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#28: The man's a joy magnet!


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  1. 1. WEEEEEEEEEE How many mods does it take to put up a new thread title...and which one do you want?

    • Winning people over all the time
    • More kool-aid for me, please.
    • WHERE'S THE SMUT???!!!!!
    • ....having a verra verra good time!
    • Things are progressing!
    • Hannah is My Hero
    • Be warned. He's quite lethally cute!
    • My pocket book is groaning but I'm happy. Sigh.
    • songs chosen by Clay
    • EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!
    • he's teasing us, ya'll!
    • Put the kiddies to bed; this is gonna get good.
    • Holy mother of GUH!!!!!!!
    • I don't give a s**t what Clay chooses to sing on his CD. It's his choice. I'm happy with that.
    • Did you know GUH was not an acceptable scrabble word?
    • He sings, he dances?he drinks tap water?
    • in my mind I will cheerfully add "all the way to the bank".
    • I'm just happy happy. What else can I say? shrug.gif Thanks fer the koolaid?

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Checks to make sure that annabear and her blinking minidress won't be in NYC as the same time as me... :unsure:


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Randy said that Clay was a very talented guy and he could so anything that he wanted to. It was all good.

Right...and then he'll show up on some talk show with Simon and do impersonations of Clay as Sir Robin...I trust those Three Stooges as far as I can throw Randy! He knows Linda's a fan...now if he were to be a guest of Conan? I can imagine his commentary might be different.

Why yes, I'm cynical...why do you ask? :lilredani:

Thanks for bringing that over, rhody. I'll take the positive commentary wherever I can find it, even if, as muski says, that man's patter changes with the company he's in. A sign of weak character, in my opinion/experience. I'll always be grateful to Randy for helping to get Clay's large foot in the AI door, but my gratitude has crystallized into that brief moment in time, no longer covering his words/behavior since then.

If the video turns up, by all means bring it over. It might give me some small satisfaction to see him praise Clay Aiken.

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I am thinking about adding a Sunday Matinee to my already present closing weekend of Spam.

Anybody have one?? Or want to sit together? :D

Well, I know there is at least a few of us who will be there on March 30 for the matinee. I already have my ticket though...

Thanks for bringing that over, rhody. I'll take the positive commentary wherever I can find it, even if, as muski says, that man's patter changes with the company he's in. A sign of weak character, in my opinion/experience. I'll always be grateful to Randy for helping to get Clay's large foot in the AI door, but my gratitude has crystallized into that brief moment in time, no longer covering his words/behavior since then.

If the video turns up, by all means bring it over. It might give me some small satisfaction to see him praise Clay Aiken.

Yeah, that's kind of my take on the whole thing too. This fandom, IMO, has made me very cynical. So, I try to combat it by enjoying the good things when they come my way, and ignoring the crap. And honestly -- I've probably got a bit of the "weak character" myself. I'm not as honest about things to people's faces as I probably should be. That's why I really don't want to be the boss at my workplace. *g*

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Randy said that Clay was a very talented guy and he could so anything that he wanted to. It was all good.

Right...and then he'll show up on some talk show with Simon and do impersonations of Clay as Sir Robin...I trust those Three Stooges as far as I can throw Randy! He knows Linda's a fan...now if he were to be a guest of Conan? I can imagine his commentary might be different.

LOL So true! Randy flip-flops more fish on a beach! But it's always fun to catch some one in a flip-flop.

Wow....there have been some seriously sick people here.....both in mind and body! LOL I hope all those who have been suffering with that nasy cold/flu crud feel better quickly.


I have been working way more then I like to, but this past weekend I did manage a get away with my girlfriends...two of who are going to see Spamalot and two of us who are not....*sigh*. We had a great time, they area scrappers...so we spent some time in Scrapbook stores, did some other shopping, ate out, talked Clay and watched lots of clack. Everything from AI tour to last summer in Ashville. I love that these girl were brought into my life through the wonders of the Clay World.

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I'm stealing some nice pics of Clay in green from CV. The gorgeous smile in the last picture makes me happy.

Happy St. Patty's Day, everyone!

I was going to post Clay wearing ORANGE today since I don't have a drop of Irish blood in me but instead I'll put Clay in GREEN.









Top of the morning to ye!

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Randy said that Clay was a very talented guy and he could so anything that he wanted to. It was all good.

Right...and then he'll show up on some talk show with Simon and do impersonations of Clay as Sir Robin...I trust those Three Stooges as far as I can throw Randy! He knows Linda's a fan...now if he were to be a guest of Conan? I can imagine his commentary might be different.

Why yes, I'm cynical...why do you ask? :lilredani:

muski... I sooo agree. Randy takes his tone from whomever he's with, cause he's a "yes" man. I have no respect for him, but am sure glad he said "yes" to Clay going to Hollywood. That particular "yes" was a good one, cause he didn't agree with that creature he was with.

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

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Hmmmmmm. I can't even consider going to the Last Sunday Matinee - turns out it is my godson's Communion - of course, I will leave at 5 to make the last show and any after evening festivities. Has, and Fear has delayed her trip and will be here and she will have to go and it will be a money event for her Ha! the advantage of not living close will not help her here!! And Mr Fear will have to attend, as well, Hee.

So I can't go to a before festivity or an in between festivity, but I can go to an after festivity. Anyone else game, heck it can be in a hotel bar for all I care.

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Migraine trigger, babe. B) Please, your knees look like they're much cute than mine and I don't need the competion. :imgtongue:

OK, I'll give you a pass on the migraine thing - HATE those!

