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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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Just saw this posted over at the CH. Someone did a montage of Michelle Kwan skating to Clay's "Broken Wings". It fits prefectly and what great exposure for a great song!!

Plus, its another excuse for those of us who adore that song to hear it again!

Here is the link:

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I think Clay would love to get radio play, just based on how excited he seems to have been hearing himself on the radio originally, and his comments since then. But if the payola in any way, shape or form depends on him, I can see him getting his back up about it and saying "no way". I would wager he doesn't agree with payola, and he can be a stubborn guy, even if he ends up shooting himself in the foot because of it. Of course, I know nothing, and could be way off base! Who the heck knows. But I don't think that his music isn't radio friendly. I think HYCA would fit right in on AC. I think The Way would have sounded lovely on AC or even Hot AC.

I don;t think Clay would be against Payola per se. I think he is pragmatic enough to know how to play the system...I do think he would want to be smart about it. Putting payola behind a song does not mean instant hit or success...evey label is out pushing their songs on the radio and trying to play that game...what would actually put a song ahead of the others and produce a legitimate hit that create sales...is if the song and the artist connects with the audience. Unfortunately...in the current radio climate, what connects with the audience are those that fit certain formulas...its about what is both distinctive, meaning having a hook...and stylistically familiar. Then there is that reality that having a hit on the radio does not mean you get the cd sales either. It really surprises me that a lot of these male popsingers that are all over the radio don't sell much unless you are John Mayer or maybe Josh Groban

I am not sure I agree about the men-dominated theory, either. Heck, Josh freaking Groban (who has a lovely voice but whose music I would consider 100x less radio friendly than Clay's) is all over the air waves. Makes no sense to me.

Actually Josh Groban kinda supports the male dominated theory IMO. It seems like he is the token romantic singing guy. A guy's idea of what would please a woman and its mainly because he sings pop opera. WIth Clay...since he sings pop...men have a hard time believing that he can be appealing to a wide range of women because he is supposed to be dorky or girly guy and women are supposed to like macho men right??? heh

Two things about this, one that's gonna make me sound so very negative, one that I think doesn't:

1) Let's say he does find his "true style" with the next album (and he says it in a few interviews, so those of us without supra sekrit decoder rings will understand). What if it ISN'T a hit? I guess what I'm feeling is that his style may not EVER be the type that will truly fit in on radio. Now, getting a song to fit on radio has so much behind it, including atinal's wonderful list. So I just really wonder if I've come to simply see as a viewpoint that most don't share, that he may NEVER make it to radio at this point. Again, I do want it, and if Clay wants it, definitely. But I think the road is awfully long at this point. Stone me, I don't care.

well yeah I totally agree with you. When I say true style I don't mean the fan approved rocker style that the poddies are hoping for. his true style may turn out to be using orchestral music...he may develop a feel for ethereal sound...he may go for the glory notes or the acoustic almost folksy songs...But I just think that if it really is excellent...that it will have a place in radio, either in AC, hot AC. Just like Josh groban...in the beginning he couldn;t get played on radio too because pop opera was just too different but now he is all over the place. I know its just a gut feel but I do think it will happen for him but not if he tries to fit the formula out there...he's too good for that. But if not as I said on my post too...he would still have a great career with steady cd and ticket sales.

2) "the music that come from deep inside him": I actually think ATDW was a good start in this regard. Sure, it sounds like he was not given many options of songs to record (I'm not using the "m" word, it's become a dirty word in my household), but I think he took what he was given and made the most of it by far. His artistic level went up by leaps and bounds to me -- especially with HYCA and BW.

oh I totally agree with this too. I think the experimenting he did with the ATDW songs is setting him in the right path to his signature sound. The problem with working with covers is that he is still inhibited by the idea that these are popular songs that has all kinds of expectations and baggage attachd to them. I think he will feel more free creatively if he is working with songs no one else sang before. Thats why I am so psyched by the upcoming cd...I think he was promised more creative control and I am so eager to see where that will lead him. I wouldn't be surprised if he still has a cover or two in the mix.

eta: wow having the kids around makes it difficult to post...by the time I finished this...lots of new post are up...hee...love it.

