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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I am so stupid!!!

I went to the grocery store and to run some other errands and while I was out I went to make a call on my cell and it wasn't in my purse. I thought I must have left it at home.

So I get home and no cell phone. I turned my house upside down and then it hit me. I left it at my office, sitting ever so nicely on my desk!

I feel nekkid without my cell phone!!

Play, thanks for bringing over the bit on Ruben's foundation. Go Ruben!! I always liked him. In fact, until Clay sang BOTW I was torn as to who I wanted to win. I love that the two of them seem to be such close friends still. I wonder if they exchanged ideas about their fundraisers.

Diva, you should go and adopt. So many kitties need a good home! I am thinking of getting Waldo a friend so he won't be lonely when I'm not around. He is my first kitty ever after a lifetime of dogs and now I'm sold on them. I still LOVE doggies, though and maybe one day I'll have another.

Do you realize that the tour begins 3 months from yesterday? At least as its now scheduled. And DALLAS will be one month from today. Not Tulsa. DALLAS!

I am so psyched. Now if only I can get myself to lose some weight and get in shape to chase Clay!

:Tour3: :TourExcite: :allgood:

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Happy Easter everyone...

Kandre welcome back...love the post.

my brain is not working to well today...so nothing really to add.

maybe tomorrow...but I found this picture somewhere...and it is from Jesse's MySpace...


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Ahhh I really like that picture of Clay and Jesse. Too cute.

I haven't had a chance to watch the good auction clack yet. Dangit. Hopefully tomorrow.

YSRN: Great blog.... and thanks for bringing over that link to the Time photos. Before the snowflake ceremony, those Time Mag pictures were my favorite Clay pictures ever. I just loved them.

Hee. Just watched the Wango Tango shirt video. Geez, Clay, you and the shirt should just get a room already given the way you were fondling that thing. muski, I think you may have found the love interest for your next bit of writing.

Bottle, this cracked me up!!

Muski: aren't you just a little tattle tell. So I was 6 mintues 20 seconds late. Geesh. The next thing you know you'll be telling them how I trip over my own feet at least once per walk.

Marketing? Feh. I was glancing through magazines at the airport and the headlines are all about Brad and Angelina - but a paragraph in one caught my eye - it said that Angelina did NOT have a publicist. Heh. She was used as an example to me of how a publicist can change one's perceived image - apparently Angelina is just livin' her life and letting the image take of itself. heh. I still think the "importance" of marketing is mainly pushed by marketers who have a fiscal interest in telling people how marketing is the sun and the moon and the stars and the whole universe. Feh again. Marketing (and not that definition of marketing that includes everything but the kitchen sink) may occasionally get me to try something once. But the product or service either keeps me or loses me. And frankly, I think that goes for the majority of people.

KAndre - this is a thing of beauty. Interesting about Angelina. She seems the type not to really give a shit what people have to say anyway.

But ldyj, I'm GOOD at holding grudges! It's a frickin' talent of mine! I've held grudges from before Clay was born! Especially the one against my sister who ATE my lime sherbet that I had BOUGHT with MY OWN MONEY while I had to go to the EMERGENCY room! July, 1971. And she's still not sorry! That "it's in the family refrigerator so it's fair game" excuse is totally bogus! Hmph. That total beyotch.

BWAH! Isn't it amazing how those childhood "slights" can traumatize a person and keep it in our memory banks for ever. heee

I don't think RCA is evil - I think they're occasionally stupid. The thing is, I don't think any other label is any better.

Word KAndre. Finding a perfect partnership is rare - especially in a business where creativity should reign supreme but it ruled by old models and the bottom line. Taking chances is just not business as usual. RCA is a huge a conglomerate but what did K-Lo's smaller record label do for her... try to fill a hole in their artist lineup rather than use the gifts she brought to them.

Couchie, a salad spinner spins the salad. I think to remove the water, or spread the dressing or make it dizzy or something.

heeeeeeeeee whatever it does, it's in the goodwill box since all it managed to do at my house is take up space.

Claygasm - thanks for the Waldo update..

Finally! Thank God. :hubbahubba: I lose sleep thinking that Waldo might not be workin' it.

Although Muski said it better here. And you know Muski..that emoticon was just made for you, wasn't it!!

Penny slots are clearly the work of heaven - how else can you get 135 credit and the machine gives you $1.35 for about 2 hours work!?!?!? And they still give you free drinks!

Bwah... I'm a dollar slot person myself..I love the triple cherry machines. You know when I'm at home I don't even feel the need to play the lotto. But get me in a casino and I'll just give them all my rent money. Ya'll keep an eye on me at Pala, Ok?

Play - thanks for the news about the gala. Glad it had some corporate money.

Yeah, I think it's called "reckless eyeballs" when they're lying like that.

Diva..perfect name. She looked possessed actually!

