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# 70: "If there was a flag and I had to design it, it would have Clay Aiken on it."

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20 hours ago, merrieeee said:

The eHP is still around and will be at the gala.  

Miss you all!  Working 11-hour days at election office so the Gala wasn't in the picture this year. Have much fun!


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3 hours ago, RIFAN said:

What is the eHP?

For all of you who are going—have a wonderful time and show him the love!

The eHP is the Evil Houston Posse! Back in the day, we ended up with a reputation of being a little anti social.  We weren’t, just didn’t drink the koolaid and saw through the bs! We also tended to get into some fun situations....yep I think we were even on Jerome’s “list”.  We drove all over this country and had a blast.   I think my favourite incident is when we got stopped by a state trooper in Texas who thought I was being kidnapped!  

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All those at the Gala preparty tonight -- have a great time!

Clay has been added to a third event at Politicon -- a screening of Adam Carolla's new film No Safe Spaces.  Clay will moderate a question and answer session with Adam.


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The public posts I can do here:

And there's more to post in the private thread for now....but check out something special for Twilight.  She's probably on cloud nine still.  CONGRATULATIONS TWILIGHT!

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Kevin Iannucci performed a dance last night at the Gala; his Mom posted pictures.  Scroll through to see him with Clay!

Daniel Svoboda posted about his son, DJ, receiving an award last night.


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How did playbiller and I miss the eHP? 

Great show. Laughed so hard at Clay, comedian extraordinaire. He was a little hoarse after the auctions so kept drinking water. The auctioneer and Clay were so funny too. They added stuff to auction until Clay got the amount he wanted. Nothing for me to bid on as they no longer do the baskets or small items. Even the send a child to camp has a $300. limit. Just glad that they were able to get to where they needed to be.

While he performed His cousin brought out a new bottle of water. He took a taste and said "whats in here?essential oils I suppose" and made a face. Later his assistant brought him some tea and honey which really seemed to help his voice and he finished strong. Singer great, band great.

The Gala started at 8 and lasted until 11:30 and the audience was still disappointed that it ended. So funny when Ethel danced with Clay, Ben and Shaun during Purple Rain. 

Congratulations to Twilight who got a founders award. Another to Dancermom of CV. Both very deserving recipients. Loved your speech Twilight.

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Greetings and salutations!  (waves madly at the FCA, wonders if I still have mod privileges and manfully resists the urge to jiggle everything) Since I am currently listening to Solo's recording of Kyrie in Dallas, my fingers automatically went to post on the board.  Hey to all my old friends (and to those who don't know who the hell the eHP is, nothing can be proven and we have never been convicted!)  I am so not a nostalgic person, but last night took me back (although I admit, for a second I was wonder why Anderson Cooper was singing to me).  It was crazy fun.  Clay was playing to the hard core target audience...purply-blue shirt with the gray inner button placket and gray slacks (but no tie).  And they didn't fit the way they did back in the day, but hell, neither are the fans.  We even got a shirt tug.  We got a little of Don't Save it All for Christmas Day.  I was happy and what else matters!

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Omg.  Kandre posted!😂

indeed it was crazy fun.  As usual Clay was being Clay. And it was glorious.  The fan girl in me came right back out and I love him for that.   I think the best part was the invisible tug! He so knows  the fandom.  The place went wild!  Clay asked us who was there sharing a room with someone they didn’t know before 2003 and then said how many of you still don’t know peoples real names.   I think the whole place shouted yes to both questions and laughed their heads off!

There was a certain gentleman in the balcony who had to be impressed with Clays stage presence and ability to “work” the crowd. ( Discreet reference to news in the member private section. )

I know he almost lost his voice but after drinking some unknown concoctions that we’re delivered to him on stage he sounded really good. That boy needs to sing on  regular basis.  Hmm!

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