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#41: Clay Aiken Makes His Triumphant Return!

Couch Tomato

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  1. 1. What say ye - what's our new thread title?

    • Life is short! Enjoy the Aiken!
    • We're still having fun, and you're still the one!
    • I hope he's just out there sinning right and left.
    • Yes, I will eat fish with blueberries or anything else he's touched.
    • Anarcho-syndicalist commune of cyclically in sync omnivores for Clay Aiken
    • I am not going anywhere except to Spamalot.

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I guess I'm surprised that issues surrounding gay people coming out are so foreign - like it's supposed to be so simple. He couldn't even tell his own brother until 2004. How was he supposed to tell us before that? Is Clay the first gay person some of us know and if so then I'm definitely glad he came out now and perhaps some understanding about this issue will come about.

I guess I would just think if someone understood the issue in general, then the transfer to Clay and the position he was in with the sudden fame, lack of privacy and living in the spotlight would make this generally sensitive "chore" understandably even tougher.

I want to supportive but just don't understand the "he lied" position.

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Hell, unless Clay's sleeping with you or your significant other, it's a question that shouldn't have been brought up. I know perfectly well some lies are acceptable to me - if someone's holding a gun to my head, I'm gonna tell them whatever the hell they wanna hear. And in some cases, sexual orientation can feel like that situation. An entertainer answered an intrusive question from an interviewer with a lie...that doesn't actual touch 99.9% of his fans...my response does tend to be BIG WHOOP. Saying Clay lied about his sexuality is like saying a two year old who takes a cookie from a cookie jar is a thief...accurate in the letter of the law but not in the spirit.

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Wheeeeee couchie got quoted by Jaymes.

I'm not participating in the thread because frankly I shouldn't even be looking at work, let alone take the time to read everyone's posts, but I'm loving Jaymes' responses!

I just took a nice walk through the park with OMWH blasting in my headphones. God that voice just gives me chills.

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I am stuggling a little (or maybe confused is the right word) but not for the reasons many others are. I keep thinking about those videos of Clay and Angela grinding, and Angela rubbing his arm. Do gay men get an erection when dancing with a woman or when she rubs his arm?

Yes. <g> According to my brother, he has this issue from time to time, often even (TMI? Not between me and my bro). He’s gay, but he LOVES women. And he’s still a man. You know, rub a man the right way and it’s all biology.

I know lots of gay men and I’m inquisitive. <g>

And in reading Jaymes' article - oh yeah, Jaymes is the biggest Clay fangirl of all! "Perfect person"? Heeeeee! So far the only other response I've gotten is that they are struggling to believe in Clay's gayness simply because of his lack of taste if someone else isn't dressing him (and some of the things he's worn just because someone told him too).

Yep, the biggest fangirl. And yeah, there are quite a few gay stereotypes that Clay flunks quite badly – how he dresses himself is one. His lack of apparent concern about his hair. I’m sure there’s quite a few more but I’m breaking the rules and reading at work.

I should never read at other boards because if I see one more person whining about "it's not that he's gay, it's that he LIED" I'm going to puke right on my keyboard. PUH-LEESE. Clay has assiduously avoided answering this question for years and when first asked, what was he supposed to do? Announce his gayness to his family on the 6 oclock news?? Get real. Clay can talk easily about this now, but I'm sure that facing having to tell his family and friends was so frightening. Many gay people find themselves completely ostracized by their families. Clay makes jokes about things--that's his way. People who want to see him open his emotional veins and bleed all over Dianne Sawyer are trying to meet their own need to punish gay people. Honestly, do any of us REALLY think we were ever going to get it on with Clay??? And if we weren't, what in the hell does his sexuality matter?

It's NOT about lying, it's about being gay. Dressing up prejudice doesn't make it any more attractive.

Official end to rant.

That needed to be repeated. Amen.

I wonder if the people concerned that Clay “lied” are voting for President?? They best be voting democrat to reduce the odds tremendously. <g> (If you don’t believe me, Google “bridge to nowhere” as a starting place) I have a brother who came out to me years ago and I have to say – he was terrified. He had no reason to be, but the fears are VERY well founded. He’s told me of friends who were completely cut off from their families – and it is not isolated incidents. Some gay people have lost their entire families.

I LOVE Jaymes. The end.

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I admit it. I lied to my mother when she asked me if I was having sex with my boyfriend when I was 17 because I didn't think it was any of her business. I'm pretty sure that I'd have lied about it on national TV, too.

No stone-throwing here.

I just wish the truth loving American people were as upset about George W. Bush telling blatant lies to start a disastrous war causing unimaginable death and destruction. If that wasn't impeachable, then by contrast neither Clay nor I have ever stretched the truth at all.

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I lied. I said I wasn't going to post in that OFC thread but I read one that made my jaw drop and hit the floor and I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me.

I don't know, luckiest. I believed you when you said you weren't going to post. How can I ever trust you again?

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I lied. I said I wasn't going to post in that OFC thread but I read one that made my jaw drop and hit the floor and I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me.

Sweetie, if I were seeing you in person today, I'd give you a huge hug! :thbighug-1:

I had a RL conversation with that very same poster today. As soon as I got off the phone, listening to those exact words said to me in a very vehement tone, I came here and felt much better. BTW, she knows I don't agree with her at all and, now that I've seen the GMA interview, make that disagree times 10.

