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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Kimmel. Clay and a horse........Where's muski?

Holy crap. This should be goooooooooooood....

ETA: Latest UNICEF Fieldnote

[On TV] Clay Aiken on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Tune in to Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight on ABC to see UNICEF Ambassador Clay Aiken and footage from his recent trip to Afghanistan!

And then, from the CH:

jax5230 report from the CB:


Also, she told me about the horse thing. There was a live horse backstage and it was apparently for Clay's entrance.

Bet he'll be dressed in robes, with a beard pasted on his face. *g*

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Bet he'll be dressed in robes, with a beard pasted on his face. *g*

ROTFLOL!!! That would be great.

I keep thinking of how to incorporate a horse into a Kimmel appearance, and everything I think of is smutty. Is there something wrong with me? Heeeeee! :rolleyes: It will be interesting to see if the horse is really for Clay's segment, or not!

Thanks, everyone, for the welcome!

Edited by Gibby
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Maybe Clay will sing the horsey song! You know "Saddle up thse horses..." Yee haw!!

Ok, I just started imagining that with the horse and the beard and the singing and I almost choked laughing!


KeepingFaith... thanks a bajillion for those Jon links. LOVED them! I've been over there for awhile now clicking link after link.

Edited by YSRN
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Bet he'll be dressed in robes, with a beard pasted on his face. *g*

ROTFLOL!!! That would be great.

I keep thinking of how to incorporate a horse into a Kimmel appearance, and everything I think of is smutty. Is there something wrong with me? Heeeeee! :rolleyes: It will be interesting to see if the horse is really for Clay's segment, or not!

Thanks, everyone, for the welcome!

Something wrong with you, Gibby? Because of smut? You're kidding, right? You sound normal to me!

By the way, if you want to see Kelly's Clay mention from TRL the video is up HERE. It was cute actually. Damien says in the category of tourmates and they put the library man picture on the screen and Kelly says in a fan girl voice "Clay!". Then she says what we have heard, that she would totally do it again, she loves him and that's he's one of her good friends. Damien says something like yeah, he's a great guy. My favorite part was her fan girly "Clay" though.

Hmmm. She's on Kimmel tomorrow. Wonder if they'll get together while in LA? The TRL thing was taped Tuesday so she is likely already there....

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I'm a half day behind and had a few words I wanted to add to all of the discussions over the last couple of days...but I'll have to do it later when I have more time.

I just needed to come in and do a few Tigger bounces before Kimmel tonight. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I read about the horse on the CH. Holy Secretariat, Batman! So, in a perfect world, it's Clay astraddle, Tyra encircled in strong beefy arms, and his gentle hand hold the.....reins.

Note that I said "Clay astraddle COMMA Tyra". I'm saving my smutting for the tour threads. I don't know what's come over me lately.

Oh, and I want to cheer for merrieeee's successful surgery. Great news!

AND in all seriousness.....snort....the purpose of that horse is to announce his summer tour which kicks off in Texas.

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Something wrong with you, Gibby? Because of smut? You're kidding, right? You sound normal to me!

Yeah, I was kidding. I have a dry sense of humor. I'm sure you can think of lots of smutty things about Clay and a horse, too. :goaround:

Hmmmm, one report says that he will make his entrance on a horse. Should be interesting! Particularly if he's in robes and a beard!

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I wonder if the horse will be hung as well as Clay.... :whistling-1:

You're killing me, CG. I just recently saw the small .gif from an early tour when Waldo was focused upon and, uh, mmm, let's just say made a studly appearance and based upon that I think he would give the horse some serious competition by any s-t-r-e-t-c-h of the imagination.

And, btw, was that for real? I mean really for real? Because, OMG if it is. But then I guess those extra long hands and feet make perfect sense, huh?

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It will be interesting to see if the horse is really for Clay's segment, or not!

My money's on Clay's segment.

And keepingfaith, do tell which gif o'er which you drool? Might it be from Rhode Island? :whistling-1: Ain't nuthin' folding in that one, let me tell you straight up.

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Well I can feel the excitement in the air. Clay on Kimmell is always fun.

I agree! I'm so cool with anything that happens this evening. It will be a fun filled, entertaining night! The chemistry between the two men...and adding a horse? BWAHAHAHA!

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Oooo! One hour and counting!


ETA: Eeeeeeeeeee!! Just saw a commercial for Kimmel. They showed the fight scene and the voice-over said "From break-up".... Then they showed Clay and his teeth coming out with the heart shaped balloons from Valentines Day and the voice-over said "to make-up" and then they showed a couple of other shots from Valentine's Day and the voice over said "Clay Aiken returns"!

He was the whole promo! They didn't even mention his other guests!


Report from Ellenpoppy:

Comes in on a horse! He had 2 segments. (Jimmy didn't do a bit after the monologue).

He's in LA to meet with producers on the next CD. Jimmy asked if he wanted to name any of the producers and Clay said "I don't think so."

Clay said someone was going to kick his ass. She can't remember the context.

Jimmy asked if he would have killed Bin Ladin if he'd found him in Afghanistan. Clay said yes. And he'd sell a lot of albums then.

Mentioned the tour.

From CV:

He did the entire first segment on horseback! Rode out on horse! Wearing white shirt/light green vest/purple tie.

Wore nice, snug jeans. Lime green vest, white shirt, purple tie, black boots. A5 finale hair.

Couldn't eat much in Afghanistan. Basically ate rice and raisins. Lost 10 lbs. And now he's "nice and svelt."

At one point he said he was screwed. They can't remember why.

Jimmy said the horse had an erection. Clay said "I guess the horse really liked me." (according to lala52)

Jimmy talked about them having their own word now, "The Climmel" like Brangelina. And Jimmy said "we can't break up now." Jimmy introduced him as his best friend in the whole wide world.

Clay said he looked like Jesus in Afghanistan. And nobody dressed like that except him. Jimmy said "those people are such pranksters."

He tried to ride a donkey in Afghanistan. He couldn't get it to move.

Ok, its about to come on here. Now I can see it for myself! (The picture they showed was one where he looked 12 at the most! A cute 12, but 12 nonetheless!)

I think its a diverse audience. Lots of men and not a lot of shrieking when Jimmy said the Claymates are here.

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I can't wait to see Clay on this horse! I wonder who came up with that idea!

That seems to be the the thing for Clay and Jimmy -- how can his entrance top his last one? Heh.

This summary sounds fantastic...can't wait to see it for myself!

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