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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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It's blurry cuz I went to BIG screen, but - here's another screen cap. I love that he smiled so much in the interview!



Thanks for the show reports!!!

Ok this pic is coming pretty close to the "you know what one" for me!!!

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Heheh - thanks CG. I'll split the ten bucks I just made with you. :cryingwlaughter: (I bet on the trifecta)

Hee! See, if I do this often enough I could help you with another trip to Spamalot for you!

Besides, I would hate to let any of you down!!

ETA: Ok, those who are familiar with all levels of the theater - would you rather sit in one of the last 3 rows in the orchestra on the right side all the way away from the aisle or in the 4th row of the right mezzanine all the way away from the aisle?

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Now to figure out how we are gonna get there, and where to stay.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! Glad you folks are going!!

Fly out of Buffalo on JetBlue for $139 return (you have to book together), and stay at the St. James because it is about the cheapest hotel around!!

Not that I'd know about any of the above!! :whistling-1:

The pictures on this page are :hubbahubba:

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BWAH, too funny!

Heee, yes, merriee, those 'tracts of land' are pretty prominent. Clay sure doesn't mind standing close to them .... er, her.

Flood control, shmud control. Too bad. I can see the reason for it, but who here cares if they get flooded with Clay pics? No one? Didn't think so. :imgtongue:

(J/K. You know I love you, Couchie, doncha? *smoochies*)

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Well, Now that I am home and we don't have telephone problems anymore, let me report on what I really said, hee.

The show started off with someone annoiuncing "Welcome to American Idol" The before I even really heard that voice, a voice like John Cleeses (although, sadly, not him) Said 0 no this is spamalot and the other announcer will be severely spanked for that!

Then he went on to informau s our pictures will be taken, but that is a foollow up of what was posted on the doors - saying that entering the doors was giving our consent for the commercial use of our pictures. I see, only the center sectuion orchestra was featured, although all sides and levels were taken by the 6 photographers on stage (probably 5 normal people and one professional)

The speech continued mentioning how the Certificate could be sold on e-bay for a "lot" of money and the 3D glasses were just decorative (more on that later) and just a souveneer and there would be no 3d scene in the show. Then he went on how his wife resented his appearance in the show and that with all the hard work that the actors put in, what did the producers get them to celebrate the anniversary of the show? NOTHING, a big fat nothing. This just went on and on for 15 or 20 minutes and was rib busting hysterical.

Then the show started with the not a patsy - good dancer, OK singer , not an actor - too young and always flashing a big smile, even in the all alone song later.Clay came out playing differently with his helmet strap than before and I think noit many recognized him because he came out to deafening silence. of much a reaction in this full house. The Galahad skit was good and got a good reaction, except that the not a patsy just didn't have it for the "cheer"

The all for one scene had Clay come out to a rousing cheer, he normally bounces like veryone else in this song, but this time he was on his tippy tippy toes - he was likethe enrgizer bunny paid him a visit. ( I don't know how to explain it with out comparing him tohimself, it is a weird connundrum.

I first noticed the dropping of some lines in the Taunter scene where one of my favorite lines was dropped - I started to think maybe I mentally dozed off, but no, as otherslines through the night were dropped. And, yes, Clay petted his horse, but the scene was moving fast and he had to dop it and get wiith the others.

Casino the Jewish star came down, unlit, rather than the the wheel - but if you look up the wheel is lit,. Everyone ignores the problem the star goes back up and lights pour down from ceiling "We Won!"

Intermission had me wandering and stealing a few playbills (all spoken for) and talking to Fear with several phone problems.

Second half started

Expected for the expensive forest. Clay being mauled song, he is playing this broader than just last week. His first soiling is met with gales of laughter.

The black knight is happily appreciated,

When the knights of Ni return their name is spoken in a deep voice - "it is 3 am in the Oval Office and all the children are asleep, then a phone rings" Dead silence for a while, then he starts singing It's OK, I am the governor not the president and I amspending $20000 an hour on a call girl......... more silence then this ad was apaid for by Elliott Spitzer. The King stopped for a moment but got the words out. I guess this was not a big one tonight.

Clay does his show stopper (interupted by applause form time to time) and the star comes down lit, not the wheel. ZHe was very cute down onhis knees in front of the king sucking up all the applause like a real ham should , until he realizes he IS before the king and gains his composure. Clay knows how to imitate a fame whore! narrows eyes and looks to see who is around

Lanceleot's dance really cracked up the audience. Prince Herbert and Lanceleot seemed especially hapy in that dance today. I forgot Prince Herbert did his giant "C" with his body, but this is the furthest curved I have ever seen. His head was damn near his feet. I am going to have to change that soon to a giant 'O'. At least on line was dropped by Clay - he was so funny as the drunken guard, he leaned over and swayed to the side leaning on the spear more than I have seen him do it before.

at the finale, Clay is butt bumping and generally having a good time. I do think he is enjoying this so much! Or he is the bestest actor ever.. At one point he just starts bouncing in place, is this a salute to Kelly Clarkson and her constant bouncing? When the curtain rose again, there was not any missing people and the audience gave a standing O for the entire orchestra, the mezzanine and from what I could see, the balcony. Clay was still bouncing. He and the king were joking about something, I can't read lips.

later for my outside story.

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Good gracious. Don't call me a tease, because I'm sorry I can't post them at bedtime...but those pics are positively deadly at clayaikenpix. If you have access, get thee hence. If not, I will try to share tomorrow.


Gah. Save it...and zoom in to look at the expression in those eyes close-up.

And gah to UNICEF sexy tap Clay...

Ooh, playbiller, more please! :)

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THANKS for posting the "memory lane" pics, Gibby! I suddenly realised just how much I lusted4 loved the JNaT '06 Clay look!! I think it's the most masculine of his looks and I FLOVE those suits....well at least the PANTS. heh

Great recap, play. Sounds like it was a different kind of night for both players and audience alike. Is the second half ready yet?

muski, their eyes do appear to be the same shade of green.

And WOW. Between Hannah's tracts & Clay's piping there could be some serious development happening!


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Well, pervert that I am, I could SWEAR that LOTL's right breast (left as we stare barely glance at it) is squeezed and pushed so that just the tiniest hint of aureola is showing...

My imagination?

I think not....

I'm sure Clay could confirm this... :whistling-1:

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