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# 10 It isn't so easy to get your knickers off when they're in a knot.


New thread title poll  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Clay Aiken ? I can?t imagine my life without him.
    • Compromise ? I have learned to live with it?.
    • Clay Aiken: not-ordinary, an acquired taste, likened to kitsch ? but has people talking
    • Gah?and stuff
    • He is such a grown-ass Southern-gentlemen type man
    • I love me some Clay Aiken! He (soft) rocks! *g*

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I must be evolving into a smutter here .... I read ldyjocelyn's post and what phrase jumps out at me? Why "bulging hard drives" of course. I may be a candidate for the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind at this rate.

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I must be evolving into a smutter here .... I read ldyjocelyn's post and what phrase jumps out at me? Why "bulging hard drives" of course. I may be a candidate for the eternal sunshine of a spotless mind at this rate.

Think I didn't word it that way for a reason? *g*

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Well, it is in Clackunlimited.com Under TV and then Primetime.

I think cindilu2 means THE WHOLE THING -- including "Moon River." There was a lot of footage that was hinted at in the previews for that show that was never shown.

There's LOTS of early clips of his that I simply treasure too. One is the advertisement he did for the "Let's Just Play" on Nickelodeon. The one with him and the hula hoops on his arms. Adorable.

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I think the first time I hear the opening chords of Right Here Waiting whoever is sitting beside me is going to have to pick me up off the floor because I will surely die.
We could hit the floor together, luckiest1 -- I do love and adore RHW, every last note of it from beginning to the Beatlesque fade out. I'm so thankful I never heard this song before ATDW!!!
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I must be evolving into a smutter here .... I read ldyjocelyn's post and what phrase jumps out at me? Why "bulging hard drives" of course.

I'm sorry , but did you say....

"EVOLVING into a smutter"?

as in....not there yet?

BWAH! :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Is there any OTHER way to read those words? B)

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Well, it is in Clackunlimited.com Under TV and then Primetime.

I think cindilu2 means THE WHOLE THING -- including "Moon River." There was a lot of footage that was hinted at in the previews for that show that was never shown.

Yup! He was just so sweet, and open, and gorgeous (so I love me some blond, spiky, blue sweater wearing Clay - SUE ME!). I still think though, that my single all-time favorite piece of Clack is the Rollingstone photoshoot/interview. From the opening Cliggle, to the posing, to the strains of BOTW in the background. It strikes me every time that he mentions the 'months' leading up to it, and just how much he experienced in such a short period of time. I'm sure the contestants today sort of expect it - but there's no way those guys could've seen what was coming. I just love it. FLOVE!!!!


I think the first time I hear the opening chords of Right Here Waiting whoever is sitting beside me is going to have to pick me up off the floor because I will surely die.

We could hit the floor together, luckiest1 -- I do love and adore RHW, every last note of it from beginning to the Beatlesque fade out. I'm so thankful I never heard this song before ATDW!!!

keepingfaith, why don'tcha ask luckiest1 about George 'ghosting' on this song? :imgtongue:

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We could hit the floor together, luckiest1 -- I do love and adore RHW, every last note of it from beginning to the Beatlesque fade out. I'm so thankful I never heard this song before ATDW!!!

Ahhhhh....loves me some RHW love. Time to go watch my David Foster gala clack again. I guess that's not considered TV? ;)

*sticks tongue out at cindilu2* George does so, I don't care what you say. I don't care if he's dead. [/delusional]

the most people who have been here at one time?

Hee, that's because the other boards are wondering where the hell everyone has gone. :cryingwlaughter:

Edited by luckiest1
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Wholey Kamoley - is this

5 guests, 10 members 4 anonymous members
the most people who have been here at one time?


6 guests, 12 members 3 anonymous members
, guess not! Edited by playbiller
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Favorite TV Clack? I happen to love his second Kimmel appearance. That Primetime interview was also very special.

I don't belong to a private board, but I can't say the existence of them bothers me. While there may be some that can get mean, the fact is that people talk about other people off the boards all the time. I can also understand the desire to have a place to discuss things away from the general public. It may be easier (and safer) to talk about one's personal life with a very limited number of trusted individuals. Certain statements or opinions can be misinterpreted in a broader environment. Then, there's the very real fact that there are some terrible non-fans out there who do read the boards and use the content against Clay. There are things that could be discussed among fans but that would ideally be hidden from the worst of the haters.

