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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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I'm a gutter mouth.

OK? Do you feel cleansed confesisng your sins?? :medium-smiley-070:

So...... Looks like Clay will be in Syracuse on July 18th - the day after Philadelphia. Only, like Tampa, the OFC doesn't seem to know about yet!

Here's the link to the venue listing.

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Hee...that is certainly interesting Couchie...I read that on another major board and was just going to quote it to share with y'all...but I find that strangely...it has disappeared....without any explanation the post that had the same quote just pooofed.

oh well...it seems to me that in this instance this People article didn't come about because of some new publicist...but the result of the much maligned press release...I find that totally ironic...and amusing...

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Whoa...if that's true about Syracuse, that means he has a concert 5 nights in a row! Has he ever done that?

ETA: Well, that didn't take long. Didn't I say that the media would take that People online interview and spin it to sensationalize the AI drug angle? HA!


And here's the article since I'd just as soon not give this site hits...

Clay Aiken calls 'American Idol' "a drug," planning to return to studio

By Christopher Rocchio, 04/03/2007

Clay Aiken is trying to kick the American Idol habit.


"I feel like Idol is a drug of some kind," Aiken told People magazine in an interview published Tuesday. "Like you think you can't live without it until you finally do, and then you realize, 'You know what? Life is fine without this show. I'm gonna be okay.' Not that I've done drugs!"

Kicking the habit can be tough, especially when you've been riding the Idol high for as many years as Aiken.

"[idol 6] is the first year I haven't watched it... Not one time. And I've done it on purpose. just don't want to. Too much stress for me. I don't know, I just always get stressed out when I watch it," Aiken told People, explaining that once he gets a taste for it he simply craves more. "I realized if I watched the first [episode], I'd probably not sleep until the next week and I watched the second one. And I just like not having that chain in my life that I'm tied down to watching it every week."

Since he was the runner-up on Idol's second season, Aiken has been busy with his music career, so it's a bit surprising he's had any time to watch previous seasons of the Fox mega-hit that made him a household name. He's released three albums with the most recent, "A Thousand Different Ways," being released last September. Howevver ten of his most recent album's 14 tracks were cover songs, making Aiken eager to return to the studio following a tour this summer.

"We're actually looking into making another album pretty soon," he told People. "This time we're going to do something more creative. And so I'm excited about that, 'cause I'm looking forward to having a little more free reign than I've had in the past. Each time I've done an album, I've had a little more creative control over what happens."

In addition to the millions of Americans who voted for him during his time on Idol in the spring of 2003, Aiken attributed his success to God and aims to give back through various philanthropic efforts. He was recently at the Champions of Change gala held in his hometown of Raleigh, NC to benefit his Bubel/Aiken Foundation for children with disabilities.

"Find something that you are passionate about that gives back to your community," Aiken told People. "I think there's a misconception that really upsets me when people say, 'If you're in the public eye you have an obligation to let me know when you're getting married, who you're getting married to and who you're dating.' That's bull. But you do have an obligation to be a role model. From the beginning, I realize I got this only because God wanted me to be here. I think anybody who has any microphone to use who doesn't use it for the benefit of those around him is remiss."

Edited by muskifest
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I'm tired. It's been a long but good day. I actually pulled off my summit, with very little problems. Forgot one piece that was mentioned briefly to me several months ago -- and never follow up on. One projector that decided to give everyone a seasick tour of the web (wavy screen). Other than that -- it was good.

I'm just posting to say THANK YOU to luckiest1 for her awesome recap. I'm jellus too, but also extremely happy for you and your family and friends. What a magical night.

OK, I'm off for some dinner. Need sustinance.

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Oh I;m really not surprised about that article Muski...I knew the reason why they started the whole article with stuff about Idol is to make it more relevant and attractive to other media outlet.

I actually like the way they did that. It still had all the major points and really didn't change the tone of the original article.

Oh I haven't commented on the article itself...it really is pretty cool cos it has something for everyone...The Idol comments are so Clay. He can't just say that he is not watching this season...he had to make it all colorful and liken it to a drug...hee.

