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#3 - Here He Comes Again


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I'm back from my west coast adventure (and some parts of the adventure were better than others.... ). But first and foremost hugs to Couchie. I hope everything will be ok with your mom. It was wonderful meeting you. I wish we had been able to spend more time together.

As she indicated, things were not all fun and games at Kimmel. They did short tickets AND gave false information. As a result, 18 people, including Muski and me, did not get into the studio. This after sitting on Hollywood Blvd all damn day, watching people letting 25 of their closest friends in line over and over so that when we started out about 30th in line, we ended up barely getting one of the coveted 160 wristbands!

Not that in the end that mattered since we didn't get in anyway - even after two different in charge Kimmel types assured us once we had the wristbands we would DEFINATELY get in and encouraged us to leave, grab something to eat, and be back around 5:30. Which we were, only to be told it was first come first served. :glare: Truth of the matter is, they screwed up, handing out more wristbands than seats. Muski then tried in vain to make them at least put us up front at the concert, since by this time there were already hundreds there, but nooooooo. They couldn't do that. :angry: In the end, Muski managed to at least get them to agree that the next time Clay is on Kimmel, we would get VIP tickets. They took our names, gave us the email of who to contact etc.

Of course, they didn't offer to buy my airline ticket from Philly to come out again. :glare:

But Muski had more problems than just flying across the country to sit on a sidewalk, but I'll let her tell the story once she gets home if she wants. No one worry, though. She's good. She even said after watching Clay on LKL that she wanted to jump his bones so all's well! :)

Speaking of which, I have NO CLUE what is happening!

I had totally forgotten that Clay was on LKL last night! Of course, I was still in the air, so I couldn't have watched it anyway, but still. I'll have to dig up the clack of it at some point. And any and all clack of Kimmel (including the concert after the show went off the air if there is any....) and is there clack of the KTLA thing from Wednesday morning that I didn't know about until after the fact even though I was still in LA and could have watched it? And anything else I missed. I think I'll have a lot of downloading to do this weekend!

Despite everything, I was thrilled with how happy and how HOT and confident Clay was on Kimmel and how adorable and funny he is and how he comes alive on a stage performing. Like Muski, I just want to jump his bones!!

Since I have a million things to do at work (seems to happen when you dare to take a few days off....) I guess I better get back to work. I'll have to catch up with everything later!

I feel so out.... I mean, more so than usual...... B)

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Man, I was going to offer individual hugs to people...but geez, it sounds like we're all a pretty sad lot at the moment.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{FCA board}}}}}}}}}}}}}

I do hope muski is OK, but if she wants to jump Clay's bones...heh. :P

Larry King was a great interview, IMO. Yes, play, LK was a bit pushy and "rude" as it were....but I really expected that from. It's kind of his stock in trade. I've seen other LKL interviews lately, and he was much more "on the ball" than some of them. I personally think Larry really likes Clay, and Clay really likes Larry too. I also thought Clay looked smashing. I think the cutest thing was when he discovered they were showing baby pictures of him, and he went "Aw, I was cute back then." Love him.

Besides, Clay's audition for "Every Day with Clay Aiken" went well. :D

Why do I have to be at work today? I'd rather be home watching the clack from the past 48 hours. Good stuff, all of it.

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Man, I was going to offer individual hugs to people...but geez, it sounds like we're all a pretty sad lot at the moment.

{{{{{{{{{{{{{FCA board}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Yeah, it's a good thing we all have that really hawt, smart and talented boyfriend around to help relieve some of the stress, isn't it? :wub:

I'm trying to decide if I need to start rationing out my viewing of the fresh Clack. Do I want to watch LK tonight, or should I save it for next week when there is nothing on the schedule yet between Sunday's Live @Yahoo Music thing and Friday's Martha Stewart appearance? Decisions, decisions.....

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Is that Yahoo thing something else that won't work on a Mac?

Not that it matters. I have faith someone, somewhere will cap it somehow. Right? :unsure:

I never even saw the Walmart Soundcheck. Just never had a chance.

Guess I'm a bad fan. No wonder they didn't let me into Kimmel. ;)

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Claygasm, is the only reason you haven't seen the soundcheck is because you're on a Mac? Because it is still available at the WalMart website.

I've heard rumors that this clack will be available soon...and then maybe it will be converted for a Mac.

Bolding names is a good thing...

