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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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I truly love Clay the person...Like claygasm, I really don;t go all gaga about his goodness. I don;t need him to be perfect. Its great that he has such philantrophic needs but its just not necessary for me. I am actually quite attracted to the naughty, bawdy diva lurking within.

I do love his humor, his smarts and his complexities

I have been moved to tears by his voice ICMYLM and Celebrate Me Home and

...and even bawled 2 times recently... one when I first listened to LAA and once listening to EIH.

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I truly love Clay the person...Like claygasm, I really don;t go all gaga about his goodness. I don;t need him to be perfect. Its great that he has such philantrophic needs but its just not necessary for me. I am actually quite attracted to the naughty, bawdy diva lurking within.

I do love his humor, his smarts and his complexities

I have been moved to tears by his voice ICMYLM and Celebrate Me Home and

...and even bawled 2 times recently... one when I first listened to LAA and once listening to EIH.

I call him "the glittering creature".

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I truly love Clay the person...Like claygasm, I really don;t go all gaga about his goodness. I don;t need him to be perfect. Its great that he has such philantrophic needs but its just not necessary for me. I am actually quite attracted to the naughty, bawdy diva lurking within.

I actually agree with this, and it fits me too. But I still admire his "wanting to make a difference" as well, and I sometimes feel that when I admit that to some, they automatically think I paint angel wings on the back of Clay. I don't. He doesn't have to be perfect for me at all. I want him HUMAN.

I do love his humor, his smarts and his complexities

Bolding mine. There's that human-ness. He is one big dichotomy to me, and I love that he wears that on his sleeve. He's definitely not a cut-and-dried kind of guy, and that's why I think he'll be great at whatever he tries to do. (BTW...I don't think he'll give up singing at all....it's too ingrained in him...)

I call him "the glittering creature".
Very apt....especially when he gets new highlights in his hair. *g*
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Interesting discussion on how Clay's music makes you feel. Sometimes I will listen to a song that I have heard a hundred times and for some unknown reason it will just "get" me! I don't quite understand it...I mean I am so familiar with the song and it's like I've never heard it before!

I've only cried a couple of times while listening to Clay and it's more the words bring back certain memories. I cannot listen to MDWL at all anymore without crying and it's because I think of my Mum being all alone in England this year, before she died.

My Mum was ill with a terminal lung disease but didn't know how bad she was! She still had all her faculties, was able to function almost normally, managed to live alone and do very well right until the end when she had a heart attack. It probably sounds selfish but looking back it was the best thing for all concerned. She would never have wanted to go into a home and she could not come over here! I think it would have been a nightmarish situation for everyone.

I really have to give Kudos to all of you dealing with family members with Dementia etc, It takes a very strong person to handle all that! I don't think I could have.

Now for something brighter: Yeah for the Yahoo video. I really don't care what it is of...as long as it's Clay singing....it's fine with me! Any Clay is better than none!!

Oh and as for AI6....well no one got me at "take" yet*g*

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Claygasm, thanks for starting off the topic du jour.

I have great hope for Jennifer but if the past in any indication this will be as good as it gets for her acting wise. There just aren't that many great parts out there for black actresses. She will fare better with her recording career in that at least we know she's signed and will put out an album probably in the next year or so. I think she'll have a year or so of good will to build on and hopefully something will come of it. But I do think this role establishes her as someone who is here to stay.

Clay - Clay's VOICE made me a fan. Clay's persona made me a fangirl. It wasn't until I started listening to those radio interviews during the idol tour that I became unhinged. He was so smart and funny...and the sarcastic funny wasn't something I saw on Idol.

But he has so much to offer besides the voice and I would like for him to have the opportunity to explore whatever his heart wants. Can he act? I think he would be good at certain things but he's limited until he studies more. But look at Will Smith...who would have thunk that the fresh prince would one day be oscar nominated. But he's best when he's not scripted. He's best when he lets his fertile mind just go to work and I'd love to see that put to use in some way....

