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#1 - Ready for your constant state of celebration

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we better stock up on those letter 'cos we will be using them a lot in the coming weeks...

The latest Clay events brought a lot of cheering and celebrating in Clayland... The press release, the UPS delivery the interview...the excitement is building.

Next week...TV guide...new photo shoot and an interview.

Then...the opening of the JBT...don;t know if I can take all this excitement!!!

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Lessee...I think Clay is pretty.  Really pretty.  I mean, pretty damn pretty.  Did I mention, I think Clay's pretty?

Testing, testing....is this thing on? Clay pretty. Are we allowed to talk about him naked here? :D And look!! I used an emoticon. Will I be beaten severely? Heh.

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sees Heidi's emoticon, puts on her boa/stilletos of doom, and strides into the thread...


actually reads the naked Clay part, and wanders off, distracted.

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OMG...did you guys read the new Blog entry...it was so great.

I love the fact that his blogs are simple snipets of his everyday life...very smart of him.

It satisfies the fans...and yet he really isn't communicating anything...I think Toffee Brown will approve. 'Cos c'mon what is there to tear up about a few days in the beach with wild horses....

actually the visuals are kinda hot...wow had to take a moment there...

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Hi! Is this going to be a linear thread format? Loved the blog and vacation pics. Nice place!

Yes we will be maintaining a linear format. But we will make sure to put important news in the news section of this forum...

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News flash!!!!!

Short clip of Clay photo shoot....on directv it is channel 224, I think!

Repeat at 11 pm!

Reported to be wearing a black tux jacket with undone tie.


Rumor of two covers!


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EEEEEE just saw screencaps from the TVguide shoot...GOrgeous...

He looks totally sophisticated...and two covers WOW...

I can;t wait...

I will post more screencaps in the Gallery


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Oh my gosh...kill me now. Two covers? And the retro look again? I'm a sucker for the retro look!

I was IMing with friend, and she noted that TV Guide has used the retro look before. I said back that there's SUCH a difference between the two though...he was a babe during the first one. This new look is sooooooo adult.

Gotta love him.

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Welcome Wacmom

glad you can join us...

just saw the TV guide film clip and it was precious....

he did look more at ease during that photo shoot and he looks more mature.

I also think he is sending a message to everyone...the media and fans alike that he will make the songs that would suit him best...he won;t do songs just to further his career.,

Gotta admire a guy with that much integrity...go Clay

love my Avatar....

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OK I've never done this before...but here's a You Send It Link for the clip...

You send it - Clay on TV Guide Channel capped by Hockeydonna


He is one gorgeous man and he really looked awfully grown up in the clip. A long way from AI Clay. And I do think we heard Clay Speak for I'm doing it my way. I'm hoping that in choosing an executive producer with something to prove to produce his album that they will come up with something special. Clive Davis may be a genius but I've never had much faith in him when it comes to Clay. Oh yeah, he likes the money Clay puts in his pocket but I still need convincing Clay is more that just dollar signs to him.

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We officially open today.

As a Grand opening Scheme we decided to give three lucky registrants a special Creative Memories/Clay Aiken gift basket

All you have to do to win is be member #:




Watch for the next announcement to see if you are one of the lucky Clayfans...

as of now...26 is taken!

So you guys know why these three numbers are significant to Clay?

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Guest huskerfalcon

Well, 26 is his current age... but after that I'm clueless...

I totally LOVED the TV Guide thing... and he does look retro and totally HOTT! This one look during the show killed me dead:

click to enlarge...


I'm also blown away by the fact he has TWO covers... they don't do that for just anyone, that's for sure! Someone on CV had a list of all the music-related TV Guide covers, and the last living person who is an individual performer to have two covers was Britney... and before that was Ricky Martin, I think. There haven't been that many for music people who aren't named Elvis... *g*

I can't wait for all the fun stuff to happen! EEEEEEEE!

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EEEEEE I love that pose too...

I really have no problem with what he said on the tv guide interveiw...there is one thing I am really eager to see...what is the Clay sound? That is very exciting to me. I think I will totally like the songs he will choose because so far I have liked his choices for the concerts. I truly think that is the best clue we have.

Some people have said that they think it will be glory noting...AC style. I personally do not see that. What song has he chosen in the last concerts that fit this. Solitaire is out this was chosen for him or he chose it because of the AI theme. I don't think the moam songs fit either since he already said that he does not relate to them. The two CCM song choice of GN and YWT tells me that he likes unusual melodic phrases, dramatic lyrics...then we have WDC, the duets he chose, the acoustic numbers...the way he rearranged IWCY...this tells me that the CLay sound will be unique, dynamic and breathtaking...just like him...I can't wait.

There is one song I heard recently that is number one in my Clay wish list...Getting over you...that song makes me cry and I truly hope will be a song Clay could sing in the future

So any thoughts on what the Clay sound will be?

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So I downloaded the TV Guide clip [kisses to "All Things Clay Aiken", by the way], and while I enjoyed it and squealed appropriately, I have a teeny tiny complaint. Dude, it's a tux, could you not tuck the shirt in? We know you can do it - we've got the blue shirt OFC picture as proof!

Okay, I'm prepared to take my punishment for whining. [Makes plans to escape from KAndre's torture device by getting her monologing. A useful tip a picked up from watching The Incredibles, along with the "No capes!" rule. ;) ]

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Okay, I'm prepared to take my punishment for whining.  [Makes plans to escape from KAndre's torture device by getting her monologing. 

I'm actually interested in finding out what those torture devices might be as well.

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Okay, I'm prepared to take my punishment for whining.  [Makes plans to escape from KAndre's torture device by getting her monologing.  A useful tip a picked up from watching The Incredibles, along with the "No capes!" rule.  ;) ]

Bwah...love the Incredibles...

But seriously...the disheveled look is what made those shots so sexy...it looks like he just finished re-enacting the limousine scene from No Way Out...rowr...

I just think Mr. Aiken will always be a little unconventional with his fashion sense...

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