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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Clay just blogged to congratulate the wallpaper contest winner and runner-up. I think I saw Betty897X's name down at the bottom of the page earlier to day, so if you stop by again: "EEEEEEE! Clay typed your name!"

It seems like it would be hard to deconstruct this simple blog, but I have faith in the poddies....

Congrats to Betty897X - she's my front row ticket angel.

Dang I wished I lived in CA for the Kimmel show. Wouldn't it be fun if he walked out arm in arm with Tyra? I know I"m delusional, but i'd just love to see the jaws dropping. And what a lovely couple they'd make. One can dream (or write , like missy muski!)

Heee Divayenta...yes that would be fun!!

Sorry about your father in law Muski!! Hugs to you.

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Clay is #3 on the Taking Off chart with 30 new spins and #12 on the Jump chart with +50 move and 12 stations playing. This is not bad at all, IMO.

Thanks for the report. So to those that travel around, are there any boards that are actually organizing requesting or is the appetite for doing that gone.

I saw threads at the CB and the OFC for radio requests. At the OFC a couple of Pod People came along and told them they were all wasting their time. Make them discouraged, made them cry. How can this be a good thing?


I'd be inclined to not go under the circumstances, being as you're already away from home, especially since your husband said you didn't need to go, but I can understand the pressures and the desire to go too. It's tough, but I know you'll make the right decision.

Edited by jmh123
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Why would anybody discourage those fans that want to request. They want him to fail just so they can be right. I mean, even if I didn't like the song, the album, Clive, I would want Clay to succeed so would not thwart anything positive going on. I think that's why I had to come hiding over at FCA ... because despite everything I love the album and nothing is going to take that away from me.

I don't listen to the radio but what format is this song playing on...AC or Hot AC. I will look at the radio stations in my area and do my part. I don't care if there is payola out there or not. I want to do this for Clay because even if one person hears the song, it's a good thing.

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I also have no idea what the problem is with people covering Ruben in the news, he has a story to tell and he certainly is more interesting (at least in this years interviews, he was quite playful with everyone, including Martha) than Taylor and Fantasia were last night. But then I never could figure out why his picture was the one that was to the side and almost never shown during the AI4 auditions, where pictures of Kelly and Fantasia were front and center. It could have been bad placement, but maybe not.

I like Ruben, but I just don't know if he captures attention anymore. I mean, he's affable and pleasant, but people seem to have forgotten him. Many don't even remember that he actually won American Idol. I always thought he'd have a tougher time when it came to promotion, because sadly, he is kind of known as the guy who was outshone by the winner. There may be this perception in the media that people just aren't interested in him anymore.

Sorry to hear about your father-in-law, muskifest.

I hope people don't get bullied into not requesting. I hate that some people are so discouraging. You're right. It's almost as if people are hoping to see him fail. The fact that he's getting airplay at all must be hard for the pod people to rationalize. After all, it's SO obvious that RCA wants Clay to tank.

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I've been forgetting to say this all day, but I appreciate jmh bringing over the spin data for ATD.


That's so very cool. play, I too had yes.com up all day today, and had ATD show up once, with a station in Virginia. yes.com got weird though this past year, with their website redesign. I liked last year's version much better.

I saw threads at the CB and the OFC for radio requests. At the OFC a couple of Pod People came along and told them they were all wasting their time. Make them discouraged, made them cry. How can this be a good thing?


I'm sorry, but that just boggles my mind. I want success for this man, and I'll do my best to help him get it (without going overboard, of course *g*). I thought we as fans wanted radio play for him?

What a bunch of piddly poddies [tm merrieeee].

{{{{{{{{{{{{muski}}}}}}}}}}}}} Sorry this happened at such an inopportune time...and we'll be there for you, whatever you decide!

In the meantime, I hope both you and couchie get tickets to Kimmel!!!!!!!

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{{{muski, Kenny and family}}}} When you talk to Kenny, please give him my love and my condolences.

Didn't muskifest get promised tickets since they didn't get into the studio last time even though they had bracelets? I hope the people that got bumped in September will get first dibs this time around.