Do you have a new album in the works?

We are going to be going out on tour this summer. And we're actually looking into making another album pretty soon. This time we're going to do something more creative. And so I'm excited about that, 'cause I'm looking forward to having a little more free reign than I've had in the past. Each time I've done an album, I've had a little more creative control over what happens.

This is very interesting for me. I know the poddies are going to be celebrating the news about the new album and saying that they were right...but really, I thought it rather contradicts a lot of poddy contention. Isn't it their claim that Clay is already recording this...and that it will be out the middle of the year? It sounds to me like Clay is more focused on the tour and that he may be going to the studio after that. I do think he is probably in the song search stage. It just makes perfect sense for Clay to start focusing on the next project...this is his job afterall...to make music. The bolded part is also a great answer to me and indicates what we all have been saying. That although the covers concept was Clive's...Clay was given some leeway to make the album something that reflects him...

I am totally psyched by the idea that the project will be more creative. Either that means he willl be creating more of the original music or it will be another theme CD that is not what would usually be expected from an artist. whatever it is I am totally excited. I do hope we hear some of the songs being considered on the concert.

What would you recommend to Idol contestants about making the most of their fame?

I think that where I am today is a direct result of God's plan to put me in each place in my life. Find something that you are passionate about that gives back to your community. I think there's a misconception that really upsets me when people say, "If you're in the public eye you have an obligation to let me know when you're gettin' married, who you're gettin' married to and who you're dating." That's bull. But you do have an obligation to be a role model. From the beginning, I realize I got this only because God wanted me to be here. I think anybody who has any microphone to use who doesn't use it for the benefit of those around him is remiss.

I agree with Muski...this is soooo Clay, from his stance of keeping his private life away from the public...to the idea that celebrities ought to give back to the community ...at the very least be a role model. I don't see any contradiction in this paragraph...cos being a role model does not mean you have your life as an open book and just because you may not want to use your private life as tabloid fodder...does not mean you have something to hide.

Luckiest...thanks for the great recap...love all the details you shared...

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:bravo: To your recap luckiest1. I loved living the experience through your eyes. Next year, I think I'm going to be there. I enjoyed every single minute of watching the clack. Clay is a lethal weapon sporting this hawt new look. Thank you for taking the time to write and share your recap. If you have any pics you want to share, I'm dieing to see them. *g* It looks like your table was made up of a fairly good group, with a couple of exceptions, IMO. *g* Anyway, I'm thrilled you had a good time.

Apologies to the admins for anything inappropriate I may have posted as a new member. I'm sure you can understand, for some of us OFC regular posters, our need to vent against certain people and their agendas. So naturally, when we discovered a board that allows free speech, we felt like kids in a candy store and wanted to call people out by names. They really do deserve to be publicly flogged for what they have done to the OFC and the moral of the fans. Outed so they can't make minions and believers of new unsuspecting fans. However, I can understand what you are saying and will try to remember that discussion is allowed in a general way as long as we don't refer to people by names. Am I correct in that interpretation? I'm about ready to move on from them anyway. They truly don't deserve another moment of anyone's precious Clay time.

Now for the People article. I am thrilled to see that Clay is distancing himself, finally, from AI. I Pm'ed with lightmyfire about my thoughts on it. I don't want to post them until she responds, lest I look like an idiot. It seems clear to me that Clay's next cd is going to be with RCA. I see no evidence to the contrary.

Idy, congrats on your summit. I am so tired myself. Dieting is taking its toll on me.

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Apologies to the admins for anything inappropriate I may have posted as a new member. I'm sure you can understand, for some of us OFC regular posters, our need to vent against certain people and their agendas. So naturally, when we discovered a board that allows free speech, we felt like kids in a candy store and wanted to call people out by names. They really do deserve to be publicly flogged for what they have done to the OFC and the moral of the fans. Outed so they can't make minions and believers of new unsuspecting fans. However, I can understand what you are saying and will try to remember that discussion is allowed in a general way as long as we don't refer to people by names. Am I correct in that interpretation? I'm about ready to move on from them anyway. They truly don't deserve another moment of anyone's precious Clay time.

