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July 23, Sterling Heights, MI

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He says he is excited, a little too excited.Said someone is taking another picture of his rearend. That's all I can understand.

Angela is very hoarse - has a cold- Clay gave her a kiss on the cheeck and said you will give it to me later- audience took that wrong and whooped !!

ntro-ing the classics set and talking about today's music -- "I don't have the shizzle to be cool in today's world."

"I said to Jesse -- find some of the coolest, hippest songs and put them in a medley. I want to be cool before this night is over"


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Can't wait to see the Clack! "Did Angela leave? Where is she? She went to the bathroom, huh?" Clay's saying, "We are a family; here we are in Detroit, the motor city, the home of Dream Girls, she isn't able to sing it because she isn't feeling well. She has a cold I think he said.

Maybe throwing up in her mouth

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I like Clay dueting with most people. I have never liked his duets with Quiana.

Still don't.

Somehow IMO their voices just don't blend well together.

ETA: I can see I am alone in the Clay Nation on this! Maybe it was just the cellcert......

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a lot of off color conversation about female time...

and angela seem not well

she said its because of the roller coaster they road

TWYMMF...he went out to the audience...

all over the place

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Things that make you go WHAT?????

From the CH:

When they were doing the menstruation jokes, Clay took the conductor's baton and tried to stick it in his ear.

And this sounds promising.....

From CV:

When Clay was sitting on the stool, his pants were so low that the belt buckle was touching the stool

From CV:

Venue security was blown away by Clay.

Big burly security guard said, "Man that guy can SANG!"

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Just walked in the door from Sterling Heights. Certainly not up to writing a recap tonight, hee. But I have to tell you that I didn't think it was possible to surpass Canandaigua for the best.show.ever. Until tonight. Holy shit. I have never heard him in better voice. MOAM was in another realm, and even he knew it. The Listen duet was to die for - cindilu2 took clack of it, if nothing else surfaces. I know that canfly got some stuff but was having camera problems, and I heard that someone else may have got the whole second half. I spoke to clayizzaqt prior to the show and she was thinking about taking clack. Don't know if she did. I can only pray that everything was captured because it will be a crying shame if it wasn't. This was the best outfit, by far, of the whole tour so far. The pants were so low they were almost off his butt at the back. The belt was fabulous.

We started out in extreme right row LL (great for his little trip up the aisle to sit on the ledge while the sun was setting), but moved ourselves to perfectly centred row FF at intermission, which rocked. No idea why those seats were empty but we took full advantage of it!

Anyways, off to bed. More in the morning. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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CV cellcerter mentioned meeting bottlecap and laughn. EEEEEEE!

Really? I had my binoculars on my Clayversity lanyard, and some CV'ers introduced themselves to me in the audience, and I pulled them over to meet laughn too, since she also posts there. I had no idea they were doing the cert.

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So, maybe the cat woke me up at 6:45 so I could write my recap? I can't imagine what else he had in mind, since I only got to bed around 2 am. Ugh. Animals.

PRE SHOW STUFF (i.e. scroll if you don't care)

The group of 6 who were riding together in a van decided to meet up at my house around 1:30 pm. Since my daughter, crimsonice, and I haven't been home in 2 weeks (aka my house is a disaster zone), we decided it would be a good plan to set up some lawn chairs in the back yard so we could all just sit and chat while we waiting for everyone to arrive. First one in was my old friend and virgin for this tour heartsocean from the CB. Our very own cindilu2 and Claymatron (who posts mainly at CV) arrived with the van that we would be using shortly after. As we waited for disneykid, heartsocean went in the house to fix her hair or something. Next thing we knew, she came back out with her foot bleeding all over the place. Seems she's somehow caught it on the screen door while trying not to let the dog out, and practically tore off one of her toes. We're talking a wound in need of stitches. Which she would have no part of, since, of course, we were going to see Claaaaaaaaay, and this was her one and only concert. Anyone who knows anything about Canadian emergency rooms realizes that we would probably have still been there this morning if we'd tried it. So I got out the first aid kit, and we disinfected and bandaged her foot up the best we could. As soon as disneykid hit the driveway, we were on our way.

