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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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sniff...why can;t I ask interesting questions...

hmmm KFC???I love KFC....crazy chicken or KFC...hmmm difficult decision to make.

awww I just cant let go of Crazy chicken...I wub him!!!


so round pin is winning...cool!!!

We will probably take care of details for the pin this coming week.

I got a Clay dream last night!!! (or early this morning)

no it wasn;t that kind of dream Muski... :medium-smiley-070:

well I was watching TV in my dream then suddenly premiere of two Clay videos. Very elaborate videos too. The first one was a lavish wedding and Clay was in a white tux singing not for the wedding but just singing around the wedding all sad and heartbroken...new song...

then a whole new video started...it showed a family in Christmas opening gifts and they were talking about a person not there, I suppose thats Clay...then on their tv a black and white christmas show came on...and a much older Clay was singing and its the Clayton Aiken christmas show...this is supposed to be the dead father of the current Clay... then a new scene where this pretty blonde girl is getting ready to go out...she had brothers and sisters bothering her and it was one of those farm houses...she goes oue and gets picked up by this guy...the next scene Clay was coming out of a car...looking at an accident scene. This was when he starts to sing a cover song....I recognized it but can;t tell you the name. He goes out of the car and sings as he goes closer to the accident scene. The weirdest thing, he had the JBT hair...and he had zits...bwah.

Then I woke up...very very vivid dream all colorful and stuff. He did sound great but can't really describe the first song.

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Oh forgot to say to KAndre...yay for finishing your New York Saga...This has been just as bad as waiting for a new Muski chapter. I think I still have a fresh space on my concert page waiting for you. But no pressure or anything...I understand that you have new minions to recruit.

ETA: Heee I'm done I'm done. I just need to post my recommendations. Today, I promise. Oooh she's tough.

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Oh forgot to say to KAndre...yay for finishing your New York Saga...This has been just as bad as waiting for a new Muski chapter. I think I still have a fresh space on my concert page waiting for you. But no pressure or anything...I understand that you have new minions to recruit.

uh huh...as if we are not waiting for recommendations for a certain song...hmmm

you guys did say you needed some nudges...

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Diva, you are always classy!!

Love, love, love the round pin.

KAndre, looking forward to your next installment.

Have a great day, everybody!

ETA: I killed the efffing board! WAHHHHHH!!!! :crying1:

Muskifest, just saw your name on the CH list. Congratulations!!

Appropo of nothing, this one is cool:


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You guys got me rolling on the floor with laughter. Sorry Bottle that you don't like the chicken. He is t hiliarious and that is how I feel most of the time, so I can identify with him.

Right now, I am doing this to my computer. It is on it's way to crashville. I can feel it in me bones.


just for feeling so sassy and funky



:sickyet::drama::sorry::scream::rainbowsmile: :pod:

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I'm back! Can anyone explain to me why I'm hungry for chicken all of a sudden?!?!?


Seriously, I stopped off at Papa John's on my way back to my house to pick up a pizza that my husband ordered (Spinach Alfredo). Open the box...and it's spicy Italian! Shit. My husband calls and is in the process of taking it back right now. Meanwhile, I'm hungry, and the beer I've had is going straight to my head....

Man, I miss that Clay Aiken dude. But I can't wait until Thursday, when he talks to you and me and everyone about UNICEF.


He's so dweemy....

*waves to atinal -- maybe next time?

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Don't make me ban chickens LOL. Oh wait Bottle would like that. heeee.

All I have to say about chicken today is how damn expensive it is.

So I kept thinking Clay was going to be on GMA on Monday...but it's not until Thursday? Looking forward to that. Anybody send in a question to Clay?

Play, I can't get your Delila dilemma out of my head. I even read the words to ATD again to see what kind of big li..uh heart warming story you could come up with. So far? Nada. I keep coming up with storylines suited for Criminal Intent for some reason.

I better go add my recommendations before LdyJ beats me to the finish line.

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Play, I can't get your Delila dilemma out of my head. I even read the words to ATD again to see what kind of big li..uh heart warming story you could come up with. So far? Nada. I keep coming up with storylines suited for Criminal Intent for some reason.

Yeah, I can't come up with anything either. Told you earlier I was pretty dumb.

I better go add my recommendations before LdyJ beats me to the finish line.

No hurry, dear couchie, I've still got a few more cities to go through before I even make my final recommendations. Sometimes RL takes precedence over clack. Unbelievable, I know.

