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How the Heck are We All Gonna Get Along? With Clay, Naturally!

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Well, we had snow!  Lots of it...pretty much as they predicted!  My husband and I went for a short walk in the snow today, and there was a bit of ice under it, so it was slick.  Snow day at work today, snow day tomorrow as well.  Nice having two days off.

For those who are interested in donating to Clay's campaign...please see the private area of the board.  

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Lots of nuts and bolts details in the article about what happens next--bottom line, it isn't over, and who knows when it ever will be. I remember a time when we didn't vote for the state legislature at all, which was fine with the Republicans, since they controlled it. This could end up with delay after delay, since the Republicans are still in control in both the US house and the state legislature, and are happy with the status quo. The date of the primary Clay is running in could well be postponed again. (and again and again)


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I think he'd probably say that it's likely that the approximate boundaries of his district will remain the same, and that's the main thing he cares about. He's probably right about that. I wish they'd squeeze his over a bit so that I was in it. I've been in and out of David Price's district so often it makes my head spin, and in the new maps I'm out. I don't think that'll happen though.

Given the Clay we're getting to know lately, he'd also probably say not to worry about things we can't control. I suck at that.  :crazy:


ETA: I am glad the maps were thrown out, I should emphasize that. I was just hoping that they'd order that they be drawn by an independent commission. But yay for the main ruling!!

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Thanks for bringing all this over here jmh

Heres a non super nerd question for you. Clay has said that this will go to the Supreme Court of NC. So this just delays the election until they can rule on the boundaries? Are you saying there is no chance for him to get a more dem leaning district? Please give it to me straight, I think I can take it


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Hey, good questions. I'm learning as I go and I live here. It was the Supreme Court of NC that just ruled. What they ruled was that the maps must be redrawn, but not by them. I was hoping they would at least say it must be an independent agency, but what they did was to say the legislature must try again, and then the new maps will be submitted to the same lower court that last time ruled that the prior maps were clearly gerrymandered but that wasn't unconstitutional. The Supreme Court said, oh yes it is unconstitutional when it's this extreme. Whatever the lower court decides this time will without a doubt be appealed again by whichever side.

Clay's district is amazingly and totally already skewed Democratic already. It's one of the few that is. That's the problem. Most of them are skewed Republican even though North Carolina is about 50 50. Just like the national party, the NC Republicans think land should vote, not people, so the urban areas, which lean Democratic, should be the only (and highly populated) Democratic districts. Clay's is one of those. That's why the main contest for him is in the Democratic primary.

As for whether the primary will be delayed again, it hasn't been decided yet. It was delayed previously by the lower court. The legislature tried to vote in a delay, but the Democratic governor vetoed that. Trouble with all the delaying is that the Republicans have no problem with delays--they already have what they want. They don't care if we get to vote at all. The main thing they did with the new districts was to fix it so that 4 prominent, current black NC legislators would not be able to keep their seats, while also making sure that even more districts were Republican. 

An interesting nerdy tidbit: the Republicans actually created a district that was supposed to a "gift" to one of their main leaders, so he could move from the NC legislature to the US Congress, but Madison Cawthorne lickety split changed districts to run in that one. The state leader decided there was no way he could beat Cawthorne in a primary, as the Republicans in part of the state are very Trumpy, so he decided to stick with running for the state position again.

Yes, to add to the confusion, there are state senate districts, and state congressional districts, as well as districts for elections for the US Congress. (Are the last two the same? I dunno.) The US Senate is a state-wide vote and a bunch of national money will go to that race. Thom Tillis, now US Senator, used to be the leader of the NC Legislature.

More nerdy stuff. The lower court in this case is majority Republican. The Supreme Court is majority Democrat. Both of these are elected positions, and the Republicans want to delay until after the elections, when they hope to regain a majority in the Supreme Court so (they hope) it will rule in their favor in the future.

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OMG! 🥵

Thank you so much for putting in all that time to explain that. How frustrating! Sounds familiar.. a lot like when delays helped choices of US Supreme Court - It seems like the repubs sure have all this figured out. Not good for people like Clay, who just want to get in and make a difference.

What the hell has happened to good old fashioned common sense??



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Clay tweet:

We’re 200 followers away from 220k. 

If you support our positive campaign that’s going to bring a powerful voice for North Carolina to the halls of Congress, retweet to spread the word and follow this account! - Team Clay

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