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# 12 An Evening With His Royal Highness Fantasy Fodder


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27 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ahhh, skin, tractors, fading tan and growing arm fur. All's right with the world.
    • Another talented dude who reputedly wields a big wand.
    • Very nice to look at...this very well put together firecracker.
    • Does he know he's so DWEAMIE????
    • Hips, thighs. derrierre, it's all there!!!
    • If the pants get any lower he'll need a hard-on to keep them up.
    • The spirit just moved him.
    • The Aiken Experience. There's nothing else like it. Ah.Freaking.Mazing. The Man, the Music. All of it.

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My, that Clay is cute and dang if Saturday's not a long time away!

I've been following Kelly's little brouhaha with interest - especially what it says about Clive - I vaguely remember those in the fandom asserting that Clay had to get his "side" about the evil that is Clive and the horror that was ATDW - in reading these articles, it strikes me that it would not have gone over particularly well. And it also interests me how much Kelly's "ageism" is being played up versus Clive's "experience"...

Considering how long "My December" has been out, will it make platinum? Was "Breakway" the exception to the rule for Kelly? Can we get Clay a Disney soundtrack?

I really agree with this. Kelly had pretty much been a media darling for the past year and a half and a lot of her comments (since just before the release of her album) have not been received too well. I can only imagine the hammering Clay would have taken if he had made some of the comments Kelly has made.

HA, or what Couchie just said.

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Re: the jeans...I just want to offer up a prayer of thanks for Clay's nice small, though slightly roundish, manbutt. Cuz I don't know about you, but I just canNOT wear those low rider things! To fit my mommabutt, they are way too big for my waist, so then I feel like all I'm doing is hiking them up constantly so I don't have Plumber's Crack!

But On Clay? :Thud:

* Philly raises her hand*

What's a poddie?

*Takes notes*

This image made me giggle very much!

JennaZ, jmh, play, couchie, artquest...y'all are so freakin' smart. As usual, I don't have anything of substance to add, but your discussion has clarified some things for me today, and eased my mind a bit. You see, around the time of the invasion ATDW release, I was so saddened, confused and threatened by the intensity of the discussions going on, that I ran for the hills. I quit the boards, cold turkey, for almost a year. Then I popped back in here to FCA once in a while, but still stayed away from the main boards at other locations to avoid the drama.

That decision had as much to do with my own insecurities and spinelessnicity (yes, it is too a word) as the fighting itself, but I found myself being profoundly saddened by the anger. The joy that I used to get from my fandom was gone. See, I tended to be more of the pod person, but on the other end of the spectrum that artquest mentioned. I was labelled a Pollyanna, aka blindly delusional. But it wasn't that I wasn't able to speculate that situations could have been different/better/other in Clayland, it was that I just didn't want to, and I felt that I didn't belong any more because of it.

Anyway, what y'all have clarified for me today, is that maybe I wasn't insane to think that some of the people I had always loved to read, and whose thoughts I had respected, had changed so drastically. Others saw it too. I understand where the term poddie came from, and I like Jenna's description:

it was born out of a time when many of us felt bruised and battered by our experiences on other boards, a small minority huddling together amidst the masses who were out for RCA blood.
Yup. It is more about the inability to be open minded to other possibilities, so I feel better. And once I saw KAndre's addition to the definition: "And a lack of appreciation of tiaras." I knew I was forever safe from becoming one! :cryingwlaughter:

That artquest is here, joining in this discussion, calling herself the resident poddie, is proof positive that the term is definitely NOT meant for her!

keepingfaith? THAT's funny!

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Hee, keepingfaith, that's quite a run on sentence! What's scarier is that those things actually happened. I like your definition. Like others have pointed out, it really only applies to a select few in the fandom. Many of whom were quite likeable and rational before the pod took them over. :cryingwlaughter:

I know, I know, I'm bad. I promise to try and stop throwing the term around. It's a form of stress relief sometimes.


Seriously, how can anyone say that he doesn't have a nice ass? I can't tell you how many times I aimed my binoculars at it, hoping that the shirt would ride up just a teeny bit......

And I had no idea (until I saw the pictures today) that those were the People jeans. Is it also the People shirt? That is awesome!

Off to d/l and watch what pitifully little (but very, very appreciated) SH clack has been uploaded so far. Hoping against hope that there are more clack gatherers who just haven't got to their computer yet today......

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Does anybody think if I write and ask him nicely (or perhaps print it on a t-shirt and stand beside Ethel) Clay would lend me that baton he tried to use last night?