Not just muski. Me too. But even if they did honor their promise, I have the problem of being on the wrong coast at the wrong time.

Damn it. First I get bumped from Kimmel in September. Then I get dumped from R&K. Now this. I was so hoping he wouldn't be on Kimmel again until he was touring so I could maybe make an excuse to go out there again.

Although I am not sure I would go unless I had it in writing from them that I would get in.

Not that I don't trust them.........

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Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Ok now I feel better since I've done a little bit of cheerleading! Maybe I should post this somewhere else...hmmm!!!


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Maybe the Kimmel people aren't so bad after all! Since there is no way in hell I can go for Valentine's Day, I decided to email the person at Kimmel we rejectees were supposed to contact the next time Clay was on and explained to her I lived in Philadelphia and couldn't get off work to fly all the way to California so would they extend their offer until sometime Clay is on that I can come out. She emailed me back in about 5 minutes and said sure, no problem!

You can be damn sure I will save that email! :rainbowsmile:

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Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Clay's getting airplay!!!!!


Clay's going to be on Kimmel


Ok now I feel better since I've done a little bit of cheerleading! Maybe I should post this somewhere else...hmmm!!!

Yes, I do believe merrieeee fits in here! Cheerleaders rawk!

Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah, Clay's gonna be on Kimmel!

Rah, rah, sis-boom-bah, Clay's getting airplay!


You can be damn sure I will save that email! :rainbowsmile:

You've printed a copy, right? And put it in a safety deposit box? And saved the thing on three different external hard drives? Plus a flash drive? {{{{{{Claygasm}}}}}}}}}} Hope you get to go soon for boyfriend....

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You can be damn sure I will save that email! :rainbowsmile:

You've printed a copy, right? And put it in a safety deposit box? And saved the thing on three different external hard drives? Plus a flash drive? {{{{{{Claygasm}}}}}}}}}} Hope you get to go soon for boyfriend....

Its printed. I don't have a safety deposit box but maybe I'll back it up on CD!

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Thanks, everybody, for the hugs....Pop's life has been so very unhappy these last years---such horrible physical things and consequential emotional and psychological challenges...just awful....he'd just left a very long hospital stay (yet again) and was only home a couple of days before he just let go, I guess. It was his time for sure.

As for Kimmel, I went online and got my two 'requested' tickets and then after reading about some getting invitations from the show to be special 'house guests' because of the September debacle AND hearing that Claygasm actually got a response from them tonight, I wrote too. Haven't heard anything yet. but I'm going, damn it. And that's all there is to it.

Kenny and I were able to work the logistics out. He's flying to Delaware tomorrow and I'm going on to New Orleans as planned. I called some friends and the girls will be staying with some friends until I get back home Wed. Alex will have to go home to take the mail in and take care of the dog, but they'll be fine. And I'll owe some big time favors to those friends' families! But after all is said and done...


And here's what I say about ATD getting airplay---regardless of the time of day or night--- :3: :woohoo:

And here's what I say about people bitching about ATD getting airplay and people calling in to request it: :excuseme: :finger:

And here's what I say about all you hot, wonderful FCA babes: :elephanthugs: :garfieldodie-grouphug: :large-smiley-003:

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As the various boards start planning what gift they will send Clay on Kimmel, may I suggest that FCA send a donation to TBAF on that day. Hell, we don't even have to do a coordinated effort. I will just get the information and those so inclined, please do - that way you can write it off. I am really proud of Clay for starting TBAF and continue to fight the good fight. I haven't really donated much to it over the years. That's one idea anyway. FCA has never really done this sort of thing before. Just thought I'd suggest it.

I really wish I could write Clay off on my taxes. I guess in little ways I can. Sometimes I do stuff without really thinking. heee. I remember last year when one of those UNC newpapers came out that featured Clay I ordered several. I saw the charge come out of my account. Well the next month it came out again. I'm like WTF I din't even get it yet and they're charging me twice. So I called them up all indignant. And it turns out it was that MIX 105.5 radiothon. I called all the way to NC to pledge $20/mo and had forgotten all about it. And then today I got this letter telling me it's almost up and they want me to renew and I see Duke's Children's Hosptial and Health Center is what I gave to. Now it hit me. I kept wondering why on earth Duke kept sending me crap in the mail. My boyfriend is so worth it though. But from now on I will plan my charity a little more carefully heh.

