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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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Howdy everyone,

It is colder than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Most people in my part of the country just hate the cold. Don't know how you "yankee's" do it with all that snow, ice and what not. I will just stay down here and wish for the spring to have sprung already.

I don't have any "wierd" Clay stories to tell. Just been to one concert, JBT in Valdosta. Rained like cats and dogs that morning going down, but by the time we got there the clouds had cleared and the rain had run away. That is Georgia for you, if you don't like the weather one minute, just wait and it will change on you.

So Bottle, how are your "chickens" today. Love the KFC and headless chickens the other day. Kinda of reminded of that music video a few years ago with the headless dancing chickens. Can't remember who sang it. Don't really care. It was not Clay, so that is why I don't really remember LOL.

I have to say that Clay had me at TAKE or at least DLSGDOM. I can't remember. That was four years ago ladies. My mind is slipping.

And speaking of slipping ((((( HUGS TO MUSKI ))))). Sending up prayers for you to any "higher power" that you believe in. :F_05BL17blowkiss: :allgood:

Anyway, back to chicken, just can't help myself.......


Bottle, that one is for you.

:lightblub::fca: I might need that.

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So Bottle, how are your "chickens" today. Love the KFC and headless chickens the other day. Kinda of reminded of that music video a few years ago with the headless dancing chickens. Can't remember who sang it. Don't really care. It was not Clay, so that is why I don't really remember LOL.

Well, I remember it very well - one of my favorites from back in the day - Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. Ah, good times - when MTV actually played videos...

Crap, I'm old. :huh:

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So Bottle, how are your "chickens" today. Love the KFC and headless chickens the other day. Kinda of reminded of that music video a few years ago with the headless dancing chickens. Can't remember who sang it. Don't really care. It was not Clay, so that is why I don't really remember LOL.

Well, I remember it very well - one of my favorites from back in the day - Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer. Ah, good times - when MTV actually played videos...

Crap, I'm old. :huh:

You are not the only one....I even remember exactly where I was when they launched MTV and played that first video....used to even stay up late, actually watching videos.....back when the Music in MTV really meant music!

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Yowza is right Claygasm - Clay is surely showing his red neck in that picture - Oooh, he must have been in pain that night, you know it only gets worse and worse as the day goes along - and we know that was not stage makeup.

Sorry, survived too many bad sunburns in my life to not feel the pain.

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God. Save me from self-important DAUGHTRYS!

Daughtry Basking in #1 Success

I wrote the whole album in a couple of weeks. When I was on the [American Idols Live] tour this past summer, every day off I was in the hotel room writing," he recently recalled to MTV News. "If we were in Fort Lauderdale, everyone else would be at the beach, on boats, enjoying life, and I'd be in a hotel room with Brent Smith from Shinedown, writing until 4 in the morning. I knew that it had to be done, and so my work ethic just kicked in. It's not all fun and games — there's actual work involved and lots of sacrifice — but it definitely was worth it. Because now I can buy that beach."

Oh, but please read the whole thing. I read this and couldn't help but contrast it to how Clay has always downplayed his success---both in financial terms and other types of 'perks' that are available to someone in 'the business'...

...sorry, but this guy sounds like a tool. True, we know all too well how a writer can tint an interview by his/her own editing of what was actually said, but...

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Hee. I wanna know what Clay was toting around in that backpack that he has on in many of the UNICEF pictures. And I was also thinking that the short haircut was pretty darn hawt... :blush:

rcknrllmom - I remember the advent of MTV very well - I was in high school at the time, and it was just too cool.

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We really, really need a major drooling emotion!!!


OMG, that is one beautiful man. As my husband jokingly says to me on many occasions, "he's so dweemy."

But that last one? I just can't get into that one. I know, I know...orgasm face and all. Not my cuppa. Really. Truly. I feel like I'm looking up his nose with binoculars. I'd rather have a smile from the man any day.

muski, did you get any good ideas from watching Tyra on LKL? Oh wait, you're on the west coast. You've got some time to kill before you see this. I only saw bits and pieces of it, but I'm really liking her at the moment. Smart, funny, and...well...she needs dates. Heh.

