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#5 (plus #6 & #7) - "Well....the weather outside is frightful...but the man is so delightful..."


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HA HA! Clay is gonna make those who don't like ATDW listened to it word for word!

NOT ATDW - but the song "A Thousand Days"! Those lyrics are so hokey, it should make for some very interesting poems!

Pictures from GMA courtesy of Robyn428 at EAYOR:




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Plus you have to use only the words featured in ATD?????????

I figure that will eliminate a bunch of people right there...the ones that don't like the lyrics.


I'm not sure if I can do poetry or not. I'll have to try it, I guess.

Nummy pictures....


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More pictures from Robyn428 at EAYOR:




I want to know who that bitch is in the first pictures holding onto my boyfriend! :badpc:

This is also from Robyn428:

Jamie was there, to do his hair. He had a group of people with him - Jerome wasn't there. Someone walking by said they saw him in the city yesterday, walking around with a friend. Also, after his appearance, he was delayed in coming out because he was doing an interview upstairs.
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Maybe that's Jennifer? What I found interesting is that on the show his hair is parted on one side and in his 'street clothes' it's back to JNaT 07's look...hee! Man is a chameleon fo sho.

Love how swollen he is...

his jacket, I mean.

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So, if we think that Clay is getting back at the tabloids by running fake stories, do we think he is getting back at his fans who are trashing ATD by making them use the words? No one says you have to use spinning with balls - you can pretty much just have a poem about balls and spinning things.

Well, if I want to do an emotipoem I am having a hard time picking spinning balls

Earth-20-june.gif OR Disco-02-june.gif or Disco-04-june.gif

Or one just for the poddies UFO-01-june.gif

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I want to know who that bitch is in the first pictures holding onto my boyfriend! :badpc:

It's the mysteriously redhead from story #1!


One of the CVer's said the Redhead was from UNICEF - she recognized her from the Snowflake Lighting.

The sistah in the red coat looks like she'd like to smack Ms. Redhead upside her head though.

A ATD poetry contest? Oy....

How about bouncing balls instead of spinning ones?


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Well of all of them there is the word eyes - No juggling or cue or eight. So if you can find something called eyes ball, you have it made - I am guessing it is a ball with 2 or more eyes. :medium-smiley-070:

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Whoo hooo I'm so happy for Muski and KAndre. FCA representin'

I'm mysteriously ok with this. If he were singing (and thanks to what I'm about to say he will be...it just works that way for me..like no matter what line I get into at the grocery store, it ultimately ends up being the slowest line in the store)...hmmmm where was I? Other than the fact that my new financial advisor would probably kill me (waves just in case she's lurking)... If he were singing I'd be doing all sorts of things to try to find a ticket. But we definitely have to set up some reports from the line, and for right after. And we have two very colorful voices to share it with us. Oh, but to make myself feel better I scheduled my mom and my spa trip (Xmas present) for later in the month -- an hour massage, an aromatherapy facial, foot reflexology and ...this:

Thai Bath - The innovative use of essential oils and herbs in Southern Thailand were the inspiration behind this treatment. Milk, used throughout the Orient to nurture and exfoliate the skin, is combined with white sea kelp and an invigorating blend of mandarin, tangerine and neroli essential oils to relax muscles reduce stress and improve circulation.

I'm getting relaxed just thinking about it.

I loved him on GMA today. It's a freaking entertainment news show and news is in small letters while entertainment is in capital letters. As long as Clay takes a breath on this earth he will be associated with the American Idol family- It's a mixed blessing. Every year Clay gets some seriuosly get press mentions due to the start of the season. And if not for Idol, he'd be doing his good works back in Raleigh with a little less fanfare. Yes, I would like all Clay all the time but it should NEVER be surprising that it comes up. EVER. And there appears to be some follow through with ET and according to the recaps he did an interview. :allgood:

Now off to re read all the funny shit ya'll wrote today. Can somebody explain to me in English how the new contest works. I want to do that one as well. Clay, call me heee. I LURRRRRVES ATD!

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bottle I definitely like it parted on this side, but I also like it lighter...with highlights. To me, this darker color is too stark for him...LOVE it when the expensive highlights show--and expensive layering and all that.

But he seems so very comfortable with this hair, so at ease and confident and happy. Whatever, you know? He's sooooooo manly now...manly-er, that is.

And positively, absolutely mouthwatering. :hubbahubba:

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Ok, I am beginning to think there is something wrong with me.

After reading reactions to The Insider clip - that the asshats will say he's acting Diva like etc. I watched it, fearing the worse. What I heard was Clay complimenting Jennifer Hudson and then laughingly say he's no longer the mosy successful non-winner and he's in second place again. He was so obviously kidding I suspect even the asshats won't be able to turn it around.

