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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

Recommended Posts

Yes, the board is VERY blue! But there are lots of new cool features. Yeah, I'm geeky. So what??

Anyway, try clicking on people's screenames at the far left of the page. There's a drop-down menu with lots of options!

And at the top right of the current topic - there's another drop-down menu. Cool!

I'm looking forward to seeing what color scheme you admins decide upon!

Heee - I'm having fun playing. The 'reply' box has all kinds of new options, too. The color box is no longer way up at the top.

And you can do spoilers like this.

And there's superscript, subscript, strikethrough, inserting special items (heh!!), and tons more. Yay!!

Yay for the color box being down in "the zone"!!! :woman:

I kind of like the color -- Tarheel Blue -- but I'm easy. :lol:

Way to go, Couchie! :clap:

I'm off to teach in High Point shortly. Glad to see the board is up and running. It is laid out a lot like the new Clayversity site as far as emoticons, font attributes, etc.

Grandson is one week old today. Y'all have a great day! th_bubblesmileyrev.gif

Caro listen.gif

ETA: My PM's are messed up, too. Now if you could get the correction counter turned off, that would be awesome. Halfway kidding ... :lol:

Edited by Carolina Clay
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Good morning FCA!

Wow ... a whole new look to this place. I will try and play around soon. Just when I thought I had

figured out the old place. :cryingwlaughter: O'well, need to keep my mind challenged ... right? (Darn ... I don't see a spellcheck! Oh ... there is one. I found it. Hmmm, have to download something to use it. Maybe later.)

I also love all the yarn and quilt talk. I certainly do not do that kind of work at all ... but I own some

quilts that I absolutely love and adore.

caro - "Jack" is beautiful! I wish you could be there with the little family so you could start that grandparent spoiling! So happy for you.

Happy birthday to PhillyluvsClay! Hope you have a great day.

Need to go read all the post made over the weekend.

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Heh. This is interesting, to say the least...

One of the things I've discovered: check out this earlier post of mine and scroll down to the last picture in the post. Notice that it says at the top of the picture, "Image shrunk by ___%, click here to see full sized picture." In other words, pictures that are YUGE won't cause the margins to go all wonky!

And I think that "insert acronym" thingy could make being at the top of the page VERY interesting. *g*

And it looks as if I get to try it out first! Hey!

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And I think that "insert acronym" thingy could make being at the top of the page VERY interesting. *g*

And it looks as if I get to try it out first! Hey!

Apparently my worst fears are true. Nobody reads my posts.

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I actually did read your post. I just wanted to try it as well, and I figured top of the page was a good reason TO try it.

And I think that "insert acronym" thingy could make being at the top of the page VERY interesting. *g*

And it looks as if I get to try it out first! Hey!

Apparently my worst fears are true. Nobody reads my posts.

cindi -- I actually did read your post. I just wanted to try it as well, and I figured top of the page was a good reason TO try it.

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OMG! I'm all lost and everything. I just figured out the old board and now I have to learn something new? I even had to re-login and couldn't remember who I am on this board. :lmaosmiley-1: I like blue. I like green. I like any color, just as long as the board is still here.

Just curious, what happens when you get nabbed?

You wet your pants, that's what happens. :(

couchie, it would be cute to get 'scolded' by Jerome

Oh I dunno. You may wanna ask BW about that. :cryingwlaughter:

Oh dear. 'Cute' isn't exactly the word I'd use to describe it. Scared shitless maybe? Seriously, I avoid Jerome to this day. I was trying to tape Clay singing Invisible during the AI2 Tour and got busted. I had a brand new video camera that Jerome was bound and determined that I was going to hand over, and I was just as determined not to. He finally settled for the tape. Never have quite gotten over the fright he gave me. I know that now he's a big ole' teddy bear and people have great things to say about him, but back in the early days he was a bear. Not a nice man at all to have mad at you. :( I received a PM once from the lady who was sitting behind me at the time, offering her condolences, but at the same time laughing because I was being so stubborn. I wish I still had The Picture that my daughter took of him yelling at me.

I am totally intimidated by all the new stuff on the board. :fca:

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{{{Bookwhore}}} Didn't know about that. I guess I'd forgotten his old image -- the one that sticks to my head right now is of him leading merrieeee and others by the hand (just like in kindergarten) at the Asheville busline.

Would love to see the picture of you standing up to him!!!

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Testing, testing 1, 2, 3.....I don't really mind the blue. I like pale colours because when I turn images off at work it makes it look more business-like. :naughtywag:

Gosh, you've made a great point, Luckiest. This is definitely 'business blue'. And without the banner, hey, people would think this is some old boring analysis-type crap.

