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#24: Somewhere out there Clay is looking cute and talking with an accent and practicing a dance.


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  1. 1. What should be the next thread title at FCA?

    • Who needs caffeine when we've got Clay Aiken?!
    • Regardless of how you figure it, Clay is indeed our Million Dollar Man and I'm his cheap ho.
    • That is a whole lot of pretty. Physically and vocally.
    • It never does wane because Mr. Clay Aiken continues to fascinate, delight, transform and bring it. He is one beautiful man.
    • The man can make me laugh and sah-woon at the same time.
    • He was "chatty and witty" until you get all up in his kool-aid...
    • Heeeee - I love it! A massive brain and big balls.
    • Clay Aiken goes for the Full Monty
    • Whatever this man sings, he offers something beautiful if you're willing to hear it.
    • TONIGHT'S THE KNIGHT! Knock 'em not-quite dead!

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Kim kinda lost me on the ...You suck comment...that was too childish. At the time...I was really impressed with her SOTR, but now, I can see all the flaws.

I really think that Simon simply liked Ruben...I think he figures he gets him. he never got clay and that bothered Simon I think.

Heh! I loved Kim's comment to Simon which is probably what first endeared me to her. I could not stand Simon and thought he was OTT mean in season 1. Anyone who stood up to him made me smile.

Oh I didn;t mind her standing up to him...I really liked her other comebacks...but you suck was just lame...

I love these interviews looking back to how they felt...love Rubens comment about being relieved Clay was gone. he knew talent...

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Oh god, I'm watching Group Two for the first time ever. Hold me FCA.


And he sang first? I didn't know that. I wonder if it mattered? I don't think I could've handled it if I saw this from the beginning. The Wildcard was the first full show of AI I ever saw and I only had to wait 24 hours to know he was back. This? Woulda KILLED ME!!!!!!!!!!

OMG, WORD! That was excruiating for me......never watched it in it's entirety before, either. I had to :cryingwlaughter: at Ruben's comments about being glad Clay was gone. So what happened to the whole "the 3 of us are going to the top" mentality? Did that come afterwards?

Loved Quiana's performance. I really wish I could get to Raleigh to see it in person, but not this time. *sniff* I miss NC.

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When the show originally aired, I didn't notice the "pimping", but now rewatching it, it did seem obvious to me. It still seems strange to me that Simon immediately looked at Clay and couldn't see pop star, but could look at Ruben and state "you're what the show is all about??. Ansa, you're probably right, he never has and never will "get" Clay.

While watching tonight, I chuckled a bit when Ruben sang superstar. I remember reading the boards after the show was over for season 2, how people referred to Clay, "hot potatoing" the mic. Ruben did it a lot too, and I never noticed that before. Also, I got a kick out of Ruben reaching down and pulling on his pantsleg during the song. Clay was always my favorite throughout the whole show, but I did like Ruben too.

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I've been reading and reading, and thinking and thinking, and don't be shocked now, I haven't been able to hold one fragment of an opinion of my own in my head long enough to add it to some very interesting discussions going on here.

Maybe my brain is just too frazzled, :clown_4: these days with the parade of crises lining up at my own door and all to come up with even one coherent postable statement about Clay. You are all doing just fine without me anyway, and I'm learning and nodding and cheering to myself in the meantime.:3:

Someone smarter than me has given the order to put my brain on bedrest for a bit,

to stick to bread and water, and to take long walks outside at least as often as I sit down in front of this computer.

Why is it that when one runs too far ahead of oneself that one gets even farther behind?


Here's to OPENING NIGHT 239798154-S.gif239796502-S.gifand FCA, da best board EVER!!!

:11: (this is water) *g*


zena fades away into lurkdom UNdramatickally ..... softly whispering....someday my prince will come....

For now, drat it all, he's riding in the opposite direction. Can someone find me an emoticon horse that's coming my way.... :imgtongue: puhleeez.......?

