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# 9 He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.


Thread Title Poll  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • He's a man of mystery that I would like to figure out.
    • Clay live just replentishes my soul.
    • There's so much more in life (and in Clay) to enjoy, celebrate, and savor.
    • Oh. My. God...on so many levels!
    • The world needs more Clay Aikens.
    • All done darling, all done. All finished.
    • Clay isn't the only good guy out there. He's just the one we love the most.
    • It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.
    • He sells himself so very well.
    • Teefy, toofy; Smiley, goofy; windky, "wonky;" My favorite "honky!"
    • He is simply doing his thing...quietly...without fanfare...what a beautiful thing.
    • That doesn't mean that I don't still think that he is super hawt and that I'd like to lick him...
    • He was cute, he sings pretty, he teases people, and he's sexy.

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KAndre looks up at Claygasm's dialogue...

By Jove, I think you've got it! We must foward this to 19E immediately!

though I have to confess I think it true, demmit! Except for the Barry practising part but I don't this his falsetto is what it used to be...

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When Clay talks about education being at the root of a series of steps toward addressing the symptoms of poverty, once again I'm reminded of Greg Mortenson and his Central Asia non-profit's mission of getting schools built and teachers trained, etc., in previously impoverished and isolated places as the way to prevent fanaticism and susceptibility to tyrants. These two men really do have so much in common, it seems to me. Hope they meet some day.
Did you know Greg was just here in SF over the weekend doing a book signing?


One article about him... of many. http://www.gregmortenson.com/media.php

Worldview | His anti-Taliban weapon: Schools

By Trudy Rubin – International Correspondent

Sometimes the acts of one individual can illuminate how to confront a foreign-policy dilemma more clearly than the prattle of politicians.

Such is the case with Greg Mortenson, a U.S. military veteran and mountain climber, whose work gives insights into an essential element of fighting terrorism. Through an astonishing sequence of events, Mortenson became a builder of schools in the remote areas of Pakistan that are potential breeding grounds for the Taliban.


Interesting stuff... and yeah, the comparisons seem endless. Thanks again for the reminder. I hadn't bought the book yet, though it's been sitting in my Amazon cart. Click.

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By the way...I was reading all about the four remaining American Idol contestants in USA Today while sipping my latte this morning. Seems that tonight it's BeeGees night with Barry Gibb...AND

Jordin is going to sing "To Love Somebody"...AND

then tomorrow night Barry Gibb is going to sing "To Love Somebody".

I'm shocked and appalled. How DARE they?!?!?!? I hope they both paid Clay AIken lots of license fees for the use of HIS song.

Reminds me of the two times during AI2 when someone had the audacity to sing the same song as Clay --- Josh Gracin with To Love Somebody, and Justin Guarini who sang UM the night after Clay sang it. Big, big mistake for Justin. That may have been the night his career hitched a ride out of town.

Did anyone see Darlene Love on Letterman last night? She sang River Deep, Mountain High in front of an orchestra -- yes there were strings involved -- and it was powerful and brilliant. It rocked my stuff! Darlene Love has a huge voice, and the song had such intensity that I couldn't help thinking about Clay singing in a similar vein, a/k/a blow the roof off, during the tour. Which leads me to the conclusion that I have no expectations, desires or suggestions for the tour setlist ... other than what Clay & Co. choose to perform. I do know that orchestras backing up popular entertainers are known to play against type and get down with the rock, funk, and R&B. The Houston Orchestra is doing an evening of Led Zeppelin music later this summer -- the lines are blurring.

We've seen a few things go out from subscriber venues to know that certain songs like BOTW, Invisible, MOAM, WY, HYCA and IWTKWLI will likely be included. And while we've heard about For Once In My Life and Moon River, there's no reason to assume these arrangements will be anything like we've heard before. Moon River may be as close to Andy Williams as HYCA is to Dolly Parton, but Clay will do his thing. Of all the songs on ATDW, I expected to like HYCA the least, and as soon as I heard it I fell in love with it. If Clay sings Moon River, it will simply mean that Andy Williams will have forever lost his song to Clay Aiken.