Well, I managed to get new carry-on bag ordered for my trip today. And it's not green & white check, nor does it blink. Although for luggage findability (is that a word?), that's not such a bad idea..... Anyway, Ebags has a 20% off St. Patrick's Day special going thru midnight if anyone needs a new bag. And you can shop them thru GoodSearch and benefit your fave charity. [/end PSA]

I have been working way more then I like to, but this past weekend I did manage a get away with my girlfriends...two of who are going to see Spamalot and two of us who are not....*sigh*. We had a great time, they area scrappers...so we spent some time in Scrapbook stores, did some other shopping, ate out, talked Clay and watched lots of clack. Everything from AI tour to last summer in Ashville. I love that these girl were brought into my life through the wonders of the Clay World.

Sounds like fun! That guy with the voice really has made a difference, hasn't he? Lots of friendships formed that otherwise wouldn't have been? :wub: I scrapbook, too. For everyone except myself - my pics are in boxes, not books! :glare: Thanks for bringing over Randy "Dawg" Jackson's comments with Lynda L.

Thank you, ldyj for the USA Today ordering info! I never did find one around here.

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I think I've recovered from my trip, but I'm in withdrawal.

I can hardly stand the wait until May 6.

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Sorry to have been lurking....I don't mean too. RL is a bit more hectic since E moved home. She actually wants to do things and talk and stuff after work. :cryingwlaughter:

Got CBB winding down and MLB gearing up so I'm cyber bouncing from thing to thing to thing. I'm here everyday mostly just nodding along and enjoying the "scenery". :wub: I can't wait to go to NY!!!!!!

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ETA: I read someone on some board say that she found you get better tickets if you try for 2 tickets than if you try for one. Anyone found that to be true with Spamalot?

In my experience, definitely! I'm not sure how that's changed, if any, since I bought ours in mid-February...but searching for one ticket, which is how I started out as on TM you get better ones that way...brought me nada. Squat. Diddley. But looking for two tickets together....I got decent ones for all 5 (hee....) performances. Also, this ticket site does not seem to lock you out for "phishing"; so keep rejecting and asking for other ones. Many of the ones I got, I got on the 6th or 7th try.

For those (like me) who are having a hard time finding the USA Today special edition, you can order it here. The cost is $4.95 plus shipping. And yes, it looks as if they ship to Canada.

Hee...we have you well trained, don't we?? :lol:....and THANKS!! I haven't seen it anywhere up here.

Eeeeeeeeehhhhh!!!! Three more days, and counting!!!

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I'm watching Dancing with the Stars (lord, I miss Maks - I'm only not semi-shallow for Clay, peeps!) and a while back when we were having our Clay dancing discussion, we agreed to see how Penn did with his giant feet on the natural dancer issue - and I'm still saying the footsize is a problem - Penn, who is energetic and clearly trying really, really hard, was clomping around like a Clydesdales - he redefined flatfootedness. He has the same issue I occasionally saw in Clay in his concert dancing - it's like the heel, ball or toe of the foot cannot be used separately - stomp, stomp, stomp your way through the dance steps! Clay is much lighter on his feet than Penn - mainly because he weighs about a 100 lbs. less!

OK, now I've seen Jason, the football player and am missing Maks much, much less. Ho Chi Mama! Though I swear he has smaller feet than Clay and Penn, the man is incredibly graceful - like a giant Jane Seymour! Only much hotter. And he used his feet beautifully. And had some seriously nice pants on. Clay needs to go to his tailor.

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For those (like me) who are having a hard time finding the USA Today special edition, you can order it here. The cost is $4.95 plus shipping. And yes, it looks as if they ship to Canada.

Oh crap. I saw an assload of these the other day (literally would not have had enough money to buy them all) and didn't even think about buying them because Jordan was on the cover and I didn't know if there was any Clay content. No, I didn't look - blame very bad PMS and a desire only for beer and my couch. <g> I could go back to where I saw them when I get back to that part of TN....

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On the single v. multiple tickets. I have purchased all of my tickets as singles, and have had center orchestra rows A, B, twice C, all within the first three rows. I will say though, that I bought all of those tickets within a week of the performance. I know that won't be the case for the last weekend, or even all the time, but it worked for me.

Clay is a singer who can dance, just like Rick, Chris and Tom are actors who can dance. I don't see why it needs to be proven that he's not a 'dancer'. Just watching his freestyle evolve during the Find Your Grail scene is enough to convince me that all he ever needed was a little confidence.

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You know, seeing all these pictures with Clay smiling and laughing - often almost naked - it makes me think.

When I was there opening night I kept thinking how much fun he seemed to be having, how much joy there was in his face. In each of the other 2 times I have seen Spamalot, that again is the one thing I take with me each and every time - joy. I cannot help but think he is having the time of his life and this experience will stay with him for a long, long time. I would never say this means Clay just wants to do musical theater, but in a way, I think Clay has found his grail.

He just seems so happy, so at peace, so at home - even though he's far from his physical home.

It just seems so right. So much seems so right right now.

And he has such purdy eyes!


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You know, seeing all these pictures with Clay smiling and laughing - often almost naked - it makes me think.

When I was there opening night I kept thinking how much fun he seemed to be having, how much joy there was in his face. In each of the other 2 times I have seen Spamalot, that again is the one thing I take with me each and every time - joy. I cannot help but think he is having the time of his life and this experience will stay with him for a long, long time. I would never say this means Clay just wants to do musical theater, but in a way, I think Clay has found his grail.

He just seems so happy, so at peace, so at home - even though he's far from his physical home.

It just seems so right. So much seems so right right now.

And he has such purdy eyes!


And he's CUTE too!

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