There really is no need to apologize because we didn;t really have any set policy about things yet. We were playing it by ear because although we knew there is a need for a place to vent, we really didn't know how it was going to go. I guess we just wanted to set some limit now so we avoid really wallowing in these negatives. the bolded part is correct. I think it will be healtier and easier to let go if we talk in generalities and we really don;t want to give any of these characters anymore attention than they deserve.

Now for the People article. I am thrilled to see that Clay is distancing himself, finally, from AI. I Pm'ed with lightmyfire about my thoughts on it. I don't want to post them until she responds, lest I look like an idiot. It seems clear to me that Clay's next cd is going to be with RCA. I see no evidence to the contrary.

oh I am very intrigued about your thoughts...hope you do post them...

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ETA: interesting, Couchie, that media have contacted you as well.

Oh you should see the type of emails I get. All kids of stuff. I want Clay to perform at such and such - everything from the local proms, church events to government events. Lots of sob stories and of course ending with their desire to meet Clay. Lots of how do I write to Clay. I usually just forward them to either Roger or the SAM people. Actually I lost all those phone numbers when my computer crashed. I pass on his fan mail address. I ignore the crazy. I should be on the damn payroll. heee.

Then I get the media requests...two in the last couple of months. We're doing a story on Clay..we'd like to talk to you or can you recommend someone. Ansa I think you got the last one. Who was that? I've been a bit angry since the last few so called Clay fan stories so I calmly explain the results of most fan clay stories due to preconceived notions. I actually wish I could recommend a couple of go-to people but hell I don't know who to recommend. So many people talking mandate, and Clay hates his album.. making him look like a sad sack..I have no clue who to recommend anymore.

I also get the you can make money being a Clay fan stuff. The latest was a ticket broker. She called my house!! I politely let her know that there was no way I could link to a ticket broker on my site even though this one supposedly only kicked in when shows sold out. But the fact remains there are alredy ticket brokers selling Clay tickets for shows that haven't even gone on sale yet.

oh well...it seems to me that in this instance this People article didn't come about because of some new publicist...but the result of the much maligned press release...I find that totally ironic...and amusing...

oh SNAP! I didn't even put two and two together...so busy trying to run back to work. This is the person who wrote that press release that we discussed last week. Well we said the ultimate test of how good a press release is was the result. And fuckin' bingo.... because having all that information in the press release got People interested in doing an article.

All of this talk about about publicists..let me bring up my "profession" for a minute...profession in quotes cuz I just have a degree in it but haven't worked in the field. LOL. I throw my non qualifications right out front. What I loved about the press release and I think the "experts" hated was that it was all over the place. Talked about too much. I don't think it was really all over the place..it was organized but just had a lot of information. Now, what if the gala hadn't been mentioned as many people thought shouldn't have been. Would there even be a People article?

But it was this press release that got People interested. They were able to take the whole Kevin Bacon thing - and put Charity and Clay together. But what happened from there seems to be kismit. The reporter they got to do the actual story (and this is where my profession comes in) showed a basic curiosity. She allowed that curiosity to take her places that weren't already pre established. She contacted this eddie person who provided her with GREAT, POSITIVE information on Clay and his charity work. She gave her links to TBAF and UNICEF. They had no idea that Clay was an Ambassador. And really, it is a really well kept secret. But this reporter did her homework Good reporters aren't just people who are too stupid to understand PR. She did her job the right way.

This all worked really well to give Clay some well deserved publicity. Kudos to the press release. Of course we may get more good press or some fall out of the whole thing so the complete result isn't known just yet.

Your post and emoticon is oddly similar to your avie action, honey. :TourExcite:

OH LOL...it's true

Oh I;m really not surprised about that article Muski...I knew the reason why they started the whole article with stuff about Idol is to make it more relevant and attractive to other media outlet.

I actually like the way they did that. It still had all the major points and really didn't change the tone of the original article.