Just wondering.

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OK, OK, OK....I surrender.

The man has a cute little butt.

*slinks off*

OTOH, I also feel really OLD watching him with those low-riders. Not that I don't appreciate them on HIM, per se...but does anyone remember Denis Leary when he was still mostly doing stand up? He did an hilarious routine about him going into a coffee shop and wanting to yell at the snot-nosed kid at the counter, "pull up those pants! And give me some coffee-flavored coffee, dammit!"

So when I see guys in lowriders, I'm afraid that my first thought is "pull up your pants!!!!" When it involves Clay, though....well, I guess I need to rethink my position.

*imagines rethinking positions with Clay*

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Does anybody think if I write and ask him nicely (or perhaps print it on a t-shirt and stand beside Ethel) Clay would lend me that baton he tried to use last night?


The mind boggles at the possible REASONS for wanting that baton.... :scream::whistling-1:

Ding dang it! Work is actually too demanding right now and I can't join in the discussion, which I've only skimmed, skimmed because of time crunches...

However, I've absorbed enough in the speedreading to be able to say quite definitively...

I FLOVE this place! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Does anybody think if I write and ask him nicely (or perhaps print it on a t-shirt and stand beside Ethel) Clay would lend me that baton he tried to use last night?

Just wondering.

And just what is it that you intend to do with Clay's baton, missy?

P.S. You could also write your request on a napkin and have Ethel put it on the stage for you at intermission. Then maybe you too could have a shouted conversation with Clay from your seat at the back of the venue.

P.P.S. Or you could ask Jerome, and immediately bump your name up ten notches on THE LIST...

P.P.P.S. So, is YSRN packed yet, or what?

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slinks in behing ldyj

Little still being the operative word!

Either all the way up or all the way down! None of this half-assed shit oops, uh, hmm, ASS! Yeah, that's the ticket!

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I'm always forgetting things:

From bottlecap:

Via CAP121 at CV:

The Freedom Hill website has a link to the venue photographer's pictures from last night. A note: the page plays snippets of Clay music when you open it - it's a nice feature I think.

They got some really nice pictures there. Pro-photographers don't always do so well, but this one did IMO.

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Off to d/l and watch what pitifully little (but very, very appreciated) SH clack has been uploaded so far. Hoping against hope that there are more clack gatherers who just haven't got to their computer yet today......

LauraQ posted last night that she has some SH clack - will upload tonight

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LauraQ posted last night that she has SH clack but won't get it uploaded until tonight after work

Wheeeeeeee! That's what I like to hear! :Tour3:

ETA: I just watched husker's clack of the Classics. :hubbahubba:

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remembers that FCA is apparently full of those people known as "baseball fans"...

So, are the Astros any good this year? Are they in the playoffs? Do I want this free ticket my office is trying to give me? Is the fact that I don't know the answers to these questions the reason my office is trying to give me this ticket? Why doesn't my office ever give me Clay tickets? I think they are plotting against me!

I think my podiatrist may have noticed the teensy bit of running around I've done for the last couple of weeks. Especially when he stuck me with that damn anti-inflammatory. Bastard. I know perfectly well there are perfectly lovely oral anti-inflammatories. Probably chocolate flavored too.

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remembers that FCA is apparently full of those people known as "baseball fans"...

So, are the Astros any good this year? Are they in the playoffs? Do I want this free ticket my office is trying to give me? Is the fact that I don't know the answers to these questions the reason my office is trying to give me this ticket? Why doesn't my office ever give me Clay tickets? I think they are plotting against me!

eeeeeep KAndre' - they're 13 games back - an off year for them I think - good thing about that is that the beer should be flowing heavier than usual - there are trade-offs everywhere y'know *g*

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That Clay. Such a comedian.

Philly -- "Now I'm a Man" on YouTube

Could someone tell me at what point in the concert the "I'm a Man" comment occurs? Was it in the first or second half? SLC has a lot of Clack from Philly and if anyone doesn't have this info, I'll be forced to watch every single bit of this Clack just to find that comment. On second thought, I think I will watch every single little bit of the Philly Clack. Nevermind.
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Re: the jeans...I just want to offer up a prayer of thanks for Clay's nice small, though slightly roundish, manbutt.

Seriously, how can anyone say that he doesn't have a nice ass? I can't tell you how many times I aimed my binoculars at it, hoping that the shirt would ride up just a teeny bit.....

OK, OK, OK....I surrender.

