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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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I like the Yahoo! video.

I hate insomnia.

I hate the fact that I didn't know the ATD video was up, and that I can't access sites that stream from my work computer. Off to read the descriptions and pine away all day long.....

ETA: But wait it turns out I can get to the video at work - LINK. I know that TPTB didn't spend any money on it and it was filmed last summer with all the other promo stuff, but ding dang it, I like it too. Clay starts out all smirky and sly and singing out of the side of his mouth and ends it all dramatic and angsty. It could have used some more hair flinging, but overall I'm digging Clay's performance.

Yeah, that. KAndre's post was simply and to the point. I like that. bottlecap's elaborated on the theme, and ITA with it as well. There's even one bit of "hair flinging" that results in the bangs being just over his eyes at one point...and that literaly made me :hubbahubba:

Gosh, I don't know....I think he likes this song. He sure seems to give his all during any sort of performance of it. But I need to watch this video a few more times, just to make sure. *g*

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God, he looks soooo different in that video than he does now - or at least than he did during the Christmas tour since that is the last time we saw him.

He looks so much younger! Almost little boy like.

How can he look so different in such a short time????

I like how he looked during the Christmas tour better - but he does seem to want to seduce the camera in that video, doesn't he?

Still hate the song, though. But he sure seems to love those spinning balls and fighting angels.

Speaking of spinning..... :rainbowsmile:

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I think you may be right, ldyjocelyn! He might like this song! Therefore I believe I shall like it too - we just won't mention I liked it all along...

I like it much better than the other premiere video I didn't turn off fast enough - some Hannah Montana thing (what the hell is that girl's real frickin' name?!?!) called "Dumpin' on a Partay" or something. I think she was wearing uggs....

Chameleon Clay is fun!

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Awww I really really love it too...so much better than Without you!!

I didn;t really expect a new video. It don't think they are going for any aggressive promo plan at the moment. I think this is serving as a place holder while Clay is on a break. He needs continuous presence on radio so they sent this song out that he already promoted...and since they already filmed this video with WY...why not bring it out so that he can have some streaming stats that the radio people can look at.

I think its important that we give this video a lot of hits through the day....and share it with a lot of people. Video streaming is another way program directors are gauging the songs popularity so its not really good to listen and watch our downloads only but watching the stream will be very helpful.

He is sooo pretty in this video...although its frustrating cos the stream is rather slow.

It seemed he is more into this song than WY...and I love how he ended it.

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Damn, he's one cutie-patootie! I love it when he does the "Cher" jazz head isolation near the end- one of his patented hot moves.

Is there a way to enlarge the video screen at Yahoo? He's so teensy.

Claygasm, I will be total toast watching him sing IFYDKMBN flingin' that hot hair around with the stubble and singing about "this love affayah". Dayum. :hubbahubba:

Who knows what the Hair will look like next. Just to be stoopid , I"m predicting Willie Nelson braids!

Off to do qi gong. :allgood:

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There is a full screen button at Yahoo, but a full screen makes it a little blurry for me. I do wonder where the blue shirt video is though. I fiond it interesting that there are so many singing videos - makes you think he has been watching fans collect various singing videos of him at concert.

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Is there a way to enlarge the video screen at Yahoo? He's so teensy.

I was edumacated in "big screen" Clay this morning. First of all, you have to be using IE for this to work -- no Mozilla or Opera. But, if you're in IE, select the highest video quality speed your computer can handle from the pull down menu (mine is set at the highest, 500 k), and then choose the Full Screen option. Hit the ESC key to get out of full screen mode. I think if you have the video quality set high, the fuzziness isn't as bad.

Who knows what the Hair will look like next. Just to be stoopid , I"m predicting Willie Nelson braids!


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ETA: From the sublime to the ridiculous...... My local Fox station just did a piece on Justin Guarini, our hometown boy. It was mostly an interview with his mother. He apparently is growing his curls back. Oh goody. And he will be co-hosting Idol Chat for the TVGuide channel (does that mean he'll be with Kimberme??) and he is in some indie movie coming out this year called Fast Girl and the curls weren't right for th part, so he wears a wig. And he is working on his next album.

