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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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OH boy they just advertised AI as the weirdest yet. Can hardly wait to not see it. RandomSmiley.gif

Well, I am streaming my local AC station in preparation of recommending ATD, and I am reviewing their playlist - there are 20 songs on it, 20, 20. What???

Time to do something else. Sheesh.

If anyone is interested there is a woot off going on at woot.com and I logged on just in time to see the scooba sold out - sucks. I did want that. I hate scrubbing floors and it was so much less than available anywhere else. This is where I got my roomba and I now have really clean rugs.

Tyra - pfft - you are late to the fandom, I was fascinated with her realtionship with the models, demanding hen to do dangerous things, and then comforting them - quite the dichotomy. I have watched her show off and on for a while already when it was announced that Clay would be on and some dumb fans got upset and said it was a second rate show.

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Did I already say this? I pulled Carrie in with me to watch Tyra on Larry King last night. I wanted her to hear this gorgeous woman talk about beauty and self image and fat vs thin and common sense and being strong against peer pressure and all that. It was cool. After that segmetn about Janet Jackson answering the question what does she like about herself when she looks in a mirror, I asked my 11 year old daughter that.

Carrie:, "My smile."

Me: Absolutely, it's the best! What else?

Carrie: I like my neck.

Me: (laughs) Your NECK!??? That's cool. Why?

C: I don't know, I just like it.

Me: That'll do. And?

C: My nose. I have a cool nose.

Me. Yes, you do. I wish I had your nose, actually. (She absolutely beams with joy.)

C: Oh, and my muscles. (flexes her arm) Alex thinks my biceps are gross. (giggles)

Me: That's only because she doesn't have any. (giggles with her)

It was fun.

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Awwww Muski. That is just too sweet. I used to have that kinda relationship with my mom until I grew up and became an adult. Actually, we still have a good relationship up to a point. I can't say anything negative against my father (the one with dementia/alzheimer's), because she gets defensive. She has the right, they have been married for almost 57 years, so I give her that.

Waving to all my other FCA'ers. ((((( HUGS ALL AROUND ))))). Have a good Tuesday.

:F_05BL17blowkiss: :hubbahubba::rainbowsmile:

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as I read all your stories...I came to realize you all were not doing it for Clay, It was not about Clay ...you were doing it for yourselves, to have fun and to get out of your comfort zone and LIVE....its about learning to live life to the fullest.it reminds me of this great song from MAME that goes "open a new window...open a new door..travel a new high way thats never been tried before..."

Yes, you got it! That's definitely it for me....I'm having fun and loving it! Pfffffffft to family members who try to drag me down.

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as I read all your stories...I came to realize you all were not doing it for Clay, It was not about Clay ...you were doing it for yourselves, to have fun and to get out of your comfort zone and LIVE....its about learning to live life to the fullest.it reminds me of this great song from MAME that goes "open a new window...open a new door..travel a new high way thats never been tried before..."

Yes, you got it! That's definitely it for me....I'm having fun and loving it! Pfffffffft to family members who try to drag me down.

To which the late, great Mame Dennis would've said (and this applies to those who invest so much time in hate and negativity), "Life's a banquet and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!" :allgood:

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Did I already say this? I pulled Carrie in with me to watch Tyra on Larry King last night. I wanted her to hear this gorgeous woman talk about beauty and self image and fat vs thin and common sense and being strong against peer pressure and all that. It was cool. After that segmetn about Janet Jackson answering the question what does she like about herself when she looks in a mirror, I asked my 11 year old daughter that.

Carrie:, "My smile."

Me: Absolutely, it's the best! What else?

Carrie: I like my neck.

Me: (laughs) Your NECK!??? That's cool. Why?

C: I don't know, I just like it.

Me: That'll do. And?

C: My nose. I have a cool nose.

Me. Yes, you do. I wish I had your nose, actually. (She absolutely beams with joy.)

C: Oh, and my muscles. (flexes her arm) Alex thinks my biceps are gross. (giggles)

Me: That's only because she doesn't have any. (giggles with her)

It was fun.

Awww...that is totally cool!!! I think I will try that with my girls. Well maybe their mom ought to try it on herself first...hee.

