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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Y'all know what - this weekend I'm gonna actually continue the Adventures of the evil Houston Posse in the Big Apple because I have no plans whatsoever!


Somebody make a video of themselves asking Clay a clever question! Or a stupid one!

He's so cute!/

If I knew how to do flash, I would!

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Y'all know what - this weekend I'm gonna actually continue the Adventures of the evil Houston Posse in the Big Apple because I have no plans whatsoever!


Somebody make a video of themselves asking Clay a clever question! Or a stupid one!

He's so cute!/

If I knew how to do flash, I would!

Aww cmon KAndre...you are great at asking Clay thought provoking questions...maybe this time we can see more of you than just the hat.

if you have a webcam maybe it won;t be too hard to make a clip.

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Y'all know what - this weekend I'm gonna actually continue the Adventures of the evil Houston Posse in the Big Apple because I have no plans whatsoever!


Somebody make a video of themselves asking Clay a clever question! Or a stupid one!

He's so cute!/

If I knew how to do flash, I would!

First: EEEEEEE! to the continued epic saga of "KAndre and the eHP takes New York"!

Second: I think this is the link you were trying to get to for posting a video question for Clay when he's on GMA next week. Would the question "How you doing?" [tm Joey from "Friends"] accompanied by a leer and a cleavage shot be appropriate for an appearance by a UNICEF ambassador?

And I'm cringing a bit for the person who has to screen these submissions, 'cause if you haven't noticed, there are some slightly crazy people in the Clay Nation... :ninja:

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Damn, I don't have a video camera - I would film Holly asking him a question - it would be a doggy question - like, like, like,,,,,Willyour dogs ever accompany you on a UNICEF trip..... no, no good,


Along with helping children in disaster areas, are their pets helped as well... Maybe not......

Actually, the question Iwould like to ask, dogs aside, is whadt does an ambassador do besides, travel and report, Speak before congress and light Christmas lights?

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Actually, the question Iwould like to ask, dogs aside, is whadt does an ambassador do besides, travel and report, Speak before congress and light Christmas lights?

Why, he helps hoist the snowflake over 5th Avenue and looks totally hawt doing it, of course.


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Well, I have my extreme el cheapo digital camera which take short video clips...but I need Spielberg and Industrial Lights and Magic to make it look right...anybody got a in?

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Well, I have my extreme el cheapo digital camera which take short video clips...but I need Spielberg and Industrial Lights and Magic to make it look right...anybody got a in?

well for me I would need Pixar to make me an animated character...hee

what to ask mr. ambassador...hmmm

what country would you like to visit next....

ACH...that is so boring!!!! I need some snark and smutt genes..

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If I knew how to do flash, I would!

Hee Kandre I totally read that as you were going to flash Clay Aiken! Well if you've got it flaunt it and girl you've got it!!!!!

Oh and I love the round pin!

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Well, there is always - Mr Ambassador - does Unicef provide Candy corn to the needy? corny1.gif

Mr Ambassador - does UNICEF provide skate boards to help kids go distances? skater_icon.gif

Mr Ambassador - do you allow flash pictures while you are on a trip? photo.gif

Mr Ambassador - do you have enough money that you can stop working and travel for Unicef? men17.gif

Mr Ambassador - what can I do for YOU - how much, honey? objet012.gif

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Love the all the emotions Play. You are a grand emotionerlady. No say that five times really reallly quickly. LOL.

Love seeing that you are back from the dark side Bottle. Been there a few times myself. LOL. I for one think those antidepressants are wonder drugs sometimes. :):allgood:

I put in my vote for the round pin. I would lurve to own that one.

You know for the children..... and all that.

:hubbahubba::lightblub: and just for you Bottle :3:

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Go Serena! Whoo hooo... how on earth do you wake up one day after a year off from championship tennis and kick the ass out of the number one ranked tennis player in the world. WHoo hooo. THat was a beat down.

I also love the round one. Thank you Cindy for your great design.

I went out with my co-workers after work. Not quite the same as a couchie/muski beerfest.

bottle..that is just gross. LOL

Play, how did you become the emoticon queen. I think you were against them more than I was in the beginning.

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Ewwwwwww! Remember - I'm a vegetarian!

Would it be wrong to ask Ambassador Clay how long he'll grow his hair????

Or to unbutton a few buttons on his shirt so we can see chest hair??

Or to bend over so we can see his mighty fine ass??

Would that be undignified??

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It's 2 am...why am I up.

I think I'd ask Mr. Ambassador...what's your favorite color? Would Touch be an appropriate song to sing on UNICEF missions? Did you see the card? Did you get the cooties from Kelly Ripa? Why are you and Tyra Banks so fat? Or perhaps, how have you changed by seeing devastate of natural disasters and war up close?

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EEEEEEEE! My DSL homepage is Yahoo, so I get e-mail updates about the music page from time to time. I woke up the an e-mail with the subject line: Omarion, Clay Aiken, Beyonce, Marques Houston + more. Well, alrighty then! I had to click on the link for that hot new video by that Clay Aiken dude....

Dancing veggies for Claygasm => :nanas::nanas:

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I can never come up with good questions to ask Mr. Ambassador Aiken. I'm just not smart like that. But I'm with bottle in that I pray for the soul of those poor interns who have to go through all the submissions.

Geez, it's turning into an emoticon battle here between play and bottle. It kinda skeers me.

I'm off to visit my Mom today. ATDW is pre-loaded into the car CD player.

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