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Claygasm, is the only reason you haven't seen the soundcheck is because you're on a Mac? Because it is still available at the WalMart website.

I've heard rumors that this clack will be available soon...and then maybe it will be converted for a Mac.

Bolding names is a good thing...

Actually, the MAIN reason I haven't seen the Walmart thing is because it came out when I was too busy to watch it. I'm glad its still available. I'll have to try and watch it later. I know some with Macs have been able to watch it while others can't, so I'll have to see what happens with mine.

If it doesn't work, I may just have to sit down and cry and pout. :(;)

Actually, what cracks me up about so many of these things not working with Macs is the idea of Clay wanting to watch them and he can't! :lol:

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bottle, those pics are to die for! I'm loving both of them for totally different reasons...first one is the slyest look I've ever seen from him, while the second one just simply cracks me up. Also, that pale white leg is blinding. :blink:

I'm in a workshop all day today, and gotta run. Have fun y'all.

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LOVE those pictures! :)

The first one is now my new wallpaper at home. I just love the look on his face! B)

I agree - that expression is just so sly and knowing and sexy..... :wub:


I watched the Kimmel Clack again last night. (Waves to KAndre in her white cowboy hat, who is shown quite a long time during Kimmel's monologue.)

I am soooo loving those tattoo girls. Phoebe, curly-haired one, is just gorgeous. Mary, the dark-haired one who looks a little like Kelly Clarkson*, is also just adorable. And then I read this recap by lala52 at the Clack House, and just about lost it:

Cutie-patootie-tattooties: Okay, so we’re leaving Baja Fresh and we pass by a table with two PYT’s sitting there and Clandy notices one of them has Clay’s signature on her back. So we stop and say “how cool, Clay signed your back today?” Now at this point we just thought it was his signature in "Sharpie", but then we got the whole story. When they told Clay’s (and apparently Kimmel’s) people what they were planning to do, Clay couldn’t believe it. The Kimmel crew said they would follow the girls to the tattoo parlor and Clay told them if they really did it, he wanted them to come backstage before the show so he could see the tattoos! They were SO excited. As far as I could tell, at the time they were talking with us they had NO idea they would be seated in the front row, and be called up on stage with Clay! Oh, and someone mentioned that one of the signatures looked “much better” that the other and I think I know why. One of the girls was telling me that after he signed her friend’s back he looked at her and asked “You too?” When she said yes, he told her she should lay down on the table. I think she said a few more words, which may have been something about it being easier for him to sign his name that way, but holy frickin’ gah, she lost me at “he told me to lay down on the table.” As soon as she said that, I gave her this look and she just smiled really BIG, and said “Yeah, I know!” No further explanation necessary. *g* They both said he gave great hugs and they totally love him. I believe them. *g*

I'm imaging the line at the next M&G. Will you have to put a post-it on the body part you want signed? B)

* And in the distance, there are the sounds of heads exploding at TBE. Waves to Couchie. HA!

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oh so many people to acknowledge...thanks for the pix Bottle

(((gerogiaclay, claygasm and muski)))...

I probably will do a longer post later in the day...but right now I need to decompress from all the excitement from Clay. Feeling a bit exhausted, I think I;ve been staying up too late....and I am probably anemic again. Its a good thing I didn;t get called for work and I have a few hours of quiet time for myself...

time to crank up ATDW plus play list list which is ATDW, plus all the bonus tracks, TRD, BFM and ICMYLM...then for lunch break I will watch my favorite clips from this week...Kimmel, KTLA then LKL...plus a few fanvideos from the signing.

Sigh...did y'all know that Clack is addictive...I guess this is my Paxil... :D

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KAndre staggers in, and wonders how long she can milk the fact that she took the redeye from LA...