Ah, Couchie, you seem a little tense.

Maybe you should order a pizza pizza_boy.gif

Just make sure it's not from Papa John's OK? They'll screw up your order....

And listen to some tunes by this guy or something. Lenoslomo2.gif

I don't think I'd go "or something" on this one. HYCA takes the tension right out. Trust me. *g*

BTW, I listened to some of "A Prairie Home Companion" this evening on my drive back, and there was a "radio ad" that was hysterical...and unfortunately, I saw myself quite clearly in it. "I've spent 12 hours online, didn't even get up to eat." "I realized tonight that I have no RL friends, they are all online friends...and I'm not even in the top 8 for any of them." "I haven't checked my email for 10 minutes, and I'm getting the shakes."

"Yes, you should check into St. Vincenzio's of the Screen for rehabilitation."

I know the ad fit me, and I'd bet it fit quite a few in the Clay Aiken fandom.

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BTW, I listened to some of "A Prairie Home Companion" this evening on my drive back, and there was a "radio ad" that was hysterical...and unfortunately, I saw myself quite clearly in it. "I've spent 12 hours online, didn't even get up to eat." "I realized tonight that I have no RL friends, they are all online friends...and I'm not even in the top 8 for any of them." "I haven't checked my email for 10 minutes, and I'm getting the shakes."

"Yes, you should check into St. Vincenzio's of the Screen for rehabilitation."

I know the ad fit me, and I'd bet it fit quite a few in the Clay Aiken fandom.

Oh dear, oh Dear - I'm late, I';m late for a very important psychiatric appointment! message53.gif

The things I do for Clay Aiken!

I am still stumped,about Delialah - I would think we would have some imaginations running rampant here - but for this? NO! Come on, do it for the Clay. (mentally I am imagining one of my favorite Taxi shows where Danza is learning to box successfully and his inspiration is "Do it for the duck")

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How about a group psychiatric session. How long before we convert the good doctor.

Muski -- you willingly followed a link to see a naked Simon Cowel? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

Bottle..thanks for the suggestions..heading to my sister's where I'm sure at least I'll get a little bit of :wein::wein:

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Now, where was I? Oh, tiggerish Clay in West Point!