OTOH, I'm really not liking DAUGHTRY!!!!11!! at the moment. He really comes off in the that piece as a name dropper, and really self-important. Icky-pooh.

MTV when they played videos? Ah yes, remember it well. It was college for me, and I'd spend days just watching. "Sledgehammer" was a favorite of mine too -- incredibly creative.

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God. Save me from self-important DAUGHTRYS!

Daughtry Basking in #1 Success

I wrote the whole album in a couple of weeks. When I was on the [American Idols Live] tour this past summer, every day off I was in the hotel room writing," he recently recalled to MTV News. "If we were in Fort Lauderdale, everyone else would be at the beach, on boats, enjoying life, and I'd be in a hotel room with Brent Smith from Shinedown, writing until 4 in the morning. I knew that it had to be done, and so my work ethic just kicked in. It's not all fun and games — there's actual work involved and lots of sacrifice — but it definitely was worth it. Because now I can buy that beach."

Oh, but please read the whole thing. I read this and couldn't help but contrast it to how Clay has always downplayed his success---both in financial terms and other types of 'perks' that are available to someone in 'the business'...

...sorry, but this guy sounds like a tool. True, we know all too well how a writer can tint an interview by his/her own editing of what was actually said, but...

Yeah, I just got that in my Google alerts. He does think highly of himself, doesn't he.

ETA: If anyone is interested, I just saw where Kat is going to be on Leno tonight. Wonder if she'll get couch time....

Edited by Claygasm
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As much as I lurve to talk about the AIKEN and those chickens (LOL) I have another question to ask? Did anybody watch Miss America tonight? Total waste of my time, but Miss Georgia is from my hometown, Warner Robins, so I guess I had a "duty" to watch it. Really did not think that she would get as far as she did, but hey, what do I know, I am just a little (actually two ton Annie) from Warner Robins. I know, ya'll are all saying Warner where???? Just get out a map of Georgia, look square dab right in the middle of the state and you will find it.

The only claim to fame that we have around here is producing NFL football players and pagent winners. BTH, Victoria Principal (ex Pam Ewing on Dallas, many years ago) and Bobbi Eakes (All My Children and Ex-Bold and Beautiful). I actually went to school with Bobbi, she was two grades ahead of me, but I saw her in the halls pleny of times, so I am now stating my age as "OLD" and I to remember the first MTV. It was cool back then, but then got a little weird in this day and time.

I guess I am an old fogey.

:allgood::fca::hubbahubba: :medium-smiley-070: :rainbowsmile:

Edited by georgiaclay
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So in the hey that's kinda funny department...

I got an email from my cousin who is in marketing for a major record label. Anyway, she is friends with teh woman who wrote the Tyra people article. It's her first cover story for People. Other than the beautiful people type compilation covers did you know Tyra is only the second African American woman to make the cover. That sounds funny to me. No Halle? No Janet? I guess she knows what she's talking about. Anyway, she is encouraging her friends to help spread the word and go out and pick up the magazine. What's funny is that she wants her sorority sisters to buy 5 and ex boyfriends to buy 10. I thought that was cute.

I did tell my cousin that Tyra picked up a lot of fans in the Clay fan community!

And duh...I asked her a couple of questions about marketing and promotion. I'll let you know what she say if anything. She started out as one of those people that went around to the stores in her region putting up promo stuff for artists. She lived with me for a time so we used to have hundreds of CDs/posters of Jodeci, and Mary J Blige and god people I can't remember in our garage. And her mail always got inspected by the post office... just in case she was up to something illegal. heee. That was more than 10 years ago and she has really worked her way up the ladder suriving multiple mergers along the way. She did have to escort the artists around when they came to town and I always got good concert tickets!!

ETA" She's been pitching that Tyra story for 4 months so it's not like some marketing genius that works for Tyra picked up the phone and called People and guala!!