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Don't mind me I'm just playing

don't mind me I'm just playing

don't mind me I'm just playing

don't mind me I'm just playing

what the hell is this? topic link?

don't mind me i'm just playing oooohhh, pretty!

don't mind me i'm just playing

don't mind me I'm just playing

What the hell?? Why are all those boxes up there? What did i do?

Edited by Bookwhore
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PMs should be back and our poor neglected gallery is also back. Feel free to check out the gallery to see if it is even useful. Also, do ya'll want blogs? Thinking of adding that feature.

Bookwhore ..don't know what the heck you're doing... LOL... just keep practicing.

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***Knocks on door...it slowly opens...walks inside and looks around.... Is this the Twilight Zone?....Am I in the right place?***

Well, CRAP! I AM in the right place but it's ...er....different.

Change is so HARD... takes me a while. Maybe a year from now I'll figure it out. Will just keep posting as usual and let the rest of you deal with the bells and whistles.

Miss the banner and pin pic ... but you guys are the "real" board. And, so long as you are around, I'll deal.

ETA: Well, duh, the pin pic is still there! YAY!

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I had to go back a ways ....

I was just reading an email from a business contact (yes, I'm at work and occasionally actually do work-related things). She works for the Denver Convention and Visitors Bureau but is in New York on business with another client and said she took the client to see Jersey Boys and that Clay was there!

Thats so cool, thanks for sharing. I'm glad that Clay seems to get around NYC without a lot of hassle. And he sure loves him some Broadway shows. Me too.

My 'When the Lights Go Down' audio recommends are posted now, with mp3's for those who desire them. <snip>

When the lights go down,

At the end of the day, when this game that I play,

Has gone another round.

As I lay there alone in this big empty bed,

Nothing but thoughts of you in my head.

I think of the things that I wish I had said,

When you were still around.

I attended five summer concerts ... Frisco, Tulsa, and 3 of the CA ones. In San Diego, I had a front row table (but had to sit in the back of it so not technically front row ... right?) but anyhoo, this was when I first saw Clay stay on the stage to listen to Q sing this. It is also when I saw him turn to A and mouth the words I bolded above and I honestly thought I was going to faint ... he was so darn sexy. I never would have thought that one of my most powerful reaction during the SPHR Tour would be when Clay wasn't even singing but was instead, sitting in the dark watching his back-up singer/friend sing and he was mouthing these words toward A. Wowza! I'm so glad Thank4Clay caught this moment in her LA video, although my menory of this is still replaying in my mind from my view I had of him in San Diego.

windstar - I coulda sworn I did meet you somewhere along the way. ...I am so confused...

Oh goodness ... me too. Where? When?

Work and real life are kicking my big old ass, so I'm lucky if I can keep up just lurking here. I enjoy reading what y'all have to say.

How's the job going? Good to see you checking in.

It's funny, I've been luckiest1 since I came online waaaay back in '97 (during the height of my previous fandom, figure skating) and I now have friends who refer to me as "Lucky" in real life. It is especially helpful when there are 2 or 3 people with the same first name as me in the same room. LOL.

I got my "online" start during the 1998 Nagano Olympics on a skating forum. I was/am a Michelle Kwan follower.

I was driving home from church and heard "INVISIBLE" on my Top 40 radio. Yes, yes I did...I about ran into a bus!!! I can count on one hand how many times I've heard Clay on my radio, let alone at midday!!!

I can also count on my hand how many times I have heard a Clay song on my radio. And my first reaction when I do is to check and make sure it isn't my CD playing.

FromClaygary - Your grandson is beautiful! Your son looks so happy.

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PMs should be back and our poor neglected gallery is also back. Feel free to check out the gallery to see if it is even useful. Also, do ya'll want blogs? Thinking of adding that feature.

Oh goody now I can see how many more messages I don't have*g*

Gallery what's a gallery?????

Blogs...I can hardly write a post let alone a blog!!!!!

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Hmmm....I keep trying to hit the quote button to quote Cindilu2's post about her swears *g* and I can't...it just jumps away and throws me up to the top of the page? hmmm....others seem to be able to quote...??

Also...the code doesn't work in my reply by highlighting and hitting the button above the reply box...I'm having to type the html code.

Let's see if this will even post...

Well it posted...any ideas, anyone?

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hmmm...interesting...I'm waiting to see if our color scheme gets adjusted...I really liked the uniqueness of our old one...can't seem to click on any buttons to enhance my post---emoticons, bold, etc....

well, that's one way to shut me up. I can't post without emoticons....too skeery.

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