I agree. I didn't find the article bad at all.

They really do deserve to be publicly flogged for what they have done to the OFC and the moral of the fans..

LOL..yep I so agree. 6 monthe of hell I do agree and moreso for people that have dived in. I ran to my corner and have had a pretty wonderful last 6 months. In many ways I took the chicken's way out but I really had too many things on my plate, serious important things but in the long run, it saved my fandom.

Curious on your thoughts about distancing himself from AI. Remember this isn't the first time he tried to do that...and it kinda backfired on him last time because he got a little bit of the who does he think he is stuff...but he was never overt about it and he always stayed involved so he never got the Kelly criticism.

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I really thought what he was trying to do with his answer was to avoid answering the awkward questions about Sanjaya or who he thinks will win rather than just distancing himself from the show.

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But Clay never seemed like he felt comfortable in a recording studio...I hope that is no longer the case with all the recording he did last year.

I am not sure that this is so, I mean, he recorded two albums by age 22, didn't he? It's true that his mom bought him recording time for a birthday present, but I have never gotten the impression that he was uncomfortable in a recording studio.

Just wondering what gave you that impression.


too tired to comment on the rest of what happened today, except for whoever this Eddie person is,


can't wait for the People print version - and dang - my subscription has run out!


OT: my boss/BIL who was sick yesterday, ended up spending the night int he hospital with a bleeding ulcer! They released him today after getting the bleeding stopped, so I think he's going to be OK. Scary shit!


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I thought he actually said he didn't like the recording process..the one line at a time thing. Maybe I conjured that up. heee. That has been known to happen. Anyway, hell just listening to ATDW I can tell the place is his second home now.

Ooh that is some scarey stuff. I hope he recovers nicely.

I went to a class on cholestoral tonight... Sigh. I already know all of this stuff. While my mom's away visiting my brother I'm rearranging our entire kitchen. First of all she's a pack rat but really how many ice buckets does one need. How many cups. If the container has no top..out it goes. GoodWill got some nice gifts from me already as did the trash can. Once I'm done I will stock the kitchen with nice healthy stuff. Hopefully I can get this all done before she's back on Saturday. Yeah, I'm that slow. Baseball has begun!!

Muski... of course exercise was also emphasized. I got brownie points for raising my hand and telling the class how important it was to have support... a partner. You can't get out of it now. LOL.

Hey Roseviolet...I noticed that too.

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Couchie, I agree that it's mostly haters that go after Clay for the role model stuff, but over the years there have also been more than a few fans who have been very critical of Clay for making role model statements. Probably some of the ones that are still lobbying for "rock star" Clay, because you usually don't automatically associate rock star/role model. I like that he is who he is, and seems to be reclaiming his life.

It has been my observation, whether it is a hater or a fan, that many who most object to Clay expressing a strong opinion and berate him for being "judgemental" are often times the very same people who are the most critical and judgemental of Clay and/or other fans. Interesting, no?

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I have one last comment on the Clay article on People.com yesterday. It was posted in the American Idol '07 section of the website, so it's only logical that the article would lead with the AI comments. It was a good hook, and it got plenty of other, more relevant information out there. People seems to have been pretty good to Clay this go round, so I hope they continue to maintain a congenial relationship.

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I thought he actually said he didn't like the recording process..the one line at a time thing. Maybe I conjured that up. heee. That has been known to happen. Anyway, hell just listening to ATDW I can tell the place is his second home now.

Yup I remember him saying that but that was during the MOAM interviews. I suspect he is more comfortable with it after MCWL, ATDW and AIW.

chacha I think the difference with his demos...is the way they recorded. I suspect this is one of those deals where Clay paid for the minus one tracks of these songs...and he probably just recorded this one all the way through...not much production went on...I suspect they just did more than one take if it was needed. But from what I understand...in recording right now you rarely sing the song through...its usually sang in parts and layered and lots of the parts are missing and simply put together by the mixers and producers so I think that would be a new experience for him during the MOAM recording.

