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#21: "Surprisingly, the ice did not melt."


Thread Title Poll  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Clay really is a smorgasbord of yummy goodness. Can I have the drumstick, please?
    • He loved his seconddom, and his seconddom loved him back.
    • I want to be Clay Aiken when I grow up.
    • In this concert's solemn setting, he IS joy.
    • Clay's voice is his niche.
    • Which brings us to Clay Aiken, as most good conversations should.
    • And two weeks ago, I didn't know who Clay Aiken was
    • Ahhhh.....like the first little snowflakes of the season, the first little lip bites of the holiday concerts are just as beautiful...
    • He is who he is and that is what the world gets.. the real Clay.
    • My fangirly is in full blush, yo!
    • He has thrown down a gauntlet, and dared us to pick it up.
    • Sigh, guh, thud, swoon, wonderstruck, overwhelmed, floored, astounded!

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Oh, great OFC post! Thanks! And I notice some attitudes in other climes have whiplashed so quick as to cause a neck sprain, evidently since Clay said he is what he is, he does what he does, and has once again ignored instructions from a small but loud group. And there is still that need to seem in charge or give approval.

Guess the crux of the matter might be that if someone posts a negative, any positive posted after that seems to be a rebuke - when, this being a Clay fan board, positives would hopefully be posted on a fairly regular basis, anyway.

Although I'm not quite sure how you can have an opinion on the stories if you couldn't hear them.

Bwahahaha! You funny!

That's pretty much how I feel, too.

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P.S. No one wants to participate in the audio reviewing this time around? Or am I just jumping the gun? (hee, imagine that) I thought it might be a good idea to get a head start this year, as the clack starts to flow.

Count me in although everything may be gone by now. Jeez, a girl goes about real life, wakes up to 6 pages of stuff and all the good songs gone!

Putting on the admin stilletos:

Let's not have any posts to ad naseum, people! If you notice that something has been posted enough to make someone puke, you've posted too much about it.

Where the heck are my font colors?!?!?

Yes! Organization shall be my thing! Especially since luckiest does all the work!

Now, I'm not saying bribes are necessary to get what you want (or to avoid something you don't), but I ain't not sayin' it either!

I've been a good girl so don't need any stilletoes up my ass! If the past is any example of how many bribers didn't remember their bribes, well just sayin! :cry4:

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Putting on the admin stilletos:

Let's not have any posts to ad naseum, people! If you notice that something has been posted enough to make someone puke, you've posted too much about it.

Ad Nauseum? Who he?


Guess the crux of the matter might be that if someone posts a negative, any positive posted after that seems to be a rebuke - when, this being a Clay fan board, positives would hopefully be posted on a fairly regular basis, anyway.

You may have it in a nutshell. They do, however, sound like rebukes to me if the “negative” is quoted. Another “problem” (if you want to call it that – it’s really just reality) is that people define terms like “negative”, “positive”, “ad nauseum” very differently. I personally don’t think that posting something twice is ad nauseum, but other may think that anything more than once is ad nauseum. :::shrug::: What are you gonna do? I don’t think someone not liking a particular hairstyle is really all that negative either. Just a simple personal preference - I guess there are degrees of "negative". One persons “hater” is another person’s “having a bad day”.

Cool - I typed the word "shrug" and that little dude popped up. <g>

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From CV:

I just hope those who attended will post reactions--whatever they may be.

Well, here I am.............someone who attended last night and you asked. Those who know me know that I am all full of opinions.

I will preface this post by saying I was sitting with artyana(her review was brought over from the CH) so you may find some similarities here. We discussed this show for a long three hour drive home. Bottom line...........we loved it.

This was a show from Clay's heart, a gift from him to us. From the first notes of Emmanuel to the last NOTE of "All Is Well" he was sharing his love with us. He stood still for close to two hours with a very short intermission. I think his stillness impressed me as much as anything. He was calm, no fidgeting, no overly dramatic movement...........just Clay, Ms Mic and that glorious voice. He loved this show. He and Jesse picked wonderfully meaningful songs for Clay and for the girls. The entire show just went from one glorious moment to the next. I don't think Jesse quit playing that piano three times all night.

The show was classy...........from the attire of all the participants, the songs and the delivery to the setting. They left no time for over the top fan reaction or participation. Was that designed...........sure it was. One fan tried to make it about herself during the last two songs..........he didn't even glance at her and she got no reaction from others in the audience.........well, except for some really dirty looks.

Jesse is a musical magician. Those arrangements were unbelieveable, just amazing. The symphony was very good although sometimes a little too loud and played over Clay. I am sure that is one of the details they will work on. The stage was too small. I would have loved to have been at set up in the afternoon. They did some fancy footwork to get everyone up there. It will be interesting in future shows to see if Clay will stand on that platform behind the piano or if that was used because of space. I have a theory and will see if it stands up tonight.

