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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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some more interesting radio info from CH...

Also, for what it's worth, a Toledo PD had this to say the other day when asked about requests by laughn at getclayaiken:

my basic question:

Does it do any good to request a certain song at your, or any other radio station, if you have never heard it played there?

his response:

The short answer to your question is, yes, it still makes a difference if we receive requests for a song we haven’t played. It’s important that somehow we know there is an audience contingent interested in hearing a certain song – either by virtue of chart position, research or requests.


When I decide to add a song, it has nothing to do with my personal opinion or tastes. I look at other radio stations playing the song, numbers of downloads or purchases nationally (and locally when possible), requests, familiarity from either local exposure or national TV shows and past response to the artist on the station. In short, it doesn’t matter what I like; what matters is playing music that majority of our audience likes.

He added that A Thousand Days is in his stack for consideration for the week of January 29th, and that he's heard that this is Clay's best single yet.

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Hey, roseviolet at CH just created her own radio station with pop and soul classics, oldies, current and lots of Clay! She's got the link over there. It's great. :allgood:

Hi! Thanks for telling everyone about my radio station. I still have plenty of room for more listeners, so check it out. Also, let me know if you have any requests or suggestions to keep it fresh.

Rose Radio

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Yup we are getting hair info just in time...hee. I want to make an annual FCA pin (different from the mad4clay pin) and I thought I would need to wait till summer to see how he looks for the year...heh

YAY roseviolet...thanks for the link to rose radio...

now you will have to start posting too...heh

hey its Josh Gracin...its cool to hear some of the idols songs...its not bad at all.

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YAY roseviolet...thanks for the link to rose radio...

now you will have to start posting too...heh

hey its Josh Gracin...its cool to hear some of the idols songs...its not bad at all.

I was surprised at how much I like Carmen and Jon Peter Lewis. I also have tracks by Charles Grigsby on there. There is a track each available for Nikki McKibbin and Ryan Starr and I plan to add those next week.

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From USA Today's Idol Chatter

Chris is No. 1

You heard it here ... well, probably last, because my new Idol-night schedule keeps me from seeing the weekly sales numbers until around 3 p.m. ET. But anyway, the Daughtry album pulls off the unusual feat of reaching No. 1 on the Billboard chart in its ninth week. (Usually, if you don't make it your first week, your chances are gone.)

The album didn't exactly overload the cash registers to accomplish this trick -- it sold 65,000, up 30% over the previous week's 50,000, but that's still the second-lowest weekly tally for a No. 1 album in Nielsen SoundScan history. Still, No. 1's fly forever, so it's a signal honor for Chris. Total is now 1.29 million.

Other Idols on the chart:

> Carrie's back in the top 10, moving from No. 15 to No. 9 by the simple expedient of selling the same number of records as the previous week (actually she sold 501 more, but both figures round off to 33,000). Total: 4.76 million

> Taylor inches up 53-50, selling 15,000, compared to 14,000 the previous week, for a total of 587,000.

> Kellie, who did some major TV last week, leaps 83-51, selling 14,000 after dropping under 9,000 the previous week. Total: 387,000.

> Fantasia creeps up 68-66, with 12,000, a bit more than her previous-week total of 11,000. Total: 254,000.

> Clay sold about the same as the previous week (1,900) to bring his total to 496,000 (almost there now).

> Ruben sold around 3,000, about the same as the previous week, and is now at 196,000 total.

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I really do love the positivity here. As Ethel said, "It's ALLL goood" and received quite a loving smile from Lord Aiken as I recall.

So in VA/DC/MD , which station do I even call? I'm not a radio listener (except occasional classic rock) so I don't even know which would be the appropriate station to call. Anyone here my "neighbor"?


I wonder, too, which format Clay fits on XMSatellite Radio which I DO listen to. I just love "Fine Tuning" on Ch. 76 which takes me back to the great eclectic playlists of FM Radio in San Francisco, like KSAN back in the day. Remember that one , couchie? You might be a little too young actually. I have fond memories of moving to CA in 1966, putting on KMPX or KSAN and the first time I heard "Purple Haze". Total mindblow.

'Scuse me while I kiss the sky!

eta: They've just played Elvis Costello, Sting, Bocelli and now Stephen Stills "Four and Twenty" on this "Fine Tuning" show. Damn, how do you get someone to play "Lover All Alone"- it's in the class of a Steven Stills song, for sure.

Edited by Divayenta
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I really do love the positivity here. As Ethel said, "It's ALLL goood" and received quite a loving smile from Lord Aiken as I recall.

So in VA/DC/MD , which station do I even call? I'm not a radio listener (except occasional classic rock) so I don't even know which would be the appropriate station to call. Anyone here my "neighbor"?