If you have any marketing questions for me, let me know. I'm goign to ask her. I don't know why I never thought to before. We're really quite close.

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Would she really appreciate fans contacting the distribution agent? Or her? Does it help or hinder?

How many artists does a label have under contract in general? What is the cutoff point for success?

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What is the cutoff point for success?

I'd even take that one a step further -- what is a "successful" album? Is it truly all about the sales? Or are there other factors? If it is sales -- what's the "magic number?"

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EW.com has a photo essay recapping their writers' reactions at the time to the first auditions of some of the past contestants.

Here's the link to Clay's summary, which has the striped shirt picture:

CLAY AIKEN (Season 2)

Even so, Simon was right about the lack of excitement from the first five performers — and he correctly noted the image problems of contestants like Clay Aiken, who's a swell singer but doesn't look like an idol, even after he streaked his hair and got rid of the granny glasses.

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who's a swell singer

Lord, I haven't heard someone use the word 'swell' in like forever....!

Hmmm.., although I do seem to employ that particular word in my fiction... :hubbahubba:

Go figure. B)

couchie Sounds to me like this marketing buddy of yours needs to join us at our local watering hole some Friday evening. :medium-smiley-070:

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Oh Muski! Tyra will be on GMA tomorrow and Clay the next day. Maybe they are rendezvousing in NYC??? Just trying to give you some ideas....

Hmmm. Questions for an actual record label marketing person..... How about does she like it when fans of the artist tells her how to do her job???

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couchie Sounds to me like this marketing buddy of yours needs to join us at our local watering hole some Friday evening. :medium-smiley-070:

Oh she's long gone from here... The Bay Area was her first stop after she graduated from college. She moved on to Los Angeles and now is over a large region on the east coast.

Luckiest1 - love your license plate. I can see peopel behind you on the road trying to figure it out.

Hmmm. Questions for an actual record label marketing person..... How about does she like it when fans of the artist tells her how to do her job???

bwah! I'll ask her.

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Hi y'all...

Went in to teach school yesterday and came home a bit low energy so I wasn;t able to do any posting. I was around and reading the fun conversation.

I really enjoyed all your craziest thing you did stories. I so admire your sense of adventure cos I couldn't even keep my Clay desktop wallpaper for two weeks cos my girls would roll their eyes all the time. sigh

as I read all your stories...I came to realize you all were not doing it for Clay, It was not about Clay ...you were doing it for yourselves, to have fun and to get out of your comfort zone and LIVE....its about learning to live life to the fullest.it reminds me of this great song from MAME that goes "open a new window...open a new door..travel a new high way thats never been tried before..."

I salute you all...and hope I can join you next time in living life and having fun!!!

Couchie...interesting connection you have...not only to the music indutry but to Tyra!!! My new fave celebrity. I also started liking her before the Tyra/Clay interview. I really think her show ANTM...is great and very well thought out and gives me a new appreciation of models and taught me not to go on sterotypes when considering this profession.

About marketing questions...whatever insight you can get is fine...I am curious about what she has heard about him or even if he is on her radar.

Chimin in on my love for the UNICEF pictures and videos. Very, very touching. I answered his yahoo question and I really think that these ambassadors ought to reach people through their art. I would love it if Clay wrote or collaborated on a song about his experience...or if they can do a documentary on the children of the world...or even just have a TV special where they can use comedy, and music and drama to present the problem to the world.

I know that there has been some discussion on other boards about Clay not singing in these next appearances and that Clay seem to be promoted as a celebrity instead of a singer...I really do believe this is Clay's choice. I think he does take his non singing responsiblities seriously and he needs to give time to those and this is the time he has chosen. As much as some fans want him to just sing and be a singing superstar...the guy wants to be more ...he wants to serve and to make a difference through his actions. Thursday...he will be Mr Ambassador and I couldn't be more proud.

Oh MY...the pictures y'all have been posting...yummy.

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