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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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WOW...this minion is bowing once again in total agreement KAndre...

Fans are certainly over reaching in this instance...if Clay was put out when a fan told him Invisibel needed work...what do you think he woudl think of fans calling up distributors and practically harrassing stock people...

It really hard at times to dispute the stereotypes people have of Clay fans when we hear of incidents like this...sigh

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Sometimes I think some of Clay's fans are his own worse enemies!

Sometimes?!?!? Only sometimes?!?!? :blink:

I guess that's just me then. *g*

Or maybe not...because as Ansa says:

It really hard at times to dispute the stereotypes people have of Clay fans when we hear of incidents like this...sigh

There are some fans who think that since "insert company or person's name here is a nincompoop who can't do their job correctly," they must do it for them. Sorry, the business world doesn't work like that. I bet they followed their children all around too, making sure that the teachers gave their kids all A's, even if their work was D level.

Let's see...topics du jour for today. I'll take Clay, stubble or no. If he's a hobo, he's certainly a well dressed one lately. Ooooh, I know...a shaving scene. Imagine hot lather...and a shaving brush...and...uh...uh...

What was I saying?

Claygasm, I agree that he deserves better...but I also know that these things happen. It's just sad that Clay's caught in the middle a bit. But then I tell myself that's Clay's a grown man, and he certainly doesn't need me protecting him. He'll learn his lessons.

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A big ole WHATEVER, DUDE. Can you see my eyes rolling? :blink:

Anyway, has anyone ever seen Tyra's talk show? I haven't, but I assume she's a little more congenial than Martha "The Snow Queen" Stewart, who acted like she has an icicle up her butt. Do you think Tyra will teach Clay how to catwalk and strike a fierce pose? Hee. I read a newspaper article once where the author was learning do the catwalk moves. He was told the facial expression to use was a slightly pissed "Where is my car" look. Or in Clay's case, maybe a "What do you mean you have no chicken?" sneer.

Okay, if Clay looks better for every show, and he looked almost unbearably handsome for the Martha show (I LIKE THE STUBBLE) maybe I should just go ahead and make sure my funeral arrangements are in place before the Regis & Kelly mid-November appearance. B)

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OK, Here is where I think it is fine to talk to the staff. I went into best buy and was buying a fan pack for someone. I saw no Clay CDs, so I asked someone if they had any CDs somewhere else in the store, although I had not seen ATDW anywhere. They told me to ask someone who worked in the department. So I asked a guy with a bunch of DVDs on a cart - he said he did not take care of music, although he worked in the department and to ask someone else. I saw a man in a suit with a name plate looking at CDs - tried again. He said the I should talk to a stock person. At that point I went to look for the manager to ask just who worked in this department (it was a biiiigggg department.) the manager was not available,the help desk would not help me. Hence I unloaded to the help desk about the loss of sales because I could not find what I wanted (didn't say what it was ) and that there was no one available to help me. It was a general rant and the person just shrugged. I guess I should write them. And I never mentioned Clay.

I also admit writing Walmart when they had the sound check that wasn't. I asked what exactly a soundcheck was since it ws inaudible in the store. I asked if it was really a picture check. Note, it was not on the TVs, just on overhead monitors and inaudible, no one in the electronics department knew what a sound check was. I did not mention who was on the sound check.

That is it, that was all, well, maybe writing to Amazon and asking why my CD was shipping in the middle of November - turns out they ran out of a book I ordered (although they said it was in stock when I ordered it) and supersaver shipping means they had to wait for them all to come in. Mind you supersaver shipping is not free shipping.

OK, I Lied, I asked a clerk if they had any CDs in the back (not mentioning Clay) in Target and he said they had very little space in back and all CDs were out. - Thus I knew that Clay had sold over 100 CDs that week in that store.

OK, I am done.

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hey I did check out ANTM because I wanted to check out Tyra and I was very impressed with her. I also saw a clip of Tyra interviewing the kids on So You Think You Can Dance...and she was a hoot. She asked fun questions and seem very interested in them and was very animated...She also danced with Benjie and wow that was totally hot. She seem so tall though she towered over Benjie, Doyelle and Heidi, so I checked her height and she is only 5'10" or 5'11"...so Clay will probably be a bit taller than her. But she is fun, down to earth and gorgeous...Looking forward to that. specially since its supposed to be for an HOUR...cool!!!

I need to find it in my schedule though...

...Play...I think it is totally legitimate to look for the CD if it is not there. I always make it a point to ask people in my grocery store when I am looking for soemthing...if they don't have it an inquiry tells them there is an interest in it and they may end up ordering them for you. I do believe store clerks just don;t know how to give customer service anymore. I don't see anything you did as crossing the line...you are just a customer looking for service. But I do get squicked when fans interrogate store managers or even the distributors to get information beyond what is observable.

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Evening everyone. Waving and waving and waving.

I have just been so beat down at work this week with work. It has been a long long week so far and it is only Tuesday. Whoosh!!!.

Been reading the boards for the last couple of days and with the angst and hullabaloo going on, I just decided to go into hermit mode and just crawl under some sand.

Everybody here is so well versed. I feel at a loss for the written word. I am so tired right now, that I cannot even think straight. :)

Just came out to say HI :) and again waving to all my friends. I bow to you KAndre.


