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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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Ah, Ansa, we think you're really swell. See, your self-esteem is improved already - so you can stay home and watch Martha on Friday instead of going to your seminar. :P


Clay's interview and live performance of Without You are now up on Live@Yahoo Music. Yahooo! indeed, y'all. Could he say "OMG" any more times?! ;)

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Anyone miss me? I was stealing some hotels wifi for an hour a day (sitting in my car in the dark - heh with my dog barking her head off when any other dog passed by the park ) It was too dark to type much. For some reason, I was uncomfortable turning the light on in the car to type. sniff my old lap tyop had an integral light, what is this world coming to? Of course my old lap tao is unuseable since I can't get it to accept the old password - it claims it is really something else - duh. Most techies don't want to fix that. I brought it to a few stores and they handed it right back to me and gave me my money back.

OK, got to catch up! Any new Clack?

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People.com Star Tracks

A photo of Clay and the Duff sisters backstage at "Hairspray" on Tuesday, Oct. 3. The caption reads:


Clay Aiken, who's in town for his new album A Thousand Different Ways, surrounds himself with a couple of other honey-colored cuties, Haylie (left) and Hilary Duff, on Tuesday, after a performance of Haylie's Broadway musical, Hairspray.

Note: Sometimes the order of the daily pictures changes around, so click around until you find it. Clay has great hair and stubble. Nevermind that Hilary Duff looks 35 and not 19.

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Lawd Jesus, that man is hawt. And Grannie Aiken looks like she's cuter than a bugs ear.

Doesn't she though? And that Clay guy? Um...yeah...he's cuter than a bug's patootie. (Mixing my Rosie metaphors here...*g*)

I must admit, though, despite assurances from the posters over at CV that this "Hot Pineapple Salad" receipe that they are making is fabulous, the thought of it has been making me gag all day long. :kotz0: What. I just thought I'd share that.

I'm with you on that. Anytime anyone puts pineapple on my ham, I turn away in disgust. I've never been a fan of hot fruit at all. Pie? Only if it is served cold. Sweet and sour? Ick. This is one recipe from Clay I'll be skipping.

Ah, Ansa, we think you're really swell. See, your self-esteem is improved already - so you can stay home and watch Martha on Friday instead of going to your seminar. :P

ITA. You're sweet and cheerful and doggone it, good enough. There. Now stay home and get that clack up on the board toot sweet. :P

Clay's interview and live performance of Without You are now up on Live@Yahoo Music. Yahooo! indeed, y'all. Could he say "OMG" any more times?! ;)

I love hearing him talk, even if he has a cold. (Hey, I have a cold right now...we have a con.nec.tion!) He's so humble, and I love that.

And I think he could have squeezed in a few more OMG's if he tried real hard. :blink:

Anyone miss me?

Ooo, oo, Mr. Kotter -- ME! I missed you! {{{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}

Went to 2 different WalMart's last night. The first was the big success...for just as I entered the electronics department, Clay was on all the TV's! It was the beginning of the soundscan interview, and he still looked good and sounded great. Hee.

Regis & Kelly scheduled for Nov. 17, according to the fan club. EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Some are speculating that Regis usually takes Friday's off; so could Clay co-host? And wouldn't that be a blast?!?!?

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Waves and ((((hugs)))) to everyone.

Ya'll miss me, LOL. I have been busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Just watched the Yahoo thingy. With that cold that Clay had, his voice was much HUSKIER and sexier than ever. May be needs to keep a "slight cold' every now and then. It just gave me goosebumps. I will have to listen to it again when I get home from work tonight to bring on those "sweet" dreams. I am so NOT right.

So, how is everyone doing?? Everything is "good" right now in Georgialand. Everything seems to be calm for the minute. Hope it stays that way.

Waiting for Martha tomorrow.

See ya'll later.


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I think I have the Clay cold, too. Unfortunately, I just sound sick and congested, not sexy. :blink:

The Hot Pineapple Salad recipe is posted on Martha's site, along with a full color picture. My opinion on the concept stands: :kotz0:

I was talking to my mom on the phone before lunch today. Did I know that Clay was going to be on Martha Stewart tomorrow? Why, yes I may have heard about that somewhere... Hee.

georgiaclay - I sure did miss you. playbiller, I hope you get back to your normal internet connection soon.

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Thanks for the link to the recipe - it is all kinds of wrong - I can see where Martha would hate it, since I am a from scratch cooker myself (when It comes to desserts, anyway - not Pizza)

I think the problem most people have when it comes to pineapple is that they think canned - yuck - I love fresh pineapple and when I have leftover fresh pineapple and it is going old, I have been know to saute it in butter (no sugar -way sweet enough) to preserve it a little longer - mmmmmm Hot pineapple is good. Interestingly enough (probably just to me) both my dogs loved pineapple cores and have pestered me endlesly to get them. And no, I don't give them big pieces, just a little slice here and there. It is odd only in their diverse vegetable tastes - the vegetable one loved, the other hated, ditto fruit, except for pineapple.

