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#29: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! It's really happening!

Couch Tomato

What should be the next thread title at FCA?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. What should be the next thread title on the FCA board?

    • Ah, nothing left but the finale - and Clay's incredible career.
    • I am so obsessed. He's altered my DNA. I'm sure of it.
    • Hold on...you're going on a great and long ride!
    • I'd go with Godzilla if it meant I could see Clay even one more time in Spamalot.
    • Yes I'm babbling. What can I say? He makes me happy.
    • Clay has the vitality of the Energizer bunny...
    • Just the Clay parts first. His parts are FINE as WINE and all move..... varra varra nicely!
    • He loves us as we love him--unconditionally.
    • Today's Clay is hawt, polished, multi-faceted...
    • Faith has conquered fear...on my way here!
    • The man is a magnet. A super magnet.
    • Clay will always be Clayton, too.
    • I want it all and I want it now!
    • He is going to kill us all.
    • Can I move to ClayAikenville?
    • Whenever, wherever, I'll be there.

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This is a quote from the CH that sums up beautifully how I feel so far about Clay's song:

I think this new song says:

"Hey, remember me? I'm Clay Aiken!

Yeah, ::blushes:: 'that guy with the glorious pipes.'

I hope you connect with this song as much as I did.

This type of lyric-driven, adult-contemporary song is one of my specialties.

I know who I am.

And I'm proud of what I think I do best."

I think other songs on this CD will say:

"Oh, but you think I can only sing the schnitsis out of a heartfelt ballad?

There are other sides to me.

Nooo, not my backside. ::blushes again::

Nooo, not when I turn my feet around.

Just listen. Let me just show you what else I can do......"

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There's that word again!!!

But I ask again - just what is "edgy"?????

Clay is Clay. I hope more than just "us" get a chance to hear him. They will NOT all like him. But odds are, some will.

He doesn't need to be the biggest thing that ever hit the music world. He doesn't need to be "edgy" - whatever the hell that is!

He just needs to be Clay. For me, that is more than enough.

Clay's Solitaire is edgy, a beautiful darkness.

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I think edgy means a sure fire hit song or uptemo....somethng that will move Clay out of the ballad boy crooner box. Yeah maybe one song will do that but then everybody will see this Clay sooner or later and then what. Do R&B fans wish their guy could show the world he can do so much more. Does Josh Groban fans want him to step out of his box and be more edgy. I think Clay will Clayify everything he sings...meaning make it sound like HIM. Street with no name wasn't edgy. It was Clay. Frankly I think the edgiest song he's ever done was Suspicious Minds and that song is how old? Back For More wasn't edgy or all that different for him. So maybe the better word is different or versatile, or something people wouldn't expect from him in order to change their mind about his coolness. I don't know if that will happen but I suspect the album has something for everyone. heh Maybe. Good thing I like everything Clayifed. and that is the ugliest Clay made up word ever. eeek.

ETA: I know Clay has a lot of sides. I love it when his humorous funny sarcastic witty side is shown to the world so I understand what people are saying but I think edgy doesn't describe it very well. Most songs on the radio aren't edgy. Maybe even "current" is a better word. I've always found Clay to be old fashioned...one of his charms actually. I do think this album will show different sides of Clay's talent. We'll see that in less than a month.

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I guess if I had to pick a song that Clay has done and define it as edgy. It would be "When Doves Cry" especially the way he sang it during the IT. I love the version of that ( edited,without the band intros) Ha, remember how the fans kept trying to get the message to him to quit introing the band during that song? There's a little walk down memory lane, and somethings never change.

ETA: If they'd only known all they had to do was text message him :cryingwlaughter:

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I know the "edgy" talk has been in relation to his new music & album, but I think Spamalot was quite the "edgy" career move for Clay Aiken.

And I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting to see this in just 10 days:

Clay as Sir Robin swaying with his torch.


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Last Call. I am going to Spamalot again. The days are growing short. If someone is not going until the last day, let me know if you want me to get you anything (in exchange for moeny, of course). I think they will either have a big sale the last day or they will be short of merchandise.

Is it being selfish,tojust care if I likethe song? I don't thinkso. Pfft on the others, I am happy. I think this is an attitude that comes to your life when the one you talk to the most only answers back by barking.

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Is it being selfish,tojust care if I likethe song? I don't thinkso. Pfft on the others, I am happy. I think this is an attitude that comes to your life when the one you talk to the most only answers back by barking.

No, I don't think so... because this is me and I don't have a dog... :cryingwlaughter:

I think it comes from the place, at least for me, where I know that I can only make myself happy with my choices - if I like it, if I don't, etc. Others will feel differently and that's ok because it's their choice/decision/taste. I feel for those who aren't happy but I can't really change that in this instance so I don't worry about it - as "mean" as that sounds... we're all ultimately responsible for our own happiness and how each person views the song is up to them. I'm hopeful that there will be something on this CD that appeals to those who aren't thrilled with this one song.

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:cryingwlaughter:Play! At least you get a bark in response. The cats just look at me and then walk over to their food bowls.

Regarding a bonus track - while I'd love Kyrie, Tears Run Dry, Just You, or any number of other songs we've heard in concert, I'm hoping for something we haven't heard before. Another gem like Lover All Alone or If You Don't Know Me by Now (which I've never managed to be able to get on my iPod for whatever reason... grrrrr...) perhaps?

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If it's about getting more people, not necessarily "cool" ones, why do the NJU's bring a special excitement?