Clay IMO is still finding himself musically. He was a man that liked to sing pretty songs. And that's still what he is to me but he's become so much better at bringing those pretty songs to life. I'm thankful that whatever happened with ATDW, the delay allowed him to do something he may have doubted he was capable of doing...write songs. I expect to see lots of growth over album 4, 5 and 6. I never expected him to get there quickly because of how he started. Even Ruben and Kelly KNEW who they were musically when they stepped foot on idol. Clay was the ultimate wedding singer. And look, now he's a star.

ETA: I do think he is an entertainer. It's something he was always good at. When I look at the old hometown connection stuff..it's hilarious to me. I see our Clay in his infancy.

Now, as to how that voice makes me feel..I still can't explain it..but I still get chills when I listen to him. He can do wonders for my mood, soothe me when I'm in pain, cheer me up when I'm sad, and make me melancholy when he sings a sad song. He has a gift.

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Clay IMO is still finding himself musically. He was a man that liked to sing pretty songs. And that's still what he is to me but he's become so much better at bringing those pretty songs to life. I'm thankful that whatever happened with ATDW, the delay allowed him to do something he may have doubted he was capable of doing...write songs. I expect to see lots of growth over album 4, 5 and 6. I never expected him to get there quickly because of how he started. Even Ruben and Kelly KNEW who they were musically when they stepped foot on idol. Clay was the ultimate wedding singer. And look, now he's a star.

ETA: I do think he is an entertainer. It's something he was always good at. When I look at the old hometown connection stuff..it's hilarious to me. I see our Clay in his infancy.

Now, as to how that voice makes me feel..I still can't explain it..but I still get chills when I listen to him. He can do wonders for my mood, soothe me when I'm in pain, cheer me up when I'm sad, and make me melancholy when he sings a sad song. He has a gift.

Ah, this is the kind of couchie post I used to read as I lurked at the CH---over and over and I'd get SOOO frustrated that I couldn't post a big fat WORD! or take it and run because your words so often said what I was thinking....In fact, that's how we 'met'...I PM'd you at CV or RHT to say that very thing. (Like I did with you, too, Claygasm on another board!)...

So now here we is and I can say it to you!

BIG FAT WORD, GIRLFRIEND! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Especially the parts I bolded.

I love him.

And merrrieee Hugs to you for the loss of your mom.

Edited by muskifest
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Hmmmmm what's a good ADMIN NOTE color.... this is so foreign... ha

Anyway, just want to apologize to anyone who received a notification of new topic only to find lnks to very questionable sites. As a board that wants to welcome people from all parts of Clay Nation we allowed some posting in certain areas by non members. Unfortunately we can't do that anymore. If you want to post, you must register so that we can ban your ass if you pull a stunt like that. heee.

This is kinda icky.

Ah that's better. Enjoyed the convo today very much.

smooches to everyone... you too muski heee.

I would like to request information on where to find constant information on ATD and which radio station is playing it so that I can put it on the front page of FCA. It's really weird but there is such apathy (as we pat ourselves on the back for how we support Clay) that this information just is not readily available on every single board. Hell, it hit me that it wasn't really available for his Xmas songs either. No calling or requesting and thanking of DJs that I could see. That's quite sad actually. I admit, I know nothing at all about radio. I don't listen to radio. But I want to do my part. FCA gets thousands of visitors a day and if it will help Clay in any way then I want to add that bit of information to our site. If one request results in one spin for the song then it will be worth it to me.

I don't want to reinvent the wheel..if there is some thread at some board that has it...I willl use it. I will give them credit for all their hard work. I just want Clay fans that don't have access to the information to have a place to go to find it.

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The most condensed sources I know of are this thread on the CB which is updated daily in the first post, and the posts moonhead posts at CV, CH, and the OFC everyday. Her posts at the CH are here with a fresh post at the end of the thread daily. I don't know of anyone who is keeping a record of all the solid info on stations, receptive DJs (or not) and so forth, although there are conversations in threads at the OFC and elsewhere. Remember Airplay Central? Ah, times have changed since then....

