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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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From CV:

This could explain where Clay has been. Posted by Comah at The Woodshed

I heard on the news that Clay was/is in Vancouver!

Governor Arnold is in Vancouver and he hosted a reception for our Premier, with David Foster and Clay Aiken performing!!!

Kill me now! So near and yet so far! I'm not equiped to supply any clack but maybe gerwhisp will pick something off the news. I'll see what I can find out about it.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....Did ahnold get clack???

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Very cool news about Clay being in Vancouver! Actually, that news doesn't surprise me all that much -- isn't that where Jaymes is based? She very likely is helping him put the tour together.

Can you just see Ahnold with a video camera taking clack for his kids? Or for Maria? Heh.

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Come on, you know somebody had to do it.


I love your smilie. I second the nomination of you to FCA smilie queen mod.

And Clay's entertained at the Governor's mansion before too. Kewl. Not a bad connection to have. Wonder what they performed?

ETA: I could spell the word the same twice if i tried.

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Clay's in Caaaaaaaaanada. Whee!

'course, he's actually closer to me when he's in Raleigh, but ehhh, semantics.

Since I'm here, I made a June wallpaper calendar if anybody's inclined





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cindilu2, I love your smilie -- so apropos! Yes, you are a queen.

And then, the wallpaper! I love your calendar wallpapers -- they give me a nice change of pace at work with my computer there.


And Clay's entertained at the Governor's mansion before too.

Refresh my brain -- when was this? I'm an old fart and this doesn't ring a bell for me.

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And Clay's entertained at the Governor's mansion before too.

Refresh my brain -- when was this? I'm an old fart and this doesn't ring a bell for me.

I'm too old a fart to remember. I could do a search, but I'm feeling lazy. Oh, what the hell......

May 26, 2006: a blog is found by moonhead: myspace blog

Okay, so I must share one of the coolest things ever...

My mom works for a limo company and she often drives really cool people around Sac. So, she calls me tonight and says, "You'll never guess who I helped get in my limo tonight.....CLAY AIKEN." Of course, I'm a HUGE Clay fan and start yelling for her to shut up there's no friggin way. Well, it turns out that he performed for the governor downtown and he hadn't come out yet. SOOOO, I scurried myself and Steph out of the house to maybe get to meet him.

My heart was pumping and out walks Clay friggin Aiken. I was sooo excited. Steph, being sooo educated on her famous people skills says, "is that him, are you sure?" I'm like YES YES duh! We got to shake his hand and feed his ego for a minute. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life. He is a humble guy. WOW!!!! I LOVED IT.

and from the CH, link now dead, a news article:

After the tour, Governor Schwarzenegger and President Fox delivered joint remarks at a reception attended by more than 300 guests.

"Mexico and California are true partners and true friends," the Governor's prepared remarks said. "When we work together in the spirit of mutual respect and affection, we are able to make real progress on the tough issues that occasionally divide us."

The evening ended with the Governor hosting his first state dinner, which was held for more than 100 guests at the newly-renovated Stanford Mansion. Renowned San Francisco Bay Area caterer, Paula LeDuc, prepared the evening's menu, which featured a variety of California-grown produce.

another blogger (no link):

Last night I went to a special dinner for an international dignitary and his local counterpart, when who should roll up next to me in a black Escalade with the original stock rims, but Clay Aiken, the runner up from American Idol, season 2.

It would have been nice if I suppressed my urge to follow him around and stare incessantly all night, but who am I kidding? I have no self control.

and another:

The president of Mexico was at my work last night meeting with the governor. I couldn't go because my stupid car needed repairs that I had to get done in marin.

Email from my favorite coworker becky updating me on the experience. Sounds like it was super drama from the staff yet again, so not bummed when I start reading it-until Ig et to the end.


Now, I dont care what Brian says about Clay's orientation. I can at least hope he's bi and swings both ways. We were meant to be, ever since that first audition with his bushy bush eyebrows and cute little glasses.

trying to piece myself together...

I guess Ahnold knows how to win over our neighbors with America's goodwill ambassador.

There was a whole thread about it at the old OFC: Clay performed for CA Gov. yesterday. Reading that thread, looks like the Gov. mansion appearance was never confirmed beyond the three blogs and the report that there was a big event that night.