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Excuse me, , from a non-republican, all sides lie, you have to be educated enough t to know the truth to see if there is a lie or not. And you have to make a value judgement about the lie if it is important or just fluff. Fluff doesn'matter and everyone lies about sex to someone, usually their partner, in the majority of times, most other people don't care.

Note: this was from early on in the posting and most of this was from what I read yesterday - I really have to get on with my life too much todo here: I found Clayandr a bit flippant and I find most posters in that thread oppressive. They say you should state your honest opinion, but if it does not agree with theirs, you are criticized and made fun of or, worse yet, they try and "fix" it. Tolerance is a wonderful thing when it is applied to both sides of an issue. A lot of the bullies in the thread full of sunshine are the dark angels of criticizing Clay normally. Very odd. just because someone does not understand another person's issue does not give them the right to tell people how to think or feel or even to redefine what they are saying into something completely different. Mark my words, this has not sunk in for many people and there will be some residual reactions. As I said my issue is being tired of the drama and not liking the particular way this is being handled, the drama is rarely Clay's fault (exception in this case) but it is exhausting. He has every right to have drama in his life and I have every right not to like it. Just the way things are, not going to change anything, just need time and a mental adjustment.

I understand about the religious person who is being bitchy, but this is normal behavior for her, much like Cap not liking Clay's hair, you just assume it. I find few people on anyside tactful at the OFC, my jaw drops in both directions I believe most people who have normal issues are staying silent because they are being treated like shit or they expect to be.

At least that is what they say in PM. ETA At another board.

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Since Jaymes approved posting her comments to questions on other boards, you all need to see this:


Originally Posted by RedBay

"Everyone should feel free to speak from their hearts."

I don't post here much but I would also like to say that I was appalled at Clay's flippant attitude this morning. I am praying that perhaps that was not intended and that we will hear more from him DIRECTLY in the coming days. I have felt for a long time that Clay has put up barriers between the fans and himself. It's kind of sad really.

I also am very disappointed that TeamClay has chosen to use an innocent child in the way that they have to date."

"Everyone should be free to speak from their hearts." was Clay's rule, not mine.

This made me sick to my stomach. Where do you get off

I think she's just terrific!

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I personally like "flippant". It works better for me than "woe, woe, woe" and "abberation".

OK - this sorts of strikes me as - Clay does "A". Fan B says, "yay, love eveything about it, yadda, yadda, yadda". Fan C say, "Eww, ptui, horrible, hate, unhappy, yadda, yadda, yadda". From experience, Clay ain't gonna change "A". "A" simply is at this point. Either Fan B can become unhappy to match Fan C or Fan C can be happy too (one of those judgement calls, I personally like happy better than unhappy). People tell people how to feel all the frickin' time. If one more idiotic man approaches me in the street asking me "Why aren't you smiling", I will probably end up smacking him in the head. With my luck, he'd like it. I'm of the opinion that if you post something on a message board, you're expecting to get feedback (and frankly most people want agreement). It doesn't always work that way. And if they post something that will be hurtful (and if you're having a negative reaction, that hurtful thing is hard to avoid), yeah, you can almost guarantee someone will take it in a bad way.

People who aren't happy at this board in general have managed to post it in a way that isn't bringing others down, isn't accusatory, and they sound reasonable. They haven't been treated like shit.

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I have asked myself so many times over the years, "Why Clay, why has he captured my attention like no other singer in generations?" At first, I think it was mainly his voice. It delivered so much more than the purity and clarity and power. Then I think it was the message board fandom. Once I found it, I got caught up in and was swept away by the sheer excitement of it.

For some reason, I think, I always knew that there was something special about Clay Aiken. As I look back over the past 5 years, I realize he is forever the teacher. This man is half my age, and is so much wiser than I could ever hope to be. I have learned more about compassion from him, than probably any other person I have ever really known. Through his example, I have become more comfortable in my interactions with people with disabilities. I'm more aware of the plight of children around the world. I became painfully aware, that not only were people ridiculed and persecuted for being gay, but even for being perceived to be gay.

I think I could go on to list many things I have learned as a result of being a fan of this man. I think I'm a better person because of him, but I'm not through yet. I think he still has a lot he can teach me.

I loved his GMA interview and believe his statement about being careful not to dream too specifically for someone was also wise beyond his years, (and maybe that's what some of us did)

Yep, I still love him.

I loved this. It's exactly how I feel about his impact on my life but you said it so much better than I could.

Now I need to go back and catch up.

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Since Jaymes approved posting her comments to questions on other boards, you all need to see this:


Originally Posted by RedBay

"Everyone should feel free to speak from their hearts."

I don't post here much but I would also like to say that I was appalled at Clay's flippant attitude this morning. I am praying that perhaps that was not intended and that we will hear more from him DIRECTLY in the coming days. I have felt for a long time that Clay has put up barriers between the fans and himself. It's kind of sad really.

I also am very disappointed that TeamClay has chosen to use an innocent child in the way that they have to date."

"Everyone should be free to speak from their hearts." was Clay's rule, not mine.

This made me sick to my stomach. Where do you get off

I think she's just terrific!

I wanna marry Jaymes. It's legal here. Think Clay would mind?

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