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BAF Benefit, "Champions of Change Gala"

It is with great pleasure that The Bubel/Aiken Foundation in partnership with the Cardinal Club invites you to sponsor and attend our “Champions for Change” Gala on March 31, 2007

Featuring a special performance by Clay Aiken and the anouncement of our Champions of Change winners. This is a celebration for people of all abilities.

Three course gourmet wine dinner from Executive Chef Fred Leach; “Claytinis,” beer & wine included.


Off to find out how much flights to Raleigh are....

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BAF Benefit, "Champions of Change Gala"

It is with great pleasure that The Bubel/Aiken Foundation in partnership with the Cardinal Club invites you to sponsor and attend our “Champions for Change” Gala on March 31, 2007

Featuring a special performance by Clay Aiken and the anouncement of our Champions of Change winners. This is a celebration for people of all abilities.

Three course gourmet wine dinner from Executive Chef Fred Leach; “Claytinis,” beer & wine included.


Off to find out how much flights to Raleigh are....

CVer's are saying the site asks for a membership number when you try to order tickets, so this may be for Cardinal Club members only. ??????

ETA: Now I'm reading ticket sales to the general public will be 2/1, maybe.....

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I like our admin color better than that nasty green!

I KNOW there will be fans who will attend the BAF Gala and there better be clack because by March, who knows how long his hair will be! That Castro guy from AI last night could have some competition in the hair department!

Can I just say I love this place? I really do. This is the kind of place that makes being a Clay fan fun again. Smart, insightful people who also just want to have fun and play! The day I followed muski over here (and I would follow her anywhere..... Well, maybe almost anywhere... ;) ) may have saved my fandom - at least this aspect of it. It really did put the fun back into being a Clay fan. And if its not fun, why bother.

{{{{FCA}}}} :garfieldodie-grouphug: :large-smiley-003: :EmoticonRingAround:

Speaking of not being fun, off to work I go! *sigh*

ETA: Um, GAH! (courtesy of Brandilyne at the CH)


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Dear God. When I see a picture like that, I want to count those little stubble hairs at the ends of his mouth on either side---

with my freakin' tongue. :hubbahubba:

And look at his freakin' eyelashes! :hubbahubba:

And that "You know you're powerless when I do...this....and this.... (whimper)

And---like Tyra so knowingly described for all of us---that perfect nose bridge and arch of his eyebrows! :wub:

And I really shouldn't tell you exactly what I want to do to those matching indentations on his forehead... B)


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Dear God. When I see a picture like that, I want to count those little stubble hairs at the ends of his mouth on either side---

with my freakin' tongue. :hubbahubba:

And look at his freakin' eyelashes! :hubbahubba:

And that "You know you're powerless when I do...this....and this.... (whimper)

And---like Tyra so knowingly described for all of us---that perfect nose bridge and arch of his eyebrows! :wub:

And I really shouldn't tell you exactly what I want to do to those matching indentations on his forehead... B)


Oh GOD...muski...you are going to make me pretty incoherent soon and I need to do some work on FCA!!! the picture is bad enough but your descriptions ...GAH!!!!


I don't have a chance in hell of attending but I know a few FCA'ers are planning to and I do hope they get a chance to attend...good luck with the tickets and the plans!!!!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cos I'm sure there will be clack. Hoping our great eHP clack gatherers can attend!!

and now...sigh...I'd like to discuss radioplay...

I have been checking around the fandom and it seems as if there are people that are being gloomy about this and are suggesting that it is a useless endeavor or that Clay does not want this...some people are even saying requests will just hurt Clay or the djs does not want to hear from us.

WELL...lets clarify a few things....

discalimer: am no expert but I have been paying attention to the posts on radio play and this will be just a few reminders and tips based on what we all have learned through the years.