I'm excited at the prospect of hearing Clay sing BOTW in front of a full orchestra in a symphony hall. But if he doesn't sing it, I'm okay with that. If he doesn't sing LAA, I'm all right with that, too. I like the song, but I guess I'm the exception to prove the rule in that I don't think it's all that. His voice is superb and the lyrics are sensitive and real, but David Foster's arrangement or Eman's arrangement, whosever, leaves me cold and hollow. The cello is the only part of the song that I enjoy instrumentally, Clay's voice and the cello provide the only warmth. I may be a gang of one, but I don't think LAA if released would have gone anywhere on the charts ... it's just too much of a downer in combined lyrics and melody. You can have one or the other, but not both together. Without You is a downer lyrically, but the music is powerful. SSTBTHW is a downer lyrically, but the guitar work elevates it. If LAA is your favorite song ever, don't mind me, I'm probaby just talking out of my ass, again. On my CD, I put LAA before IWTKWLI to give it a bounce. If Clay is singing IWTKWLI on the tour, maybe it will be in tandem with LAA. :allgood:

{{{Clayzor}}} :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm so happy that the surgery is behind you and hubby, and that it's Milkshake Time! You're making them at home, now? Why did I think you'd be making frequent trips to Sonic .... oops, I forgot that you were Madame Gourmet at Christmas, so I guess Mr. Clayzorback is getting some special shakes from you, baby! I'm still in limbo on Tulsa. I have a new car, but I don't want to make an 8-hour trip to Tulsa alone.

Anybody need a ride to Tulsa? :TourExcite:

I have my sister about half interested in going. She pretty convinced that one concert will be sufficient for her. She's never seen Clay either, so, we're going to be two virgins (uh hmmm, so to speak) on the second row at Jones Hall. But she is at least half interested in going to Tulsa with me because she'd like to see the Lyle Lovett/k.d.lang concert at the Brady on Sunday night the 8th. I'm working this as hard as I can.

Anyone have any tried and true techniques in coercive persuasion? :lightblub: Or want to ride to Tulsa with me? :pod:

Edited by keepingfaith
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It's funny, but Josh Gracin's To Love Somebody was my favorite Josh song. It was great version and very different from Clay. I agreed with Simon that he had a lot of balls for trying it andhe really pulled it off. Now Justin is another story. TLS is my favorite Clay song from Idol as well.

ETA: I actually think as a singer you have to have confidence that if you give it your all, your fans will appreciate it. I didn't even like Josh and he made me appreciate him that night. I don't think it was damaging for him to sing it - he stayed a couple of weeks longer than he deserved IMO so he had a very strong fan base.

I'm totally looking forward to this summer as well. He always amazes me. I haven't been let down. I even loved beyond all meaning the much maligned JNT05. It showed me that Clay was always evolving and trying new things. Plus he looked pretty cute too. Show me your moon river Clay!!

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It's funny, but Josh Gracin's To Love Somebody was my favorite Josh song. It was great version and very different from Clay. I agreed with Simon that he had a lot of balls for trying it andhe really pulled it off. Now Justin is another story. TLS is my favorite Clay song from Idol as well.

To Love Somebody is such a great song that it would be hard to mess it up, I think. I thought Josh did have one of his best performances with TLS, but to follow Clay? What was he thinking?

And I don't even want to consider what Justin may have been thinking. This guy thinks Clay Aiken was in Season 4 and looks like Castro. Hello?? Justin Guarini? Anybody home?

ETA: I change my mind from time to time about my favorite Clay song from Idol. Looking back on it all, I think at the time the song that shocked me, that blew my mind, that exceeded all expectations, was Mack the Knife. Totally unexpected. That song proved to me that there were no limits for Clay Aiken. I groaned when I heard he was singing it. Oh no, not that barfy Mack the Knife song -- the staple song of Vegas lounge lizards!! But, oh yeah, Mack the Knife dazzled me and the last note took my breath away. Preconceived notions of the songs Clay would ever sing ..... out the window.

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Did you know Greg was just here in SF over the weekend doing a book signing?

Interesting stuff... and yeah, the comparisons seem endless. Thanks again for the reminder. I hadn't bought the book yet, though it's been sitting in my Amazon cart. Click.

Wheeeee! You will really enjoy it! I couldn't put it down. And if I was anywhere near SF, I'd have been there. :)

If he doesn't sing LAA, I'm all right with that, too. I like the song, but I guess I'm the exception to prove the rule in that I don't think it's all that. His voice is superb and the lyrics are sensitive and real, but David Foster's arrangement or Eman's arrangement, whosever, leaves me cold and hollow. The cello is the only part of the song that I enjoy instrumentally, Clay's voice and the cello provide the only warmth. I may be a gang of one, but I don't think LAA if released would have gone anywhere on the charts ... it's just too much of a downer in combined lyrics and melody. You can have one or the other, but not both together.