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Thanks for the Michelle Kwan video - That was great. I love Broken Wings. I really want to hear this in concert really really badly.

Claygasm: I agree with a lot of what you said. But I doubt he'll ever be on top 40/pop radio. When I talk about radio I don't even think in those terms. But I think he can be and should be a staple on AC radio at the very least and I don't even listen to it. They'll have to come up with other ways to sustain sales after initial promotion. A lot of tv shows are now using music as part of their shows promotion. I wish one of CLay's songs would be used in that capacity.

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I know Josh Groban gets thrown out there a lot, when ever we talk about radio play. This is similar to what Ansa was saying but not exactly. I think Josh Groban fits a formula, they know exactly what to do with him and he's made his way onto AC so he has his foot in the door. Josh is also classically trained, he plays an instrument and he sings in all those romance languages, so he gets cred for that. There are a lot of people who like classical music. As far as I know he has not been the butt of jokes for late night talk show hosts and DJs so that all works in his favor. Josh has had Oprah, with tears in her eyes for cryin out loud.

But for me, I don't feel it. He's too perfect, almost robotic. One afternoon I was channel surfing and came upon his PBS special. He had all the bells and whistles, beautiful staging, wonderful orchestra and supporting musicians, everything. After about 3 songs I turned it off, he just didn't reach my heart. He couldn't make me "feel" the way Clay does. Now, in all fairness, there are probably Josh fans that feel the same about Clay.

What I see with Clay is entertainer, that doesn't translate well to radio. TV producers see it, it's the reason he gets couch time. Clay can put you through almost every emotion within a very short time frame. He can make a funny story out of just about anything, he can play off his audience. He has facial expressions that many comediens only wish they could do. I think there is so much he can do that he can hardly contain it all. I think the best is yet to come for Clay and us, but radio will probably have little to do with it.

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Morning all.

I just have to go back and comment about that one picture of Clay. The one where he is putting his loooong lean finger up to his luscious, full, shell pink, lips. :hubbahubba: (tm Paris Hilton) That's Hot........... :smokelots:

I watched Michael Buble on AI. I didn't think he sounded all that bad. In fact I thought he did a great job of interpreting that type of genre he was going for. I just don't happen to like the big band sound or Frank Sinatra etc. I realize I might be in the minority here. I wouldn't go to a Buble concert. I don't ever see Clay trying to be Michael Buble or Josh Groban. Speaking of Josh Groban I also watched him on DWTS. I like Josh, but I like listening to him recorded, not live. A lot is lost in that transition to me. I remember the 1st time I watched him singing live. I was shocked that he was so "bad" for lack of a better word. It just proves that they can make most people sound good. Clay is a rare breed of talent. He can sing live just as well as he sings recorded. I loved that about Tom Jones as well. Of course Clay has had his off days when he forgets lyrics or is sick. But even then he is better live than most artists.

Uh oh. Ansamcw just posted another hot pic of Clay. Lordy Lord Lord. Lawd Jesus bring out the fan please.

Hey, I don't purchase air fare until a month before the show - really, why buy it now? You can cancel a hotel - but this whole airfare thing - nope, not yet.

We were working on getting a van though to travel in. But 8 hours is a lot!

Yeah same thing here. I don't understand why people book flights before all the tour dates are posted and set in stone, but I feel bad for some of those that did. I can't get into the fan club this morning either. I think they must be working on putting up more tour info, and correcting some. Let's hope they get the confusion sorted out quickly. I am going to go to Tulsa if it is for sure he is going to be there. Thanks to Pkmiller, it appears it is. So I will probably not be going to the Dallas one, I had planned on earlier. At that time it was the closest one for me, and now it isn't. So for me, it doesn't matter when he is Tulsa.

luckiest1 that is what I like to read. Fans sharing things with other fans. That was so nice of you to do that for that girl.

By the way, my feelings on one of those "elite" boards has been that way for a long time. So much so that I might be one of the few who has never even put my name on a waitlist to be admitted to the hallowed ground.