It is not all about the PAYOLA...payola simply gets the artist foot in the door. After that, what will help radioplay is for the song to get positive callout responses and some sort of indication that the audience liked the song. Callouts do better for songs or artist that are familiar with the radio audience. So esentially the more an artist gets played the better their call out is...that is why we end up listening to the same people in radio. So what is an artist to do? What can the fans do to increase their radio profile and get better callout numbers?

If you have a chance to answer a callout survey please do...

If your radio station have request hours or programs, request for ATD...

If your radio has ATD in its playlist please request it...

Do not tell them anything about payola and anything about stats just request the song. do not use radio terms like going for adds...if you mention playlist make sure they have it up on their site...it would be best if you simply say I heard it ...or that a friend heard it.

Each station will have a different policy about request...its possible it does not go anywhere...its possible it makes an impression with the program director. But if we do not try, then the station wouldn;t get any feedback about the song at all. If a DJ responds saying they don't take request...that is the hint that your request is not helping and just let it go. But as long as they take your request then it will probably help.

Don't get angry and antagonize the dj if the request is not met...understand that they do not have control. But pay attention to the playlist they may add it if it gets more radio play later on.

If you heard the song was played...give positive feedback...or ask if they can play it again ...

Avoid requesting if its not from your area...if they stream maybe...

I do not know if it will help if you inquire about the song if your AC station hasn't added it to their playlist. But maybe it will help. Just say you heard it on satellite radion...something...and ask if it will played in the station.

Do not request songs from ATDW that hasn;t gone for adds...

Make sure the radio station you are contacting is an AC station...

Even if this song does not go anywehere...it is still important for Clay to maintain some radio presence cos this just increases his familiarity with the listeners and with the program directors. Remember familiarity with listeners increases the chances for good call out numbers. The aim is to get enough spin for this songs so that the listeners are more aware of Clay outside of Christmas songs. This will just help in radioplay for his subsequent songs.

This is really not about ATD itself, RCA or even the sales of ATDW...its about getting Clay on the radio so that he can continue to build his fanbase. We cannot give up because it will just make it harder and harder for Clay to make a break through...its like trying to go through ice. even if you use a little pick...if you keep appyling pressure it will eventually break.

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Here's Clayscience's morning mediabase report from the CB:

There are 80 spins listed on AC for the week for ATD. ATD is listed at #36 on the AC chart. It is #13 on the JUMP chart and #7 on the Taking Off Chart (2 new station, 18 new spins due to KUMU and WTFM moving from format starters to leaders within a week). There are 14 stations listed as playing it on the JUMP Chart.

Please start to listen to your local or streaming AC stations, especially if we know it's playing ATD. Yes.com is a great tool, but the stations will want active streamers and/or airwave listeners. Also, it's apparent that we need to hit a balance between requesting enough and not requesting too much. And that balance will probably be different for each individual station so it's good to get to know your local stations.

Still a steady move forward! I just heard the last half of ATD on my local station, lunchtime request, after reading at the CB that it was going to be on. First time they've played it, and the requester said the DJ called her and told her it was going to be played and when, and that they've had "a lot of requests" for the song.

ETA: They asked her to introduce the song on air.

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Thats great news jmh...at this point every play counts....

and please...lets stip looking at what we don;t have... so what if kat has more play...or klo or what have you...lets concentrate on what Clay has and the fact that at least he is in an upward trajectory...every little bit counts...

and SO WHAT if the big stations haven;t played him yet...concentrate on what your individual area is doing...again...every little bit will help.

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I think its funny that one reason some poddies are using for NOT requesting ATD is that Clay didn't ask them to (another sure sign, by the way, that he hates ATDW...). They say he asked us to request "Invisible" and "The Way", but he has kept strangely silent about this.

Weeeeeellllllll....... He was touring in support of the album that had "Invisible" and TW on it at the time. He is not touring now.