:F_05BL17blowkiss: to Couchie

Special thoughts and prayers to CG

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Wow...watching Quiana was amazing. I was hoping she would do well and I expected her to sound good..but I didn't expect to feel my gut clenching and my hands curling into fists in my lap...and then tears in my eyes. And I don't even like this song all that much! *applause, applause* ;)

Yeah. I'm not trying to compare performances because it IS true that I'm not seeing the whole play. All I'm saying is that I, too, was surprised at my gut clenching and hands curling and tears welling while watching. When she was grabbing the man and clawing at him to love her and hold her....Gawd. And I've always loved the tone of Q's voice...I think she does a great job here. I betcha Clay's gut clenches and his fists curl and his eyesight gets blurry, too, while HE watches. :wub: He'll have to restrain himself from standing up and screaming,

"Hey! That's my godson's mother up there!" :clap:

My Carrie got her first 'salon' haircut and style, albeit at Supercuts...heh. It looks SOOOOO good--side bangs and layered. She has pretty facial features but they were never highlighted with the long, lank hair parted in the middle, you know? Now, she looks fantastic!

and WAY too much older! :blink::unsure:

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Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it.


ETA: So glad Clay is there to see Quiana...bet he is just beaming!

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Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it.

Well I have seen the movie and I'll do ya one better, kim.

I don't even like the song (carpet...)

Or the character for that matter. I don't find Effie sympathetic at all.

edited for clarity

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Okay, I just listened to Quiana's song...now I see you are all talking about video, I just downloaded the MP3...and after all the rave reviews, I was really expecting to be blown away and honestly, I didn't like it. I have never seen Dreamgirls or heard this song and while I love Quiana's voice, this just didn't do it for me. I never have been a fan of scream singing or maybe I need to see the video, but honestly, did not get gut-wrenching, chills or any of the other adjectives that had been used. Really hate feeling this way because I really wanted to like it.


ETA: So glad Clay is there to see Quiana...bet he is just beaming!

I really think this is a song that needs both the visuals and the back-story. What leads up to her wrenching that song out of her guts. On its own and out of context, it could come across as loud and harsh. But in the moment? It's awesome!

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I thought Ruben was great too..in fact he started out the competition very well. I thought his version was really spot on to Luther's version even if a bit slower and if IIRC I didn't like that LOL. I totally agree that Ruben's flaws weren't pointed out during the run of the competition but I think his compliments were deserved there. I think going first hurt Clay but that wasn't one of his more memorable performances.

I'm glad Clay got to go see Quiana. Wonder why the run is so short.

Yeah AIKim I loved her vocally but can't judge the acting. Jennifer was truly phenomenal in the role and really blew me and the audience in the theater with me. She made that movie..her and Eddie Murphey I thought.

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from Christinaaikenduh at the CB


riversend22 just called me during intermission . its clay,mary,angela, angelas son, jamie, and sean. clay is very relaxed and was tying angelas sons tie while I was on the phone with her.

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Thanks everyone!

I actually prefer her version of Listen or I should said, Clay and hers.


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its clay,mary,angela, angelas son, jamie, and sean.

Ah yes....the Aiken Entourage! :cryingwlaughter: Glad they're out having fun.

You know, I wanted to show my hubby the Quiana clip because it really hit me. But then again, I tend to agree with those of you saying that without the context, without knowing what led up to Effie being sooooo needy and willing to prostate herself so, the song alone and the sound might seem just loud and harsh to some ears.

But I know the story and when she runs up to him from behind and throws her arms around the guy...when she pulls his hands to get him to put his arms around her while singing, "Try it! Try it! Hold me! Hold me!"....I FELT it. I felt it when J. Hudson stood alone on stage and sang her version, and I felt it with Q's rendition. Different women, different voices---both are terrific---different and terrrific. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I really hope there's a way to see and hear more of Quiana's part in this musical. And I'm tickled pink knowing that Clay's there and Angela's there supporting her. They really are a family, aren't they? :wub:

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