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Yay, Couchie is here. Hope your Mom is better. Been there.

I am sure I never crossed a line, Personally, I think asking for the CD is fine, but I have enough thank you. I bought some K marts for people, but they changed their minds, so you might say I have too many. I also am waiting for a few birthdays to role around, this is by far the cheapest gift I can give :trink4:

I am nothing if not cheap. :clown_4:

I don't have a problem with people reporting stock or even straightening up a little, I did move a crappy CD from infront of Clay's once. I think pre-ordering would have been good and assured stock was there, but I guess people didn't do that this time.

I know some fans did not buy this Cd, and that is thier choice, I find it hard to believe that anyone hates it, but there is not accounting for taste. My taste is certainly eclectic. I just get really botrhered with people who wave around their connections like it means anything and the experts who make pronouncements to their following. I also am disturbed by people who are still playing the AI card. I am a competitive person, but not with other people's lives.

Tyra - I watch tyra - she has a mix of shows - some makeovers, some confrontational. The last one I saw was the Flava Flav show, and was very funny.

Tonight, is Ruben on Kimmel Right? I want to see this! If he interviews him, maybe Ruben will be as funnny as on the Oprah after show. Oops, Ruben is on tomorow.

Edited by playbiller
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OMG - I think we broke playbiller! Did you see her use emoticons in her post? I think that is even more shocking then the time she got all squealy and fangirly at the CH. HA! :P

My 'Nanas were watching Dancing with the Stars this evening, and even they are laughing at Jerry Springer :bananasign::dance2::nanalove::nanaonacid::dancingnana:

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Asking for CDs? Lord, that is a fan's job! Bitching at Wal-Mart? Also a perfectly lovely job. Bitching about end cap placement, how many slots are held, what's the backorder push...that's when someone should gently tell people, "OK, applications to be a stock clerk are in the back...don't call us, we'll call you."

play! TWO emoticons?!?!? You're scaring me, chickie!

I did say oddly attractive hobo - it probably is the suit - but dagnabbit, the man is just SWEET clean-shaven...I could eat him up. I didn't say I minded the hobo hitting on me now...

I am looking forward to Tyra.

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EEEEEEEEEEEEE more appearances...I knew e would get to megan mullaly show...

10/10/06 : More Clay on TV!

By Team Clay

Clay will be busy filming his appearance on the Tyra Banks Show this coming Friday, October 13th. Stay tuned to the news for details on when his appearance will air.

He will also be working on a taping of the Megan Mullally Show in Hollywood on November 1st. Be sure to catch it when it airs the next day, Novemeber 2nd!

Additionally, you'll be able to find Clay appearing in an upcoming episode of Days of Our Lives. Stay tuned for more info.

Last, but not least, don't miss Clay on November 21st when he'll be presenting on the American Music Awards!


hee...Days of Our Lives...Bwah!!! This is the only soap that I was following the past 3 years...but I have stopped watching cos the story lines were a bit OTT even for a soap...even the return of Patch didn'e keep my attention for long...but Clay will suck me in again...

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Yeah - more TV appearances to complain about!

And did you see there is now video from the Virgin signing up at the OFC with promises of more to come? I've seen our Lady of the White Hat already. If some of the rest of y'all are in the footage, fess up!

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FYI - I was able to right-click and save the OFC video, which might be quicker than waiting for it to load from the site. It is in Quick-time. KAndre, you were very persuasive about your audience connection and whatnot. Hope we see more of you in future installments.

Edited by bottlecap
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Yeah - more TV appearances to complain about!

And did you see there is now video from the Virgin signing up at the OFC with promises of more to come? I've seen our Lady of the White Hat already. If some of the rest of y'all are in the footage, fess up!

YAY for our Kandre...great way to represent...all poised, articulate and glam.

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Danke schön!

Do you have to have Quick Time Pro to save it?

Uh, I just right-clicked and saved as on the link to my hard drive. I did open it in Quicktime to play it, since the file saved as a Quicktime Movie. I can't tell you anything more technical than that, 'cause I'm kinda stupid that way.

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Well, that took a while, I had to donwload a new version of quick time, and I have the free version, you just right click and save from the OFC link

I knew way too many people in that clip glances sideways at a board resident

I want to add that I have used smilies before on peopls birthdays and such, I am just a little unpracticed in the use. Remember, I started posting on bullitten boards 20 years ago.

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play! TWO emoticons?!?!? You're scaring me, chickie!

Huh-oh :unsure:

Are emoticons uncool? :(

Yikes. :blink:

I'm a two strapper. :lol:

I am looking forward to Tyra.

Based on the size of her rack, I bet Waldo is too. B)


I hope so...I miss Waldo. Haven't seen him in a while and I get restless after so long....

Muski needs her Waldo to show up now and then, doncha know... ;) ; doesn't like those dry spells.

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play! TWO emoticons?!?!? You're scaring me, chickie!

Huh-oh :unsure:

Are emoticons uncool? :(

Yikes. :blink:

I'm a two strapper. :lol:

I am looking forward to Tyra.

Based on the size of her rack, I bet Waldo is too. B)


I hope so...I miss Waldo. Haven't seen him in a while and I get restless after so long....

Muski needs her Waldo to show up now and then, doncha know... ;) ; doesn't like those dry spells.

Its so good to have Muski back!! :lol:

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