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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Howdy! Just got back from a night on the town. Joined my Charlotte CVB guy--he and his wife are both big Clay fans and he's a real sweetheart. Joined him and some other guys from a couple of Virginia CVBs at a sports bar where we watched a quarter of the Colts/Patriots game. You know I grew up outside of Richmond, VA and it turns out that one of the guys from the Richmond CVB has a son who's going to the same high school I did mucho years ago!

Small world, indeed....

Then my Charlotte guy and I went to Bourbon Street and shared a dozen oysters on the half shell while watching the rest of the game (Yeah, Colts!)..and had dinner. THen strolled Bourbon Street but it was pretty dead, actually---guess everybody here's bummed about the Saints losing.

Now I gotta go to bed since tomorrow is a very busy day--actually going to a bunch of workshops.

Really! I mean it!

Then, tomorrow night I'm going to join my Minneapolis CVB buddy, who absolutely LOVES Mr. Aiken, too! And we're gonna have drinks, etc but don't worry. I'll be .:25: ....I can't believe I didn't come prepared with an AIW or ATDW to give out for situations just like this! :medium-smiley-070:

Night, all! :sickyet:

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muski, I think partying in New Orleans with the FCA crew would be great fun. I've now started my prayers that Clay plays there. (It could get interesting though...because I'm sure my husband would want to come along if I go to NO. I love my hubby dearly....but I'd also want to ditch him for at least part of the trip to spend time with y'all. Hmmmm....)

The other thing I want to say....hope that those in the east coast getting hit with a storm make it to wherever they need to today. *waves at strummer6* Also, those in Denver -- be safe.

Have a great day everyone....and don't let the poddies get you down.

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If anyone still feels sorry for the bizarros who apper on AI and then get made fun of, please don't.

I am convinced that since the days of William Hung they do not go on AI because they think they can sing and will be the next AI.

They go on it for their 15 minutes of fame.

Case in point: The Bush Baby and his rather large, rather weird friend from last week. They have managers now and are on the Today show today.

Good grief.

Topic? Clay is hot.


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ITA Claygasm...I never felt bad for the little guy cos it was pretty obvious he was doing it to get noticed.I say more power to him and if it gets him his 15 minutes of fame...cool. I think the people that were so outraged simply gave AI more attention and more reason to continue focusing on the bad auditions.

I just hope they show us a bit more of the top contenders.

Things seem to be quiet all around the fandom...Now I'm hoping ATD will slowly climb the charts. I have a feeling Clay will be doing more promo leading up to valentines.

I miss him..

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Went to this link from my Google Alert---Foxes on Idol---positive Clay mention in article...but please someone tell me why they show the covers of various 'idols' CDs but don't have Clay's on this page...from this page there's a link to an American Idol Store...but really...the only Clay merchandise on this main page is Spike's freaking book about Clay and his fans...

The article is actually pertinent to what you guys are saying---about the absurdities of the absurd auditions and how sorry we need to feel for any of them...

Foxes on Idol

but seriously, a Ayla debut CD? Mario Vasquez? Jon Peter Lewis?

and no Clay?

PS...there's a Kelly Clarkson 2007 calendar for sale, demmit.

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PS...there's a Kelly Clarkson 2007 calendar for sale, demmit.

Does it have pre-printed daily entries like: "Meet with stylist to try on more outfits that make me look even shorter and squattier than I already am", "Get hair dyed another unflattering color", and "Continue to pine after a guy I can't ever have*"?

*Why yes, I was re-reading Southern Heat last night, tankqueberrymuss. :P

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Did we come to an agreement on the beta alpha chapter name. I'll check back in on my lunch hour.

There were two suggested. I proposed "Finding Clay Aiken and Making a Difference," while Fear suggested "FCA for Inclusion."

If we use the first, it can be shortened to "FCA - MAD." And we ARE mad, aren't we?


couchie, you choose...unless anyone else has a suggestion, or likes one over the other.