The open boards are fun, and it's good to have a broad range of participants. However, while the private boards may not always be well-behaved, I don't think the mere fact of their privacy makes them wrong.

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I'm still trying to figure out how we'd know that they're making fun or outing 'bad fans' (seriously?? wtf? No, seriously?? WTF???) of other people, if they are private???

ETA: Well then not private, so much, really. :cryingwlaughter: I too am part of other groups that chat, about life, about shstuff, about Clay, and yes, occasionally about some of things posted about Clay. For me personally though, I don't write anything that I wouldn't be willing to post publicly if it came down to it. As we've seen with the Little John video, nothing on the web is truly private.

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I'm still trying to figure out how we'd know that they're making fun or outing 'bad fans' (seriously?? wtf? No, seriously?? WTF???) of other people, if they are private???

That is easy - you join and look. Trust me the good fan/bad fan board is very, very bad and scarey because of the fervor that people attacked others - you keep saying to yourself - these are adult women with children and just try to picture how some of them have families and what they teach their children - it is not a pleasant thought.

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I'm still trying to figure out how we'd know that they're making fun or outing 'bad fans' (seriously?? wtf? No, seriously?? WTF???) of other people, if they are private???

That is easy - you join and look.

And that's considered private? I was picturing the type of board that you couldn't join or read without a personal invitation from a member.

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I'm still trying to figure out how we'd know that they're making fun or outing 'bad fans' (seriously?? wtf? No, seriously?? WTF???) of other people, if they are private???

Well I personally know of someone who was a target of one group and it wasn't pretty. But like Jenna and others have said, you aren't bad simply because you're private.I like discussing things with friends in email and while my true bitchy nature may come out a bit more I'm not stringing up anybody nor plotting to do harm anywhere. And you also get to whine about personal stuff a bit lot more.

Most users ever online was 64 on Feb 19 2006, 02:40 PM

don't ask me why, can't remember. must be pin related heee.

I think my favorite appearance was first Kimmel. Kimmel had been so mean spirted about him and while I didn't really have the vapors when I heard he was going on I was interested in how he would handle it. I never worried about him again after that. I

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Can you guys stand some more...some performance pix:




she said she is working on more...so you guys watch out for it...will be in work today....

have fun with the pix!!!

hmmm...it seems the links are not working...sorry about that...did other people get it??? I was in a hurry earlier so I was not able to get the pictures myself.

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I'm still trying to figure out how we'd know that they're making fun or outing 'bad fans' (seriously?? wtf? No, seriously?? WTF???) of other people, if they are private???

That is easy - you join and look.

And that's considered private? I was picturing the type of board that you couldn't join or read without a personal invitation from a member.

Well, duh... They figured it out - some boards are invitation only, others are public but have private threads that are invitation only and most boards require registration and logging in before viewing, some decided that you could register under approval - one decided that they would stop registering people they did not know and also have a private thread for the very special people by invitation only. A lot of boards decide that if you don't post in a certain amount of time, they will drop you. There are lots of ways to be private. There are boards you never even heard of here, I wouldn't know about them if people did not PM me.

Basically, I don't care anymore - say what you want behind closed doors, be as stupid as you want to be - I have nothing to hide, everyone knows what I think - hence I am here

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Good grief! Power was out here at home all day yesterday and look what I missed!

WORD to especially PlayBiller and Luckiest1 and rcknrllmom and couchie and kandre

oh never mind - just everyone :) Love it here!

I'm on a private board that is chock-full of Clay love - take today for example

We started out this am talking about Paris' house arrest and are now talking about Clay and handcuffs . . .

Private boards can be all kinds of fun ya know ;)

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So many interesting topics. Basically...I understand the need for private boards or groups. sometimes we just find that we like chatting with people that are like minded or that you can get along with without having to worry about your posts being available for the world to see. The fact that soe of these boards become destructive is really unfortunate.