The Continuation of A Small Recap of my Visit to LA, Jimmy Kimmel Live and one Mr. Clay Aiken

As we were waiting for those sadists from iota to let us in, it was amusing to listen to the comments of the people walking around us – some teenage looking dudes were crossing the street in front of us going to Virgin (I believe they were going to see Weird Al who was going to be there at 7 – no line) and noticed the large number of Clay Aiken posters…and one commented to the other, “Man, I though he played football?” The eHP almost fell on our butts laughing at that…could that Kimmel sketch have actually fooled some people? I made the mistake of asking for entertainment and a giant colorfully dressed black guy in a green furry hat and dreadlocks came along and made brief raps for us…clearly knowing his audience, worked in a fair number of Clay references. And a brief political argument. They finally let the VIP line in and so my favorite videographic minion Scarlett put on her, um, person of negotiable affection shoes so she could see over people, Solo said screw that, and stood on top of the straps of her sandals because even her feet hurt after 9-10 hours in line, 5-6 trips back to the car, 2 trips for water (because some people were fussy about the size of the water bottle – man, some people are UNREASONABLE!), a trip for food (including Cheez Um Pringles, which I ate, and Chili Cheese Pringles which I didn’t because they weren’t Korean – which is a whole ‘nother story), and several trips between the Kimmel and signing lines. Invisible who wore sensible shoes, acquired a sheet of paper to protect her butt from the effluvia of the Hollywood sidewalk, managed to sit, and I tried my best to get the cop to let me sit on his motorcycle. Uncooperative man. An iota dude finally unhooked the red velvet rope, which had to expand to like three times its normal size to accommodate us all, and in our excitement we went merrily to security, under the mistaken assumption we could sit our rumps down. Moved into the lobby and came to another dead stop right behind the VIP. And then it became perfectly clear that they were torturing us ON PURPOSE. After another 15 minute wait as they squished more and more of us in, they finally turned on some monitors overhead, and we were treated to clips from that special Jimmy had on that I didn’t actually watch as I was only interested in the Clay parts and knew someone would cap them. We all screamed in joy as Clay clobbered Jimmy again, and they did show my favorite Clay and Jimmy duet. It lasted about 12 minutes. Then it started AGAIN. Another 12 minutes down the tube as there are only so many times I can be entertained by a bus hitting a dummy (and the number of times of that is zero). Happily, by the time it started its third run though, they started seating people. The eHP was in front row stage right I think (or on the left side as we were facing the stage), and butterflyshine was fortunate enough to be sitting next to me as well. They had big old cameras in front of us that they swore would be moved, and dude with the camera just seem to leave it on my co-conspirators, who refused to look at it. The warm-up dude, whom I assume was also the beneficiary of Jimmy’s nepotism but lord know it couldn’t have been talent that got him the job, was fairly pointless, through I have to admit, I am FILLED with admiration for CaliforniaClayFan who restrained herself from kicking him in the nuts. Repeatedly. And inviting us to join in the kicking. The band was incredibly loud. And played the same thing over and over and over again. Jimmy was much funnier than the warm-up dude. Well, y’all saw the show, but one of the funnier moments before Clay came out was apparently Jimmy was doing some sort of weird-ass tribute to Magic Johnson buying something. I swear! The unfunny warm-up dude told us not to laugh or applaud; Jimmy read something out of a big purple book, a direction made him start over once, and of course, at the end, some people applauded anyway. I personally think they were just celebrating that it was over. Y’all saw our Clay was, but the thing that tickled me most and reminded me of as much as he plays stuff up for the audience, he will double it for the camera. That look of shock while watching the tattoo girls? I thought he purposefully held that pose, patiently waiting for the camera to come back for his “reaction” shot. He is a total TV dude. Charming, an excellent raconteur, quick-witted, appeared comfortable in his own skin, and the camera loves him. And he has us timed to a tee – he knows perfectly well what to say to engender not only a reaction from us but a specific intensity. After the show, the stampede for the concert was briefly intense, to say the least. And I did take off my cowboy hat for the concert. Man, the concert alone was worth the day to Cali for me. My impressions? He is happy rocking along – but he loves him some ballads. To death. And knows he’s good at them. I know some sort of wish he would stop the glory note thing, but ya know what? I think he loves them. I think he’s been doing it since he got his first solo and his first “OMG that boy can sing!” and he will never give them up. And I am glad. Because I do love it to death. He loves the reaction he gets when he does them, because it is an attention grabber and ego boost. It may not be an “artistic choice”, but I bet it’s fun for him. He sounded exquisite, Angela and Quiana sounded great, the audience was happy. I have to admit that the tomahawk chop thing was totally not working for me on ATD – it didn’t go with the song and looked like people were trying too hard. (But it didn’t really work for me on Back for More either. To me, it’s the kind of gesture that needs a really strong backbeat – and that really isn’t any of Clay’s material). Invisible? I love Invisible. And I do believe Clay loves Invisible. And shirt tugs. And messin’ with the audience. When I See You Smile is stuck in my head. I don’t know if you could call the Sorry incident a function of the Aiken Random Lyric Generator – he didn’t forget the words (Clay, babe – there aren’t that many – learn them) he just completely forgot where he was supposed to come in on the song. Twice. And telling us it proves he doesn’t lip sync! But man, he is SO very CUTE! Especially when he’s all controlling and stuff. Pretending to offer us a choice! HA! Without You is lovely live. As always, he changed it up enough to make it excessively pretty!