We headed up to goldarngirl's place to join the caravan. They had 12 people in 2 vehicles (mainly not.just.us, except for one CVer whose name I cannot remember, who had discovered Clay last year on youtube. She was a concert virgin.) En route, we communicated with another vehicle, with alspaz from the CH, and OntarioFan from the CB. Hee, we are very multi-boardal. We got through the border with no trouble and headed for the venue. The phone rang and we were informed that the not.just.us car had been detained in a routine, random spot check. So we planned to meet up at the Somerset Collections mall near the venue. Our trusty driver, cindilu2, got us there in record time, and we proceeded to the bathrooms and the food court, in that order. heartsocean discovered that her foot had bled through her sock, so we redisinfected and bandaged again, and then we got dinner (which was yummy). Another phone call informed us that they were still stuck at the border. Yikes. So we shopped. Bought a variety of chocolate and a HP book. goldarngirl's vehicle arrived around 6:00 pm, and they had just enough time to shovel some food into their bellies before we had to jump back in the vans to head to the venue. We parked what seemed like a mile away and hiked to the entrance, where we discovered our not.just.us people waiting patiently for their tickets at the gate. Thank God they made it in time!

The venue had so much stuff for sale! One Clay merchandise stand, and about 25 booths of hats and lemonade and food and...well, you name it, they had it. We bypassed everything and boogied into the stands. I was amazed at how close to the stage the rows were on the outer edge. I mean, a row LL was about equidistant with a centred FF. Weird set up, but cool. We found bottlecap just where she said she'd be, wearing her DCAT pin, and she introduced us to laughn. Sorry we couldn't spend more time with you, ladies! I saw clayizzaqt briefly, and a variety of other people. There were just hugs a plenty. It's so cool showing up at a venue and knowing tons of people. We eventually headed over to our seats which were in section 100, rows HH, LL and MM, near the outer edge. Unfortunately, we were in the direct line of the sun, which was nearly blinding us when we tried to look at the stage. Pretty poor planning for whoever built the venue, IMO. I mean, come on, know your directions.

Anyways, the music started quickly and everyone was looking all around to figure out where Clay would enter from. Hardly anyone was looking at the stage. Hee, which is where he entered. We all pretty much died simultaneously when we saw the outfit - beautifully fitted jeans, a belt with a buckle, and tucked in deep blue shirt, and a black jacket with black shoes. Holy shit. He was freaking gorgeous. Who was it that called this man 'fat'? I think you need to reconsider.

We quickly decided that every song needed a standing ovation because he was in spectacular voice and the sound system was just awesome. The beginning of IWTKWLI was funny because he sang the first line and then didn't sing the second line, and then said to Angela "oh, for some reason I thought you were going to sing it". I think he sang another line looking at her and then Quiana started to sing, and he did a little jump as though he was surprised and turned to face her. They wailed on it, as usual. He started talking, saying hello to Michigan, etc, and then he jumped off the stage and started singing while walking right up the outer aisle beside us, in an obvious attempt to have us not have to look directly into the sun to see him. I thought it was such a sweet thing to do, although I realized that the other side of the venue was probably pissed. He sat himself on the ledge of a wooden platform probably about 10 - 15 rows above us, and said he was going to stay there until the sun went down. The people around that area were just freaking out. No one sat down while he was up there. He did the Perfect Strangers banter up there and even sat and watched them do the West Wing theme, which he said was cool because he felt like he was watching it on television. Once they started into the theme songs, he finally started back down, but he didn't use the stairs, he walked along the small curb beside the railing.

The crowd seemed really into the TV medley. He didn't use any cue cards, but he was pointing at people who he caught singing along and smiling and making comments to them. He started doing the George Jefferson dance, and in the middle of it he just threw off his jacket! Quiana picked it up off the floor and laid it somewhere where it wouldn't get dirty. Afterwards he remarked that the spirit just moved him, hee. I think he must have been awfully hot, personally. ;) At the end of the medley, he surprised us by singing Angie's last note in the All In The Family theme song. That was when we realized that Ange was really having some problems.