The man has a cute little butt.

*slinks off*

slinks in behing ldyj

Little still being the operative word!

Either all the way up or all the way down! None of this half-assed shit oops, uh, hmm, ASS! Yeah, that's the ticket!

More than a handful's a waste, they say. I can tell you're all really feeling Clay's ass.....well, you would if presented the opportunity and he agreed that is was okay for you to do so.

He has very pretty eyes, too.


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remembers that FCA is apparently full of those people known as "baseball fans"...

So, are the Astros any good this year? Are they in the playoffs? Do I want this free ticket my office is trying to give me? Is the fact that I don't know the answers to these questions the reason my office is trying to give me this ticket? Why doesn't my office ever give me Clay tickets? I think they are plotting against me!

eeeeeep KAndre' - they're 13 games back - an off year for them I think - good thing about that is that the beer should be flowing heavier than usual - there are trade-offs everywhere y'know *g*

OK, apparently 13 games is a lot - when did the season start? And it's not over yet? As for beer, we are in the Club house thingie, they better have hard liquor if I have to pretend to watch baseball...

Can't argue about the eyes - excessively pretty eyes - even the wonky one....

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My personal opinion is that when a fan starts talking about the ghoulish, blood-dripping Clive, whom they blame for short-circuiting Clay's career by refusing to release the phantom album of Christian Contemporary rock songs that must have been called Imagining Clive Dying a Horrible and Painful Death and, further, they ridicule others who don't buy into this complete load of crap and, because even though many of them have called for a boycott to "teach Clive a lesson" they are nonetheless incensed when they can't find copies of ATDW to boycott at their local record stores, especially after writing "It's all Clive's fault" reviews and throwing them out on iTunes and Amazon, and, of course, carrying this sickening message to as many boards as possible in a vain and pathetic attempt to control FanThought, including calling ATDW a dismal failure and an embarrassment ... and when certain folks seem to fall prey to this crazy message out of fear that Clay's a victim of career sabotage and these people become so incredibly scared that Clay will be going out of their lives forever that they run screaming into the night clamoring for the head of Crypt-Keeper Clive ..... Thaaaaat's a Poddie.

My definition.


I thought I wrote the longest sentences in the world, but I believe this takes the prize away from me.

I think you have said a mouthful and I agree with it all.

Ambiguous? unambiguous? middle of the road? conservative? liberal? poddie? roadie? roadkill? Sewer rats? Whatever........... :cryingwlaughter:

I'm only interested in where some people's common sense went to, and when the hell will it return? *shrug* I'm fascinated that there seems to be so many gullible people in Clayland, who can't seem to think for themselves. They latch onto every word of some "self appointed" leader fans who think they are the "know it all, be all," about everything. Even though they have zero experience in the music industry or any 1st hand knowledge of what is going on with Clay. People who try to take what their given profession is and apply it to what is happening in Clay's career are irresponsible fans, IMHO, and wrong. I have a hard time understanding why, when these "self professed" know it alls, who haven't been right once in 5 years, still have minions hanging on their every word? This is the kind of stuff that stymies me in the fandom. Plus their minions make excuses for why they were wrong. How many times have you heard this? "Things change in the music industry every day." "Things happen." "Clay had to say that." "Have you read such and such a book? It will explain how evil Clive and the industry really is." "We are only speculating and that is what fans do." :eusa_whistle:

Ad Nauseum..........Dead horse.........Why can't they let go? Because they are famewhores and have to be right at all cost and have the last word. Again JMO.

I will only say that I am saddened that this fandom is filled with people who just can't seem to buy a clue. I am saddened that some people, although well intentioned perhaps, just don't know when to STFU. That don't know when they have crossed the line from helping Clay to hurting him. I am saddened that there are fans who contact people from RCA and contact record distributors and fans that write Faye derogatory emails about her son's performances and on and on it goes. Meddling fans. All in the name of supporting Clay. If it wasn't for FCA I would Of left the message boards. Then, I'm afraid it might of just been a matter of time before out of sight out of mind, if you know what I mean. This is what the POD mentality did for my fandom. Like I said, I am so happy Clay is putting to rest so many of these theories and rumors. It should take the credibility of some of these so called "fan Leaders" completely away. I'm also glad that he told the fans there is nothing they can do to help. Except buy his music, merchandise, and attend his concerts. I hope this will stop some fans from continuing to trying to involve themselves in his career by contacting anybody with his "team." I also hope it will stop people from engaging the bloggers and the "Haters" as well. People will just have to forgive me for not apologizing for my attitude towards Poddies, who have left this terrible taste in my mouth. Poddies, by my definition, know who they are.