I do want to make one thing clear. I KNOW that many on these boards are not like this. There are wonderful people everywhere and those boards are no exception. And many of the wonderful people from one of those boards are now here.

I do love this place. F_05BL17blowkiss.gif

Claygasm you are not alone. As I have told a few people, it appears that you have to have your nose firmly planted up the butts of a select few. Since I am a free thinker and no one's minion, I wouldn't last five minutes there, before I would be shown the door. There are a lot of good members there and I enjoy reading there for that reason.

It is cold here and I was thinking how much I wish I was in Vegas with kandre about now. Hee I bet she is having a great time. Hope she wins some money if she is a gambler.

Hi pkmiller. Nice to see you posting here. Why can't Clay get radio play? This has been bantered about so many times. He has got radio play, he just isn't climbing the playlist with it. Why? I think it is safe to say that we all know payola is what gets you played on radio. How much payola RCA gives determines the success of the single being released to radio. It appears, to me, that they give enough to get him up in the high 20's but not up in the top 10. Nor are they buying him a number one hit. Why? Well, JMO but I think some of it has to do with them hoping that once the song makes it that far, that it will resonate with mainstream and the demand to hear him will be what pushes it up the chart. The problem is, it isn't resonating with mainstream. Personally, I think they don't select the best songs to release to radio that will resonate with non fans. Here is another reason why I think he isn't getting the big payola push.

pkmiller wrote:

We had a DJ come talk to us about 2 years ago. We asked him why Clay wasn't played on the radio and why there was no push by RCA. He said Clay didn't need it...RCA would spend the money on those who needed it.

BINGO!!!!! This has been my feeling and what I have expressed numerous times. The music business is in dire straights. Labels are not going to waste money on payola, for artists that can sell without it. Of course Clay could sell more if he was played more. Why should they not want to make more money? Maybe, perhaps, it is because they are grooming him for a long term artist and they know they will make more money with him, over the long haul. Right now they are pushing the short haul artists from AI. These people are more than likely not going to be around for long. RCA is out for the quick bucks with them. They probably wouldn't sell, but just a paltry amount without huge radio, push. Clay sells himself and already comes with a huge devoted loyal fanbase. He doesn't have to cultivate one like other new artists. Nor does he have to go the conventional way about it. Radio is going to be a thing of the past. I think Clay gets plenty of promotion that gets overlooked, by his fans who want to play the RCA sabotage theory. Clay's turn is going to come. I believe that. I believe that Clay knows that. I think that is why he can be so happy and acting like All Is Well, because it is. The internet and TV will give him much more visibilty than radio ever will. Look how his fans promote him on YouTube and MySpaces. Most people, especially younger ones, don't get their music from radio anymore. How many times have I read that people don't even listen to radio anymore? Why should Clay waste his hard earned money for payola when he can be promoted a thousand other different ways, and get a better return on his investment? Clay RCA or whoever forks up the money for payola. Who was it that said that it doesn't matter what Clay submits to radio it will not get played? Fred Bronson? Maybe he knows already that Clay's style or image would not connect with radios remaining mainstream listeners.

Why does Clay not connect with mainstream? Why are the regular non fan radio listeners not connecting or liking Clay? Lots of possible reasons. They may not like the song released. They may not be a fan of his style of singing. He's a purest song stylist. This is probably not a popular genre with what is left of radio listeners. I don't ever expect Clay to appeal to young males. I truly believe Clay does have an image problem. I believe he is working on it. I do believe his questioned sexuality comes into play. I know I know. The dreaded thing no one is allowed to talk about or express, but it is the truth as I see it. I also think his earlier outward blatant show of faith comes into play. I also think that has contributed to his attracting some way OTT people for fans and that has hurt his image. Yes, Clay has a "not cool" image.

His pure style of singing is not edgy enough for radio and a lot of younger listeners. I'm talking about edge in singing not edge in grabbing his crotch. Anyway. I think Clay would love to have success on the radio but I think he also realizes it is not a deal breaker for him to have a comfortable living in many facets of entertainment. JMO and ramblings. However, no doubt in my mind there is a demand and an audience for our man and he will be around for a long time. I don't care about radio anymore I stopped listening myself.

