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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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So I've decided to take the email as a MANDATE to appear at the front of the line Feb. 14th in front of the Jimmy Kimmel Live studio. Doing so, I accept the responsiblity that such status entails---i.e., telling people that just because I got a much-deserved 'make-up' pass into the studio (with, hopefully, good views of Wal...er, Clay)...I will NOT have the power to bring along this person and that person from a state's whose name ends in a misspelling of 'ass'...


For I cannot imagine a more luscious feast for Clay's eyes as he peruses the audience than a pair of "pairs" such as KAndre and I could present.

Sigh. So it would seem that, even though I WILL be a 'special house guest' and will be seated closer rather than farther from my muse, I will-alas-be sitting alone---without nary a sidekick and known entity.

oh well. Clay will be there. :allgood:

Edited by muskifest
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You are a bold woman Muski.

YAY we are almost official. I received the following email from TBAF today...

Dear Chapter Contact,

I wanted to confirm that I have received your chapter registration form and you will show up on the Beta Alpha map soon.

If you would like to send me your members' names, email addresses, cities, and states, I can register them more quickly than if they each do it online.

Thank you for being part of our team!

Aron Hall

VP of External Affairs

He then sent me a follow up asking if the chapter name could be simply FCA: Making a Difference. After a sigh of relief that that pins had not gone to print...heee I said ok. But we know we are doing it for Clay!

Anyway, if you would like to be a part of our chapter, can you send me the following bolded information. You do not have to do it this way if you don't feel comfortable. When we are set up you can always register on the TBAF site. However, to get us going it would be nice to give him some names...solidarity rah rah.

I'm about to send out a mass PM to all of our members which will essentially say the same thing.

You can either PM or email me at admin@findingclayaiken.com the following information:


email address



This is exciting.

I will post information about donations AFTER we are all set up.

ETA: I give up...I really messed up the coding on this post!!

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So I've decided to take the email as a MANDATE to appear at the front of the line Feb. 14th in front of the Jimmy Kimmel Live studio. Doing so, I accept the responsiblity that such status entails---i.e., telling people that just because I got a much-deserved 'make-up' pass into the studio (with, hopefully, good views of Wal...er, Clay)...I will NOT have the power to bring along this person and that person from a state's whose name ends in a misspelling of 'ass'...


For I cannot imagine a more luscious feast for Clay's eyes as he peruses the audience than a pair of "pairs" such as KAndre and I could present.

Sigh. So it would seem that, even though I WILL be a 'special house guest' and will be seated closer rather than farther from my muse, I will-alas-be sitting alone---without nary a sidekick and known entity.

oh well. Clay will be there. :allgood:

Well, if you didn't want to sit alone you could have passed on this appearance and waited until I could come out to use my special house guest pass you know. :medium-smiley-070:

IF I get up when my alarm first goes off and not after 5 or 6 snooze alarms, I hope to be in and out of the shower before 7:30. I would doubt he would be on between 7 and 7:30. Then I can watch while I get ready until I have to leave at 8:30. Even then, I can listen on my car radio.

Of course, then I won't be able to see THE HAIR or the PANTS!!!

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NO FREAKIN' WAY! I can't believe Clay's blog from last night! The dude just gave a huge :finger: to the tabloid crap. Plus he almost cussed!!! Just when I think I can't love him anymore - You get down with your bad self Mr. Ambassador!

Waiting for GMA reports....

ETA: I guess maybe the blog was actually from very early this morning. I think Diane is in for pissy Clay...

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They just said Clay will be on the next half hour - so he'll be on between 8 and 8:30am. Which means YAY! I can watch it live!!

Clay blogged????

ETA: How cool is our boyfriend??? And he cursed AND gave the finger!!!

I wish I were good at the "evidence" because I am sure I could come up with something good for a scandal. Maybe we can make it a board effort and submit together! With all the cerative minds around here, surely we could come up with something.


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They just said Clay will be on the next half hour - so he'll be on between 8 and 8:30am. Which means YAY! I can watch it live!!

Shoot...I'm gonna have to sneak the download at work then. Damn.

Clay blogged????

ETA: How cool is our boyfriend??? And he cursed AND gave the finger!!!

OMG. I'm still on the floor in laughter. Just thinking of him typing "bull$#@&" makes me crack up. Way to go Clay -- fight fire with fire (and a HUGE sense of humor and snark).

Him announcing this contest almost makes me want to go a hater site or two to see what they're saying. ALMOST.