I won't go quite that far, but I don't think it is the *best song ever written and recorded* like I've read elsewhere. I also doubt it would have succeeded on the radio any more than ATD did. I think it's a lovely song, but I'm not holding my breath until he sings it in concert.....because I am not so sure that he will. If he does, cool!

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Did you know Greg was just here in SF over the weekend doing a book signing?

Interesting stuff... and yeah, the comparisons seem endless. Thanks again for the reminder. I hadn't bought the book yet, though it's been sitting in my Amazon cart. Click.

Wheeeee! You will really enjoy it! I couldn't put it down. And if I was anywhere near SF, I'd have been there. :)

I see that several communities are using this books as their "one book, one city" choice -- meaning that the city officials, and frequently the libraries in the area, encourage the entire population of a city to read the book and then discuss it. I'm gonna have to plant that seed into a couple of people's heads around here....

...and I'm trying to get this book from my library, and all the copies are checked out! AAAAAGH! Maybe I'll ask for a copy of a birthday present....

If he doesn't sing LAA, I'm all right with that, too. I like the song, but I guess I'm the exception to prove the rule in that I don't think it's all that. His voice is superb and the lyrics are sensitive and real, but David Foster's arrangement or Eman's arrangement, whosever, leaves me cold and hollow. The cello is the only part of the song that I enjoy instrumentally, Clay's voice and the cello provide the only warmth. I may be a gang of one, but I don't think LAA if released would have gone anywhere on the charts ... it's just too much of a downer in combined lyrics and melody. You can have one or the other, but not both together.

I won't go quite that far, but I don't think it is the *best song every written and recorded* like I've read elsewhere. I also doubt it would have succeeded on the radio any more than ATD did. I think it's a lovely song, but I'm not holding my breath until he sings it in concert.....because I am not so sure that he will. If he does, cool!

I'm with luckiest on this -- I love the song, think it is beautiful. But the greatest song evah? Nah. I personally don't think there is a "greatest song evah." Anyway, I think the main reason that this song got built up in people's minds is because Clay wrote it. By him admitting that, I think some people saw this as a way for Clay to get "street cred" in the music world. Eh, whatevah. I'm hoping he sings LAA (possibly as the encore), but if he doesn't, I'll be cool. It may be too personal of a song for him to sing live night after night.

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Heh, as y'all probably know, I just think LAA is just "okay"...

To Love Somebody - Man, I truly, deeply, madly love Clay's snippet of it - especially the way he owned, gazing deeply into my eyes while singing...wait a minute, I need to watch it again.

I did like Josh's version - he demonstrated that this is a really flexible song because his countrified version really, really worked too - though my fave Josh performance was "Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye" - it was really sweet - but again I really liked the song.

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I had to take a look again at Clay's performance of "To Love Somebody." So young, so smooth... Sigh.

I think this is the point in the season where Clay's hot potato'ing of the mic from hand to hand started to annoy me a bit.

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Heh, as y'all probably know, I just think LAA is just "okay"...

blasphemy! Greatest song ever. heee.. Actually I used to love If You Don't Know Me By Now way more upon first listen cuz that's MY type of music but LAA just hit me one day like a ton of bricks. So yeah, it's the greatest song evah. At first I thought he wouldn't sing it cuz it's too personal and I just thought about him for a second and realized - he'd probably consider that a challenge. He's revealed a lot of personal things over the years, much more than I ever thought he would. So looking forward to LAA this summer.

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Heh, as y'all probably know, I just think LAA is just "okay"...

To Love Somebody - Man, I truly, deeply, madly love Clay's snippet of it - especially the way he owned, gazing deeply into my eyes while singing...wait a minute, I need to watch it again.

Just so you know, you're not alone in your blasphemy. :lol: I also think it's just okay. I love IYDKMBN wayyyy better!

TLS, though. LOVE!!

Hee, on preview, I see I'm mind-melding with couchie!