Happy Easter or Happy Sunday, whichever you prefer.

Looks like I'm being dragged to a movie with my sister's family yet somehow in there I have to prepare the day's meal. But I want to work on FCA cuz I'm so excited to finally be able to help Ansa. And I want to watch Tiger win his 5th green jacket. heee. And I need to watch auction Clay and the final chapters of a certain story. My day looks quite full!!

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Play, thanks for bringing over the bit on Ruben's foundation. Go Ruben!! I always liked him. In fact, until Clay sang BOTW I was torn as to who I wanted to win. I love that the two of them seem to be such close friends still. I wonder if they exchanged ideas about their fundraisers.

I was wondering the same thing. Maybe Ruben gave Clay the idea about auctioning off the dinner with himself (or vica versa)! During AI2, I was torn between Clay and Ruben up until Solitaire. I haven't enjoyed much of Ruben's music since, but he seems like a nice guy. It was great to see that he is using his celebrity for a worthy cause.

Do you realize that the tour begins 3 months from yesterday? At least as its now scheduled. And DALLAS will be one month from today. Not Tulsa. DALLAS!

I am so psyched. Now if only I can get myself to lose some weight and get in shape to chase Clay!

Wheeeeeeeee! It's only 3 months? I can't wait! Tour2.giftour.gif And definitely inspiration for me to get back on my Healthy Eating Plan next week. I've, uh, kind of fallen off the wagon since my trip to Raleigh. Easter isn't helping, either. We had our dinner last night and I had seconds of the rhubarb pie. Received a chocolate bunny this morning. What to do, what to do........

HAPPY EASTER, FCA!!!! :allgood:

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Happy Easter Sunday morning to everyone. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Ansamcw thank you for that Easter gift picture of Clay and Jesse. He is so dreamy. Whoa.

I hope the weather is warming up for those of you experiencing the late cold blast. That would include me. My feet are freezing.

I always felt sorry for Ruben. AI set him up to fail, imo, by giving him a win he didn't have. I knew the backlash was going to hurt him, and it did. Poor guy. If he had of come in second, the public would of accepted him and his talent and I think he would of had bigger success in his career by now. Sometimes, I wonder if the only reason RCA offered Clay a contract, too, was because they knew they would get the backlash and was worried about losing a huge chunk of viewers. AI didn't think Clay was marketable and that is why they didn't let him win. Maybe they just offered him a contract, thinking he would fail, but they could save face and deter the backlash and keep the fans happy. Hoping his fans would give up on him and move on to the next season's winner. DIDN'T HAPPEN did it? I think Ruben has talent enough to have a singing career. I've always wished him well. As I do all the kids on AI. They sell their souls to the devil on that show.

I hope we have final confirmation on Dallas and Tulsa tomorrow after the holiday. I'm pretty sure that the Dallas date is correct and finalized. I think Tulsa is the one who has the date wrong. That's my hope anyway.

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Happy Easter boardmates!

I ca'nt believe I am up. We tied one (maybe ever two or three?? *g*) on at an Irish pub last night for my hubby's birthday... and stayed up waaaay too late, and I woke up waaaay too early! The entertainer is a guy we first saw when our kids were weee little ones and he is a HUMDINGER! He had my hubby and two daughters up on the stage singing the Unicorn Song. Other SIL took video with his Treo and promises to send it to me so i can upload it to YouTube later on today. By the way, his name is Seamus Kennedy - go see him if if comes to any pubs near you - I guarantee you'll have a memorable evening!! (that link will give you a preview of one of my fave songs the "3-minute Hamlet" *G*)

I think I'll take some Alka Selter and go back to bed now......

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Hee what a cute Easter greeting chacha...and it sounds like you had quite the night...yup you need more sleep but thanks for sharing!!!

Oh damn...I got a cold AGAIN!!! yesterday I was a bit blah thats why I wasn't up for too much posting...I thought I just needed some sleep...but woke up with sinus headache this morning, a stuffy nose and sneezing...

blech!!! and I was just getting better from the last cold...I was even thinking of tackling the treadmill today!!!

SIGH...now I just want to crawl back in bed.

but first...I just finished our BAF gala page...and we got our first contributor...Luckiest posted her recap!!! and what a great recap it was...I felt like I was right there!!!

here is the link...

FCA BAF Gala page...

so as I mentioned earlier we are hoping to recruit more contributers to the site...we might have a blog page where we hope we can get a mix of fans posting their insights and opinions.

Well...hope you have a good day...we started the day with Caitlin hunting for all kinds of chocolate easter eggs all over the house...it was sooo precious cos she reacted like she was finding gold with everyone she got...that was a great way to start the day for me...now if only I can get rid of this headache ...sigh.

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Everyone has a more exciting life than me! - I am getting ready to go - need to find a beanie present for some little kids and find a nice Eastery shirt and then I can go. No setting up egg hunts or even cooking for others anymore. Certainly not baking!