I wish I were good at the "evidence" because I am sure I could come up with something good for a scandal. Maybe we can make it a board effort and submit together!

OOOOOOOOO! That's a good idea. I'm terrible at coming up with original ideas, but I can help embellish pretty well.




Screencaps are appreciated, please?!?!?!?

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I wonder if Clay has a thing about "white space"...


Clay, Clay, Clay...I love Clay.

Oh, I'm posting my story here first...but am glad to help with any photoshop efforts...I'm not bad if I say so myself!

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OMG - He was just leaning over signing a sign for some kid and his hair was hanging down!!

Don't know why I found that so sexy. Maybe its because if he were leaning over me that's what it would look like.....

I have an idea for the tabloid story. We could just borrow from muski's Clyra story!

I mean, they are both fat you know!

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Bad, bad Diane - Sherman was a ploy, and they all fall for that - so much manipulation of AI

Oh, dear, I fear Clay has lost the wingers now, those fans are dropping like flies. And yet, he is a normal young man.

ETA does this guy ever sleep? perhaps that vampire tale is not too far from the truth - he blogs at 2:30 am and then appears on TV by 7 ??

Edited by playbiller
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HEY I just got in right in time...to see them tease the interview ............

OMG...he looks sooooo GOOOD!!!! that snarky oh so funny man!!!

then GMA was kind enough to have a 4 minute commercial break that allowed me to prepare breakfast and got to the computer just as they were showing the audiecne that came for Clay.

except for the ending with Sherman....that was a pretty cool interview...

so they didn;t even have questions for him from the online video thing???oh shoot

OK for those that can;t watch...Diane started the segment by asking him about AI...they showed his audition and they had Clay;s reaction on split screen as they showed the clip and his reaction was so funny...he was squirming and laughing at himself.

Diane asked him if he got prepped by the producers for the audition...He said...that first he has to try and remember cos its almost 5 years now...then he says he is sooo old...then he said that they did say that they should show some personality...to argue with the Judges to show their personality. But then he said...unfortunately people don;t know that they become the butt of jokes the next day.

Then Diane asked if Clay has talked to Jennifer Hudson yet. He said not yet but he is so jealous because before he was considered the most successful loser from AI and now with her GG and Oscar nom she now surpassed him so he is second again...all with the usual self deprecating and snarky tone...he then said that he saw the movie and she is so deserving.

Then she finally asked about UNICEF...They showed Clips of him in Bandeh Aceh...and he said that the ambassadors are now on a partnership with...here he mispoke I think and said ABC .com...but its yahoo...to raise awareness and he said that they all ask a question on line for people to answer and he asked his question again.

Diane then said...well this goes to specific children and not to a general fund...and Clay was very smart in his answer...not really disputing what she said but he clarified it goes to specific programs in different countries but some of the money goes to a general fund to be used by the 156 countries serviced by UNICEF.

Then she asked Clay if he watched AI last night..he said he didn't but saw the clip when they were talking about it. So Diane made a short explanation about Sherman and Clay said as long as you are not showing my audition again...just his...then they showed the clip of Sherman singing...and she started humming along and Clay hummed along and tried to do harmony...the were showing Clay again on split screen as they showed the clip and his reactions. SO this is how it ended...They said goodbye to Clay...don;t know if they mentioned the site again...

It was not that short...but seemed short because of Sherman thing...but HE LOOKED MAHVELOUS DAHLING!!!!

THe Hair is Still LONG!!!! YIPEE!!!

and the weight really looks good on him. That was the biggest difference and they did the split screen with Atlanta Clay and the hair of course..


oh and of course ...SUPER LOVE THE BLOG!!!!

so if someone has a story I can help with the photoshop...

what about a group effort!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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OMGoodness, I have such a great idea for a scandal, but I am such a sucky photoshopper. Sigh. And I need sooooo many pictures.

This contest was made for people like me.

I hope the originators add one involving Moanica, I would not steal that from them.

ETA Heee, looks up at Ansa!

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Oh that is too funny. I love my smart snarky boyfriend. Yay for him.

This will be fun. Now this is right up my alley. Whoo hooo to the photoshopper. Thanks Ansa. I'll start thinking about this one.

Play -- so are you saying fans are upset at his use of the word HE&%!*#31-0u52? Heee Too bad. Clay is fed up and he's not taking it anymore. I don't blame him at all. I love some kick ass Clay.

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