I do think Clay is better live cos he thrives on the energy of his audience...the give and take of fellow musicians. I really feel bad that in his duet Clay and suzie didn't sing it together. You can really tell on the recording that they didn't have much connection.

Couchie, I agree that it's mostly haters that go after Clay for the role model stuff, but over the years there have also been more than a few fans who have been very critical of Clay for making role model statements. Probably some of the ones that are still lobbying for "rock star" Clay, because you usually don't automatically associate rock star/role model. I like that he is who he is, and seems to be reclaiming his life.

It has been my observation, whether it is a hater or a fan, that many who most object to Clay expressing a strong opinion and berate him for being "judgemental" are often times the very same people who are the most critical and judgemental of Clay and/or other fans. Interesting, no?

OMG this is soooo true!!!! that is why it drives me crazy when these fans start jumping on Clay for having an opinion. These are fans that never seem to care about him and just care about what HE gives them. Never try to consider the situation from his POV...jump at every chance to procalim that Clay is only using the fans or is not giving the value for their time and dollars or demand that he sing and act the way they want him to...and then they go ahead crucify him for being opinionated. BUT...BUT...they can also be the first to cry fan police when this hypocrisy is pointed out to them. They hate it when people react negatively to their opinions...like people are not supposed to defend Clay...Well if they want their criticism to simply be applauded they could post on haters boards.

It's been awhile since we had a chat or a listening party... any ideas on topics?

yup...I think we need this...we need some fun...Any ideas??? we still haven't done a MOAM listenign party or demo listening party....

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Getting ready to get ready for work, but I just wanted to make a drive by quickie post and ask.

Do marketing radars come with an off switch? All that "pinging" is driving most people bonkers? :angry22:

It makes me have the same reaction I have when the alarm clock won't STFU.............I just want to pick it up and throw it across the room.

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Opinions - I have a ton of them and morethan a few are very different from Clay - but then he is tactful and I hit people over the ehad with a hammer with mine. I don't disagree with him on the role model thing - it would be a great thingto keep a lot of celebrities grounded if they could see it is not all about them them them (and their dope). However selfishness reigns and you have to accept it.

My disagreement with Clay is on the reason behind it, I think we are in control of our lives and god does not put us somewhere, we put us somewhere or dumb luck puts us somewhere - but you know what? That's OK, we just have different opinions.

I think the recording process for Clay was a great shock - Ruben was already recording with someone, Kelly had recorded before, different people had experience and he went in as mister small town teacher boy who thought you actually sang a song, which was the way they did it in his parents day. I think his EP title shows he is more comortable now and I bet a bunch of his singing all at once still makes the record, with inserted certain different notes.

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Clayzorback, I think marketing (or any other kind) of radar is just the same as "gaydar" - you use it to reinforce a personal opinion and/or hope - when you have absolutely no evidence to go on, but want to seem in the know or are going for effect.

It is easily ignored or discounted as just personal opinion, except when it makes it to the tabloids or a jury. Then it reeks.

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Are y'all ready for a post of massive proportions? In other words, are your scrolling fingers ready? *g* I just couldn't post yesterday, and then was too tired to really care. But this morning -- relaxed, refreshed, and fairly alert. OK, so I probably could use another cup of coffee..

CG, congrats on the good tickets for Orlando. I hope for your sake it is the last show of this tour. Someday, I'll have the chance for that myself, I hope. Clay (and crew) always do something that is pretty darn cute/good/schmoopie during those last shows.

Oh I agree with you and Atinal...I'll always think it's the coolness factor. Clay is seen as uncool and even though everybody and their mama talk about similar things as Clay for some reason he isn't allowed to. Or the worst possible interpretation is put on his words. When Prince says he wants to put on a family show he is praised to the heavens. WHen it's Clay, it's some sort of weakness, or goody two shows, or small town. Odd.