I don't remember what happened after that, other than cindilu2 and I were dying over the low jeans. He sang beautifully and he was the funniest I think I have ever seen him. He talked about going to Cedar Point the day before with everyone but Quiana, and how Sean rode 3 rides, and only 1 of them wasn't a kiddy ride. It was pretty obvious throughout that Angie wasn't feeling well, but she sang her little heart out in most of the first half anyways. When Clay introduced Quiana's song and left the stage, I was disappointed to see how many people decided to take an early bathroom break (including a bunch in our row). To me, that is just so rude. Plus, I think she kills on the song and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

At intermission we decided to go visiting. There are some wonderful ladies from Ohio who I've known since the Detroit IT who were there, and I knew they had tickets in centre row FF, so we went looking for them. As it turned out, they said that the seats directly in front of them, as well as 2 seats beside them, had been empty all night. Well, good Claymates that we are (hee) we never went back to our own seats. I wonder if maybe the whole block of them were broker tickets that never sold? In any case, we were thrilled. So sorry, bottle and laughn, but we didn't dare leave them for fear that someone else would come along and steal them. Some guys on stage were bantering with the audience and giving away prizes. Some lady who was back in our original row LL won a trip to Cancun. The randomly picked a couple of people to give away Donny Osmond and Franki Valli tickets. It was pretty cool and different from other venues we've been to. I think they also made an announcement about no flash photography. Later I saw ushers holding "no flash photography" signs during the concert.

We were very happy when Clay returned without the jacket. Since the sun had gone down (and Quiana's comments at the end of the first half about how he was losing his pants), we were afraid he would put it back on. No worries - they were as low as ever. He launched into A Thousand Days, and pretended to hit the glory note but then shut his mouth and grinned and let Quiana take it. At the beginning of Sorry, when he sang "what've I gotta do to make you love me" someone yelled "not much!" and he cracked up a bit. Other than that, people were pretty good about not shouting during the singing.

He just wailed Without You (which made me v.v. happy), but MOAM was out.of.this.world. Seriously, I've never heard him sing it like that. He was so into it - at times he was pounding his fist on his leg, and his hands at other times were flying around. It was the most expressive version I have ever heard. He made a round and round motion with one hand when he sang "round and round". When he finished, he almost seemed to snap back to reality. Quiana remarked that she'd heard things in that song that she'd never heard before. The ovation was long and deafening. He said something about "it must have been those roller coasters". He even knew that he'd done something pretty special. It was amazing and I hope the clack really captures it. we were all just looking at each other in amazement and saying "did you hear that??????"

Clay jumped off the stage during TWYMMF and went up the outer aisle in section 300 (which I was glad he did, since he'd spent so much time on the other side earlier). He went back to the crossways aisle that runs in front of the 600 section, and was getting people to sing into the mic. He came back down the aisle between sections 100 and 200, so he really made the rounds of the venue. I don't remember how the funny stuff started but he was cracking on Angela about her voice, making fun of her, imitating the way she sounded (which by this point was like a person with laryngitis) and he said something about hitting puberty. Well, she said "no, the other thing" and Clay was just dying when he caught on. She and Quiana carried on talking about PMS and referring to having your period (without actually saying the word period) and Clay picked up a drumstick or something and started trying to screw it into his ear. OMG we were all falling down laughing. Quiana said it was Problems Men Started and Angela went over and high fived her. Poor Clay, he just didn't know what to do, they just wouldn't stop, but it was funny to see them give it back to him as much as he can dish it out to them. At one point he went over and kissed Angela on the forehead which brought huge applause and screams. And I think it was here somewhere that he remarked that she'd probably give it to him later. He didn't seem to get the connotations of what he'd said until the audience started oohing and aahing and freaking out, and then you could see it dawn on his face.....he said to Quiana that they were just going to ignore such behaviour, and she said "or throw up a little bit in our mouths" which was probably the funniest line of the night. OMG tears were streaming down my face by that point. Clay busted a gut laughing too.