What's the big deal? The reactions reminded me of a line from the old Buffalo Springfield song, "For What Its Worth":

Paranoia strikes deep

Into your life it will creep

It starts when you're always afraid

Step out of line, the men come and take you away

You know, reading the reactions of some in the Clay Nation today, you would think it was a bad day in Mr. Aiken's neighborhood. And here all along I thought it was a pretty good day!

Silly me.

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loved him on GMA today. It's a freaking entertainment news show and news is in small letters while entertainment is in capital letters. As long as Clay takes a breath on this earth he will be associated with the American Idol family- It's a mixed blessing. Every year Clay gets some seriuosly get press mentions due to the start of the season. And if not for Idol, he'd be doing his good works back in Raleigh with a little less fanfare. Yes, I would like all Clay all the time but it should NEVER be surprising that it comes up. EVER. And there appears to be some follow through with ET and according to the recaps he did an interview. :allgood:


But he seems so very comfortable with this hair, so at ease and confident and happy. Whatever, you know? He's sooooooo manly now...manly-er, that is.

And positively, absolutely mouthwatering. :hubbahubba:

Oh my goodness, yes. It is really JUST hair, even though I can be shallow like some of you. (Not mentioning any names...*g*) But boy, I think that extreme closeup picture is one of the best I've ever seen of him. What a beautiful, beautiful man.

couchie, I'm going to work on a poem this weekend too, I hope. I wonder if he goes for the cutesy, rhyming stuff? Probably. That will shoot my chances in the foot, but oh well...a gal's gotta try, right?

CG, there is NOTHING wrong with you. And for those who are turning this whole thing into "Clay's a diva," I've just got to say...


and then...



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Ok...I have to say that I commented on the Insider clip that I could predict some asshats claiming that 'There goes diva Clay again." or whatnot. The clip I watched was edited so that that seemed likely to me.

I just watched the E! clip, though, and that was much fairer in what they showed. In that clip he WAS complimenting Jennifer and saying that she deserved her success and should win the Academy Award. Then the clip of him saying that whole thing about him not being the most successful loser anymore was funny and lighthearted and it actually came across the way it did on GMA.

Not so, the Insider clip, IMO. Maybe I'm being too judgmental, but I definitely see a different spin put on his comments from the two clips... (Edited to say WHOOPS! 'coss you should right click and save these links, not just click on them, please!)

E! "Jennifer Praise"

Insider GMA appearance

Now this doesn't make me want to join a Pod group, but I do think this is a perfect example of how the very same words and context can be made into anything the media chooses to focus on. I also find it interesting that in both clips NOTHING was mentioned about UNICEF and Ambassardor Aiken. It was ALL about AI.

whatever. The man still has a velvet voice and titanium balls. I'd do him.

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The sad fact is that the entertainment media isn't interested in UNICEF (or other charities). Kevin Bacon was on Kimmel recently and thanked him profusely for letting him on to talk about his charity, rather than plugging a movie. Even then, I thought Bacon got on because he's Bacon, and because the Six Degrees idea is an interesting angle. The tsunami trip got more coverage than Uganda because it got more press, period.

ETA: the big events get plugged, sure - the balls, the galas and so forth. In depth interviews would more likely cover this sort of thing. I'd love for Clay to do another Primetime-like interview. I think he gets decent press overall, in comparison to other celebs. I wouldn't want him to be a "useless celebrity" and do all the party scenes, and without that you just don't get appearances unless you have a certain something--which Clay has got. Whatever he's on it'll always be a good show, it'll get good ratings, it'll be entertaining. If you're lucky it'll get coverage for weeks. It's easy to get PR when it's tied to him. I'm rambling. Am I making any sense? It's been quite a day in the neighborhood.

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Because there is not a lot of room in those pods?

BWAH..I read this on my lunch and giggled for hours.

KAndre...loved all your scenarios..Suri Aiken heee.

Damn those pictures are gorgeous!!

Muski, if I've learned anything from following Clay is how the media works. (and funny I only thought I knew how media worked after 4 years of college and a journalism degree). None of that editing is a surprise but really, only the biggest hater on the planet could turn that into something bad. And you know what...we know that they will...but they also don't need media to do it. They do it even when Clay is visiting kids in a classroom or when he does nothing at all as his kick ass blog reminded us. This has been a soundbite world for a very long time.

I'll be over to purify your pod tomorrow! heee. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Oh wait I can't..I have an interview!! yay.

Now, first assignment Muski and KAndre... you must have some FCA phone numbers on speed dial. I'm good for the evening and night... hope somebody is available to take reports during the day!! whoo hooo.

I totally have a new love in life..also a redhead... Addison on Grey's Anatomy. She is awesome! I'd switch teams for her...totally I would.

But I think I'll look at yummy pictures of another red head, blonde brunette, whatever. heee.

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