I think there would be a delicious irony to the success of the one new song that was least liked by the fans. Don't know why RCA isn't putting a ton of money behind it just to stick it to us. If ATD succeeds on radio, that's an idea for the Pod People alien31.gif--RCA's not really supporting Clay, they just hate his fans. Tee hee.

I've had this thought a few times myself, so I just gotta say....


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I think there would be a delicious irony to the success of the one new song that was least liked by the fans. Don't know why RCA isn't putting a ton of money behind it just to stick it to us. If ATD succeeds on radio, that's an idea for the Pod People alien31.gif--RCA's not really supporting Clay, they just hate his fans. Tee hee.

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PS...there's a Kelly Clarkson 2007 calendar for sale, demmit.

Does it have pre-printed daily entries like: "Meet with stylist to try on more outfits that make me look even shorter and squattier than I already am", "Get hair dyed another unflattering color", and "Continue to pine after a guy I can't ever have*"?

*Why yes, I was re-reading Southern Heat last night, tankqueberrymuss. :P


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Well the BIG mystery was solved about the not Clay Aiken song...

from CB via CH:

ddnc emailed the station and received the following nice reply from John Hook, who does the Top 40 Beach Music countdown.

All Claymates,

The good news is I've certainly heard from *many* Clay Aiken fans in the past few hours. I can only thank all of you again and again. It isn't often that I'm misled about a song. When I first heard this I knew it would be a great smooooooth Shag tune. And I assumed that the DJ I got it from knew that it was Clay.

Subsequently, I've learned he also made the same assumption about his provider.

I've learned this morning that this version is by a group called *ATC*.

No wonder we couldn't find it by Clay! I heard it back before Clay released his latest CD and simply assumed it was an advance release from the forthcoming CD.

I can't thank you all enough. Clay Aiken has some of the greatest, most passionate, most proactive fans I've ever encountered.

Thank you all,


John Hook

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most passionate

yeah, I can go with that one... :hubbahubba:

Hey, if our chapter is FCA-MAD, can it be FCA: MAD for Clay? HEE! (FCA: Making a Difference for Clay)

FCA...MAD for Clay

Loving Clay Every Ole Way

Waiting for that special Day

When next to Muski Clay will lay (lie, actually...heh)

Ahem...on a lunch break...taking care of some office business before next workshop...It's a cool, sorta rainy day again...haven't seen the sunshine since I've been here. (Ain't no sunshine when he's gone...)...

And by the way, what does "ITA" mean?

wait...I think I just got it.. :lightblub: Does it mean "I totally agree"?

or maybe it's "I'll Take Aiken" or "Inside the Aiken" or "I Torch Assholes"...or some such....

oh, and bottle...lovin' the projection of Clyra Kelly onto RL Kelly...I'm flattered, of course, but do I detect a genuine Kelly dislike from you? HMMMM? :medium-smiley-070:

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I think there would be a delicious irony to the success of the one new song that was least liked by the fans. Don't know why RCA isn't putting a ton of money behind it just to stick it to us. If ATD succeeds on radio, that's an idea for the Pod People %7Boption%7D

I don't know if it was ever the least liked. I believe that honor goes to "Just You." There were complaints about the lyrics, but most people praised the bridge and chorus, especially as Clay's renditions became stronger. There was always a lot of anecdotal evidence suggesting that the song connected with non-fans. To me, what makes it unpopular with fans now is mainly that it's "old" (because he's sung it since the summer of 2005) and that he didn't write it. I'll bet, though, that if it becomes a hit, suddenly, everyone will claim they loved the song all along.

To gift or not to gift? Personally, it's never bothered me that people want to give Clay gifts, although I have been exasperated by many of the choices. Food? Seriously, with his allergies (and enemies), there's no way he's going to touch anyone's homemade cookies or lemon squares, and even packaged products, quite frankly, are susceptible to tampering. Scrapbooks? They're lovely, but someone once posted that she saw Faye displaying them, and she had about twenty made by fans. Now, obviously, a lot of effort was put into each one, and no doubt, they cover different subjects, but how many scrapbooks does one twenty seven year old man really need? Stuffed animals? Ditto.

