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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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His hair is perfect. His beard is perfect.

OMG he is HOT! :hubbahubba:

I cannot stop looking at the picture of him with the ring in his mouth. Wait until muski sees it!

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I am heading to bed with visions of bearded Clay and his tongue and what he knows how to do with it dancing in my head.

'Night all!

**Prays by the time I get up there is lots and lots of clack!**

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Just heard from Fear - she had her phone so deep in her purse, she never heard it ringing.

She said the thing that will make people cry is that Clay left saying - See you in the summer!

People were laughing during the songs becaue he was making faces at some woman in the first row because she was making faces at him - he sounded great but cracked them all up. She was sitting next to Aunt Francis and that woman was rolling off her chair.

She said that Clay was pointing out the people who had cameras to Jerome.

She said the auction was worht the 1000 ticket - a once in a lifetime thing.

Clay anounced the gala brought in nearly 200K if you count the 10K from Six degrees - I think he did not have the numbers completely correct.

Not all vacation packages were offered to the gala participants.

There were lots of things in the silent auction that were not available on line.

She had many pictures of Clay with the rings and she was in the 4th row.

All in all everyone enjoyed themselves. She will call tomorrow to get into details.

ETA - Clay said the rings were made of steel.

Edited by playbiller
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I read somewhere that he actually put his tongue through the ring.


The man is no innocent. He gets it. He gets us. The man is no innocent. He is so fuckin' hot.


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re: the poker player's wife. I remember hearing that she is a really big fan of Clay's and that when her husband won all that money she got him to move them to Raleigh when she heard about Clay moving back home there.


Damn, he looked good in those pictures. Holy shit.

Boy's gettin' some. That's all there is to it. Dayum.

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Went to bed at 2am...but was wide awake at 6:30...I guess I knew that clack was ready!!!

OMG...you guys just gotta run to these audio clips. Clay has never sounded so beautiful. No sign of voice strain at all. He was so powerful and strong...he was also fearless in singing.

The prayer...the only way this could be more perfect is if he sang it solo. But their harmony was just beautiful and just fantastic.One of the best version I have heard. I can also see why Clay is the one who is the star. Quiana has a beautiful voice but not as unique and compelling as Clay's. In the bridge...his voice was so powerful I can see a glimpse of what his voice would be like with a bit of classical training.

UM is the best I've heard from him. he was just soaring

ICMYLM was playful, so not as tear inducing as JBT but the quality of his voice was so beautiful. We are in for a treat this summer. He is just so comfortable on that stage...

How does he keep doing it...he keeps surprising us and impressing us...we should be used to this by now...but it still gets me so excited and verklempt at the same time...

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Hey everyone

I have to post quick as we are getting ready to go to church, and I can't miss my once yearly NC church experience (nothing like we have at home!)

Clay was on fire last night. It was the best $175 I have ever or will ever spend, I think, in my life. I can't even begin to describe it. He had no inhibitions. He did everything, short of stripping, he could, to get us to bid higher. He had no shame. He made all sorts of insinuations. He danced, he rubbed, he wiggled, he tongued, he shreiked, he pouted............you name it, he did it. I got a few very grainy pictures that I may post later but I am pretty sure there will be great clack coming out of this as no one seemed to be stopped from taking video during the auction. Now, the performance was another matter - we were all asked to put our cameras away. I am SO glad that there is audio (I am listening to the Prayer right now) and let me tell you, it was amazing. There is one extremely high note Clay hits (not a power note, an extremely fragile high high note) that almost had me on the floor. I have to disagree with ansa about Quiana's voice in person - it is phenomenal. Of the two, I actually felt that Clay's voice was not as full, but not because it can't be, because he holds back when he's in such a small room. I think he realizes just how powerful it is when he let's it loose. I love the way their voices blend together. I was over the moon with the song selections (although I bet most others weren't). I think UM was reminiscent of the David Foster Gala version, which I absolutely adore.

I will never forget last night. I met so many people - fans, but also Jaymes Foster (had a conversation with her about whether there were Target's in Canada), Diane Bubel, Kristy, Jerome...........OMG just can't even remember them all.

I promise to write more later. I am sure all the key points have already been mentioned on the boards - 8 songs on the skating show in November, Quiana on the summer tour, concert in Oklahoma this summer. His attitude towards LAL was interesting, when he was auctioning it off. He kept saying "I'm never doing anything like this again" in relation to the song, or at least that was the way I was taking it. He said Jaymes made him do it. People were yelling out "sing it, sing it!" and he gave us a look and said "it'd take a lot more money to get me to do that". Heck, it went for $50,000! Not quite sure what to make of that......