Angela and Quiana looked absolutely stunning. Classy from those dresses to the diamonds they were wearing. Their songs were chosen well and Quiana blew the roof off the place.

Clay was handsome. I am one of the :PANTS: worshipers but this is not going to be that kind of tour. Last night he was just handsome.........mature..........in control...........happy. This was his show, the music he loves and the season that is meaningful to him. It just worked for him.

His blog..............a big F-you to the critics(both professional and fans) if you ask me. He is happy and secure in his own skin. He is a man. He has taken control of his life and career. I love him and his spirit.

To those who are going tonight and to future shows. Enjoy. Let the beauty of the songs, his voice and his spirit surround you. It is really a wonderful experience.........allow yourself to appreciate his reason for the season. We will get to see silly, goofy over the top Clay on Broadway.

I am not good at these review things............

ETA: I wanted to mention the stories. I thought they worked very well into the show and certainly were touching. All four ladies did an amazing job reading them. I actually have met two of the readers and that made those stories very special to me.

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I scanned the boards for reaction to the concept of last night's concert. I have always preferred the serious Clay. In my opinion, Clay distancing himself from the at times excessive bantering and interaction with the fans is a smart move on his part as he heads to Broadway. Just my thoughts.

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Here's an mpeg of OHN:

Mega Upload O Holy Night (mpeg)

Now Reiki and I have to leave to drive back to Colorado. See ya'll tonight!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Now we're talking!!!!!

I just finished listening to the concert and I am so glad there are clack gatherers like deborah who record the entire concert without editing. I may not want to listen to banter or stories all the time, but I love having them "in situ", so to speak. It really saves the whole concert experience in a way that edited versions don't.

I'm not fond of Christmas. I don't celebrate it, but I don't get huffed if someone wishes me, "Merry Christmas." It is was it is. I tend to avoid Christmas events, but if I find myself there, I'll sing along - usually off-key, but I can't help that.

I found the stories a bit maudlin, cheesy and amateurish, but warm, moving and heartfelt at the same time. That was fine. They segued into the music at the same level. And that, I think, was the point. Pairing everyman stories with familiar music. Christmas schoopieness at its finest. Professional stories, professional readers would have lost the immediacy and (IMHO) brought a hollowness to the experience. After hearing it a zillion times, I still smile at the JNT04 "...and Mary being great with children." Not a moment that could be manufactured.

In spite of my normal avoidance of Christmas stuff, I'm glad I'm going to two shows this year. (as long as there isn't a prayer at the beginning.)

Loved your post! I always appreciate when we get audio clack of the entire set, it is just such a different experience to hear something in it's entirety, rather than in bits and pieces. Especially a show like this that weaves one song into another. And ITA about the stories working because they are not read by professionals. You hit the nail on the head by quoting that example from the JNT04. I have that exact clip on my iPod and get a chuckle out of it every time I hear the child stumble over the word "children".

I listened to set 2 at lunch. I am just soooo soooo impressed with what they have managed to do with this tour. And all in only 4 days rehearsal!

ETA: Bringing the list forward. Still lots to choose from, Toots!

Jesus Medley - luckiest1

Mary Did You Know

Merry Christmas With Love

Jazzy Medley - Gibby

Christmas Waltz

Who Would Imagine a King (Angela) - ialreadyam

Welcome To Our World - jmh123

O Holy Night - keepingfaith

Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Sentimental Medley - duckyvee

Where Are You Christmas (Quiana)

My Grown Up Christmas List

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day - couchie

All Is Well - KAndre

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(as long as there isn't a prayer at the beginning.)

Yeah, that report made me cringe BIG time....

Look everyone, I haven't even offered my opinion of this show yet since I didn't listen to the cellcert nor have I (obviously) seen it yet. But IF - and that's a BIG if - I don't like it after seeing it, or don't like parts of it, or don't find it perfect, I do not want to be raked overthe coals for sayin it. It has happened before. It happened after Frsico - by people who weren't even there.

I may love every second of it. I may not. But the only time I tend to go on ad nauseum about something is when I am constantly challeneged on my thoughts, or my fandom is brought into question.

And that TRULY will be my last word on the subject (at least until after I see it) because I do not want KAndre's stilletto in my back!

She can be scary y'all!

Oh yeah, and he sure looked CUTE last night!

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I love my boy Clay and his blogs.

And I am remaining virginal until Sunday!

Then it's ON!


I, being the kind person that I am, will define ad nauseum - if you start a post and after your first sentence more than 70% of your fellow posters can finish your post for you, and they are not giggling to themselves and it doesn't involve the word "cute" bolded in an extra-large font in either pink or purple.

looks up at CG and grins...