OK, get up, and get the latest months VCR tape in and programmed for tomorrow - whee. more fresh clack. And, maybe, I will rework CLay's pineapple salad tohave afresh counter part. For a guy who is alergic to a lot of suff, he sure can eat junk food!

waves to all my friends

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I simply LURVE fresh pineapple. The sweetness is just perfect. I also do really liked canned pineapple from time to time. My favorite in that regard is a sliced pineapple ring with cottage cheese.

On the other end of the spectrum, my Mom used to put crushed pineapple in lime or lemon jello and call it a salad. Ick. But then, I've never considered jello a salad, while that's a standard thing to my mom. My mom and I have never agreed much on cooking though.

I think what turns me off of this recipe is the fact that it's supposed to be served HOT. Blech, ick, barf.

But Clay will still be totally cute cooking. Just wish he was sharing his mac and cheese recipe instead. Oh wait, I guess cooking from the Kraft box mix doesn't count. :P

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That entire recipe make me want to :kotz0:

Is this what they consider "salad" in the south? :unsure:

By the time you add the stick of butter and the 2 cups of cheese and the 1 cup of sugar, any health benefits of the pineapple have been negated!

I have to say that if Clay grew up eating food like this I am amazed that he can be so skinny.

He must have one amazing metabolism!

Among other things...... B)

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Hee. I'm taking tomorrow off as a combination sick / might as well have a long week-end since Monday's a holiday / Clack fever day so I'll be able to see the show in real time. I'm almost as anxious to see Martha's reaction to the crackers and cheese-covered hot MESS of a dish as I am to see Clay sing and snark.

Mozzeralla balls and pineapple salad. This round of promotion has certainly expanded my culinary horizons. :P

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Thanks all for affirming I do not need a self -esteem seminar... :D actually its like my MIL, SIL and I were under emotional blackmail to go...the worse part...its suppose to be for 10 3 hour sessions...yikes...but we are just attending tomorrow...then ditching the rest.

hmmm...I think I will pass on the hot pineapple salad recipe.

welcome back Georgiaclay!!!

ooh...bottlecap maybe if you try the recipe your reason to stay home will become legit.

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I don't know why this whole "Hot Pineapple Salad" thing has sent me over the edge, but it just has for some reason. I have been alternatively giggling and gagging (and coughing) about it all day. Tonight, it's "My Name as Earl" and "The Office" (Clay's favorite show) with a Nyquil chaser for me.

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YAY...I can watch Martha

Got out of that seminar...but not without having to pay Karma dearly for it...

woke up with sinus headache and stiff neck...our cat spit up all over my daughters bed making me wash 3 layers of sheets and blankets I just washed yesterday...my Cait peed all over our bed...our washer was acting up and Caitlin was so contrary getting ready to go to school this morning that I;m sure my blood pressure went up...I guess thats enough of an excuse to get out of this family obligation...sigh

oh well at least I can...WATCH MARTHA!!!!

so where is everybody!!!

oh hey Rod Stewart is on Ellen...singing great rock and roll classics...two songs and an interveiw...kinda making sense why Clay cant get on...maybe later on in the year when Elton, Rod, Julio are done with their promo...anyone else doing covers that Clay has to give way to????

OH NO...the AI people will be doing their promo next...sigh...CLay REALLY NEEDS his own TALK SHOW!!!!!

Marths really has a hard time adlibbing...

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Just saw this at the CH posted by ImAllEars and thought it was interesting:

I watched GMA this morning and Rod Stewart was the Fall Concert Performer. Now, I know you must wonder why this has anything to do with Clay.....but when asked where the idea came for this oldies rock album, he answered "The entire idea was Clive Davis's". I wanted to do a bluesy type album". I thought this was intertesting.

Now, if someone like Rod Stewart, an icon in the biz, can't say no to Clive, Clay didn't stand a chance!

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OH GOSH...love chinese mooncakes...as a kid we used to get that and sip chinese tea and watch the moon although we are not chinese...They are sooo good!!!!one of my favorite things in the world. YUM

bring on Clay!!!!

Just saw this at the CH posted by ImAllEars and thought it was interesting:

I watched GMA this morning and Rod Stewart was the Fall Concert Performer. Now, I know you must wonder why this has anything to do with Clay.....but when asked where the idea came for this oldies rock album, he answered "The entire idea was Clive Davis's". I wanted to do a bluesy type album". I thought this was intertesting.

Now, if someone like Rod Stewart, an icon in the biz, can't say no to Clive, Clay didn't stand a chance!

Exactly...and I think this is whyClay ended up with more ballads...I think CLive didn;t want the two mixed up...

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AWWW grandma Aiken is just too cute...so sweet...

I knew it...it came from a church recipe book...we have so much of that here from my hubby;s grandma...will check if this is in there.

That was cute... love it.. although marthat talks too much...

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AAACCCKKKK!! My mom called me when Martha was interviewing Clay. Yeah, I still feel crappy, but I'm alive and haven't completely coughed up a lung, and I'm trying to watch Clay, mom. She hung up, and then called me back after the cooking segment to tell me she wanted the pineapple recipe. Blechhhh!!! :kotz0:

Martha's pretty charisma-free, isn't she?