And by the way, his requests really helped TW didn't they. And when they switched to "Solitaire", I don't remember him asking us to request that.

What's he going to do - blog once a day to remind us to request ATD?

Do we only show support of Clay when he asks us to?

Can we not think for ourselves?


The AC stations in the Philly area do not have ATD on their playlists. In fact, they have very little current on their playlists. One still has Bo's "The Real Thing". They both have Kelly's "Breakaway" and either "Behind These Hazel Eyes" or BOY. Many of the songs are a year or two old. They have very few that are even just a few months old. If it ever does make it to their playlists, it will probably be sometime late this year!

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01/24/07 : Upcoming Clay TV Appearances!

By Team Clay

Clay will be making special appearances on the following TV shows:

February 1 GMA (for UNICEF)

February 14 Jimmy Kimmel Live

GMA!!!! YAY!!!!

Well, wait...I thought Diane Sawyer (via Clive Davis) hated Clay? *g*

OK, now I can go back and edit my original fangirly post....

Ansa, that was a great post you wrote about radio. I'm going to start trying to email my local AC station on my lunch hour, when they do their "all request lunch time." See if that helps. I think two times a week should be good.... And I thank jmh for bringing over the information on radio spins. Having said that...

The AC stations in the Philly area do not have ATD on their playlists. In fact, they have very little current on their playlists. One still has Bo's "The Real Thing". They both have Kelly's "Breakaway" and either "Behind These Hazel Eyes" or BOY. Many of the songs are a year or two old. They have very few that are even just a few months old. If it ever does make it to their playlists, it will probably be sometime late this year!

My radio station is the same way. One of their hottest songs right now is "Black Horse and the Cherry Tree." Wasn't that big about 9 months ago? It seems that AC play lists are immensely SLOW in updating, and keeping current. But as was said earlier...

The good side of that is that if ATD makes the playlists, it could stay there for years!!



Can we not think for ourselves?


Obviously not. That's why they are poddies...the collective hive think scares me. Maybe it's too much watching of Star Trek: the Next Generation, where the Borg were all over the place...and one of the scariest villans out there.....

Hmmmm....Borg pods. Sounds about right....

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01/24/07 : Upcoming Clay TV Appearances!

By Team Clay

Clay will be making special appearances on the following TV shows:

February 1 GMA (for UNICEF)

February 14 Jimmy Kimmel Live

GMA!!!! YAY!!!!

Well, wait...I thought Diane Sawyer (via Clive Davis) hated Clay? *g*

Well, she'll probably blindside Clay with more questions about his sexuality or drug abuse - right after the check from Clive clears.


P.S. I can't wait to see how long his hair is! (Yes, I am shallow. Why do you ask???)

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01/24/07 : Upcoming Clay TV Appearances!

By Team Clay

Clay will be making special appearances on the following TV shows:

February 1 GMA (for UNICEF)

February 14 Jimmy Kimmel Live

GMA!!!! YAY!!!!

Well, wait...I thought Diane Sawyer (via Clive Davis) hated Clay? *g*

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...I love it when he is doing UNICEF amabassador...

awww I know diane and Clay luv each other...hee

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Well, wait...I thought Diane Sawyer (via Clive Davis) hated Clay? *g*

Nah, don't you remember Clay told Ryan in the radio interview that he and Diane were good and that they had hugged and made out? Hee.

AC playlists - I get the AC Rate the Music survey, and it's had the same ten songs on it for what seems like six months. I mark 'em all "Tired of Hearing This song" but it doesn't seem to help.

In better radio news, a CVer has had some nice contact with the PD and DJs at my local AC station, and they're supposed to be playing ATD during the lunch hour tomorrow. EEEEEEEEE! And then hopefully not ZZZZZZ, because sometimes the playlist is just too mellow, ya know? [And I kept typing "playlust" there - freudian slip, I guess...]

ETA: Holy Crap - I keep forgetting about THE HAIR! Can't wait to see what it looks like next week!

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