I saw him on Idol Chat with Kimberly and Rosana. I think he is going to be a regular on that program through this season of AI. I actually think he is better at this than Kimberly. He has a good onscreen presence. I purchased his jazz album so I can put some of his tracks on Rose Radio.

Hey, roseviolet! Wait! Weren't you part of the mini Clayfast at Casa Muski sometime back, too? Wait! Am I getting board names confused? :huh:

Yes! Couchie brought me over to your house once. I brought sushi, which I don't think anyone ate. I had a blast meeting all of you! :04:

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He's so teensy.

Now there's something I never thought I'd hear Diva say...or actually, now that I think about it---that's something I never thought I'd ever heard from anyone here... :medium-smiley-070:

Bottle, I see that in my middle-of-the-night fog I clicked on the wrong emoticon in my post---I meant to put one of those skeery chickens where this guy showed up :3: heh..

Well, here I is, back in the saddle again...at my office. Makes me feel :wacko: just thinking of the things piled up...

Yahoo video? Simon could have a field day with this one, couldn't he? All those facial expressions...I found myself either giggling or rolling my eyes or drooling...and did you notice how his bangs kept changing---they must've had to piece together a few edited takes to get the whole thing. A couple of times his bangs had separated to give him an Alfalfa look! :em0100: :laught31:

And at the end I swear I think he's having a hard time not cracking up as he looks back at his wimmen...

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To any lurkers: I think I can speak for everyone when I say that there is no animosity towards anyone intended in anything we say on this board. If we didn't care about the Pod People, we ... well, we just wouldn't bother. I offer my deepest apologies to anyone who doesn't understand that. When I think someone in my family is acting crazy, I tell them that, and I tell my other family members too. I tell y'all that my mother is nuttier than a fruitcake, cause she is. (I tell her too.) It doesn't mean I don't love her; it just means that I need support cause I love her and it is hard to handle watching her lose it. The same is true of the Pod People. I love them, I miss them, and it's hard watching them lose it. It's hard watching a board I love deteriorate into paranoia and sarcasm. I snark because I care. It just breaks my heart to be labelled a bully because of that. Forming a secret board to post names and photos of "enemies" of Clay--now that's bullying. Joking about the Pod People is letting off steam, and asking for support from others who care about them just as I do. We aren't ashamed, and we aren't hiding on some secret board talking about other fans and other boards like some folks do. We kid because we love.


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Chicks, you might find this hard to believe, but some apparently find me a touch - bitchy. Sarcastic, even. I don't know where they get the notion from. I'm actually charming in everyway. Downright SWEET. SWEETER than SUGAR. I am so SWEET I could give you diabetes!

I still love the video though.

I am occasionally esoteric as well as being SWEET. Don't worry 'bout it.

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Oh well, back to "happy, happy, joy, joy"!

And "sarcasm, sarcasm, snark, snark"!

Huh? :huh:

Um, huh from me too?

What did I miss???????

Chicks, you might find this hard to believe, but some apparently find me a touch - bitchy. Sarcastic, even. I don't know where they get the notion from. I'm actually charming in everyway. Downright SWEET. SWEETER than SUGAR. I am so SWEET I could give you diabetes!

Did someone insult you KAndre??? Let me at them! As one of your loyal minions I have sworn to defend your honor to the death (well, maybe not to the death......)! :afteryou:

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To any lurkers: I think I can speak for everyone when I say that there is no animosity towards anyone intended in anything we say on this board. If we didn't care about the Pod People, we ... well, we just wouldn't bother. I offer my deepest apologies to anyone who doesn't understand that. When I think someone in my family is acting crazy, I tell them that, and I tell my other family members too. I tell y'all that my mother is nuttier than a fruitcake, cause she is. (I tell her too.) It doesn't mean I don't love her; it just means that I need support cause I love her and it is hard to handle watching her lose it. The same is true of the Pod People. I love them, I miss them, and it's hard watching them lose it. It's hard watching a board I love deteriorate into paranoia and sarcasm. I snark because I care. It just breaks my heart to be labelled a bully because of that. Forming a secret board to post names and photos of "enemies" of Clay--now that's bullying. Joking about the Pod People is letting off steam, and asking for support from others who care about them just as I do. We aren't ashamed, and we aren't hiding on some secret board talking about other fans and other boards like some folks do. We kid because we love.


:allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I have to word and double WORD this. I don't believe in talking behind people's back. If I was allowed to I would post the same things in other boards...but I know that is a no no.

We have an open policy in this board. As long as we respect each others opinion and do not post to do personal attacks...anyone can join this board and jump in on the discussion. We can have differing opinion here...

I love it when KAndre is at her bitchy sarcastic best..don't ya ever change.

and for those wondering what we all are talking about you can pm me...

as far as I am concerned...I just want to have fun and celebrate Clay. If I think some fans behavior is a hindrance to that...I say so...I am an opinionated so and so...sue me....


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Since I am a 'member' only of boards where I've actually been "allowed" to register, I lurk elsewhere only for amusement.

This, however, is not amusing to me.... I'm getting bad vibes---like Poland must have felt in 1939 as a rather power-drugged guy next door decided to grow his real estate by targeting its houses and their inhabitants for shamed annhilation. Since my biological father is Cuban and not Polish, I'll just mutter a lovely Spanish expression in a response that comes in handy at times like these, and move on down the much treasured and familiar road of lovin' the Aiken and this place.

:allgood: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

ETA: to correct pronouns and antecedent agreement 'coss I used to be a high school English teacher, y'all... :blush:

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Well, it is cold out today, snowed a very little and Holly and I are going to walk so - here is an emoticon just for that


Heh, this doog looks a lot like my dear departed Sadie - neither of whom lifted their legs for anything - girls squat.

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OMG OMG! I was just sitting here at work with my iTunes playing and Here You Come Again came on...I'm just working away and suddenly! I get this epiphany of using this song in my story! Oooooh! OOOOooooh! I have to quick! write the idea down...

ooooh! :medium-smiley-070: :roundel::nanaonacid: :nana: :goaround::woohoo:

PS. Those of you who might think you saw me use the word "right" instead of "write" in the above paragraph are not right.

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:allgood: I just heard ATD on the radio, radio, radio with my very own ears, and I can't stop smirking with glee. Baby steps, but it's something. EEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

ooops I forgot to say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for this...the other day I got so excited when I heard LAA from a radio stream...then i remembered I was listening to Rose Radio...hee

well it was exciting to hear it among other great songs...I think it really will do well in AC radio.

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I have already confessed to being new here, so who or what are Pod People?

If it is too difficult to explain, it is ok.


Couchie did a good job here:

Who are the Pod People?

Well people from FCA come from different Clay sites and we've noticed the same things...

People are so busy being bitter and angry and spending all their time fixating on every thing that Clay either didn't get, another Idol did get, conspiracy theory A, B or C they can't enjoy what's in front of them for more than 2 seconds. Good news go ignored. Things that Clay says that don't fit the theory are spin. Those are the pod people.

Do I think everything is peachy keen between Clay and RCA or that he had the best PR there was to have or that things could not have been handled better? No. Is it just as possible that a large company like the BMG group was just ineffective in their planning (like they are with the majority of their talent) rather than the evil CEO spends all his time coming up with ways to hurt Clay? Yes. . Do I think Clay is a wimp being led around by the hand, silenced and unable to contribute to his own career, told what to say and not to say at every turn? No. He's a strong man in a man's world with all the facts at his disposal and will do what is necessary to ensure his longevity. I won't be surprised if he stays with RCA forever or walks away next week. I also think he is a great judge of character and knows every rat in his circle, if indeed there are any. I'm certainly not about to be upset on his behalf based on stuff I have no knowledge of.

Maybe I need to put this in the FAQ hee.

Here we want to know it all, and we can get in to some serious discussion without letting the negative overwhelm us every single day. At least that's what we try to do.

And we love the Pod People, we just miss them, and are sorry they were abducted by aliens.

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