I thought Couchie's question of favorite TV clack woud be hard to answer...but then it hit me. TYRA...that will always be one of my favorites.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I got my ticket to CA. No turning back now, I have my plane tickets, my concert tickets and additional plane tickets with couchie. We have reservations to hotel rooms too...

Cannot WAIT!!! :Tour3: :Tour3: :Tour3:

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Good grief! Power was out here at home all day yesterday and look what I missed!

WORD to especially PlayBiller and Luckiest1 and rcknrllmom and couchie and kandre

oh never mind - just everyone :) Love it here!

I'm on a private board that is chock-full of Clay love - take today for example

We started out this am talking about Paris' house arrest and are now talking about Clay and handcuffs . . .

Private boards can be all kinds of fun ya know ;)

BWAH.. that does sound like fun...

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Kind of O/T but also really puts things in perspective for me. This is the HDD article (found on CV) about Paul McCartney's projected first week sales, after leaving EMI and going with the Starbucks label.


Starbucks Sales Help Push New Album to #1, with 180k in First-Week Sales

June 6, 2007

A new paradigm has arrived for the record industry, and it all took place in the local coffee shop.

Thanks to its presence in more than 9,000 Starbucks in the U.S. alone and a worldwide marketing campaign and set-up by Hear Music and Concord Music Group, Paul McCartney’s Memory Almost Full looks like it will debut at #1 on next week’s chart, with a total of 180k in first-week sales.

Now, granted, for him it is almost double what he sold in his first week for his last album, so I bet he's celebrating. But Macca, who to many is a God, only sells 180,000 in his first week, with the media campaign that he has had? Just reinforces, to me, how well ATDW did. JMO obviously.

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Ack! I'm pages behind...You guys talk fast! (must be what happens when you listen to Clay long enough. hee)

The thing about being called 'positive police', or being given any label, is that it's just that, it's a label. It doesn't define who I really am or how I think. When labels start flying, to me, it means someone disagrees with the way another person thinks and doesn't want to bother to either accept that difference or at least look closer at it. Somebody isn't willing to look at the subject from the other guy's point of view. Easier to slap a label on it like a construction site 'danger' sign so they can walk around it....which I guess is ok if there was really danger involved, but labeling other posters is just sort of silly to me. I can see no danger in reading another person's opinions, other than realizing my way might not be the only way to look at something. Meh.

Favorite television appearance? OMG...like looking at the crown jewels (smutting alert ahead) and being told to chose just one.

Toss up between Clay singing the SSB at the World Series and tattooed leg Kimmel. The SSB because he talked later about what a big deal it was to him and how nervous he was, and he nailed it....and Kimmel, because I cut my shins the very same way when I shave my legs too. :cryingwlaughter:

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Kind of O/T but also really puts things in perspective for me. This is the HDD article (found on CV) about Paul McCartney's projected first week sales, after leaving EMI and going with the Starbucks label.


Starbucks Sales Help Push New Album to #1, with 180k in First-Week Sales

June 6, 2007

A new paradigm has arrived for the record industry, and it all took place in the local coffee shop.

Thanks to its presence in more than 9,000 Starbucks in the U.S. alone and a worldwide marketing campaign and set-up by Hear Music and Concord Music Group, Paul McCartney’s Memory Almost Full looks like it will debut at #1 on next week’s chart, with a total of 180k in first-week sales.

Now, granted, for him it is almost double what he sold in his first week for his last album, so I bet he's celebrating. But Macca, who to many is a God, only sells 180,000 in his first week, with the media campaign that he has had? Just reinforces, to me, how well ATDW did. JMO obviously.

And he gets to be #1, too. Most other weeks of the year last year, ATDW would have been also. I just bet A Thousand and ONE Different Ways (as I like to call it in my evil moments) will come out the same week as Britney comes back, too.

eta, clueless question I've wondered about for ages. Macca? WTF??

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And he gets to be #1, too. Most other weeks of the year last year, ATDW would have been also. I just bet A Thousand and ONE Different Ways (as I like to call it in my evil moments) will come out the same week as Britney comes back, too.

eta, clueless question I've wondered about for ages. Macca? WTF??

Hee, I like your evil ways. Macca? Just a nickname, I guess. No idea where it started. Maybe one of our other resident Beatle fans knows?

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