Edited by jmh123
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weeeeeeeeeeeeeee just heard Clay on SYTYCD... I need to listen to MoaM heee

I heard on the news that Clay was/is in Vancouver!

Well now that it's out that Clay is in Vancouver....


should I be good? OK I will.

ETA: I need to go out and recruit some west coasters for this ding dang board. lol

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West-coaster reporting in!

You're funny, you are! Of course, you should be good! ;)


Damn, jmh, really does her homework. Maybe that's what Aaron meant by going to piss off some people -- they were on their way to Sacramento to perform for our Repub. Governator. Hee.

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Bwah... what the hell is that emotie supposed to be doing? Some guy comes out from behind a garbage can to cut some other sleeping guy's hair off?!? Huh?

heeee I'm not quite sure...but I obtained this during my violent phase. Hair kinda looks like mine too :cryingwlaughter:

feeling kinda restless. MuskI I can be there in 10 minutes...we can go walking or what about this... :bier:

:kissed: what is this one exactly?

ETA hmmmm good thing there's no Clay content rule

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Hmmm...has somebody already written a fic with that scenario? :medium-smiley-070:

oh really...well maybe some nice evening reading will cure what ails me. Yeah, I need to get back to my reading. Ya'll are such good influences on me with your book discussion today.

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EEEEEEEEE! Clay was on the CTV news! Screen caps in this CB thread:


Isn't that the same shirt he wore for Fantasy night in 2004? Are we in a time warp? Is it HAWT in here??!??!?

I never expected the spikes, but that would definitely be a cooler look for him for summer. EEEEEEEEEE!

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WOW! I think I'm going to need a new ball and socket joint for my neck any day now. Spikes? Never in a million years would I have guessed. My money's on the Fantasy shirt, too, luckiest1. Vancouver, eh? That summons all kinds of possibilities to mind....some of them even album related and that gives me some warm fuzzies.

Linda Ronstadt was great tonight. She opened her set with several selections from the Great American Song Book and for the last half she sang some of her hits like Blue Bayou, Desperado, Poor Poor Pitiful Me...etc. This was my first time in Jones Hall and I was tres impressed. I'll write more impressions in the morning....but I'll just say, now, that I'm even more excited for Clay's concert than ever. Oh! And they are advertising his show....on the flat screens in the lobby and on the screens inside the hall. He's on the cover of their coming events for the summer (only performer pictured) and they used the photo artquest was trying to track down today. They even had a large free standing poster just inside the lobby entrance. (If I get up the nerve I might call them tomorrow and ask if I can have it when they're done with it.) You couldn't miss boyfriend in Jones Hall tonight. I overheard a few people behind my seat discussing that Clay Aiken was coming and a some folks in the lobby were commenting on his appearance as well. They all sounded interested and I thought that was very very cool.

I have to get my butt to bed, but the reason I came by was to drop something off. I was digging through some photo files today and found some I had never posted for various reasons....usually because I thought they sucked. But in that pile of rejects I found the odd one that, despite not being perfect, still had some redeeming value. This one in particular, though a little soft in the focus, I thought was worth saving.


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WOW Karen eh....your rejects are 10,000 times better than anything I could take....love that picture.

YAY Ahnold got Clack...via CTV. Canadians, we better watch out for etail or star daily or ET Canada. It looks like the event had press coverage.

Now let the hair dissection begin...


I really don;t think its the same spikes as before. Its just mussed up a bit. BUT he certainly looks so much bigger.

Yeah looks like fantasy shirt...wonder what he was singing???

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I agree, more mussed than spiked, but it's the same basic style, with it just covering the tops of his ears. I think it looks great. What a chameleon he is.

So he sang Solitaire (that we know of) and the video clip is up on yousendit at CB.

More pics from Notacanuck at CH:

Clay Aiken performs 1

Clay Aiken performs 2

Gov. Schwarzenegger thanks David Foster

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AAACCCKKKK! I will respect ldyjocelyn's delicate sensibilities and not say what I really think about the hair, as it involves violent images of out-of-control weedwhackers and perhaps a stray blast from a jet engine...

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Postwhoring to add a link to a neat article about symphonies and pop/rock concerts, also from Notacanuck at CH:


They talk about wanting to find artists who are a better fit for the symphony (using Aerosmith as one who was not) and they mention Clay's upcoming tour.

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