They gave me the cell after the concert – I was a tad excited! I always like talking to Eva, no matter what GBB say she doesn’t seem whorish at all!

We then wandered over to the Hamburger Hamlet (which was much nicer than the name implies) – argued with a waitress over the fact we needed to order NOW as we had a plane to catch. She eventually cooperated. So we ate, drank and were merry; Invisible ended up with a big honking piece of chocolate birthday cake and we eventually detached Scarlett from everyone and took off at about 11:10. By 11:25 we in the car and on the street and Han began arguing with the GPS thing. Again. Eventually, I believe she flipped it off (it’s hard to tell because consciousness was only one optional state for the rest of us in the car and definitely not the preferred state). We then became trapped in the crowd leaving from the Tom Petty concert which we were told about by our friend on the plane and clearly the GPS thingy remembered and Han didn’t and now the GPS thingy was laughing at her. She refrained from flinging it out the window. It is now a little after midnight – our plane leaves at 1:10 am – and we can see the entrance to 110 as it is less than two blocks away. However, since we had been sitting in that same spot for about 10 minutes, it was not reassuring. Han proceeding to ride the butt of the truck in front, profusely apologizing to people who couldn’t hear her about how sad she was that she couldn’t let them in, drove between some orange cones blocking the ramp and got on the freeway. At this point, I make no sarcastic comments as she is driving like a freakin’ madwoman. I tried to remember if I had ever indicated that I wished to be in a remake of the chase scene in the French Connection. If I have, it can be checked off my list. She no longer apologized, just chanting “Get OUT OF MY WAY YOU IDIOTS” in a calm and reasonable voice (I have to say that or she will make me drive next time). I had no idea a Pontiac Vibe station wagon handled so well. And it was amusing watching Jags desperately getting out of our way. She was giving us instructions as we approached the airport (that’s why she shall lead my troops on the initial attack wave on the way to making the world safe for Clay Aiken) – basically GET OUT OF THE CAR. DO NOT STOP. DO NOT PASS GO. DO NOT SAY GOODBYE AS I WILL SEE YOU HEIFERS AGAIN, JUST HOPEFULLY NOT TONIGHT. AND NO, THE CAR DOES NOT HAVE TO COMPLETELY STOP BEFORE YOU GET OUT – START EXITING WHEN I SLOW DOWN!” But I swear she managed to get us to the airport by 12:20! Chick is good, y’all! We made our flight (but what is WRONG with people in L.A.! It’s the red-eye! I’m supposed to have room to sleep! It was FULL! Man.) and I slept all of two and a half whole hours. Got off the plane. Went to the office. Showered and changed there. (We do a LOT of overnight stuff in the name of investment banking). Sat at my desk. Typed the first half of my recap. Occasionally slept with my eyes open.

It was still totally worth it! BOOYAH!

Hugs to all who needs them!

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OMG...Kandre can you please go to every Clay happenings from now on and be our reporter...I think you can just team up with RCAvideograpehr girl and be his official commentator ...

that was just the funniest thing...thanks so much for giving me something to smile about...that certainly goes very well with listening to ATDW.

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Various stuff:

KAndre, you travel just so you can write fantabulous recaps, don't you? I bow and scrape in your general direction.


I took a little break from spinning ATDW at work today, but that doesn't mean I can get away from the music. I heard Bryan Adams' version of Everything I Do on the radio on my way home from work. Then, in the grocery store, I heard the very faint sound of Right Here Waiting. It couldn't be Clay, could it?..... No, of course not. It was Mullet-Boy Marx. PPPfffttt. [And again, I forgot the extra tin foil to protect my brain from the evil RCA mind control waves. :blink: ]


Hope anybody that trekked to WalMart to see the Soundcheck thingie has a great time. Me, I'm streaming the new Evanescence CD and deciding if I need another whole album of Amy Lee whining and moaning. Yeah, another wild Friday night of laundry and whatnot at Chez Bottlecap. Maybe I'll go crazy and watch Kimmel again later. ;)


Waves to georgiaclay.