Bolding mine. This is one of those double standards within the fandom that drives me nuts -- I think because it hits close to home for me. I was raised on a farm -- the nearest "big" city was 30 miles away, and even then, its population was just over 40,000 people. *waves to atinal* When people start saying things about Clay being "small town" it makes me want to scream, because it certainly sounds as if it is an insult. WHY? Just because the way I grew up is different doesn't make it any worse than someone who grew up in a big city. (BTW, I think Raleigh is HUGE city...*g*) It just makes are morals and standards DIFFERENT. Sure, there's probably some "judgemental" when Clay talks about the way he tries to live his life -- but I see just as much "judgemental" when people deride him for talking about that too (as roseviolet so rightly said).

Yeay, ldyjocelyn, for a successful summit! I'll be tackling a conference in a week or so, myself. Any Albuquerque people out there?

One of the things that struck me again yesterday is that I'm pretty darn good at planning meetings and such like this. (I have the same reaction after my wedding -- damn, I'm good. *g*). Maybe muski and I should start our own meeting planning service for Clay fans?

oh well...it seems to me that in this instance this People article didn't come about because of some new publicist...but the result of the much maligned press release...I find that totally ironic...and amusing...

oh SNAP! I didn't even put two and two together...so busy trying to run back to work. This is the person who wrote that press release that we discussed last week. Well we said the ultimate test of how good a press release is was the result. And fuckin' bingo.... because having all that information in the press release got People interested in doing an article.

All of this talk about about publicists..let me bring up my "profession" for a minute...profession in quotes cuz I just have a degree in it but haven't worked in the field. LOL. I throw my non qualifications right out front. What I loved about the press release and I think the "experts" hated was that it was all over the place. Talked about too much. I don't think it was really all over the place..it was organized but just had a lot of information. Now, what if the gala hadn't been mentioned as many people thought shouldn't have been. Would there even be a People article?

But it was this press release that got People interested. They were able to take the whole Kevin Bacon thing - and put Charity and Clay together. But what happened from there seems to be kismit. The reporter they got to do the actual story (and this is where my profession comes in) showed a basic curiosity. She allowed that curiosity to take her places that weren't already pre established. She contacted this eddie person who provided her with GREAT, POSITIVE information on Clay and his charity work. She gave her links to TBAF and UNICEF. They had no idea that Clay was an Ambassador. And really, it is a really well kept secret. But this reporter did her homework Good reporters aren't just people who are too stupid to understand PR. She did her job the right way.

This all worked really well to give Clay some well deserved publicity. Kudos to the press release. Of course we may get more good press or some fall out of the whole thing so the complete result isn't known just yet.

I tried to snip something out of this, but I couldn't. First of all, I was so busy with other things that I didn't put two and two together on this one either. But, in the end, it WORKED. It go Clay's name out there, to a major publication, and emphasized things that either people are always curious about with Clay (the AI connection) or things that certain fans think should be better publicized (the new album in the works, his charity work). I'm pleased as punch at how this article came about, and how well it turned out.

BTW, I just went to the article on the People page again, and they've changed the picture to one during his M&J appearance.

They really do deserve to be publicly flogged for what they have done to the OFC and the moral of the fans..

LOL..yep I so agree. 6 monthe of hell I do agree and moreso for people that have dived in. I ran to my corner and have had a pretty wonderful last 6 months. In many ways I took the chicken's way out but I really had too many things on my plate, serious important things but in the long run, it saved my fandom.

Mine too. And yes, I've felt like I was "running away" rather than trying to continue to fight and be one of the few sane voices in the fandom (if I do say so myself). But after a while, there was only so many more times that I could pound my head against the wall, and I finally just had to give up for my sanity's sake.

Curious on your thoughts about distancing himself from AI. Remember this isn't the first time he tried to do that...and it kinda backfired on him last time because he got a little bit of the who does he think he is stuff...but he was never overt about it and he always stayed involved so he never got the Kelly criticism.

I think what's interesting about this whole take on his feelings on AI is that it IS considered newsworthy in the first place. He's almost always been the "go-to" person regarding AI, ahead of most of the winners. Well, the media isn't going to ask Taylor -- he's already dissed the show in public several times. Carrie and Kelly? IMO, too successful to be asked about the show anymore. Ruben and Fantasia? Not as successful. Clay seems to be "just right" -- successful without being snotty about it (since he didn't win and such).