Still waiting for Clay to sing....

Martha screencaps from claymatized.com.

eta: Holy Crap! I don't know if it's the drugs or if I'm feverish, but I swear I've never seen the man look so FREAKIN' HAWT while singing. Stubble and lingering close-ups and OMG the eyef*cks! Fabulous!!!

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Is it safe to hang out with all these sickies? Or the bad luck people?

I thought Martha was totally not into Clay. It is as if she never heard of him. Guess he has not cracked the upper crust, although..... I do have a slight connection with Martha which I will not post online. - what a pain being stalked and having to be careful. I think this was not the best Martha show, however, I was so amused by her having to stoop and be nice about a recipe that was probably causing her to vomit (silently). She just could not resist having her own pineapple recipe. Has she done that before? I don't seem to remember it. I cracked up at how much Martha was trying to talk to the Grandmother, like she had nothing to say to young men. Vey rude to your guest, Martha.

Clay, on the other hand was pretty funny. And just pretty stubbly.

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Yeah, Martha just seemed so humorless and dull, and just a bit condescending. Maybe Clay should have brought Raleigh and Durham along to hang out with Martha's dogs instead of Grannie Aiken.

But the performance of A Thousand Days more than makes up for Martha's shortcomings. I think that was certainly one of the best shot performances of any of the tv appearances so far. I want Angela's dress.

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((( hugs to bottle, hope you are feeling better))) and (((hugs to everyone else))). I hope everyone doing doing great today. Boy, these antidepressants seem to be working (not Paxil, lol).

Great Martha show (but I really hate Martha, she seems very UPPITY to me, like her crap don't stink). Well she puts her pants on the same way I do, so she is essentially no better than I am and I don't have a prison record and I don't deal is stocks (LOL). Okay, my Martha rant for today. Hope I did not step on any toes.

Clay definitely made my morning. I agree with you Bottle, definite eye*@%$* going on. That last shot with his green eyes almost wide open almost made me fall from my chair. I am just now recovering. Glad I taped it. Added it to my clack tape of the last two weeks, so I have Leno, LKL and now (yeck) Martha. She really needs a charisma infusion, or may be just a personality. UGG, see there I go again. Stop me somebody.

Everybody have a great day. Off to work with the nuts again. Let's see how many people can break bones today. LOL. :P

G :blink:

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Yeah Martha is lousy at adlibbing...and was totally condescending about Granny's travelling. Have you ever been on a plane? Excuse me?

But Granny was gracious and so sweet.

I thought the interview was ok...she was complimentary to Clay and tried to be a bit more colorful and intersting but it didn't work on her end...Clay was cute and articulate as usual.

I do love the idea that Granny had her moment to shine and she certainly was cute when she was talking about the finale and love her southern accent so sweet and gracious. BUT I think it would've been so much more hilarious if Martha just tried to teach Clay to cook some simple dish he can impress his friends with. That would've been comic gold probably.

I love the shot of Clay crushing the ritz...his hands were lovely and the rings totally enhance them.

I think that would be the last time I watch that show...Martha is not a good talk show host...so dry and boring.

I want a CLAY Talk Show!!!!

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From the CH:


(Please copy and post this on all of the fan boards this morning.)

Oct. 10th fan show – Cancelled

Friday, Oct. 13th – Clay will be the only guest – he has the entire hour. The taping will be in the morning. Tickets all gone – audience will be Clay fans. The show will be on TV 2-3 weeks after taping and the producer will let me let me know the date ahead of time so that it can be posted.

Fan participation: Tyra would like to hear from 15 SoCal Clay fans (they called them “15 solid Claymates’) who would like to be on the show - age range: 16-40 - by this afternoon. This fan segment will also be taped on Friday, Oct. 13th, the day Clay will be on the show. They are looking for young, enthusiastic, die-hard Clay fans that wouldn’t mind talking about Clay and their participation in the fandom on the show. Even though the age range goes up to 40, the younger fans are most preferable. All 15 won’t be used, but Tyra would like to choose from that size of a group.

In order to participate, you will be pre-interviewed over the phone by the producer and a picture will need to be e-mailed to him. You must be available on Friday, Oct. 13th, for the show. And the dress code for the show is “Dressy, Club Wear, Upscale Casual”. Over this weekend, Tyra will go through the pictures and taped interviews and select those who will be on the show. Contact the producer, Marc, at:


He needs to hear from you ASAP today if you are interested.

I don’t know how the fans will be used on the show. Their ideas change every time I talk to the producer. But he assures me that Tyra would not embarrass the fans or make fun of them. She wants it to be upbeat and supportive of Clay. I stressed to Marc that we fans would prefer for the show to be Clay talking and singing and not so much about the fans – so hopefully the fan segment they plan would be small. I even mentioned that he and Tyra should watch Martha Stewart this morning so that they could get an idea of what Clay is like – neither of them have ever seen him on TV. I suggested a couple ideas that were given to me of what could be discussed with Clay. I even told them Clay wants to be a TV talk host and maybe he could interview his own fans.

(Don’t laugh – it might be cute.)

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