I spent a great day with my brother today. Had a wonderful lunch and visit. I will have to catch up on the recaps in the morning. Glad everyone enjoyed their concerts. MOAM was my personal favorite in Tulsa.

Now am I the only one who wants to rip that blue shirt off of Clay and set fire to it? I want to see me some crack and here's hoping the carpet is in tact. *g* Thanks for all the links and pics. I'm glad karen eh has had her tea...........

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy .... now I simply can't be a pollyanna because I have a criticism, yes a criticism!!! After watching the Classics Clack from last night, I decided that Clay is absolutely ruining this brilliant bit by playing it too heavily for slapstick. He can be cool with it, and he can be funny, but he's running the risk of not being either when he's too over the top with it. In Frisco, Houston, and Tulsa -- my three (so far) -- there were some authentically hot performances laced into the medley which have been lost these past few days in the exaggerations he's putting into it.

Somebody should tell him that he's legimately hot on a few of these numbers and should stop jumping around like Froggie during OPP, or completely going Hee-Haw on the country songs. Even on "party all night" he's making it too campy to be sexy lately. If someone did, in fact, tell his mama that he's being "vulgar" on stage, could this have affected the performance? I sure hope that since he has gone through puberty and all, that he'll realize that, ahem, we have too.

I think he's genuinely sexy as hell, and I like it when he acts like he knows it.

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KAndre holds up keepingfaith's 'so-called' criticism - you know, you have to have that stuff certified! - and carefully examines all six sides, and sticks her finger in it and tastes....

Yep, that's 100% criticism right there! A little lacking in vitriol, and OTT ranting, but not bad, not bad...

Gotta work on it though. Say something about the hair.

What can I say? My shot is wearing off!


Hey! We're playin' the Dodgers! Isn't that somebody's team in here! You know my baseball support can be purchased, nay, let's say traded for, things like, I dunno, M&Gs? The floor is open!

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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy .... now I simply can't be a pollyanna because I have a criticism, yes a criticism!!! After watching the Classics Clack from last night, I decided that Clay is absolutely ruining this brilliant bit by playing it too heavily for slapstick. He can be cool with it, and he can be funny, but he's running the risk of not being either when he's too over the top with it. In Frisco, Houston, and Tulsa -- my three (so far) -- there were some authentically hot performances laced into the medley which have been lost these past few days in the exaggerations he's putting into it.

Somebody should tell him that he's legimately hot on a few of these numbers and should stop jumping around like Froggie during OPP, or completely going Hee-Haw on the country songs. Even on "party all night" he's making it too campy to be sexy lately. If someone did, in fact, tell his mama that he's being "vulgar" on stage, could this have affected the performance? I sure hope that since he has gone through puberty and all, that he'll realize that, ahem, we have too.

I think he's genuinely sexy as hell, and I like it when he acts like he knows it.

Dang. It's even got keepingfaith. *sob*

I thought last nights was the hottest yet.

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I am so happy Clay is putting to rest so many of these theories and rumors. It should take the credibility of some of these so called "fan Leaders" completely away. I'm also glad that he told the fans there is nothing they can do to help. Except buy his music, merchandise, and attend his concerts. I hope this will stop some fans from continuing to trying to involve themselves in his career by contacting anybody with his "team." I also hope it will stop people from engaging the bloggers and the "Haters" as well. People will just have to forgive me for not apologizing for my attitude towards Poddies, who have left this terrible taste in my mouth. Poddies, by my definition, know who they are.

Uh...yeah, that. Unfortunately, Clayzorback, it seems that it is the most egregious offenders in the ways you've listed here who can even hear it from Clay's own beautiful lips, but will still not get it that THEY are the ones being told to stop. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

keepingfaith.. :F_05BL17blowkiss: I knew you were a smart cookie. Yep, I agree. Although Clay LOOKED hot last night, his overacting and campiness to the nth degree actually acted like a big bucket of ice water over my usual squirminess during the Classics. He was having fun, so I was too; however, I was rolling my eyes and grinning too much to see much sexy going on....

Not there's anything WRONG with that (tm Seinfeld) :whistling-1:

every now and then, that is.....I do hope, though, that he will indeed be "brining sexy back" to the Classics from time to time... :hubbahubba:

(Edited to correct an egregious spelling error. :blush: )

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