But seriously, it was like being in his living room. He was among friends, and I felt included in that assessment, even though I've never met him. He was just so comfortable. I don't even know how to describe it. I really and truly hope there is complete video because if there isn't it will be the biggest loss this fandom has ever had, IMO. Y'all just HAVE to see him in ACTION! :hubbahubba:

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luckiest1 - I love you. I love you enough that my hysterical fit of jealousy only lasted about 19 minutes. My man Clay just seems to bring it, doesn't he?

I don't like Paul McCartney in the beard either.

But oddly enough, I am fantasizing about a freakin' ring. And tongue. Muski type fantasizing. It's goooooood.

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OMG.............I hate when I can't be on when all the fun is happening. Imagine the dreams I could of had last night if I had a chance to see that picture of Clay with the ring in his mouth. thudpile.gif

Glad to know that Cap approved of the hair. That's one thread we won't have to endure today. Bwahaaaa Please tell me that the meet and greet was not offered to everyone attending, but only the most expensive tables? Although I am hoping that luckiest1 & jmh got a close encounter with Clay.

Hee, I just watched the WRAL video. Is he just the man or what? I'm so happy that this is not the hair we got at the gala. 'Cause folks that is not bangs on WRAL that is a part. Me likey the bangs. happy.gif

From CH:

He's wearing the Wango Tango shirt - but says he won't be able to button it! BWAH!!

Swinging it over his head. Said "It's for the children." Kissing the shirt - putting it up to his lips!

:cryingwlaughter: That's our man. He knows how to work his fans. I love him to death when he does stuff like this. Okay, tell me. Did he touch any auction items to his crotch? Because if he did, I will take a 2nd mortage on my house and buy it.

At what point can we say he is prostituting himself for the chillun'

I definitely vote for this to be a thread title.


I guess he's getting it finally!

YSRN, I think he got it a long time ago.

I'll miss those rings on those long, lean fingers......

Me too.....

Thank god for Jerome heee


CLAY IS COMING TO OKLAHOMA? OMG Did you see this LovesClaysVoice? I hope it is going to be Tulsa or Oklahoma City.............Yippee I'm on cloud nine.................. Couchie, Clay was in OKC for the AI2 tour. He was at the Ford Center. It was a glorious concert I was there.

Yep, Foster's gonna make him a rocker.

Stop it... Bwahahah! My stomach hurts.

That was v. v. pretty!!

I only know the Anthony Callea and Celine/Groban version. Check out YouTube.

What is this now?

:cryingwlaughter: It's killing me too. I was one of those who always said to be careful what you ask for. If Clay goes with David Foster you will not be getting Rocker Clay, but ballad Clay instead. I have the Josh Gobin cd with his version of this song on it. It is beautiful. I also am a fan of Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli's version.

Some are already observing he didn't sing any songs from ATDW.......


I agree with Ansamcw that Clay is singing songs that he is already comfortable with and that lend themselves to being sung with just a piano. Besides he did sing a song from ATDW. BYLM. I expect more songs than just the one we know of already to be sung on tour.

Ok, then.... my mind is wanderin' a bit...


He is my cornucopia of fantasy fodder. doclay.gifthudpile.gif

What a great success for Clay and his charity. I am so thrilled for him. Absoluteluy thrilled. What a deserving young man. Glad I'm here for the ride. LAA was a highlight. I have also heard about this lady and her husband being fans. Thank God for them and their money. Thanks to everyone who brought over clack, and to all those who helped to get it.

OMG Luckiest1 thanks for that recap. You just don't know how happy I am that you had a chance to go, and had a great time. I am definitely considering attending the next one. Can't wait to hear what else you have to say. Waiting on jmh123 too.

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Oh don't get me wrong...I do think that Quiana is a wonderful singer and that she certainly has the power, the technique and tone to sing at par with Clay. I just think that her voice lacks distinction. I think following AI this year where they had 5 singers than sang in Quiana's style...I realized that she would've gotten overlooked in that group.

I think the reason why I would like to hear a solo version of this song is that Clay can sing this in the key most comfortable with him. In this duet I do believe the key they chose accomodated Quiana more than Clay. I would've like to hear how he would sing the verses in a more tender style which would be easier if he was singing this solo. However...the harmonization was also very special and makes this an outstanding version that I certainly would listen to again and again.