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as I read all your stories...I came to realize you all were not doing it for Clay, It was not about Clay ...you were doing it for yourselves, to have fun and to get out of your comfort zone and LIVE....its about learning to live life to the fullest.it reminds me of this great song from MAME that goes "open a new window...open a new door..travel a new high way thats never been tried before..."

Yes, you got it! That's definitely it for me....I'm having fun and loving it! Pfffffffft to family members who try to drag me down.

That pretty much is me too. There's so much good from having friends, and it can be difficult to explain it to family members, especially those that don't trust computers as a general rule. My Mom will NEVER understand this...so for the most part, she doesn't know. *g*

muski, I forgot the other day to give you :hugs-1: for dealing with your Mom again. And then, you post a sweet story about your daughter. I love your relationship with her.

Awww...that is totally cool!!! I think I will try that with my girls. Well maybe their mom ought to try it on herself first...hee.

I'd try it with my cats (ie., my kids *g*), but they already know their best features, and so they'd just say "MEOW" a lot.

Back to watching the Yahoo videos a few gazillion more times on my lunch hour.

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Tyra - pfft - you are late to the fandom, I was fascinated with her realtionship with the models, demanding hen to do dangerous things, and then comforting them - quite the dichotomy. I have watched her show off and on for a while already when it was announced that Clay would be on and some dumb fans got upset and said it was a second rate show.

I don't have cable, so I couldn't watch Tyra on Larry King last night. I did check out the transcript though, and Tyra talked a bit about the difference between ANTM Tyra, who is essentially a character for reality TV, and Daytime Talk Show Tyra, which is closer to being actually her. Of course, even from the written transcript, it's obvious that Larry King is a horrible interviewer who asks stupid questions and doesn't follow up on interesting responses. Yeeks.

I did like this little tidbit from Tyra about her dating life:

I went on this date with this one guy, they are calling you a mogul and stuff, I read how much money you make, damn. I'm like, I'm just a girl. I'm really just a girl. If I take off this hair weave and eyelashes, will you not be intimidated.

And I went on one date with a guy, we had such good chemistry. He was like you're so cool. Oh my God, I feel like I have known you forever, this is crazy. Never called me back. Never called me back. I hear later he thinks that I'm just too -- my image or success is too much. And I'm like, I'm just a girl.

I remember that movie, what is that movie "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts, I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love me.

So, muski, when's that next chapter going to be ready? ;)

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Via the CH:


Yahoo Answers Unicef

David A. Utter

Staff Writer

Published: 2007-01-30

They have long supported charitable works by their employees and users, with the latest effort combining star power and Yahoo Answers to bolster the Up Close 2007 campaign to benefit Unicef.

Yahoo teamed with Unicef for a ten-day celebrity-studded awareness building campaign. Through Yahoo Answers, celebrities from film, TV, music and sports will ask questions of Yahoo's users to build awareness of children's issues throughout the world.

Actors Lucy Liu, Lawrence Fishburne, Alyssa Milano, Danny Glover, and Tea Leoni, musicians Clay Aiken and India Arie, NBA star Elton Brand, and celebrity chef Marcus Samuelsson have been listed as celebrity participants for the program, which runs from today through February 9th.

The opening question, "What can we do to get more Americans committed to supporting programs that help children?", comes from singer and Unicef Ambassador Clay Aiken. Nearly 2,000 answers have been posted in response already; they range from thoughtful to useless, with answers in the latter category being voted down by users in favor of exposing the better ones in the thread.

Quite a few responses made early on touched on a similar idea: increase awareness of Unicef and its mission. There are a number of worthy causes people can support. If they only know Unicef from the Trick Or Treat coin collecting done each Halloween, that means there is room for people to learn more.

The Yahoo Answers campaign should be a good start toward educating more people, since Yahoo draws so much online traffic, and its Answers service has become a popular stop for users ever since its debut in December 2005.

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Saw four ATDW's at my WalMart today - guess they have not been told they are not to sell them!

I am quite JELLUS of people who are going to the BAF thingy.....Ms. Fear - I know we can't get a cellcert, but I will be waiting up for the play-by-play description!

In other news, I heard that the City of Santa Monica has petitioned Gov. Ahnold to change its name to Mary Sue City.

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Saw four ATDW's at my WalMart today - guess they have not been told they are not to sell them!

I am quite JELLUS of people who are going to the BAF thingy.....Ms. Fear - I know we can't get a cellcert, but I will be waiting up for the play-by-play description!

