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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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Oh crap, muski!

Does this affect your friends who are coming to LA too??

And crap again. The only reason I was even doing California was to get Clayed with you! You can't leave me stranded alone in southern California! And I MUST go to Indio. Those tickets are in MY name!

But your kid has to come first. And if you missed another moment like the one in that picture, you would feel like crap.

What a mess.......

Maybe you should look into cloning.

ETA: Upon re-reading this post I must say that I don't mean to sound like its all about me, and in no way am I trying to lay any guilt on muski for anything. Just want to make that clear because I didn't like the way this post sounded when I re-read it.

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Hey - -Wake up!!!!

Listen - I have the AI1 videos - and the AI6 Idol Extra videos - now is anyone interested or should I just stop loading them out - I thought people wanted it, but there is no activity downloading this stuff from any of the sites I post ethem out (OK, 2 people are downloading the idol extra crap. ) Which is a shame because there are a lot of interesting older idol performers.

If I post it , someone must download it. ultimatum caused by headache from reading to many board whinings.

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Hey - -Wake up!!!!

Listen - I have the AI1 videos - and the AI6 Idol Extra videos - now is anyone interested or should I just stop loading them out - I thought people wanted it, but there is no activity downloading this stuff from any of the sites I post ethem out (OK, 2 people are downloading the idol extra crap. ) Which is a shame because there are a lot of interesting older idol performers.

If I post it , someone must download it. ultimatum caused by headache from reading to many board whinings.

Play - can you post all the links in one place?? Maybe start a thread in another location?

I think I have all of AI1 - but it seems like a good idea anyhow!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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muski, I feel for ya.... I've been there......recently. My one and only daughter/youngest child who was thrown from the nest at the age of nineteen so her parents could relocate to the US, turned 21 the day after the September 26th Kimmel appearance. Assuming that I'd never get tickets to something like a Kimmel appearance (not to mention Virgin CD signing), I told her that I would come to Nova Scotia for her birthday. I volunteered! And then I got Kimmel tickets! My plans were to drive up there and even if I changed those plans and flew there was no way I could do Kimmel and get up there in time. I sure gave it a lot of thought but ultimately I knew I had to give up the tickets. Hard thing to do, at the time, but I'm glad I went home.

I just replayed that N & O cartoon, it cracks me up.

Only one more ticket dance left for me, the Tulsa two step. I was all set to unzip the money belt for Clay's package in Indio but I became the grateful recipient of a very nice view of it, for a lot less money.

I'll keep telling myself that makes sense.

That makes sense...that makes sense....that makes sense.....

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Being of the single persuasion I've never really had to decide between something terribly important and Clay. I guess the closest I came was not going to the Baltimore NAT although I was only a few miles away at my family reunion. But that doesn't even count as I had just been to 4 concerts in the days leading up to it. But in the early days he did occupy lots of my time on a daily basis as I spent a lot of those after work until bed hours scouring the internet for all things Clay. And even though I said, well I"m not giving up anything important but TV (as I really u sed to be a couchtomato thus my name - chosen after it was uttered by the gorgeous Luka on ER long before Clay came along) - sharing a television show is more of a community experience than sitting alone at the computer.

:Tour4: Good luck to those that still have ticket stress to deal with. It's quite the interesting phenomenom.

ETA: OK I need help. My sister and I are doing two separate montages - one for each of her kid's classes..junior K and 2nd grade. Each one will have two songs..and we have 3 songs but can't come up with a slower to midtempo song for the 2nd grade class. The montage will just consists of lots of pictures of the class during various programs/field trips/festivals during the year. So it's kids looking cute...help me think of a song please..it's driving us crazy. Clay songs are ok too if one fits.

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Hey - Someone on anotehr board asked me forthe Oprah after the show -

Gerwhisp made a higher quality vversion last year - I offered it to the vaults - but no takers- so if you want the WMV version, rather than the MOV version - you can find it here

Scroll down and enter the letters, hit submit.

She also made a higher quality of the Clay parts, let me know if anyone wants that version.

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I guess my advice is -- do what you feel is best.

I understand the feeling; sometimes choices between a fun-loving 12-year-old and a responsible adult are really, really harrrrrrrrrrd. I've made choices on both sides. For example, I totally missed the Chicago book signing and Christmas concert in 2004, because I was in charge of the book club at my library and that was the scheduled night. It killed me, because I knew that would be a chance for me to get close to Clay and see those pretty green eyes, and yet, responsibilty prevailed. OTOH -- this past Christmas, the shows close to me were on a weekend when both my handbell choir was scheduled to play at church, and also I was supposed to be a supporting musician at a Madrigal Dinner. In this instance, I was able to reschedule the bell choir, and let the director of the Madrigal's know I was not going to be in town. (It helped a great deal to know about the concerts in early September....)