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ldyj speaking of birthdays. Someone is having one today. I wonder who. :whistling-1:

Eeeeee. We got the whistle emoticon. cha cha trusty you look great. A blonde. Sexy looking blonde at that. Gotta loves us blondes. Hee

keepingfaith, yes I am making milkshakes. A little milk, vanilla ice cream, and topping of your choice, right now it is Butterscotch, and a blender and wallah. He'll be fat by the time he gets to be able to eat solid foods. 2 weeks. Yowza..................... Funny you mention Sonic. They built a new one right down the bottom of the hill from me. Tastee Freez stores, remember? I know all about shakes. Now Hot Fudge sundaes are my favorite ice cream treat. Whipped cream, nuts, and a cherry on top. Keep working on that Tulsa trip. Tell your sister to look at it as just having more special sister bonding time together. Make a game out of it. A scavanger hunt for Waldo perhaps? :cryingwlaughter:

Topic topic........Clay can moon me on the river anyday.........

To Love Somebody was one of my favorite AI2 songs. As was Unchained melody. Both were underwear changing moments for me. TMI? *g* LAA? Love the lyrics and I'm proud of Clay for writing it. However the David Foster touch left me feeling depressed. The arrangement waas toooooooo slooooow for my tastes. I agree with you keepingfaith. I also felt that it would not of been a hit on radio. Not to worry though, I have confidence that Clay's time and his songs will come. I'll be here when they do.

claygasm, you are a riot. So funny..............And so true....

Oh dear! Now if they all don't pay homage to Clay it will be taken as a diss - PROOF that AI hates Clay! I guess there are some that will think when Ryan announces Jordin he should say "And here is Jordin singing "To Love Somebody" which was sung by Clay Aiken four years ago and could never possibly be sung better ever..." and when the judges critique her they should say "Jordin that was good but never could it be as good as the way Clay sang it 4 years ago!" and then when Barry Gibb sings it tomorrow he should say "I chose to sing this song because even though Clay Aiken sang it better than I ever have or ever will four years ago, I want to attempt to sing it even half as well. I have been practicing it ever since!".

Only then would some be satisfied.

Uh oh. The patient is up again. Later.................

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Excuuuuuuuse me, the lack of LAA love is heresy, not blasephemy, thankyuuverrrymuch. IYDKMBY is my song. Along with Broken Wings. And Everything I have. I'll stop now.

Ding dang you bottle! I didn't notice the hot potato'ing until UM - and once I did, I wanted to beat him over the head with the mic!

Hugs to Mr. Clayzorback - I'm sure a little chunky'll look good on him! and kisses to you!

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Uh oh. The patient is up again.


Just had a two-hour meeting outside a Starbucks with a young cutie (girl) from the Denver CVB...we started OUT talking business but ended up spending most of the time just chit chatting.

How does that happen all the time? :whistling-1:

Dang! I wish I'd know about Greg Mortenson being in SF! I'd have gone, bought a copy of his book and stood in line to have it signed. And when I was standing there as he signed, I'd say, "Your story inspired me and made me absolutely certain that you must someday meet Clay Aiken and have a very long conversation."

Gotta go watch TLS from AI2 a couple of times before meeting up with a buddy for a before-dinner drink. She's been away from the Clay world for a long time because of her real life events. WOnder if she'll need a quick Clay refresher CLACK infusion? :lightblub:

Ah, to be infused with/by Clay... :hubbahubba:

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Oh, and YSRN..thanks for this link:

Greg Mortenson Appearances I see that he'll be back in San Francisco in November and I'll be there! Wanna join me? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Most definitely!

Heresy, blasphemy.... something "sacred" is involved - that's all I know! :lol:

*signs up for a clayzorback speshul butterscotch milkshake*

Who's birthday is it? :party20: < --- and how come these dancers are so pissed off?


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Oh, and YSRN..thanks for this link:

Greg Mortenson Appearances I see that he'll be back in San Francisco in November and I'll be there! Wanna join me? :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Shit! He's going to be less than 5 hours from here.....tomorrow night! I wish I'd known earlier and could have made plans to be there. That seems to be the only stop on his tour anywhere near here.

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I LOVE LAA but the greatest song ever written? I doubt it. I love and adore it because the lyrics resonated so much with me and Clay's voice tugs at my heart. To me its like someone opened up their soul and let you in. That's how it hit me when I first heard it and that's why I love it.

I think it would have bombed on the radio, though. And I also often wonder what people's reactions would be if they had heard it without knowing Clay wrote it.

However, just because I love and adore LAA doesn't mean I am not cheating on it with IYDKMBN and Broken Wings! Cause I am. And quite often...... I cannot tell you how many times I have just listened to those 3 songs and nothing else.