In other news, I heard that the City of Santa Monica has petitioned Gov. Ahnold to change its name to Mary Sue City.


and yes Fear is goign to the gala!!! YAY....we need reports!!!

still hoping other FCAers will be able to get tickets...keeping my fingers crossed for them.

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We at least need a quick report on the important stuff from the BAF Gala: THE HAIR and THE PANTS....

Speaking of important stuff - CAN.NOT.WAIT for GMA. HAIRHAIRHAIRHAIR and stubble and maybe Mr. Ambassador's Glasses of Seriousness? I need to start working on my cough now so I can stay home from work without attracting suspicion. (cough hack gasp snort)

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Last I heard, Fear hopes she is going to the gala - there are no tables for sale yet, but they are organized to buy one, should one become available. Needless to say, she is not the best caller. QueenP is also hoping to get to the party, but is a little further down the list.

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In other news, I heard that the City of Santa Monica has petitioned Gov. Ahnold to change its name to Mary Sue City.

Huh??? I am just stupid that this makes no sense to me, or is it some super seekrit code I am not privvy to??

Either way, can someone explain? I hate being out of the loop!

We at least need a quick report on the important stuff from the BAF Gala: THE HAIR and THE PANTS....

Speaking of important stuff - CAN.NOT.WAIT for GMA. HAIRHAIRHAIRHAIR and stubble and maybe Mr. Ambassador's Glasses of Seriousness? I need to start working on my cough now so I can stay home from work without attracting suspicion. (cough hack gasp snort)

I am so glad I am not in the shallow end of the pool by myself!!! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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In other news, I heard that the City of Santa Monica has petitioned Gov. Ahnold to change its name to Mary Sue City.

Huh??? I am just stupid that this makes no sense to me, or is it some super seekrit code I am not privvy to??

Either way, can someone explain? I hate being out of the loop!

If you combine this definition of "Mary Sue" with the idea that some posters elsewhere like to pretend "Santa Monica" is shorthand for "Clay is banging Jaymes and by extension is into older women", I think the joke will be clearer:

So you're scratching your head and wondering who the heck Mary Sue IS, hm? Well, "Mary Sue" is an unkind term used to describe a certain kind of character, a style of writing. She (or he) is created to serve one purpose: wish fulfilment. When a writer invents someone through whom he/she can have fantastic adventures and meet famous people (fictional or real), this character is a Mary Sue.
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great explanation Bottle...

HAIR???? is that more important than the chirren??? HEE...I have to admit I am pretty excited about that too. So who will be interviewing him....I sure hope its Diane!!!

shallow end of the pool is pretty fun...I guess I better stay out of the way when Muski dives in... :allgood:

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So when we say we think Clay is IN Santa Monica, we're really drooling over the possibility, huh?


Oy...what a few days at work! I leave in the morning for Del Mar for a 5 day conference (not attending this one---am the meeting planner). But mostly these past days have been dealing with conferences in other cities between this April in Albuquerque to this summer in Miami to November 2008 in Charlotte. I'm as exhausted, I think, as I would be if I'd actually traveled to and from those places! :huh::wacko: I won't be surprised if I've agreed to a reception on the beach for our meeting in Albuquerque! :lol:

You do realize, don't you, that I will NOT be able to see Clay Thursday morning on GMA... :cry4: I'll be working like a good little meeting planner. So there had better be Clack when I finally get to a freakin' computer again. :chatting:

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You do realize, don't you, that I will NOT be able to see Clay Thursday morning on GMA... :cry4: I'll be working like a good little meeting planner. So there had better be Clack when I finally get to a freakin' computer again. :chatting:

Is there any doubt? There better be clack!! I won't be able to see it either. Well, I guess it depends on what time he's on. I could be watching. I could be in the shower (oh how I wish Clay would be in there with me!), or I could be in my car.

And if I do catch him, I will most likely be late for work as I will have to bask in the after glow. :hubbahubba:

ETA: Bottle, thanks for the explanation of Mary Sue in Santa Monica. I think I get it now.