My bell choir played this morning, two services. We're now finished until fall!

Topic: I'd love it if Clay would involve a handbell choir in his next Christmas concert!

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Rolling in to drop off some :hugs-1: and to :nana: about Kimmel this week. Anybody going?

playbiller, I'm hitting your Oprah download, although it keeps stalling out on my. I'll keep trying...

And for my pal georgiaclay,


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I can put it up on megaupload if you want - this site said you could use getright and other download helpers with it.

Only 40 more minutes until it uploads - heh. I have to leae for a while and actually buy stuff., so it might be longer.

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I'm downloading that file now, play....thanks!

Today is my mom's 86th birthday.

I hope the four of us can take her to dinner tonight. I leave for Denver tomorrow morning until Wed. night on business and haven't even washed the clothes I'll be taking!

Clay...yeah. Well. CG, I have a feeling that my two local friends might end up not going to the Greek after all. If our team doesn't go to the nationals (and Kenny said he doubts we will), we'll still be playing the last seasonal tournament---and it's the tournament that we entered last year when nobody knew who the heck we were and we ended up in second place! My friends' kids---like my Carrie---are key players: one's a pitcher who's ALMOST as awesome as Carrie on the mound and the other is one of our two best catchers and a power hitter. I'm sure their moms wouldn't miss the games.

Right now I'm definitely doing San Diego and Pala. Looking for a way to do the other two...there's still a lot of time to figure things out.

It's a gorgeous day here...gotta go pick up Carrie from softball practice, then gonna finish planting flowers...

Y'all have a great day, ladies! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Here is a megauploadOprah after the show

When I get back, I will put up the rest of the Oprah show.

You know, I have suggested for this to be uploaded to the vaults, but it does not seem to happen.

Now, I think I will ask for some old stuff from people who have access to the olders stuff from Gonzo's vault. I have stuff in RM and would like it in WMV from ET during the show. I just have to figure out what I think is there.

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It is in the format of MOV and the quality is not that good.

I have offered it to the CH vault more than once. I posted it on main there, so if they want it, they can get it. I also reposted it a few times to the CB, where I originally got it from - so, hey, it is not for lack of trying.

I contributed to the CV vault but declined a Key and then found out they had Gonzo's stuff - duh, I would have loved to look through that. Gerwhisp just redid this last year in better quality when someone requested it.

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Hey Muski....I know how tough a decision it will be..I'm sure things will turn out great. Theres still lots of time to plan things out. So do you guys know how to get ticket sales alert from expedia or any other travel sites???

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Just came back from my park festival. I got to do my African dance/storytell about the wetlands and its denizens. Tons of little ones participated and they did ALL the movement with me- I think I've found a new outlet for me- I get kids to dance! They loved the drums, and all the animal movements.

I'm so happy about it. Wish y'all could've been there. I have not been catching up on all the reading here, but only getting a sense that muski, you're having some kind of crisis about concerts and your kids?

Whatever it is, you are a great mom, trust yourself to do the right thing by them and for yourself.

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Actually, BC, Clay had a very bad allergy attack and the medicine played all kinds of havoc with him on that show - he looked like a drowned rat, he missed the last note of the song and he could not sit still or keep quiet.

Geekette is uploading the stuff to the CH vault, so the CV vault can't be far behind. but since I loadedthem out already -

2003 Oprah interview with Clay part 1 <- fixed

2003 Oprah interview part 2

2003 Oprah TITN

Makes me want to watch my tape again if I can find it - I miss that we can't see Clay's expression while Justin is singing - he and Ruben were rather amusing during the thigh song.

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Makes me want to watch my tape again if I can find it - I miss that we can't see Clay's expression while Justin is singing - he and Ruben were rather amusing during the thigh song.
WHA??? I haven't heard that story. Tell me more -- please!!

Ah yes, the Oprah day -- in other words, the reason I got on the net for Clay Aiken. You see, I had set my VCR for that appearance, only to have messed up my times and not getting it. I knew someone had to have it, and thus, I searched the internet. The rest, as they say, is history. I thought he was cute that day, if a bit hyper...and if I remember correctly, a bit "happy" too. Heh. muski has pictures, I'm sure. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Sometimes I think I must live in an alternate universe! I have watched the Oprah show many, many times and I have yet to see what others see! I don't see him as being particularly hyper and I missed "happy" Clay completely.

But then that always happens to me. I guess I end up in the Aiken Fog and don't see the small stuff. (Errr maybe not so small stuff*g*) I don't tend to study the videos too closely. I think it's because I don't want to be disappointed in it. Does that make any sense?