TLS was most definitely one of my favorite AI2 Clay songs. Mack the Knife and BOTW were my two all time favorites, though. I like Josh's version, but not nearly as much as Clay's. I think he would have made more of an impact with that song if he hadn't sung it the same night as Clay. I thought it odd they even let them sing the same song. Seems to me that shouldn't be allowed. If two choose the same song they should flip a coin or something. I think I am glad Jordin is the one singing it tonight. One reason is I like her best and the other is she's a girl which will make a direct comparison harder.

Of course, listening to Blake beat box it might have been interesting......

So, completely off topic... You all know who M. Night Shyamalan is, right? The director of The Sixth Sense and other films? Well, he lives near where I live and makes all his movies here in this area. Anyway, I came home tonight and my neighbor came over to talk. It seems someone who works for his production company was on the property taking pictures scouting for a location for his next film called "The Happening"! Seems they need a place that is in the middle of nowhere. The guy really liked this property. Unfortunately, I doubt this would ever happen as the man who owns the place is very protective of it, but how cool would that be to have movie filmed in my own front yard!

Maybe I could get a part! I could be discovered!!! Maybe Clay will sing the theme song and will need to come here to film the video for it!

Yes, I am delusional. What of it?

Anyway.... just the idea that it might happen is so exciting to me. If it is selected they would begin filming in the fall. We really are in the middle of nowhere. Here is a picture out my front window (in the winter, obviously)....


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For those interested in where some of the IGB money is going...I was listening to sports radio show on the way home from work and this Sports Illustrated reporter was talking about an organization he started called Nothing but Nets He said they received 6 million from IGB. Looks like a good cause...and IGB basically doubled its coffers according to him. Yay. I like this because it gets people involved - so education will happen, one way or another, through the money raised by IGB.

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Oooh Claygasm! That's pretty! Now where's my hot toddies!?!?!

Come any time and I'll make you some! Do you prefer yours with whiskey, bourbon or brandy??

I really should take that same view now. Its really pretty this time of year too.

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I can tell already that this summer is going to be fun!
Honey, you have NOOOOO idea... B)

Just got back from a fun evening with my "Denver Dames"---three of the four fun women I've come to know through Clay who live in the area. Hadn't seen them since last July....

Now...dang it. I missed AI...think I'll peek into the AI thread to see reactions...

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ldyj speaking of birthdays. Someone is having one today. I wonder who. :whistling-1:

Ahem....I forgot about this until this morning, and had to check with a certain someone....because she was shy about certain things...

Happy belated birthday Clayzorback!


Topic topic........Clay can moon me on the river anyday.........


Excuuuuuuuse me, the lack of LAA love is heresy, not blasephemy, thankyuuverrrymuch. IYDKMBY is my song. Along with Broken Wings. And Everything I have. I'll stop now.

*puts on bling covered boxing gloves* Fight! I thought those were MY songs. Ah...maybe I should take off the gloves...as long as no one attempts to take HYCA from me, I'm cool.

Ding dang you bottle! I didn't notice the hot potato'ing until UM - and once I did, I wanted to beat him over the head with the mic!

Man, I can't remember when I started to notice that...and it drove me nuts too. Kinda like Trenyce keeping time with her fingers on her microphone -- that was actually worse for me.

My favorite AI song from Clay? Oh geez...I always have a hard time with question. TLS knocked my socks off; "Tell Her About It" impressed me as well (I thought the change up from slow to fast was quite genius); and I did love MTK as well. But, I think for me, the winner has to be BMUB -- he came out on that stage with "Why don't you..." and OWNED it. He sold that song to me that night.

CG, great snark yesterday on TLS...and I love the view on your property! So very pretty!

For those interested in where some of the IGB money is going...I was listening to sports radio show on the way home from work and this Sports Illustrated reporter was talking about an organization he started called Nothing but Nets He said they received 6 million from IGB. Looks like a good cause...and IGB basically doubled its coffers according to him. Yay. I like this because it gets people involved - so education will happen, one way or another, through the money raised by IGB.

Thanks for posting this couchie...I learned something new because of that link. Very cool.

Oooh Claygasm! That's pretty! Now where's my hot toddies!?!?!

Come any time and I'll make you some! Do you prefer yours with whiskey, bourbon or brandy??

Ooooo, can I have one? And my answer to your last question there: Yes.


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