Having finished my delightful screw top wine, we made our way to the center pit, admiring the West Point cadets in their excessively cute uniforms. Since Scarlett was going to sitting right at Clay's feet, she ALMOST allowed me to do the clack thing since she seemed to think me being arrested by the U.S. Military Academy would be better than her being taken away - I pulled out all the notes I had taken the Brosnan Bond ouevre and arranged the video camera carefully under the excessively cute hat I had gotten during our daily Target run, forced merrieeee (who had located innocent bystanders and was carefully indoctrinating them into the Legion of Doom via golf) to unwrap and smuggle enough videotape to finish the concert; then Scarlett apparently got the DTs of clack taking withdrawal and went off with the camera. I absolutely sure that it had nothing at all to do with the fact that if you look at Clay walk out for Christmas Waltz in her clack, she can't seem to get the camera above his waist but can zoom in. Really. Totally innocent. I think she has "totally innocent" tattooed somewhere on her butt so she doesn't forget. Having been denied the opportunity of creating the Clay Nation/Legion of Doom's very own "Triumph of the Clay", I settle back to worry how bad the vertigo was gonna be tonight. And with the audience's roar of approval, Clay comes striding out, clearly feeling ten times better. Man, that dude looked good. I could have just eaten him up! And the way he was using those long elegent fingers on that mic, responding to the music and and waves of estrogen pouring toward him....ahh. He swung cheerfully into the Christmas Waltz and I can't recommend enough Scarlett's stuff if you've got enough juice to run it. The picture is so clear you wanna run your tongue along the edge of his jaw...no tie, because this was semi casual Clay. Just to establish his mastery of himself, he threw himself into The First Noel...he had a stool, but only occasionally used it. He praised us for our loudness, told us to catch him if we fell off the stage and is now aware that we would like to eat him. And in what way. He takes our belongings away like binoculars, and we give them to him. I also notice he just tells the binocular people "only from the waist up". Considering there is no way he could have missed Scarlett, that seemed to be significant that he did not tell her where to film. Of course, I'm sure he's aware that her obedience is only illusory. I've certainly discovered it. He really, REALLY likes to rag on Ripa. Of course, she's an easy target. He told his little story about having no interest in music theory (and frankly, I still don't think he has any interest in it) and sings MCWL. He also likes looking at his audiences and wishes us a Happy Hannukah and refuses to sing Driedel. Stubborn bastard. But I love him anyway. He talks to the guy holding the cell phone on the front row, and I see that when the explanation is made to him, Clay has just as dirty a mind as his audience. Which would be scary, except that it's thrilling. Clay discovers that his audience is aggressive and violent. Though he calls it "feisty". Which is why I do my recruiting for the Legion of Doom here. And snaaarky - he just feasts on the contest winner. And he projects his dirty thoughts on us, telling us not to think dirty thoughts about "chestnuts", of course causing us to refine our dirty thoughts. I like my Clay and his psychological toying with us. Then he FUCKED UP Sleigh Ride. Twice. And sat down and had us finish it. Most of us don't actually know the words either, as there was a LOT of mumbling in the middle of our verse. He then swings into his word banter and begins mocking the Joisy accent. And makes up musical terms for us cheaters. And then mocks the audience some more. And the accent again. And the clackgatherers. And then switches gears like a frickin' Ferrari and gets all spiritual with Mary Did You Know, Hark The Herald Angels and O Come All Ye Faithful. He honestly is like this glorious instrument, just a fortunate confluence of physicality and control, producing lovely sounds. And then he totally ranks on us. And I love it. He tells the newbies we will corrupt them. Heh. And then he says "we" already got one screamin'. Heh heh. He then controls us and enjoys that as well. Then he downshifts to bank into the turn that his My Grown Up Christmas List. Man, he's just good. He then mocks his own accent, goes all country on us, hollering for his cousin Jamie, explaining that she was eatin' and making her demonstrate what a REAL southern accent was. He does Emmanuel, praises us for Toys for Tots, tells us about charity stuff, tells us to hug people and swings into my favorite, Don't Save It All. Gives Jemock a thrill by singing into the phone. Hopefully she had it laminated - now that's eBay gold! He started losing it a little then on the glory note, a little hoarse but all sincerity. And then he drops the mic away and lets his voice fill the auditorium. My boy can project, y'all. He waves to us, and strolls away. He then strolls back and does a gorgeous All Is Well.

This paragraph break, representing the transition to a new thought, is brought to you courtesy of muski, offering excellent and educational literary fare on other boards everywhere. Muski, the Toyota of fanfic! Not available on angelwing, G-rated or Daughtry!!??#@K# sites or where prohibited by law.

Having fortunately parked an extra ten feet closer to Clay's bus, the evil Houston posse decides to try the busline thing. However, we have issues with proper procedures so don't actually get into line. We do wander all over the parking lot, squealing into the cellcert phone, freezing our asses off since the temperature dropped to like 0 degrees Kelvin. I swear I saw some super-cooled fluids crawling toward the busses. Solo and Persuing One engaged in a low level flash battle with only minor innocent casualties. Clay didn't come out , so we eventually left. OK, this is an example of why Damien is a Prince of Hell. You know we actually remember how we came onto the campus, and being reasonable women, we called Damian everything but a child of God when it told us to turn left in a new direction instead of right which would take us back to the entrance. We even got behind some car that actually had a "Claym8" license plate - of course they knew where they were going. Damien whined louder and louder, begging us to turn left while we laughed heartily at it, as we could even see the entrance gate. We drove closely behind our wagon train leader, with people falling in behind us...and come to a goddam fence since we somehow got stuck in the frickin' parking lot. We couldn't even make a U-turn and Damien began cackling. We couldn't back up because there was now a line of cars behind us and had to make a three point turn. Escaping the parking lot, we proceeded to drive in circles up the frickin' mountain as Damien would taunt us by claiming there was an exit - WHICH WOULD BE SHUT. I know that little freak knew those gates were shut...it was just being EVIL! We pass a number of people several times because apparently West Point needed some footage of desperately lost civilians wandering aimlessly around their campus. We eventually got out. And cheered. Damien behaved himself on the way back, apparently under the mistaken impression that we were still leading other people. You see Damian tries to hide its evil nature from others until they are actually trapped in a vehicle with us. We eventually arrive back at our hotel, make plans to really get up early in the morning and head into the city. Really. We're gonna get up. We all said it. And we believe it. Why, I don't know.

Next: The Big Apple is Conquered by the evil Houston Posse.

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