Good Lord. I see other great things posted by other members here too. I love being able to have a conversation with out it being taken over by a select few and turned into another bashing thread. Sorry I talk so much.

cha cha great site. Thanks for posting all the links everyone.

Edited by Clayzorback
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Good luck CHaCHa Trusty with You Tube - unless you are very specific in in not being AI sets, you will get ratted out and be banned in short order - usually less than 24 hours - I got banned for posting something that said AI inthe description, even though it was a concert.

Clay, radio - what ever - I am getting sick of filling out these radio questions in rate this music - so much bad music out there and their monthly one is same old, same old - maybe they change one or two songs - people move on!

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Good morning, FCA! :F_05BL17blowkiss: It's Friday, donchaknow, and my hubby is in Delaware. :cry4: Alex is having her friends' group's movie night at our place tonight. (I love her. I asked her, "So what are we supposed to have for food for them?" She said, "I told them to eat dinner before they came. We can have some cookies or something." heh... Carrie's spending the night with a buddy. Since Alex and her crew will take over the living room, I'll hang in our den upstairs, I think. I was thinking about spending an indulgent night watching AI2 episodes, fast forwarding through any garbage to watch Clay...

sounds like fun, doesn't it?

And it's cha cha's fault! I went over to look at a few of those clips and WHAM! ..It's like a drug.

ETA: COUCHIE! Wanna join me for an evening of watching Clay? :medium-smiley-070: :lightblub:

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But it will really, really annoy me if Dallas is eliminated or changed. Especially since Clay told us that its only "O"fficial when its at the OFC. Tulsa isn't there. Dallas is.

And that's one of the reasons why I did go ahead a book my plane tickets. I totally understand where CG is coming from with the plane ticket rates -- but that is the reason why I tend to buy early. I know, it's getting me in trouble now, and I feel badly too because I've taken someone else with me down the garden path. Plus, it's on the OFC, and so I'm upset that this isn't working out quite as planned if they do take it off. I've just shot myself in the foot this time, and I have no one to blame but myself.

Clay and radio. I may be in the minority but I don't think he needs radio in the same way other artists do. Clay is as much a TV personality (maybe more so) than a musical artist. His best and probably most effective means of promotion, IMO, is TV. When he makes the rounds of the talk shows he gets far more face time than the vast majority of singers who appear. Most sing - maybe get a few minutes of gab time. Clay gets couch time. Clay gets half a show turned over to him. Clay goes on shows as the only guest. Clay cohosts. Oh, and he also sings. Each one of those TV shows gets more viewers than the number of people listening to the radio at any one time.

What I see with Clay is entertainer, that doesn't translate well to radio. TV producers see it, it's the reason he gets couch time. Clay can put you through almost every emotion within a very short time frame. He can make a funny story out of just about anything, he can play off his audience. He has facial expressions that many comediens only wish they could do. I think there is so much he can do that he can hardly contain it all. I think the best is yet to come for Clay and us, but radio will probably have little to do with it.

Both of these posts make PERFECT sense to me. I'll be in that minority with you CG -- I still think (maybe delusionally) that Clay sells records every time he appears on TV, even if he doesn't sing. Anyway, there's really not much here that I can add to both these posts.

The trouble with Top 40 is everything seems to sound the same. I don't want Clay to sound like everyone else.

Amen and WORD.

I have no worries about Clay's career. Unlike many artists, I don't think Clay started his career with a clear cut vision. He likes to sing. That's about as much as he knew. He is still evolving. He is young and will likely go through many incarnations in his career. But talent and charisma like his cannot be hidden. He will keep shining brightly for as long as he wants this. I have no worries about this. He may never be the biggest pop star on the planet as some want. He may not sell triple platinum ever again. He may never win a Grammy. But I will bet he will be around a long, long time, singing to us and making all our girly parts tingle.

There is not a doubt in my mind.