You can find radio stations and their formats here: Radio Station Locator

You can just put in y our zip code and it will bring up a listing of all the area radio stations and their formats. Its a very handy little site.

ETA: Why oh why do I go to other sites? They are such Negative Nellies! You would think Clay was a complete and utter failure! :bigemo_harabe_net-24:

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From the OFC:

01/24/07 : Clay's New Video!

By Team Clay

Tomorrow, January 25, Clay's latest single, A Thousand Days will premiere on Yahoo! Be sure to check out music.yahoo.com/premieres tomorrow to watch the new video!

EEEEEEE! Things are happening! :04:

And since Claygasm seems to enjoy the pain, this is for you, babe! :mallet:

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Oh, are we randomly thumping Claygasm? I can do that...

I personally think Clay is doing pretty damn good - considering I had to work until 8 frickin' o'clock last night at the world's most boring frickin' cocktail party and the frickin' bartender DID NOT HAVE Kahlua or Baileys and I was STUCK drinking Cosmos. Feh. I did bring home a lot of cheese though. I refused to waste a $130 plate of cheese. He's clearly doing better 'n me.

Yay for GMA and the video and his radio play!

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Video? Radio? Kimmel?

But... but... The pod people said ATDW was dead and buried, that RCA was actively working to sabotage Clay, not promote him. Why would they spend money on a video, of all things? Oh! I get it. This must be part of some elaborate plan to get people interested in his album so they'll go to the stores, not find it, and buy Daughtrey! or Katherine McPhee albums instead. Ah, that's the ticket!

GMA must be luring Clay back to talk about Unicef, but we all know it's an evil ploy designed to allow Diane Sawyer to ambush Clay. Obviously, there must be some secret alliance between her and Clive to destroy Clay's career, because he's such a huge threat to every artist on their roster. :medium-smiley-070:

It's such an interesting time. I'll admit, I had hoped for a Valentines Day push, but I hadn't really expected it. However, there definitely seem to be signs that something is in the works. I can see why touring may have been postponed to summer. And if, God willing, Clay can actually get a radio hit or two out by then, it would certainly help ticket sales.

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BWAH Jennaz!

Methinks some people are turning over in their pods!

I can hardly wait Clay is gonna be on my TV and after that I'm having the eHP at my abode!!!! My DH just called and wanted to make sure he was not going to be home that weekend. I told him he woukl love them and he said he was sure he would but just not yet*g*

ETA: Hee bottlecap, my hubby has already met Kandre.......nudge nudge say no more! (I might also add what happened in NY stays in NY*g*)

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YOU are some wicked wicked ladies and I am so sure that the pod people are rolling around in their pods, cracking their heads in the shell trying to give themselves concussions, LOL.

I am so happy about GMA/Kimmel/and what roll downs the pipeline.

so here is how I am feeling right now.

Waving to all my friends and sending lots of (((( HUGS ))))) to all that need them.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :3: :partytime2::goaround::woohoo::cryingwlaughter:

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That chicken skeers me a bit.

I think Ken Barnes has already run out of things to post in his Idol Chatter Blog:

Carrie wins the media mention championship

According to WSJ.com, the online site for the Wall Street Journal, Carrie is the most-mentioned Idol in the major media. Not being a subscriber to the site (or a very adept navigator of it), I don't have a handy link for you, so I'll reproduce the data in this Factiva study, covering the period from Jan. 23, 2006, to Jan. 22, 2007.

1. Carrie: 3,420

2. Taylor: 3,144

3. Kelly: 2,763

4. Katharine: 1,827

5. Clay: 1,467

6. Ruben: 869

7. Fantasia: 635

8. Bo: 595

9. Diana: 265

10. Justin: 183

A couple of points do occur to me -- the survey must have restricted the field to Idol winners and runners-up; otherwise popular finalists such as Chris and Jennifer Hudson would likely have been represented. Also, though the small print says the data "includes mentions in print publications, radio programs, television programs, transcripts and newswires," some selectivity must be part of the methodology -- obviously excluding the countless mentions on radio of Idols who have hit records.

So clearly I'm not sure how to evaluate this, but it is kind of interesting.

Clive's henchmen have infiltrated the Wall Street Journal, y'all, 'cause it should be all Clay ALL THE TIME.

But seriously, what kind of weird number-crunching wonk would even compile numbers like that? What's the point?

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I am listening to Clay's IYDKMBN. I haven't heard it in ages and ages and ages.

Damn its hot.




Can you imagine him singing it in concert looking like this?? :hubbahubba:


ETA: From the sublime to the ridiculous...... My local Fox station just did a piece on Justin Guarini, our hometown boy. It was mostly an interview with his mother. He apparently is growing his curls back. Oh goody. And he will be co-hosting Idol Chat for the TVGuide channel (does that mean he'll be with Kimberme??) and he is in some indie movie coming out this year called Fast Girl and the curls weren't right for th part, so he wears a wig. And he is working on his next album.