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I really hate to call or email for requests but I did it for Invisible and I guess I can do it for ATD. Our local AC station doesn't appear to be playing him like they once did. Time for a change. They are in Greensboro so they may be influenced by the fuss caused by the local FOX news at the NaJNT 2006. :kotz0:

I think Kimmel is doing a great job by having Sir Charles on with Clay. This will allow the male demographic to see Clay as a funny guy in addition to being a great singer. :00000462:

I had a quite embarrassing Clay moment this afternoon. I am a volunteer who does tax returns for the elderly and lower income groups. Having some experience in this field I will also be doing the electronic filing to the IRS for several locations in the state.

I was practicing the night before last by getting some data from an email on my desktop and using a flashdrive to transfer these files from my desktop to my laptop. I couldn't get the files to open. Since I was meeting with one of the IT coordinators from the state today I asked him to take a look at it. Well he opened up the files on my flash drive and what did he find but all these Clay Aiken web sites as well as my travel and banking sites. OY!! I have no idea how this happened but he wouldn't let me close down the flashdrive until he looked through every file to find the three we needed. :badpc:

ETA: If you want you can form a beta alpha group, I think that's what they call them. Our WFI group has one and I also joined one at Clayversity. But you can belong to as many as you want. I guess it's a neat little package to keep track of fundraising.

Edited by FearofH2O
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{{{muski & family}}}

As for Kimmel gifts, I'm cool either way. Fifty billion little stuffed animals (as I look at my collection - some of which are from guys whose name I can't remember) or a nice donation to a fave charity - what ever floats your boat on Valentine's Day!

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((((( Muski and Kenny ))))) my heart goes out to you at this time. I do believe (IMO) that we are all at that age where our parents can go at anytime, so again (((( lots of hugs )))) to all that need them here on this board. I just lurve you all so much.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE for Kimmel. Love it, love it, love it. I will definitely be watching and taping and/or saving the clack. Can't wait for the view also. I intentionally missed the last two days because of the Pickle. I just can't stand her. Rosie, I can get by because she is just so full of hot air. Take her with a grain of salt, but she does add to the ratings and that is why The View is still on the air. People tune in to watch what kind of train wreck will happen today. LOL.

Anyway, it is dancing nana time. I miss everyone. It has been HELL at work this work. We are as my father says, "Full as a tick" in the hospital. People are waiting in the halls. Sometimes, I feel like I work at one of those "major" hospitals on TeeVee where there is no room at the inn.

Again ((((( HUGS ))))) all around to who need them.

:nanaonacid::nanadance3::dancingnana::nanalove::manynanas::nanadance2::dancingbanana::elephanthugs::hugs-1: :big hug:

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As the various boards start planning what gift they will send Clay on Kimmel, may I suggest that FCA send a donation to TBAF on that day. Hell, we don't even have to do a coordinated effort. I will just get the information and those so inclined, please do - that way you can write it off. I am really proud of Clay for starting TBAF and continue to fight the good fight. I haven't really donated much to it over the years. That's one idea anyway. FCA has never really done this sort of thing before. Just thought I'd suggest it.

Count me in! The Beta Alpha thing sounds like a good way to go.

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As the various boards start planning what gift they will send Clay on Kimmel, may I suggest that FCA send a donation to TBAF on that day. Hell, we don't even have to do a coordinated effort. I will just get the information and those so inclined, please do - that way you can write it off. I am really proud of Clay for starting TBAF and continue to fight the good fight. I haven't really donated much to it over the years. That's one idea anyway. FCA has never really done this sort of thing before. Just thought I'd suggest it.

Count me in! The Beta Alpha thing sounds like a good way to go.

This is can go for as well, and I think the Beta Alpha thing might be the way to go, as he mentioned it in a blog.

Beta Alpha

Good morning FCA!!!


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