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Hi ya'll

Everything is grand (finally PEACE and some quiet) in Georgialand and the land of the "Crazy parent's". I think I will just hide this weekend and find a good motel room to go to and just love the "nobody is looking at me" silence. Just kidding. I can hardly leave them alone to go to work. What would happen for two whole days LOL.

Really everything is kinda of calm here (waiting for the other shoe to drop at any moment). Will just rewatch LKL and Jimmy sometime this weekend.

And please..... somebody tell me why Clay is going to be on Martha Stewart. He CAN'T cook and is allergic to everything on GOD's green earth. I hope somebody warns Martha about the tree nuts.... LOL :ph34r::lol:



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GeorgiaClay Glad you are having some peace and quiet...hope it last as long as you need it.

Hey I am looking forward to his Martha stint. From what I've seen her guest do things with her...I wonder what she will do with Clay, I;m sure he will be very cute and charming.

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Soundcheck sucked the big one - they need to demand their money back.

I am curious how Clay will sell with so few CDs in stores. I stopped and checked and only Barnes and Noble has any stock - the walmart had just a few, the kmart had none and the target had none. This is a very weird selling pattern, I sure hope what ever is happening is made obvious soon, this is so twilight zone.

Oh yeah, and the Amazon order I did the third day, is scheduled to be shipped Nov 8th. at the soonest.

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Oh that is so adorable. He is so adorable. I wuv him.

I went to a meeting for the entire day. An hour and a half in the car to the meeting; the same coming back. I've now internalized ATDW. Gah, what an album. My favorite section (at the moment, it will probably change in 5 minutes) is the ending of LNM, what with 5 different Clay's wailing at the same time. Flove that.

Got home. Fixed dinner. Ate dinner in the computer room (isn't that where everyone eats dinner?). Smell something burning. "Honey, something's burning, and I think it's my computer." Sure enough, my power supply is frying. So, what happens? My husband and I leave the house at 6:45 p.m. He heads to Circuit City for a new power supply; I head to WalMart for a private concert. :D

Good God, that was powerful watching the soundcheck on a 42 inch TV screen. I'm kinda glad no one else was around all that much, because I made some gutteral noises at least a few times.

OTOH, watching this while "Clean up in Electronics" over the loudspeakers was kinda not good. :blink:

I guess I see the stock issues as a local problem -- I think many of these people who work at these stores just don't care about the music, don't want to be dealing with stocking CD's all the time. I also see the stock issues as a GOOD problem...because I think then the album's selling. Sure, they need to restock...but I guess I'm just not all that worried either.

And...gasp...playbiller went to a WalMart?!?!?! Sacrificing political beliefs for Clay. Tsk Tsk. :P

KAndre, loved your recap. ITA with you on the ballads thing...he's awesome at them, and he knows it. I think he can "rock" too, and hope he gets to show that sometime as well. But he loves him some ballads too. I personally will take Clay Aiken any way I can.

In the past week, I've heard the originals for RHW, BYLM, and IWTKWLI. Now there's no contest...Clay rules.

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I didn't buy anything!!! My appearance cost them money!

Actually, I had to do something phsyical to stop ranting about the vote last night. How many times can you tell your senator that singing the star spangled banned does not make up for desecrating the constitution.

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I've been reading about the range of experiences people had with the instore WalMart Soundcheck thing Friday night. And then I thought about Clay telling the KTLA people he was going home to Raleigh for the week-end. And that there was a store he hadn't been to locally in several years that he intended to try to visit when he was home. So, do you think one of those Friday night WalMart shoppers wearing a ballcap and slightly raggedy khaki cargo shorts, pushing a cart with loaded up with dog food and Cinnamon Toast Crunch oh-so-casually past the electronics department might have been Clay? :P


playbiller and FearofH20 - I got my CDR pins in the mail today. Thanks!

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I just created a nice new folder on my hard drive titled "October 2006 TV". After having almost nothing all year long except for the AI5 Finale in May, it's looks so nice to have those August, September, and October 2006 TV folders all lined up in my directory. :D

Ansa, read your oh-so-smart post at the CH. If I didn't already have a signed minion contract with KAndre, I might be tempted to switch, eh. B)

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