As others have said, fans simply need to understand that if they give gifts, he should not be held to fault if the gifts are not publicly acknowledged, appreciated, or used. I think he has enjoyed many presents, and has often been delighted by the creativity and generosity of his fans. However, gifts should not come with expectations, which sadly, seems to happen too often.

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Well, I doubt there is much of a problem with DVD photo albums, how much space does that take up, especially if it is properly labeled.

I don't look at every picture, but I can see were someone might some day in the future.

I always thought the gifts to the band and the back ups of DVDs of them were appreciated. Iwould imagine if you gave them permission to use the photos, it would be even better.


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I don't think JY was the least liked necessarily. I think it was the forgotten song. It was totally overshadowed by BFM, since they debuted together (and he sang BFM first) and I think if it had been around longer or debuted at the end of the tour like TRD, people would have remembered it. As it is, most don't seem to. I think ATD got most of the attention because it was when that song debuted on the JBT that the thread at the OFC was started to get fan opinion.

I was (and am) one who didn't like ATD and if it were to become a hit, I would be thrilled, but would still hate the song. For me, the lyrics are so banal and the melody so plodding... Just can't stand it. Never have, never will. And I am tired of it!

Regardless, I am all for it becomeing a huge hit on the radio. :rainbowsmile:

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Well, I doubt there is much of a problem with DVD photo albums, how much space does that take up, especially if it is properly labeled.

I don't look at every picture, but I can see were someone might some day in the future.

I always thought the gifts to the band and the back ups of DVDs of them were appreciated. Iwould imagine if you gave them permission to use the photos, it would be even better.


oh I think the DVD stuff is good too. I liked the idea of giving stuff for the band...I know they appreciate it so much.

YUP...ITA is I totally agree...

once we put up the beta alpha...we woould have to think of ways to let this be something we can keep growing through the year...so if people have any suggestions as to how we can please post it...we probably revive the old BAF thread and we can discuss any fund raising suggestions there.

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For those of you who requested Kimmel tickets, I just read this over at EAYOR posted by Cap121:

I read on another board that 1iota will not be sending out approved notices until the week before the appearance, no one has gotten actual tickets yet.
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ATD radio play - however much it gets, it's not going to be enough for the poddies. I'm just kind of hoping ATDW goes past 500,000 in sales this week. It's pretty close, but the numbers might not be there yet.


oh, and bottle...lovin' the projection of Clyra Kelly onto RL Kelly...I'm flattered, of course, but do I detect a genuine Kelly dislike from you? HMMMM? :medium-smiley-070:

I think it's a combination of currently being sick to death of hearing Kelly on the radio ( I swear my Hot AC station screwed up and played BOY twice in a row this morning), finding her public persona to be pretty shallow and somewhat immature, her actions in the last Clyra chapter (yes, I'm aware it's fiction, but still.. ;) ), and a raging case of PMS on my part. Sorry. Hee.

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I am new, but see a lot of familiar faces. Hope no one minds me peeking in.

Of course not...come on in and join us in the discussions...the more the merrier.

Bottle I used to get pretty annoyed with Kelly but her friendship with Clay pretty much made me like her. I also like her songs so I am very hapy for her success...

However I am also pretty aware that Kelly does not have a very strong STAR quality when she is not singing. I think that is why she does not really create too much buzz aside from her songs. I think that can be scary cos you almost have to have a big hit every time or else you can become obscure like Michelle Branch and Vanessa Carlton.

I think this next Cd will be vital for her. I don;t know if she can make the most of the type of promo Clay got for this CD. But time will tell. She has certainly surprised me with Breakaway.

Couchie got our Beta Alpha put together...she will probably give us the details later on...but I like the name she picked...its fun.

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For those of you who requested Kimmel tickets, I just read this over at EAYOR posted by Cap121:

I read on another board that 1iota will not be sending out approved notices until the week before the appearance, no one has gotten actual tickets yet.

I hope this is not true. What about people who need to make travel arrangements in advance?

and...thanks for the welcomes.

Edited by Tesssy
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