Why aren't we hoping for MUPLU's (More Uncool People Like Us) or YAHOCITM's (Yet Another Horde of Claymates-in-the-making) or even TLOTMAFCIAWHBCY's (The Last of the Middle-aged Female Caucasians in America Who Haven't Been Clayverted Yet)? People (not on this board) are pushing for demographics that they aren't a part off; what'll happen if TC took their suggestions to heart about actively working to shift his demographics to the 18-24 age group? Where would they end up? They'd have to drag in five 18yo's for every 50yo just to keep the average below 24.

:cryingwlaughter:KAndre, the VR fans are blaming me for Libertad because I killed their "edginess" by going to the GMA launch of ATDW wearing their T-shirt and (horrors!) getting caught on TV. ;p (ps. the t-shirt you saw was the old hot pink one from Contraband; my new one for Libertad is red and takes up 40% less material)

ETA: ldyj, I'm not referring to your joy in finding people like KF. I ::heart:: folks like KF too. (I actually met one from Montreal last month who only discovered Clay last December). To me, KF was never a NJU -- she was always one of us and just didn't know it yet.

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Scarlett you make a good point. Clay needs to go after the 40 something African American female demographic! What is he waiting for. More green eyed soul please.

Some of us are even cool and wear bling and everything so he'd even get the cool people :cryingwlaughter::cryingwlaughter:

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why did I read this now - too late to go!

Clay heads to Times Square this afternoon

And why do they keep using that damn picture??? They must have paid good money for it and won't let it go. Can you donate a picture to this company, Scarlett? They obviously can't afford to pay for another one.

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Well, crap, I guess I have to reconsider sending a post to Popeater from my cat. I had it all composed to:

This music just makes me purr.

Signed, a big macho wildcat,


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I just want to stand and cheer and shout and jump up and down and dance.

F*%k all those who don't. :wordpooper:

You have an absolute talent for getting right to the heart of the matter! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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Well, crap, I guess I have to reconsider sending a post to Popeater from my cat. I had it all composed to:

This music just makes me purr.

Signed, a big macho wildcat,


Hey, if it's edgy enough for Larry the wildcat, it's edgy enough for me.!! :cryingwlaughter:

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MUPLU's (More Uncool People Like Us)

YAHOCITM's (Yet Another Horde of Claymates-in-the-making)

TLOTMAFCIAWHBCY's (The Last of the Middle-aged Female Caucasians in America Who Haven't Been Clayverted Yet)

Oh goodie - more acronyms! :cryingwlaughter:

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Well, crap, I guess I have to reconsider sending a post to Popeater from my cat. I had it all composed to:

This music just makes me purr.

Signed, a big macho wildcat,


Hey, if it's edgy enough for Larry the wildcat, it's edgy enough for me.!! :cryingwlaughter:


I agree. Let's hear it for Larry! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Last night I asked my daughter what she considered 'edgy' as far as music is considered. Btw, she is my go to source for all things edgy. She has multiple things pierced, 'partially' supported herself through college as a fire eater, and has thrown sod and ducked pee at Lollapalooza, not to mention Jimmy Buffet pre-parties.

Before I could advance the question said daughter interrupted me and said, "Listen mom, if it's Clay, it's not edgy...", me: "but we were..." daughter: "Mom, if it's Clay, it's not edgy. That's it." me: "..but..." daughter: "No."

It helps the sting a little that she was smiling at the time.

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I love you MUPLUs! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

We don't need no freakin' edges! Round rules! :laola0:


I'm taking this as a good omen. I'm on vacation this week, since, as I may have mentioned once or twice, I'm going to NYC over the weekend to see Spam. A lot. (Well, three times, which is a lot for me. But not so much as compared to some people.) Anyway, we went to the zoo today. And I swear I saw more little red-headed boys in one morning than I've seen in my life to date. Seriously, they were everywhere. I'm hoping that bodes well for the time I hope to be spending with a certain not-so-little but exceedingly CUTE red-headed boy this weekend.


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Sounds like a partay at Planet Hollywood in NYC right now!

From CV:

Okay heard from my buddies. They are at Planet Hollywood right now and he will be there shortly. They are at a table a few steps away from where he will be. Will call me later with details.


butterflyshine is at Planet Hollywood, Clay is 10 minutes away.


butterflyshine was told if she was seated for lunch she could watch the festivities so that is what she is doing. She is going to call me back when it starts.


My friends were told 2 pm so he should be there shortly. They just had lunch when I called them so they were able to just get a table and order drinks. Thanks goodness!!

10:55 AM PDT

Media is arriving.


Got another call. I told my friend to go and see if she can find bfs. She said there are about 20 big cameras there right now.

Jerome is there now. Lots of regular folks gathering. Lancelot is there on the screen. They are playing the soundtrack.


Monty Python promo stuff on all screens and they passed out "What A Difference Clay Makes" pamphlets

11:07 AM PDT

Forgot the most important part, Clay is in the building, the waitress told her that.

Dark jeans, navy blue shirt with stripes on cuff and placket, dark blue tie. Photo ops, he is blinded.

Saying so sore when he is in rehearsals all he could do is lie on the floor when he got home, the most difficult thing he has ever done. Rolling up cuffs for handprints. Hands in cement now.

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Hair super flat ironed, but he is super hot.

Hands held in cement while photo ops occur, left to right, left to right. Looking up smiling.


Flashes galore were going off.

Fluffy hair. Shirt and tie. Not slicked back hair.

Putting his hand in cement now. Smiling huge.

She said the flashes are unbelievable. He signed his name in the cement.

Took hands out of cement and wiped them off. Said he is really blonde. Guy just did a quick Spamalot promo. Thats it for now.

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Hair super flat ironed

Fluffy hair

These reports are contrdictory! When his hair is super flat ironed it is never fluffy!

I love fluffy so I hope that's it.

I just wish he didn't have the very blond hair......

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