I think another thing that plays into this is the time factor. I don't need for him to have radio success RIGHT NOW, which is what I think some fans do. To me, it's back to the "if he doesn't have success (like us voting for him constantly on AI), he'll leave us." I don't think that's gonna happen at all. I've always believed in the slow and steady thing for Clay. He'll make it on his own terms, and in his own time. It may be 5 years, or 10 years, before something like radio play for Clay will happen. I'm patient enough to wait. I feel that some fans aren't. They need everything for Clay to happen instantaneously. Sorry, I don't think it works like that.

Everyone here keeps mentioning Groban being played on the radio. I've gotta say -- he does? He certainly doesn't in my neck of the woods, not yet anyway. "You Raise Me Up" got airplay a few years ago, and "Home" by Buble was played constantly last year. But none of their follow-ups got anything here. So it always surprises me to hear people say they are sick of these two men. (For the record -- Groban's voice is technically proficient IMO but bores me to tears, as it seems to do for others around here too; but I really do like Buble. But then, I love swing era music and that kind of song styling. My husband and I just watched "Tony Bennett Unplugged" the other night, and he's that same kind of singer to me. Love it. BTW, Tony Bennett was SUPPOSED to sing on AI the other night, but he had the flu. Buble was a last minute addition, so that could be why he didn't sound so hot.)

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Kudos to Ansa who has done all of the work so far. We have another week to ten days of work ahead (fixing links/moving stuff over/tweaking colors) and then I'll point my domain name to it. My days of paying for FCA will soon be over! I'm excited about that part too.

ooooh and thanks also to Cindilu for all her graphic/logo help.

Ah Muski..I can't tonight... family crap. I'll be over for our walk though.

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Kudos to Ansa who has done all of the work so far. We have another week to ten days of work ahead (fixing links/moving stuff over/tweaking colors) and then I'll point my domain name to it. My days of paying for FCA will soon be over! I'm excited about that part too.

Well kudos to cindilu2...who is responsible for our current banner and logo...

with this site we can get people to submit stories and recaps and blogs as well as pictures...hope we can get some contributors from this forum...HUGE HINT!!!

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OK, someone crash my computer and get me out of my housecoat - been sick off an on for the last few weeks, last night was the worst - yet I can't seem to call the doctor - so it makes me snippity on meesage boards because sitting still is when I feel the best. Yet, one line in a post can make me see red.

PErsonaly, radio, shadio - I try and help Clay get some radio play by streaming - still streaming - and requesting - still requesting even as the media base drops off the charts. Other than that, I feel it is Clay's job to get his stuff played and not my decision, so I can let all that stuff go. I know I hate, hate , hate top 40 radio DJs with a passion - far too many idiots out there - each trying to be more offensive than the others, why should I care about t hem, except to see them as a sign of the apocalypse of the collapse of any mannered society with any decent values.

See - crotchety sick person here - I did my job and I can't worry about Clay doing his - what will be will be.

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OK, someone crash my computer and get me out of my housecoat - been sick off an on for the last few weeks, last night was the worst - yet I can't seem to call the doctor - so it makes me snippity on meesage boards because sitting still is when I feel the best. Yet, one line in a post can make me see red.

Hee...I think I know where you are seeing red...

(((play))) hope you feel better soon!!!

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OK, someone crash my computer and get me out of my housecoat - been sick off an on for the last few weeks, last night was the worst - yet I can't seem to call the doctor - so it makes me snippity on meesage boards because sitting still is when I feel the best. Yet, one line in a post can make me see red.

PErsonaly, radio, shadio - I try and help Clay get some radio play by streaming - still streaming - and requesting - still requesting even as the media base drops off the charts. Other than that, I feel it is Clay's job to get his stuff played and not my decision, so I can let all that stuff go. I know I hate, hate , hate top 40 radio DJs with a passion - far too many idiots out there - each trying to be more offensive than the others, why should I care about t hem, except to see them as a sign of the apocalypse of the collapse of any mannered society with any decent values.

See - crotchety sick person here - I did my job and I can't worry about Clay doing his - what will be will be.