Do you think this is all part of Clive's evil plot? Have Justin make a big comeback to further destroy Clay's career????

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In all seriousness my hubby would love them all but he doesn't want to get involved in any way because it is "my thing". He is very understanding and a real enabler but feels that I should have some life apart from him! I guess that's why we have lasted 37 years together.

He buys me stuff, encourages me to go on these trips and even once in a blue moon will ask about Clay! I try to get him to listen to him but it's just not his style of music. He does say that he thinks Clay can really sing but that's as far as it goes. (Now he really did like Chain of Fools!)

I am so glad I have good friends to share this fandom with. It really does make it so very special and oh so much fun!

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Yay some good news while I was working. I can't wait to see Clay back on GMA and talking about UNICEF. Clay hasn't really done many appearances strictly to support UNICEF. I hope he's going on another trip or at least talks about the last two he has taken.

Thanks for the radio links and information folks. I'll be adding to FCA soon.

All I care about is getting one more spin. That's it. That might mean one more person gets to hear the voice.

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It's such an interesting time.

Understatement of the year. But that's the beauty of watching Clay Aiken, at least for me -- he keeps me on my toes, and I'm almost always fascinated by what he does. And I've truly learned that I've got to be open to any and all possibilities with Clay. Anyway, I do agree Jenna that it looks like things are in the pipeline for the year at this point. Cool.

I am listening to Clay's IYDKMBN. I haven't heard it in ages and ages and ages.

Damn its hot.




Can you imagine him singing it in concert looking like this?? :hubbahubba:


I'm trying, I'm trying....and all that does is make want to take a cold shower. *sigh* He's going to kill me dead with the first concert.

In all seriousness my hubby would love them all but he doesn't want to get involved in any way because it is "my thing". He is very understanding and a real enabler but feels that I should have some life apart from him! I guess that's why we have lasted 37 years together.

He buys me stuff, encourages me to go on these trips and even once in a blue moon will ask about Clay! I try to get him to listen to him but it's just not his style of music. He does say that he thinks Clay can really sing but that's as far as it goes. (Now he really did like Chain of Fools!)

Your relationship with your husband sounds like my relationship with mine (although I've only been with my husband for nine years...). My husband has met several of my online friends, and has been to several pre-concert get-togethers. He generally just sits and watches though -- he finds the people watching fascinating! But for the most part, he lets me do my thing, I let him do his thing (lutes, guitars, computers), and then we spend time together watching movies and just being silly.

I am so glad I have good friends to share this fandom with. It really does make it so very special and oh so much fun!

I think Clay probably gets a kick out of that too, knowing that many people have made life-long friendships due to their shared interest in him.

{{{{{{{{{{{FCA}}}}}}}}}}}} Love you guys!

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OOOh....merrieee's and ldyjoclyn's hubbies' (That plural form looks weird.) attitude toward the ClayLove is like mine, too! He's met couchie and Claygasm and a So.Cal friend---they've all been to my house---and he thinks it's cool that these relationships born of an internet thingy and Clay seem to be real ones...I lurve him. And, merrieee, your description of your husband's opinion of Clay himself is identical to Mr. Muski's, too!

Hey, roseviolet! Wait! Weren't you part of the mini Clayfast at Casa Muski sometime back, too? Wait! Am I getting board names confused? :huh:

Back on the West Coast---home, sweet home. And yes, it is 2:43 in the morning, why do you ask? <_< Remember that sty thingy I had less than two weeks ago? Well it came back while I was in New Orleans---same exact place. I woke up with it bugging me. I did some reading online and see that such things (recurring) indicate a generally weak immune system---most likely from poor diet and nutrition (HUH? Isn't red wine supposed to be good for you?), lack of exercise (Ha! I'll take on ANYBODY in a finger-dexterity and strength competition. All that keystroking (oooh...sounds good) has my digits at the top of their form!) and stress. (My life is a dream...absolutely nothing to stress about :3: ).

(Sorry, bottle, but that chicken says so much. :medium-smiley-070: )

I've really enjoyed catching up on these last pages. You guys float my boat. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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I like the Yahoo! video.

I hate insomnia.

I hate the fact that I didn't know the ATD video was up, and that I can't access sites that stream from my work computer. Off to read the descriptions and pine away all day long.....

ETA: But wait it turns out I can get to the video at work - LINK. I know that TPTB didn't spend any money on it and it was filmed last summer with all the other promo stuff, but ding dang it, I like it too. Clay starts out all smirky and sly and singing out of the side of his mouth and ends it all dramatic and angsty. It could have used some more hair flinging, but overall I'm digging Clay's performance.

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