singing.

I don't like Adam - evidently Flay dislikes him.

This show is not nearly as good as Top Chef, for me. I am also watching project runway and shear genius and Design Star - although I missed the last episode of DS.

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AAAArgh! Last night the next food network star show did not get rid of any of the remaining three - I believe it is because they want Aaron to win, and Aaron pretty much sucked. Actually I think the show is already over, they picked Aaron, and Aaron has already filmed an episode of his show.

Hopefully Lisa will stick around and get a chance at something, I like her.


Well I was happy to let all three go into he final. They really do all have strong points and weaknesses. THey did this on Project Runway one time and I agreed with it then too.

I love Lisa too. . Adam has basically sucked the whole season...but he was great last night. Aaron needs to relax in front of the camera..he has a great personality and can actually cook...well most of the time. I like his little promo too...he did a great job.

I like that they all seem to like each other.

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So, here we are, end of August, only weeks until some shows start up again! I am still watching season 1 of Eli Stone. I think I will watch it this year, because I really like it. So I need to hurry up and finish what I've got so far! I have recently discovered the series Bones, so I've d/l seasons 1 & 2 through torrents and am watching them. I think it's on season 4 or 5 though now, am I right? In which case I will probably just stick with torrents for it again this year until I catch up. I am looking forward to Criminal Minds, House & CSI starting up again (although I'm not sure how much longer CSI is going to last, if they keep writing out the good characters). I finally finished watching The Riches...does anyone know if it's being renewed again?

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My beloved Burn Notice already started - I adore it, and then I love reading the TwoP recaplet.

I will watch for Eli Stone, and will continue watching Big Bang, Old Christine, and 30 Rock.

CSI Miami starts soon, without Khandi Alexander - I can deal with that, I like her but find her acting sort of wooden. I loved her in News Radio, though. Can't wait for new Boston Legal and House.

I love Ace of Cakes more every time I see it, love the Food Challenges, Iron Chef, and Throwdown.

Sniff!....I miss Lisa LaPorta and Clive Pearse on Design to Sell, and still love Roger and Tanya on Sell This House. And that David guy with all the blindingly white teeth has a good decorating show - Color Splash. Myles of Style is really spotty.

I believe Riches will have a new season, they just needed to work around Eddie Izzard's and Minnie Driver's schedules - she had a baby (did she ever say who the father is?) and Eddie was touring the U.S. with a comedy concert. I missed it here in Tampa, dammit. And the "clack" on Youtube is not up to our standards, which makes it harder to understand what he is saying. Hopefully it got filmed for a special, and will be available on DVD.

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I watched The Riches (both seasons) through downloaded torrents. If you are interested, I can send you a data DVD. They are good quality. ETA: I realize now you are talking about missing the comedy special. I've never really enjoyed Eddie's comedy.

I rarely watch CSI Miami, but Las Vegas isn't going to be the same without Warrick (and of course, Sarah, who was gone most of last season as well). I hope they replay last season's Criminal Minds finale show because my memory is so bad, I forget what happened. Did they kill someone off? Eeep, must go back and check. ETA: LOL, scrolled up and read my own post. No wonder I couldn't remember who died, they left us hanging!

I cancelled a lot of my channels earlier this year, including the Food Network. Maybe I should reconsider that.

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I cancelled a lot of my channels earlier this year, including the Food Network. Maybe I should reconsider that.

Eeeeeep!! :o I sometimes wish I could cancel just about all channels except the Food Network & HGTV.

I'm loving the new season of Monk & Psych! So yeah, OK, uh, add USA to that list up there, then! :P

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Found this nifty page on wikpedia for the upcoming US fall season schedule:


So, for me, looks like I start out with:

Tuesdays: House, 8 pm (starts Sep 16), Eli Stone, 10 pm (starts Oct 14)

Wednesdays: Bones, 8 pm (starts Sep 3), Criminal Minds, 9 pm (starts Sep 24)

Thursdays: Survivor Gabon, 8 pm (starts Sep 18), CSI Las Vegas, 9 pm (starts Oct 9)

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SNL Thursday niight live on at the same time as 30 Rock? Heh, they are a bit overblown, I think Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert chewed them up and spit them out years ago, in the category of political satire. As will 30 Rock.

That's a cool Wiki site, thanks! It is quite evident to me that I mostly watch non-network TV now.

Drat for House and Boston Legal being at the same time.

And I am still pissed off about Moonlight.

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Re: SNL Thurs. Night Live vs 30 Rock--they're not in competition. Same network. Looks like one will start the year, the next will take over after a few weeks. Mid-season, the Office spin-off will replace 30 Rock.

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Oh, okay, thanks! I would not have watched SNL, but I feel v. protective of 30 Rock.

I saw part of the Bob Saget Roast on the comedy channel - Cloris Leachman was the funniest one there, as far as I could tell, I didn't watch it all.

And I am v. glad to have read this :

Norm Macdonald

[Ed. Note: Norm did this brilliant anti-comedy set of clean old-timey insult jokes that left half the audience baffled and the other half laughing their asses off. The delivery was so essential to the effect, so it probably won't come across in print.]

"Susie Essman may be a vegetarian, but she's still full of bologna in my book."

"Bob takes vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F and G, but he still looks like H!"

because I think Norm is generally funny, and I didn't get the joke, I thought WTF?????? two jokes in and turned the channel.

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