Ahhh I hope you feel better soon. Hey you're on the front lines. All I can do is talk about it every now and again. I never did sign up for any of those survey things. Sorry Clay but I ain't listening to 5 hours of crap for one Clay song - if that. And I agreed with everything you said about top40. I tuned out 20 years ago. When I'm in my car or at work, if it's not my ipod, it's sports radio. So that makes two crotchety people and I don't have illness as an excuse.

Hmmmm it's weird being online during the day... and I'm posthoing no less. heee.

The dreaded thing no one is allowed to talk about or express, but it is the truth as I see it.

Meant to comment on this before.... I was just chatting with ansa about this. I don't think gay is a major issue - it's the trolling for sex because I"m so undesirable and ugly and weird LIES that bother me. They really knew how to hurt him. Gay doesn't make people not buy albums. I think Clay is seen as weird by some people which is just odd to me because he is such a freakin' guy. So I guess I wouldn't disagree that he has an image problem -- also having to do with him being Barry Manilowish and uncool. That hurts him in the teen market because many of them (not all) don't have a mind of their own. But then again, Clay is definitley not doing anything that the teens are into. And I don't think that has much to do with RCA but I love Andy Williams Aiken. But I love that Clay keeps being true to himself - and no loud pronoucements every other week that he isn't gay. All he needs is forum for that personality to shine through... and so many people are still stuck with Idol Clay in their heads. But he will have to build his audience with just being who he is. Did ya'll think he was comfortable on TRL and the like. I always had my doubts. Maybe I was uncomfortable for him being around the cool kinds. So that would be on me.

ETA: when I said hurt him I have no idea to what degree. As someone who didn't follow the crap last year but didn't run from it..just lived my life not under a rock - I heard practically nothing from the gnats. Maybe 2 or 3 mentions all year and no details whatsoever.

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God, I can't stop watching Ansa's avie....that guy is so freakin' real and entertaining. He oozes joy and sex and funny and that voice....

what the hell's NOT to love?

sigh...anybody wanna do my work for me today so I can get a head start on watching some Clay dvds?

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Ansa & Couchie Thanks for the sneak peak at the new site. It looks great. I like that you used the FCA logo on the home page. I see there is a place for a login and password, does this mean it will be elite? Will you limit membership and have a secret place to discuss things? Just kidding.

ChaCha, I love your American Idol Clay page. I watched about half of them and then lost the audio, I'll try to go back to them later. I can't help but smile when I watch them. Honestly, I think he spoiled me for subsequent seasons of the show. I so looked forward to it when he was on. There was and earnestness and innocence about it.

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Ansa & Couchie Thanks for the sneak peak at the new site. It looks great. I like that you used the FCA logo on the home page. I see there is a place for a login and password, does this mean it will be elite? Will you limit membership and have a secret place to discuss things? Just kidding.

BWAH..but of course... actually no you will be able to see all the content without registering... but for anybody that we drag in uh request to help out with some things will require a password and sign on.

OMG I'm such a freakin' post ho. Just to reiterate I am off work today. heee.

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I've always believed in the slow and steady thing for Clay. He'll make it on his own terms, and in his own time.

I agree. Slow and steady wins the race. I think they got off to a rocky start with Clay. Now I think they have a definite direction and plan for him.

Kudos couchie on the new FCA site. It looks gorgeous. Good job Ansamcw & cindilu. Are you going to be taking donations from members to pay for the site Couchie?

I loved that Orlando blurb you posted. I'm aching for Aiken. No doubt about it.

I'm sorry you are sick playbiller. I hope you feel better soon.

Just watched the Michelle Kwon video. Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaake these broken wings.............. thud

Meant to comment on this before.... I was just chatting with ansa about this. I don't think gay is a major issue - it's the trolling for sex because I"m so undesirable and ugly and weird LIES that bother me. They really knew how to hurt him. Gay doesn't make people not buy albums. I think Clay is seen as weird by some people which is just odd to me because he is such a freakin' guy. So I guess I wouldn't disagree that he has an image problem -- also having to do with him being Barry Manilowish and uncool. That hurts him in the teen market because many of them (not all) don't have a mind of their own. But then again, Clay is definitley not doing anything that the teens are into. And I don't think that has much to do with RCA but I love Andy Williams Aiken. But I love that Clay keeps being true to himself - and no loud pronoucements every other week that he isn't gay. All he needs is forum for that personality to shine through... and so many people are still stuck with Idol Clay in their heads. But he will have to build his audience with just being who he is. Did ya'll think he was comfortable on TRL and the like. I always had my doubts. Maybe I was uncomfortable for him being around the cool kinds. So that would be on me.

