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#17: The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

Couch Tomato

Thread Title Poll  

70 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • .ni tif ot ecin os s'tI. driew adink lla er'uoy kniht I.
    • There's a soft rawness to his tone.
    • He has always had the VOICE! But, boy has he ever learned to use his instrument!
    • He's like a chameleon in a kaleidoscope.
    • Let Clay Aiken take you back.
    • I volunteer to polish his balls for him. I bet that would make his putter stand up on end.
    • Blog me Baby!!!
    • I am no-account cover lover.

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Oh yeahhhhh,

KAndre looks up from her patient sharpening of the spork against her third hard drive of video clack, quietly checking that the restraints and iPods full of William Hung, Corey Clark, William Shatner and unProTooled Britney were available and ready for use by midnight of September 30...

uh oh

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Oh yeahhhhh,

KAndre looks up from her patient sharpening of the spork against her third hard drive of video clack, quietly checking that the restraints and iPods full of William Hung, Corey Clark, William Shatner and unProTooled Britney were available and ready for use by midnight of September 30...

Er... :thsign27:

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For the hardcore recidivists like Muski, KAndre pulls out the rejected 2007 Playgirl spread of Keith Richards and some toothpicks to keep their eyes open...and then, the pièce de résistance...KAndre recruits a herd of sullen 15 year olds and tells them that the only thing preventing the teenagers from doing whatever pointless but really cool thing ALL OF OTHER THEIR FRIENDS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW AND THEY WILL JUST DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE IF THEY DON'T DO IT TOO is the fact that all the reviews aren't done and hands them a list of addresses and front door keys...
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Yay, that PR makes it sound as though we will be getting an interview with Clay (which I assume will be more than a voice over) and it also makes Ruben's part sound a lot less significant than Clay's. Can't wait!

ETA: That isn't to say that I don't enjoy Ruben, cuz I do. I'm glad he is involved. But the more Clay we get, the better, right?

And "the best never-before-seen clips and interviews to-date" sounds promising, too.

Heh, you go, KAndre.

Edited by luckiest1
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There is no way I could pick a favorite tour. Favorite parts of each tour? Sure. How exciting was it looking for wherever Kyrie Clay was coming from during the IT? And the first time we realized Clay was singing WDC? I think it'd be easier to list the top 10 moments from all the shows. Heh, but I'll have to think about it and actually compile the list. Toronto TRD from row 2 was a personal favorite too!

I guess it's cheating if I use an entire montage, eh?


YouTube: Homeward Bound - MrsLoki

Shit. YSRN made me cry. Is there some FCA rule against that or something, or the next time I see her should I just go all solo upside her head?

MrsLoki's montage is the only one that has ever done that to me. Makes me tear up every time

Maybe that's because that's when I got my M&G...during JNT05...and the man stood two feet away from me and winked at me...and I winked back at him. *sigh*

I missed the AI tour, but have been lucky enough to make at least one show from each tour since...and even though those had had some amazing Clay moments, I've had as many fantastic friend moments. In some places the line blurs as to what was more memorable. Toronto TRD from second row, I remember as the concert where my friend :imgtongue: passed her camera down and ordered asked me to take pictures by shouting, 'here, take pictures!' :cryingwlaughter: The cab ride was good for me too.

I used to read JP/Chexxxy/blogs stuff back when. I thought I could look at the stupidity/absurdity/lies, and not be affected, but I found it builds in me. The shit, the lies, the crap...the meanness of it all, makes me want to not post. I find it hard to smile. I lose my happy. That shit bothers me on some deep level and I now I know when to step back. I still like to know stuff. I get curious...sometimes too much...but I know it's like a toxic substance for me. Like Kryptonite, a little weakens me, a lot I think kills the joy in me.

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Favorite tour? How could I pick. I love them all for various reasons.

I suppose if I could only see ONE over again, it would be the JBT because he was just so damn hot....but then, I LOVED this summer's concerts.

Crap, I don't know.

I love the Christmas ones too---Good News is my all time favorite Christmas song. Unbelievable when he hit those falsetto notes. AGHHHH!!

Good fan, bad fan, fighting, name calling, judging Clay, protecting Clay, OWNING Clay....I hate it all.

Clay stalkers. Just.downright.scary.

Clack coming soon!!!! (Sedaka tribute) I can hardly wait!!!

Edited by wandacleo
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I used to read JP/Chexxxy/blogs stuff back when. I thought I could look at the stupidity/absurdity/lies, and not be affected, but I found it builds in me. The shit, the lies, the crap...the meanness of it all, makes me want to not post. I find it hard to smile. I lose my happy. That shit bothers me on some deep level and I now I know when to step back. I still like to know stuff. I get curious...sometimes too much...but I know it's like a toxic substance for me. Like Kryptonite, a little weakens me, a lot I think kills the joy in me.

Yep. That's me, to a tee. In the beginning I would find myself crying...constantly crying...it was the most bizarre experience of my life. Seriously. I finally took my life back and couldn't believe that I had allowed something about someone I don't know bother me so much.

I've never dealt with a "fandom" so it was all new to me. Now, not so much (well except for this latest crap but I'm done with that, too). I read, I love Clay, I buy and go to concerts.

Edited by jumpingjacks
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Heh, you go, KAndre.

Quit sucking up you overachiever! :mockery-046: :cryingwlaughter:

ETA: Loved the press release.... who watched last year. Sounds like Clay will narrate the audition episodes only. Am I reading that correctly.

That is the impression I got.