Ruben's gala was just on Good Friday, it looked quite nice, I am sure it was set up a while ago - as for the dinner auction - that is done a lot, so maybe no one had to suggest it to any other. I am just glad that Clay feels safe enough to go out and eat with a fan who will most likely not report every detail on the internet. I really never needto knowthe details of Clay's life.

Jesse looks a lot younger in that picture - odd that he looks so different to me than he did this past CHristmas concert series. Maybe most guys are chameleons, I just don't look closely at them.

AI2 - recognized tha RUben had a nice voice - did not like the 205 shirts - thought they were ugly and did understand some promotion of it, but thought it was unfair that he could wear promotional material that would connect him with some voters - i.e. hometown voters. But then thought it would distance him from others. RCA offered Clay a contract because they wanted to make money and Clay had a lot of fans back then and they certainly could see that. Actually, I thought the "insiders" said that Clive wanted Clay to win, but 19 wanted Ruben and Simon C was acting for 19 in his scripted comments. One thing is for sure - they did not want Kim! As far as what happened with the vote, I think that limiting the voting did indeed seem like a wonderful dramatic thing to push the show, so they did not expandthe lines at all - note the close vote in top 3. Top 3 is where I first suspected there was a chance the Clay might not win. I never thought he would disappear, ever, because the cat was out of the bag and if he was not snapped up by 19, someone else would have been out there.

Labels - yes, they are not all equal Big labels have more power to push you than small labels. I look at Josh the most successful idols not on BMG/Sony and he sold 700K of his first album and is considered a great success. He works like a dog and charges $5 to $20 for tickets and does not always sell out. And he is happy. Can you imagine who he could have done with a big label behind him?

Clay and the labels - do you ever think that Clay did not like playing the Pop Boy and wanted to be represented as a man and not be aimed at teens? His look is older and he is looking at other avenues for his talent - while I do not see him as a stand up comic (most male talk show hosts), he is amusing. I would love to see him get a meatier role some day on TV. Who knows, maybe he is evilly influenced by the Fosters to go AC, where the label may have wanted him to go top 40 and sing techno music or rock. The thing that keeps me fascinated by Clay is how undefinable he is. I have stopped trying to explain it to others, they have to just go see.

ETA - nice BAF page - I will contact Fear today and ask her to contribute scans of the program. I am a pain to know, but you all know that already.

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EEEEEEEEE thanks play...that will be totally cool!!! I would love to complete that page with the scans..if she also wants to contribute a recap that will be great!!!

can;t wait till we actually go live on this ...I will miss the old FCA website since that was the first one I designed...but its time to move forward!!!

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AWESOME FCA BA/F page Ansamcw.

I have no plans today myself. Not cooking. Don't have young ones around for egg hunting. I will be cleaning the laundry room, now that my husband has the floor tile replaced after the plumber jack hammered it up to fix the leak. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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Happy Easter, FCA! I bring you some scans of the CFC gala program and extras:


Evening Program

Insert for Live Auction



Jesse Vargas Bio

Diane Bubel Bio

Quiana Parlour Bio

Clay Aiken Bio

If there is something else anyone wants scanned in, please let me know. There are about 25 pages.

ETA: Oops! I didn't realize that playbiller had plans to get the scans for us. I was just bored this morning, because the teenagers are watching Borat, and I can't bring myself to sink so low.....

Edited by luckiest1
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Happy Easter, FCA! I bring you some scans of the CFC gala program and extras:


Evening Program

Insert for Live Auction



Jesse Vargas Bio

Diane Bubel Bio

Quiana Parlour Bio

Clay Aiken Bio

If there is something else anyone wants scanned in, please let me know. There are about 25 pages.

ETA: Oops! I didn't realize that playbiller had plans to get the scans for us. I was just bored this morning, because the teenagers are watching Borat, and I can't bring myself to sink so low.....

YAY...well the more the merrier!!! I guess great minds think alike...I will put this up on the page...and if Fear has some other pages too. Thanks luckiest!!!

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Anyway, Alex is itching to see a movie but there is nothing out there that's not either "R" or ridiculously "G".

Muski -- If you leave right now you can go sit with my family at Bayfair..they went to see Pride. I got out of it...since I have to watch the Mastesr..er I mean cook heee.

ETA: Oh crap..I haven't done that in a year!! Sorry Muski...still love me? (couchie)

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Anyway, Alex is itching to see a movie but there is nothing out there that's not either "R" or ridiculously "G".

Muski -- If you leave right now you can go sit with my family at Bayfair..they went to see Pride. I got out of it...since I have to watch the Mastesr..er I mean cook heee.

Ok, I feel like I am losing my mind.

Is muski now quoting muski and then talking to herself? (In which case she may be the one losing her mind!)