He finally got himself back on track and continued on with the upbeat songs banter (which is how this whole thing started I think) and finally launched into Baby Got Back. He didn't slap Angie's ass this time but he did squarely put his hand on her. I think this was the hottest Classics medley ever - he was on fire, and it was more sexy than goofy this time. Not sure how much of that had to do with the outfit. :Thud: SexyBack was awesome, and the "party all night" was out of this world. Please, God, let there be good clack. I thought I saw a few cameras rolling right down at the front.

Anyways, at some point during the banter afterwards, not clear when, Angela disappeared off the stage. Clay started looking around for her, wondering if she'd gone to the bathroom, and made a comment to Quiana that sounded like "maybe she J dealed us". Quiana cracked up so hard she was bent over laughing, and Clay said that it was an inside joke that she would be howling about for 4 weeks. cindilu2 and I looked at each other incredulously and both thought for sure he was referring to Jacob leaving in the middle of the show that time on the JNT05. ETA that I now realize he was most likely referring to Jay, the bass player, who left during the NaT. We just about died when he said that he and Quiana were going to try to improvise Angela's song because "she left her voice box on one of the roller coasters" or something like that. They sang it facing each other, sitting on the stools. Clay's harmony's were spot on. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. It was a gift, one that will probably never be repeated. I said to cindilu2 that those moments are why I wish I could go to every show, because you just never know what's going to happen. When they finished, Angie came back out and went directly over to Quiana and hugged her, then hugged Clay.

He went into the story about Jaymes (who is a girl) and David and Lover All Alone. This time he referred to himself as Clay rather than Clayton. His version of Lover All Alone was haunting. A tiny bit raspy (because of all the wailing he'd just done on Listen) which, to me, just made it better. A couple of notes (one being "wanna share my everything) took my breath away. I was amazed how well he sang it.

He talked for a long time afterwards about community arts programs and got quite serious for a minute about "suits" and how they don't always make the right decisions, and then he was really, really enthusiastic with his talk about how much they all love doing this, how they've loved the last 4 years, and how even though he was crabby today in the meet and greet (and he said Jesse is always crabby) that once they got up on stage they had such a great time. He thanked us profusely for everything, and then started Because You Loved Me. The audience stayed seated but there were tons of waving arms and glow sticks throughout the song. Everyone stood at the end as he introduced the band one last time and said goodnight.


After he left the stage we all just stood around in amazement at what we'd just witnessed. We saw Michifan4Clay from the CH and went over and said hello. Just lots more hugs for everyone we knew again. We hit the bathrooms and then headed out to the bus line. People had started lining up single file along a road outside of the fence. It stretched from the bus right down to the main road. Some fans seemed to be helping Jerome out and were trying to direct people. Unfortunately, we had a very drunk man beside us who kept making stupid comments about Clay's manliness. When Jerome finally came down the line to check things out, we pulled him over and appraised him of the situation. Hee, he was so funny. He said it was no problem, but if he raised 3 fingers, we should jump on the guy's back. LOL. He made an announcement using a mega phone - that if he saw one flash go off, he'd give a warning, and if he saw two flashes go off, he'd pull Clay out. He was dead serious about it. The drunk guy just got worse as the minutes ticked by , and started talking about breaking one of Clay's hands when he came by. Seriously, this guy was someone's husband, and she was wearing a Clay shirt. Wouldn't you have dragged his ass out of there and sacrificed your bus line experience if he was your husband? I don't know what she was thinking.

We saw this horde of people coming towards us from down at the bus end of the line and we though that for some reason, Jerome must have called off the whole thing. But we quickly realized that that horde was following Clay, who came flying down the line at us, thanking us for coming. I got a quick hand caress and he was gone. When he hit the end, it must have been frightening for him, because he had to come back towards the massive horde who was walking towards him. Jerome and the other security guys surrounded him and walked him quickly through the gates to the venue, which were shut behind him. He continued to wave to the people who were standing along the fence cheering. And that was my last sight of him, walking away waving, flanked my security.

We had an uneventful trip home, singing along to JBT clack and reliving the memories of the night. heartsocean went straight to the emergency room from my place, and texted me to say that since 13 hours had passed, they couldn't stitch it up, but had instead decided to use some kind of medicinal super glue instead, which hurt. They didn't give her shit for waiting - but I have no idea what excuse she used. *g*

Edited by lickiest1
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