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Okay, I guess you had to be there. I just finished listening to the songs on Pax's site. I have never been a Quianna fan. I think she always over powers Clay. I agree with Ansamcw. I think the ladies on this year's AI are much better singers than Quianna is. She is a friend of Clay's and I will try to respect that, but I really don't think she is an equal to his singing. Do I have to like her singing because he does? Can I still be a Clay fan? I will agree, luckiest1, that she did a better job on this song than Clay did though. Although, bout 3 minutes into the song he started to get into it.

The best version of Unchained melody, IMHO, is Clay's version he did on AI2. For me, it was the right tempo for this song. I am not a fan of the way Clay, sometimes, likes to oversing? over dramatize? and slow down songs. What did the guy say at the beginning of this song and people laughed? Why would someone interrupt Unchained melody? Grrrr

I love Clay and was thrilled to hear him sing. He looked good. No, he looked AWESOME.............

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I don't have a lot of time to search this morning, but I think this is a version of the Paul McCartney picture that is reminiscent of Clay's current look...


bottle - YES! YES! YES! (I'll have what she's having....)

THANK YOU for finding that picture of Paul (my first LOVE!)

Ever since I heard of Clay with the beard that is who I've been thinking of.

I went to bed before all the lovely pictures came out, partly due to having had an entire bottle of wine...

but that's neither here nor there... wink wink...

I managed to make these screencaps into a couple of

LOVELY WALLPAPERS before going to bed....



one is 1024x768 and the other is 1440x900

Today I hope to do some more playing around with Clay!

PS - Hoping this avatar switch worked! Can anyone update this with Clay's new look?

These images seem to be working... could the "Guided Mode" button have something to do with it? It was "Off" and now it's "Enabled"!!

Edited by cha cha trusty
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Quiana has a gorgeous voice to me. I can't compare her to the ladies on AI since i'm not watching but I have heard her sing so many times in concert and she's always perfection, definitely up to the challenge of singing with Clay and definitely robbed from her AI2 season that was full of great singers also. I stil maintain it was her look that did her in rather than her singing. She looked like a kid and they already had her type. I wonder if they did AI the same way they do it now back then if it would have made a difference. It would have allowed America the chance to see her and I think that would have made a big difference for her.. I guess it's the live singing...all her individual clack from her shows that I've heard, her little EP.... the girl can sang. I also think Clay is too much of a perfectionist to keep her so long due to friendship...I do think out of all the ladies he's sung with - she's the best. It's probably harder in a one shot deal too than on tour were really get comfy.

Off to listen to clack.

And if there was any video clack obtained of last night..a big fat thank you and I will be waiting patiently. People must have nerves of steel. I'd be too worried about getting thrown out after paying all that money...and not just that but missing the show because of it. I always understand why Clay cracks down but storry Clay love it even more when you are ignored..just on this one thing heee.

Cha Cha TRusty - it is working

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His attitude towards LAL was interesting, when he was auctioning it off. He kept saying "I'm never doing anything like this again" in relation to the song, or at least that was the way I was taking it. He said Jaymes made him do it. People were yelling out "sing it, sing it!" and he gave us a look and said "it'd take a lot more money to get me to do that". Heck, it went for $50,000! Not quite sure what to make of that......

luckiest1 - great recap! I am jealous as can be of you!! Happy for you too. But this part has me thinking we won't get to hear him sing LAA on tour and that makes me sad. It also makes me think that the only reason we got to hear it at all was Jaymes. I think she convinced him it had to be released and it wouldn't surprise me if Clive/RCA wanted it on the regular album and Clay didn't - hence the bonus track after much arm twisting. My theory has always been that it is so intensely personal to him as it exposes a part of him he doesn't normally expose that he's uncomfortable with people hearing it - almost as if he's allowing people to read his journal. Or maybe its just he's not comfortable with his songwriting abilities. I think that may have been part of it in the beginning but at this point I don't think so.

It makes me sad we may never hear it live.

Now I could be interpreting it all wrong. He may have been joking about never writing again and Jaymes making him do it. He has to know how his fans feel about that song to know how much those handwritten lyrics would be coveted. And he may have been joking about needing a lot of money to sing it.

Then again, he used to joke that way about TOUCH......

Paul McCartney - nah! I don't think Clay looks like him at all. Clay is MUCH better looking (never could stand Paul. It was always George for me!).

Off to look for tongue clack!

ETA: Just saw the CH banner! OMG! Clay with Sanjaya's faux hawk!!! Let's just hope it doesn't give jamie any ideas!!

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So for April fools the Clayboard closed down? The day after the gala and the 6 degrees thing - Really funny, I have other places to go, but I think that joke is going to backfire on them.

Well, I got to get the dog out before the rain, be back soon.

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