I really thought what he was trying to do with his answer was to avoid answering the awkward questions about Sanjaya or who he thinks will win rather than just distancing himself from the show.

That actually was my take on it too, although he may be hearing enough about the show this year to know that he's just not interested in watching it.

cha cha trusty, hope your boss/BIL feels better soon!

It's been awhile since we had a chat or a listening party... any ideas on topics?

I'm still up for trying a MOAM listening party, if I can find a good time, and if I can decide how to divide the album in half, or if we should do it all in an evening.

Getting ready to get ready for work, but I just wanted to make a drive by quickie post and ask.

Do marketing radars come with an off switch? All that "pinging" is driving most people bonkers? :angry22:

It makes me have the same reaction I have when the alarm clock won't STFU.............I just want to pick it up and throw it across the room.

Glad to know I'm not alone on this. The fandom for a few people is their job, I think -- and they can't let their hearts run with the good feelings about Clay without their "brains" getting in the way. There's gotta be a mix of the two, IMO -- and sometimes I just want to enjoy Clay.

All done now. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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Morning all. Its pouring rain here and my eyes insist on only being half open!

I am so not a morning person......

Curious on your thoughts about distancing himself from AI. Remember this isn't the first time he tried to do that...and it kinda backfired on him last time because he got a little bit of the who does he think he is stuff...but he was never overt about it and he always stayed involved so he never got the Kelly criticism.

Maybe its those half open eyes of mine, but I didn't read what he said as distancing himself from AI - not in the way Kelly did. All he was talking about was not watching the TV show. I thought he was actually complimenting the show by saying how addictive it was. That to me is not the same as distancing himself from his involvement with AI. He didn't say something like he doesn't watch it anymore because he has moved beyond AI in his career and has no place for it. All he said is for the very first time he is not watching the show because it becomes so addictive it leaves little time for the other things in his life. I see no distancing there and I still think if he were asked he would go on AI. They announced last night that Kelly would be performing on the "Idol Gives Back" program. IMO there is no doubt if Clay were asked and he could fit it into his schedule he would too. I think he would perform anytime if he were asked. (Can you imagine if he were on AI looking like he did at the Gala!! That would wake a few people up!) He just decided that this year he wouldn't watch the show. I honestly do not think it means anymore than that.

I think AI is sort of like high school to him. The first few years you're out you try and stay connected by keeping tabs on what's going on there, but after awhile you just stop doing that. Doesn't mean you won't turn up at the reunion, though.

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YOu know I can sorta understand that people enjoy their fandoms in different ways. I know that the first concert I went to I had my camera and yet found it so distracted me I put it down after the first song never to pick one up again. Some people enjoy the experience much more living through the eye of the camera. And there are so many other examples. I do find it oppresive that everytiing these days is put throught eyes of marketing especially when it seems like a textbook exercise. Every time I read what someone woud do my first thought wuold be, but how would you do that as you have zero connections and in this business it's your bread and butter. Plus, sorry but this business is soooooooooooooooo different from anything else. So I read some things but after awhile my eyes glaze over. I felt the same way about the long missives regarding the recording industry and why CLay would do this or that. There was much more of that in 2005 and none of that panned out. Some of it was interesting but again, textbook, with no human element coming in to play. But whatever, I'm sure when I used to be a postho about whatever I used to be a postho about and I was a postho - people got sick of me too. LOL.

ETA: I am amused though that a person deemed not to know what they are doing has had multiple success seemingly, with Clay and her other charities. I thought the MoaM album release parties were also a great example of fan generated success. So many more local stories the first time around - a product of his hotness at that time, but just a lot of excited people who didn't know what they were doing that just struck a chord. I hope all that good press is saved and archived somewhere.