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I think I'm totally positive in my fandom. Nothing about Clay's career has ever got me down and I can't imagine ever crying over him. Just as JJ just posted, I've seen over the years many, many posts from people that something upsetting or beautiful made them cry. I've actually wondered if there's something wrong with me that I'm not that emotionally invested but I don't think so.

Very little makes me cry...... though watching World Vision's infomercial several years back ended up costing me thousands of dollars over the next 20 years :cryingwlaughter: - that Alex Trebek! Dang you! Hopefully, it made my kids consider being generous but who knows?

All I've ever wanted from following Clay's career is for him to keep singing to me, to make me smile and laugh and to just entertain me. He's done that in spades and I thank him for it and I feel pride for him and hope he's happy. No entertainer has ever entwined themselves in my psyche the way that Mr. Sex-On-A-Stick has and I yearn to know everything about him.

He is one of the luckiest people on earth - gorgeous, rich, talented, able to do what he loves for a living and loved by legions. Having to put up with internet crap is, in reality, a small price to pay.

I simply celebrate him and dream of more success and accolades as the years go by. I just hope I'm around and still sane enough to enjoy it. I'm for sure having a blast right now. :)



eta: Hell, he gets to have lunch with Tyra Banks! Hee!

Oh Yay!!! TOTP again!! Must buy a lotto ticket!!! :)

etta: Yay!! The International Team kicked some major butt today!!!! WooHoo!!!!

Edited by canuck2010
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Whatever. One of my favorite sayings is "Wherever you go, there you are." You keep finding crap and yucky stuff everywhere you go, you might want to look for the common denominator in all the situations---it's usually "YOU"...heh. :imgtongue:

I just really liked this so I thought I'd quote it. So true.

My favorite tour changes on a daily basis so I won't pick cause my choice would probably be different tomorrow. I loved them all.

My favorite concert moment, however, remains constant.

When A Man Loves A Woman. From the front row in Meadville. No words. I am so lucky.

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Whatever. One of my favorite sayings is "Wherever you go, there you are." You keep finding crap and yucky stuff everywhere you go, you might want to look for the common denominator in all the situations---it's usually "YOU"...heh. :imgtongue:

I just really liked this so I thought I'd quote it. So true.

My favorite tour changes on a daily basis so I won't pick cause my choice would probably be different tomorrow. I loved them all.

My favorite concert moment, however, remains constant.

When A Man Loves A Woman. From the front row in Meadville. No words. I am so lucky.

My favourite concert moment was Pala - s.lo.o.o.o.o.o.w and e.a.s.y :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

Now THAT made me cry from laughing so hard. :cryingwlaughter: His comic delivery was spot on that night. CMSU till I hurt.

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Clack coming soon!!!! (Sedaka tribute) I can hardly wait!!!

starts humming I'll Be There' and smiles to self

From what I recall, there was very little narration during the show per se, they put a lot in it, now they have twice as much to edit out. There was quite a bit of the narration in the where are they now show, on tomorrow.

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I think I'm totally positive in my fandom. Nothing about Clay's career has ever got me down and I can't imagine ever crying over him. Just as JJ just posted, I've seen over the years many, many posts from people that something upsetting or beautiful made them cry. I've actually wondered if there's something wrong with me that I'm not that emotionally invested but I don't think so.

Hey, canooky! I don't think I've ever cried over Clay - or as a result of his singing/songs, either.

I know he's smarter than I am - and knows a Hell of a lot more about his career/the business than I do.

I never listen to the radio, so if he gets a song played on the radio, I'll only know about it if someone posts about it.

I do watch a lot of tv, so I'd love for him to appear in some capacity frequently!

Re: Rewind- I had no interest in Season 1, but knowing he will be part of Season 2, I'm sure I'll be watching.

I also think it's smart of him to be part of it. I wonder if his involvement 'colored' the content at all.

And I hope he does/did make a bucket of $$ for his part!

Could someone please pass me some chocolate! I'm craving big time!

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Whatever. One of my favorite sayings is "Wherever you go, there you are." You keep finding crap and yucky stuff everywhere you go, you might want to look for the common denominator in all the situations---it's usually "YOU"...heh. :imgtongue:

I just really liked this so I thought I'd quote it. So true.

My favorite tour changes on a daily basis so I won't pick cause my choice would probably be different tomorrow. I loved them all.

My favorite concert moment, however, remains constant.

When A Man Loves A Woman. From the front row in Meadville. No words. I am so lucky.

Now, believe me when I say that I do believe this is true. I was there to witness her reaction after that moment! Just priceless!!!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: :clap:

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I thought I'd take a little break to watch a movie on my new monitor (heh!). I have barely started the thing and what comes up. Produced by Chaiken Films. :lol: Now how am I gonna watch this serious movie when I keep chuckling!?!

Dude... stop.it! :cryingwlaughter:

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And yet, in a way, I think by talking about it here...hard to explain....but it just adds on to the whole component, you know?

Yes ma'am. I understand exactly what your saying. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I don't have a hard time ignoring it at all. In fact...if it weren't alluded to on the boards, I'd have no clue it even existed. I won't give the jerkwads the satisfaction of reading what they write. I'd rather not put even more negative energy out into the universe.

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Let me clarify something and then I won't talk about it again. I wasn't crying over Clay as in, "oh my God, the poor guy, whatever will he do". I was so wrapped up in the hate that was being posted it hurt my heart and made me cry. I don't think that's unusual, but maybe it is. *shrug* I found out rather quickly that there are pukes lower than scum and they post on the internet. Someone, me, who cries at Hallmark commercials took a pretty big kick in the guts when reading some of that trash.

Clay doesn't make me cry, unless he cries, then all bets are off.

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