I gotta admit, I like versatile Clay - funny, serious, odd looking and cute.


and I was smirking to myself over this article about Blake Lewis' new album. What an interesting attitude about his fans. Cougars? MILFs? Isn't this Clay's demographic? Blake is trying to steal Clay's demo! I think someone needs to do something about it. I volunteer Toots and bottle. And Scarlett.


And I will do "All Is Well". Because I love "All Is Well"

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ahhh Sholanda. Remembe sholanda? Is that her name. She was adorable. Love your avator Ialreadyam.

Bwah what the heck is the cougar and a MILF (mother in law female BWAH?)

Anyway I don't know Blake but like his attitude about his older fans. American Idol is responsible for idols having that demo. I wanna be a cougar heee.

Runs and hides from KAndre. heee.

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Bwah what the heck is the cougar and a MILF (mother in law female BWAH?)

Anyway I don't know Blake but like his attitude about his older fans. American Idol is responsible for idols having that demo. I wanna be a cougar heee.

Runs and hides from KAndre. heee.

Mother I'd Like to Fuck.

Cougar = older woman, chasing the younguns.

**oops, I'm too slow... not like a cougar at.all... hee.

ETA... to thank Gibby immensely for the video!!! This? Is adorable and awesome all rolled into one.

WinterWonderland snippet on Photobucket

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ahhh Sholanda. Remembe sholanda? Is that her name. She was adorable. Love your avator Ialreadyam.

Bwah what the heck is the cougar and a MILF (mother in law female BWAH?)

Anyway I don't know Blake but like his attitude about his older fans. American Idol is responsible for idols having that demo. I wanna be a cougar heee.

Runs and hides from KAndre. heee.

Sholanda was indeed adorable and was Clay's first gorgeous backup singer. I too love my AVI. It's old but so am I.

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and I was smirking to myself over this article about Blake Lewis' new album. What an interesting attitude about his fans. Cougars? MILFs? Isn't this Clay's demographic? Blake is trying to steal Clay's demo! I think someone needs to do something about it. I volunteer Toots and bottle. And Scarlett.

Wait... What? Exactly what do you expect me to do to young Mr. Lewis? Go all Miss Puerto Rico pagent on him and spike his hair products with pepper spray? B)

Besides, I'll be too busy with my thesaurus looking up alternative for the apparently over-used C**E: how about attractive, charming, endearing, adorable, appealing?...

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put down that thesaurus Bottle.... :thdom2:


hey Heidi!!

ETA Christelklein looking forward to meeting you in minneapolis. We gotta plan something.

Yes indeed.

I'm staying at the Holiday Inn (near the venue i think) ... and i'll be there from Tues til Fri. I'd love to meet people for breakfast, lunch dinner .... etc.

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and I was smirking to myself over this article about Blake Lewis' new album. What an interesting attitude about his fans. Cougars? MILFs? Isn't this Clay's demographic? Blake is trying to steal Clay's demo! I think someone needs to do something about it. I volunteer Toots and bottle. And Scarlett.

Bottle can strap on her new shiny black boots and memorize him with her whip and high kicks. I'll bring my big mouth so he can't get a word in edgewise and if he does we won't hear him. Scarlett is just to dainty to get involved in any mayhem so she can stand back get it all on video! Anything else you may have had in mind?

What's this about wowing over CD and SF with his material and not hearing a dissent from anyone. Believe it or not?

Couchie, dear couchie...

You are clearly behind in the slang of the day.

MILF is Mother I'd Like to F* ck.

MILFC, any questions?

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Oops, I forgot a song!

O Come O Come Emmanuel

Jesus Medley - luckiest1

Mary Did You Know - Toots

Merry Christmas With Love

Jazzy Medley - Gibby

Christmas Waltz

Who Would Imagine a King (Angela) - ialreadyam

Welcome To Our World - jmh123

O Holy Night - keepingfaith

Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Oh Come All Ye Faithful

Sentimental Medley - duckyvee

Where Are You Christmas (Quiana)

My Grown Up Christmas List - FearOfH2O

Don't Save It All For Christmas Day - couchie

All Is Well - KAndre

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OK this is one pre party that will be planned in advance hee. I posted in the Minneapolis thread with an idea to have the pre party before the second concert. That way, if you have activities with home boards hopefully it will happen on night one. So that could be the official official..but I'm also there from Tuesday and can do other things as well. So please check into that thread if you're coming to Minnieapolis. :squeeze:

ETA Bwah..looking a little closer at that emoticon the hugger looks like a pervert. heee I am not a pervert.

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Since we are talking about cute here, a language lesson.


1. Acute, clever, keen-witted, sharp, shrewd

1756 - "You may think as you choose, but I take him to be a very cute one."

1777 "I didn't pity the man for having such a cute answer."

1840 "He will be a cute man yet..."

2. (Obs.) a cur

1622 - "Forc'd by some yelping cute to give the greyhounds view."

It's only recently that "cute" has come to mean CUTE

Yes, I have an OED. Why do you ask?

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