Well wish me luck for Tuesday! I'm going to have my second cataract surgery and this time it's my "good" eye so the stakes are pretty high! The Doctor asked me what my expectations were and I told him all I wanted was to have correctable vision. What I really wanted to say was "I want to see Clay more clearly" but I don't think he would have understood!

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Woo Hoo! :Tour3:

Just was at Carrie's practice, talking with one of the women planning to see Clay with me at the Greek...I talked about my angst re: that weekend and...long story short...I was mistaken about the softball schedule!

The only way that weekend is going to be a challenge is if our team makes it all the way to the nationals. Even if through some amazing alignment of the stars (waves to Diva) they make it TO the nationals, the first day of competitin is Wednesday, August 1. They' have to win and win and win to still be there for weekend games!

The Santa Clara tournament I thought would be the 'fall back' tournament that weekend is actually the weekend BEFORE ! Yeay! YEAAY!

My friend is really, REALLY excited about going...Thanks to all you guys for putting up with my whining and YEAY! for there now being no reason to whine!


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ETA: OK I need help. My sister and I are doing two separate montages - one for each of her kid's classes..junior K and 2nd grade. Each one will have two songs..and we have 3 songs but can't come up with a slower to midtempo song for the 2nd grade class. The montage will just consists of lots of pictures of the class during various programs/field trips/festivals during the year. So it's kids looking cute...help me think of a song please..it's driving us crazy. Clay songs are ok too if one fits.

Couchie - the song that came immediately to mind was "I Love My Shirt" or "Happiness Runs" by Donovan. Or something from McCartney? Like maybe "Mothers Nature's Son" or "Let It Be"??

Hope this helps!!

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:elephanthugs: for merrieee....hope everything works out well, and I'm looking forward to meeting you in Texas. BTW, I actually have to agree with you regarding "missing" so much -- I tend to do that too. Sometimes the details just whoosh over my head, just because I'm too enthralled with Clay.
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Actually, BC, Clay had a very bad allergy attack and the medicine played all kinds of havoc with him on that show - he looked like a drowned rat, he missed the last note of the song and he could not sit still or keep quiet.

Gee, I didn't know any of that! I thought he just seemed like Clay - always hyper Clay. How do we know this anyway? Did he ever talk about it? I missed so much back then!

Woo Hoo! :Tour3:

Just was at Carrie's practice, talking with one of the women planning to see Clay with me at the Greek...I talked about my angst re: that weekend and...long story short...I was mistaken about the softball schedule!

The only way that weekend is going to be a challenge is if our team makes it all the way to the nationals. Even if through some amazing alignment of the stars (waves to Diva) they make it TO the nationals, the first day of competitin is Wednesday, August 1. They' have to win and win and win to still be there for weekend games!

The Santa Clara tournament I thought would be the 'fall back' tournament that weekend is actually the weekend BEFORE ! Yeay! YEAAY!

My friend is really, REALLY excited about going...Thanks to all you guys for putting up with my whining and YEAY! for there now being no reason to whine!


YAY!!!! That's the best news I heard all weekend! I was missing you already. It wouldn't have been the same. It just wouldn't have been.


This was a crappy weekend for me. For whatever reason, I was in a funk. Still am to some degree. Sometimes things just seem to catch up with you, you know? But I did take a long walk this afternoon. It actually felt good!

Now if only I can make sure that isn't the only time I take a long walk for the next several months......

Oh, and guess what. Two months today, at this same time (I think???), I will be sitting in Houston with ldyj, HeidiHo,and muski - with the eHP and others near by - listening to Clay sing!!!! Some of us will have survived the frying in Frisco and we all will be sitting in lovely air conditioning listening to Clay, watching Clay, and feeling all the things Clay makes us feel!




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Good luck (((Merrieeee)))

Muski...Happy it will all work out. Yup that karma is cooperating cos you have been a good mom and deserve that break so EEEEEEEEEEEEEE for you !!!!

Well this was a weird weekend for me too. I have been feeling under the weather. Friday...I had a headache and went to bed at 9 but the headache continued through the night and into Saturday...I got so freaked I went to the pharmacist to get my BP checked and I had high BP ...highest I ever had so my hubby takes me to the clinic cos I was afraid the headache was caused by the BP and I ended up waiting in the clinic for 6 hours...falling asleep in the waiting room and embarrassing myself whenever I ended up snoring. Then the doctor told me he thinks it was just a sinus headache that caused my BP to go up and my blood work all came back perfect...thank god...

But this was a wake up call...I knew I was gaining weight and need to get back in shape...so tomorrow starts my walking program with a friend...and no more after dinner late night snacks.

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