And where did this quote come from? I swear I don't see it??

Am I hallucinating here??? :wacko:

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Sorry Claygasm... sometimes the admin powers are just too much power..I hit edit rather than quote. Sigh.

Anybody know what's up with Heartful House. It says they aren't accepting new members. Is this permanent. I'm updating so need to know whether to keep them on the list.

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So no movie today---heading over to Emeryville, where the girls will go shopping together (They both got some moolah from the parents for great report cards!) while Mom returns some stuff to IKEA. Then perhaps we'll all meet at Borders or go to Oakland to Barnes & Noble or something....

I guess that's a better way to have 'quality' famiy time than watching some semi-porno, fully violent and gore-graphic movie, huh? heh.

Hope Mr. Aiken is chillin' today with family and friends and lovin' life. I hope he still has his beard and he's removed his veneers. I hope he keeps the Gala hair and continues wearing waistcoats. I hope he's gettin' some and givin' it back.

Speaking of which...I was leafing through a Bay Area Guardian, a local free paper with all kinds of cool stuff to gasp and giggle over. In the personal ads, a guy had advertised himself this way:






Since Clay can be any hair color he wants, all he needs to do is change the 'Blue' to 'Green' and that could be him, huh? :hubbahubba:


Off to spend money I don't have. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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muski having a conversation with herself? :cryingwlaughter: I can believe that. You crack me up girl.

Couchie I will PM jerrijan and see if I can find out what is going on with Heartful House. I noticed that last week. I got that message after clicking on my bookmark. I thought what kind of deal is this? She's a friend and I'm shut out. LOL I'll let you know what she says.

Off topic, but what the heck is going on with Tiger Woods today? This isn't his usual game. Hubby's been watching it for the last two days. He's an avid golfer. Of course it isn't like Tiger hasn't won FOUR green jackets already. LOL My stepson is there. He works for a company that does the satellite linkups for TV.

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Okay, since this is the one place I feel fine talking about this, here goes....Are any of you experiencing a change in your feeling towards Clay lately? Are there things about being a fan of Clay that are different? Do you see your involvement, interest, investment in or attachment to him as having changed to a degree that you don't enjoy him or it as much? If so, what do you attribute the difference in your excitement level to?

I ask these questions because of random posts I've been seeing from more than just a couple of people that express a lack of energy or excitement level in their fan status lately....and I wonder if anyone here who feel that would share why...

On another note, the girls and I just got back from a fun Mother/Daughters day...we met at a restaurant after doing our separate stuff and ate and talked and laughed. Then on the ride home Carrie attached her ipod to the radio and started clicking through stuff. She hit upon "Bohemian Rhapsody" and I turned it up. The three of us sang out loud and rocked out together---our heads boppin' and arms flailing and air drums and guitars blazin'!

FUN! FUN! FUN! I hope years from now they'll remember that.

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Back from my Mom's today. We took her to my brother's -- discovered that getting her into my car is easier than getting her into my brother's van, but we really had to squish her wheelchair into the trunk! Hee. She is really doing quite well. While she basically needs the wheelchair to get around, she's standing frquently to help do things like get a coat on, and get get to the bathroom (with a walker) by herself. I'm happy, and she seems to be good.

Clay content? On the way back home, we stopped at a convenience mart for a restroom break. While waiting for my husband, I started looking at the energy drinks available. Guess what the key ingredient is in many of these drinks? Guarana!!! There was actually one called Guarana, but I didn't buy it. However, my husband tried the Mountain Dew High Energy Drink, which has ginsing and guarana. It was a little sweeter than regular Mountain Dew -- and this comes from someone who grew up drinking Mountain Dew!

luckiest1, thank you for the scans of the program!

ETA: muski, good questions. I'll have to think about it for a bit, and get back to you.

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hey interesting question Muski...

Frankly...no change with my feelings for Clay...I think its because I don;t go over board with it...I don't over immerse myself in clack... see things once or twice and I;m okay..I listen to CLay once in awhile or as part of Ipod shuffle so when I hear him its like new again.

I feel like my feelings for him probably matured. He does not have to keep giving me high excitement...but he still always impresses me with his voice and his words and his actions.

The fandom pretty much tired of it...I am really happy that I found you guys and I have a place to vent.

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Yeah, sure thing, I'm tired of this. Yawn....


Seriously, I think real life can tamp down peoples' enthusiasm for all things Clay. Families, jobs, school, other interests and whatnot. I am kind of astonished that he still has my interest at this level after all this time.

Speaking only for myself, certain elements of the fandom can kind of put a lid on my fun at times. And I'm a wee bit cheesed off at how the existing tour schedule is working out, but I'll make due with the Clack. However, I consider them to be minor annyances in the scheme of things... I still lurve the dude more than is probably healthy. HA!

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