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I've been very good at keeping all the crap at bay because I can't afford to live it on a daily basis. Oh I know what's gong on and am not hiding my head. I just don't feel I need to see every detail, folow every link, make public displays of despair, to get it. That's worked very well for me. But I must admit today my heart hurts for Clay. There are evil people in this world. I encourage anyone who hasn't yet (which would be me) to go over to yahoo and answer clay's question..watch his videos... and drool over his pictures...and watch his video.

He has to take it on so many levels so as a fan all I want is to do something to help. If his record label is throwing him to the wolves, why help them. Where is the fight? There is none. I find most of the conspiracy theories to be illogical. If Clay is being sabatoged why are his fans playing along. Also, why in hell would they care about not promoting the album just so he can come out a year or two from now with a different sound. Why would that benefit them. The link between those two statements is thin as a thread. That one left me scratching my head, seriously. I just don't see how one more spin HURTS Clay. So I will focus on that. Just one more spin.

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I've been very good at keeping all the crap at bay because I can't afford to live it on a daily basis. Oh I know what's gong on and am not hiding my head. I just don't feel I need to see every detail, folow every link, make public displays of despair, to get it. That's worked very well for me. But I must admit today my heart hurts for Clay. There are evil people in this world. I encourage anyone who hasn't yet (which would be me) to go over to yahoo and answer clay's question..watch his videos... and drool over his pictures...and watch his video.

In the beginning of last year's crap, I followed it pretty closely. What surprised me was I became the voice of reason during that unreasonable time on the boards where I was posting. Today, if I see something on the boards I tend to skim it and move on. I don't want not to know, but I don't want it to consume me either.

My guess is many of the fans follow the crap closer than Clay does. The fake question on Yahoo that cropped up - do you even think Clay is aware of it? I truly do not believe Clay spends every free moment of his time reading the message boards and trolling the internet for news about himself. I mean, I sure hope he has something, or someone, better to do than that! After he had his say this past fall, I am convinced Clay isn't giving a crap about this crap. He knows its there (although I don't believe he knows the details like some fans do) and he knows its not going away any time soon, but he also knows those gnats and haters aren't worth the time or energy it takes to worry, or fret or hate.

Maybe I am wrong and he is curled up in the fetal position on the floor of his bedroom crying, but I don't think so. His actions speak louder than any words the asshats can spew. And he knows that.

So do I.

He has to take it on so many levels so as a fan all I want is to do something to help. If his record label is throwing him to the wolves, why help them. Where is the fight? There is none. I find most of the conspiracy theories to be illogical. If Clay is being sabatoged why are his fans playing along. Also, why in hell would they care about not promoting the album just so he can come out a year or two from now with a different sound. Why would that benefit them. The link between those two statements is thin as a thread. That one left me scratching my head, seriously. I just don't see how one more spin HURTS Clay. So I will focus on that. Just one more spin.

One of the main problems I have with the conspiracy theories is they are illogical. To me, to make a theory believable you have to make it logical and there is no logic whatsoever to these convoluted theories of RCA/Clive sabotaging Clay. Its bullshit. Those most disappointed with the CD or the sales of the CD have to have someone to blame.

I don't even like ATD and I want it to succeed on the radio. I want it to succeed so Clay has a presence on the radio. I want it to succeed so maybe next time radio will be more receptive to Clay. And, petty person that I can be, I want it to succeed so those who say RCA won't support it will have to shut up.

Of course, I am sure they will have some illogical reason for its success that will allow them to keep their conspiracy theories intact.

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I don't even like ATD and I want it to succeed on the radio. I want it to succeed so Clay has a presence on the radio. I want it to succeed so maybe next time radio will be more receptive to Clay. And, petty person that I can be, I want it to succeed so those who say RCA won't support it will have to shut up.


That's CG---"petty and pervy and shallow" Oh MY! :F_05BL17blowkiss: I'm with you on this whole paragraph...although I have to say that ATD is growing on me a bit. I wish the live Kimmel ATD performance was the one that had been made into a Yahoo Video, you know? He was smokin' on that night....the night of the swingin', boppin', floppin' bangs....

:hubbahubba: He was as close to Rocker Clay as I've seen him, I think..

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I wish the live Kimmel ATD performance was the one that had been made into a Yahoo Video, you know? He was smokin' on that night....the night of the swingin', boppin', floppin' bangs....

:hubbahubba: He was as close to Rocker Clay as I've seen him, I think..

You mean like this?? I love how THE HAIR moves here!


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