One's sexual preference certainly doesn't determine whether I buy their cd or not. I think that holds true for a lot of people. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I believe a lot of mainstream America DOES perceive Clay as gay. IMO that is a huge contributing factor why it is uncool for guys, young teens, and his peers to like him. Even if they do. They can't admit it. Even I experience people laughing at me when I profess my love of Clay. It is what makes him fodder for the late night shows and with the radio DJ's etc. I don't think it will hurt him a bit with the TV audience. In fact I think he has a lot of celebrity fans.

I didn't think the tabloid mess was all that big a deal. In and of itself, it didn't and won't kill Clay's career. It wasn't all over the "major" important news media, was it? I really feel if it wasn't for some of Clay's OTT "Detective" fans, it probably wouldn't have got the continued exposure it did. His own fans helped to feed that information to the media. How you may ask? Well let me tell you!!!! Hee By their constant antagonizing of PH & JP. When they pissed them off, enough, they retaliated by sending more lies and crap to the media. Clay is the one who gets hurt, while these juvenile high schoolers play their stupid little "Detective" games. It just burns my hide. Get a Fuc**ng life people. I think as a result of this, they had to keep Clay at a low profile, this past year, until the mess cleared. Idiots. :angry22: I've always maintained that his own fans are his biggest detriment. Why oh why can't I stop ranting? Forgive me.

I agree with you that he also isn't going to be doing the type music young people like, anyway. I think they tried with MOAM but the kids and radio wouldn't buy it. I don't think Clay bought it either. HAHa You are right. Clay was uncomfortable on TRL and I could tell he did not want to be there, in the worse way. LOL Bless his heart. I LOVE ME SOME CLAY AIKEN......If he wants to sing Andy Williams or Barry Manilow, I'm buying. Not because I might love this stuff, that much, but because he does and I'm here to help him have HIS career, not mine.

ETA: Because I don't know any Andy Rivers. LOL

Edited by Clayzorback
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Good luck CHaCHa Trusty with You Tube - unless you are very specific in in not being AI sets, you will get ratted out and be banned in short order - usually less than 24 hours - I got banned for posting something that said AI inthe description, even though it was a concert.

Well - I think I'm safe, play, even tho I've used them on my webpage, they aren't posted to youtube by me. They were all right there waiting for me! The ones I have posted have all made it thru (with careful wording from me!) except the one where I mistakenly wrote "Tonight Show" on the description. Guess Leno don't 'llow no youtube vids!!

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RUN, don't walk, and get the latest gala clack by ClayIzzaQT. It's so up close it's like being there! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Clack Unlimited link

OMG yes! You all must get this clack now!!! All four clips are worthy, but the killer is 1:00 through 1:30 of the ring auction. I'm guessing that muski will be dead soon.... And he SOOOOOOOOOOO knows. He's such a little shit. I love him.

Did we ever get that THUD emoticon loaded?

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Oh God, he looked so hot at that Gala. And that ring...the mouth, the teeth, the tongue in the ring...


I do have to admit (muski puts on throwaway poncho because tomato stains are hard to get out, y'all) that his smile IS different to me, with the new teeth I mean. It's just different. Still getting used to it....He looks different---not saying he looks bad or anything....just different. The change DOES affect the shape of his mouth and smile...no doubt about it...just sayin'....


Anybody still love me?

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That was sooooooooooooo hot to watch. Best video of the auction I've seen so far. Thanks luckiest1 for bringing the link.....

I love you muskifest. I can tell that Clay is still trying to get used to them somewhat, but they don't bother me. He looks great.

Yes we do need that thud emoticon.

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