When I think about the gnats I know there are a lot of angry people about how that was handled. I just can't be because there is a human being in the middle of it all. Clay. He had a tough road to hoe, and I feel it will always be lumpy because of the concerted effort/hatemongers and the fandom reaction always in this tug of war so a light will be shined on it. IT's really easy to say..well they should have done this or that when the collective we couldn't really do our part by not reacting, not engaging. We did some positive things with the blogs after awhile yet the face to face combat continued. Maybe some of it worked..I don't really know anything about that one guy's site that use to engage the crazies. I believe and who knows if it is true that if Clay had taken the road of responding to everything he would have to issue a weekly press release for the rest of his life. You can try to throw out the good press -- but Clay had done plenty of good things during that year and stories were out there just not picked up. Who cares about UNICEF when there is smut to publish. He definitely went through the fire.

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I was reading around and found myself amused by some of the comments about the "new album" mention in the People article.

Many are saying the "we" Clay referred to meant Clay and his new label, since he said he would have more creative control over it and we all know Clive would give him no creative control whatsoever. Oh, and the creative part means he will be writing most of the songs.

Many are expecting it to be out this year, stating that since ATDW was such a flop its necessary to get it out fast. Because of that, they are expecting we won't be hearing many songs from ATDW on the t our, but we will be hearing mostly songs from the new album.

Let's review:

Do you have a new album in the works?

We are going to be going out on tour this summer. And we're actually looking into making another album pretty soon. This time we're going to do something more creative. And so I'm excited about that, 'cause I'm looking forward to having a little more free reign than I've had in the past. Each time I've done an album, I've had a little more creative control over what happens.

I bolded parts I think are important.

First the "we" part meaning a new label. Huh??? I have a feeling the "we" he referred to was him and Jaymes, but its hard to tell since Clay uses "we" so often. What seem abundantly clear to me is this new album will be made with RCA. He is already looking into making another album and he's still prominently displayed on the RCA website and logo. Seems obvious to me he is still with RCA. As to the "more creative control" being another indicator he is no longer with RCA - um, he said with each album he has gained a little more creative control. That means he has had more creative control with each album he has made for RCA. He didn't say he was looking forward to having a little more free reign because in the past RCA has completely tethered him and not allowed him any creative input whatsoever. In the interviews where he has talked about ATDW he has made it clear he had a lot of input into the production. The concept may not have been his, but he has said over and over (even in the liner notes when he thanked Clive) that he was able to do it in a way that was true to him. So why does getting a little more creative control mean he's done with RCA???

As to his writing songs.... Of course its a possibility, but he never sounds like its high on his To Do list, so if we get one I would be thrilled.

As to getting the new album this year.... he said they are LOOKING INTO making another album pretty soon. Looking into to me means they are getting ideas together, maybe starting to look at songs to possibly record, seeing what is feasible. Putting aside Clay's idea of "soon", to me it seems unlikely they would even get into a recording studio this year, since they are only looking into it and it is already April. We know he has a UNICEF trip planned. He is touring this summer. He is doing the skating thing. He is touring for Christmas. Doesn't leave a lot of time to record and release an album, especially when they are only at the looking into stage.

Another thing that occurred to me. Could he be referring to another Christmas album? Maybe that's what they're looking into. That would be a lot quicker to put together than a new mainstream album.

I guess its only natural to filter things with your wants, but sometimes I don't think people actually read the words that are written or listen to the actual words Clay says. We have so often discussed this here. They read between the lines and take out their super seekrit decoder rings and before long what they say Clay said bears little resemblance to what Clay actually said!

ETA: My avie does resemble this! :medium-smiley-070: Hee!

Edited by Claygasm
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I guess its only natural to filter things with your wants, but sometimes I don't think people actually read the words that are written or listen to the actual words Clay says. We have so often discussed this here. They read between the lines and take out their super seekrit decoder rings and before long what they say Clay said bears little resemblance to what Clay actually said!

Claygasm, :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap: I know (and I think you do too) that you're probably preaching to the choir here, but I enjoyed reading your post and hope that maybe ONE poddie will see it and consider it. Bravo.

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