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American Idol 6


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Oh MY GOD...she is soo off...

she is singing this too fast...and she is so off key...she is not only pitchy she is totally off ...

GAH this girl really shouldn;t make it to the final 12....

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I didn't even like the way Celine sang this! HATED it!

But there was one version I rather liked. It was sung by some hot, studly guy with amazing green eyes, long hair with bangs/long hair/long hair with sort of bangs and chicklet teeth turned grown-up teeth and blindingly white teeth!

PS - Ooooooo! Bad move Antonella! With your naughty pictures out there you shouldn't be mouthing off!

And besides - she is no Jennifer Hudson!

Edited by Claygasm
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Simon is right she is worse than last week...

hee she has become feisty...but Simon, you were not very impressed with jennifer...you were not impressed with Kelly...you didn;t even want her through...you were wrong in thinking Ruben would be more successful than Clay. So far the only one he was right about was Carrie and his opinions of Taylor and Chris.

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She must have been smoking something before she went up there - that remark was soooo uncalled for, it was amazing.

OMG - a WIlliam hung ad - how many 15 minutes is he going to get?

More crying in the video - this is starting to remind me of Fame.

Voice doesn't sound right to me for some reason.

Edited by playbiller
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True enough HeidiHo - I forgot about who actually won last year.

I really wasn't speaking strictly to Idol and I seriously doubt they are the majority voting block for this show anyway - but I do think they will appreciate a good voice when they hear it. (But I do like Taylor) I certainly wouldn't give the teenies credit for Clay or Carrie. I think they are given too much credit and not enough credit all at the same time - marketers constantly talk about the desireable demo, but those kids have no money. Yet, they are desireable but still considered to not be smart enough to recognize a good voice. My demo does and it's clear my demo is willing to spend the money. And my demo also recognizes a good voice. I guess what I'm trying to say is: I wouldn't count them out on knowing a good voice, but I refuse to give them FULL credit for who wins Idol. <g>

Okay, Antonella didn't murder that as bad as I thought she would, but she still sucked.

Eew....this girl isn't good either. Did she suck last week?? I can't get over her only being 17.

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Whats this???two brother dedication....

I hope she does well...

I give her mixed reviews...she had some pitchy problems in the lower parts...but I just think Simon is right. Antonella really shouldn't have directly challenged Simon. Now he will just be catty about her all night.

But yeah, Antonella, just sing well...like Jorgin

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hee she has become feisty...but Simon, you were not very impressed with jennifer...you were not impressed with Kelly...you didn;t even want her through...you were wrong in thinking Ruben would be more successful than Clay. So far the only one he was right about was Carrie and his opinions of Taylor and Chris.

Simon is the first to say how he didn't like Kelly in the beginning, but he loved her most of the way through the top 10. He has used her as an example of how one can improve if you work at it. I am not sure he thought Ruben would be more successful than Clay overall. He did say in a TV Guide article during AI2 that he thought Clay would make more money than anyone off of Idol. As for Jennifer - you know, I wasn't that impressed with her during her stint on Idol either. And a lot of others weren't or else she wouldn't have been voted off when she was. But it has been 3 years and I bet she's worked awfully hard to improve. Besides, the Oscar is an award for acting! I think Simon actually has a pretty good track record considering how much is out of his control.

Now Jordan - that was good, but it didn't wow me like it did last week. I think her youth will catch up with her in the end.

Oh let's not be stupid! of course she wants to be better than the others! If she didn't she wouldn't be there!

She may want everyone to do well, but she wants to do better than everyone else!

Stephanie...... She really has a nice voice and she seems much older than 19. I don't know what it is about her though that just doesn't grab me.

But her voice is wonderful.

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Hee I was wondering who sang that song. I do think Randy gave her constructive criticism...just no need to copy Beyonce...she has to get her own style. But she was very very good. And her outfit was hot...a bit OTT but really looked good on her.

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Leslie - MUCH better than last week, but she was a bit pitchy.

She has a nice tone to her voice. She may be someone who gets better as her competition goes on.

Ok, Simon's comment was a teeny mean about Paula but VERY funny and frankly accurate!

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There was a note or two that was off to me - they kind of threw the performance down for me.

Yes this was my problem cos they were in the glory notes...she knew how to save them, but it takes away from the effectiveness of the whole performance.

Claygasm...from what I remember, Simon was really cheering for Tamyra...but once she was gone he was on Kelly's camp. The thing with Simon, its easy for him to spot the obvious winners like Carrie...pretty and a good country voice. He gets too distracted by the outer appearance. I just saw American Idol Rewind and he didn;t even want Kelly in the top 30...put her in the maybe group. So I really can;t agree that he was in her camp through the competition. He always says that the resutls of Season 2 was right...so to me that means he thinks that Ruben deserves AI title more than Clay....Which I think he is totally wrong on. For me his only real good prediction was Carrie...and Chris.

Leslie has a good tone to her voice...is but she was a bit pitchy and flat...

Another Cannon Fodder...so who gets pimp spot??? this girl was lucky the back ups covered her bad notes in the end.

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Ansa - I forget what somg it was from last week that Kelly sang - the Carol King song I think. Kelly sang it when they were about to the top 7, maybe the top 6. I watched it on YouTube and Simon's comment was that Kelly showed why she was ahead of the competition. He did love Tamyra, and I think he was appalled she wasn't there at the end with Kelly - and he definitely didn't like her much during the early phases, but as the competition went on, he really got to like her.

I think he thought Ruben was more marketable than Clay. And he may have been right in theory. Ruben certainly fit into a more obvious box than Clay. What Simon didn't count on was Clay's personality and charisma and Ruben's desire to not be the next Luther Vandross. But he did say Clay could earn the most money. I think he always thought Clay would be more than just a singer, that he could make money in a variety of entertainment arenas.

Just my interpretation of that statement.

That last girl, Hillary? Not impressed. I can't say she was better than last week because I have no memory of her last week!

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Something is definitely going on with how they mike this show - they just had a clip of CLay singing on the news (why, yes they are going to have an idol story and featured Clay singing) and Clay sounded fine and clear - these people all sound filtered to me. SO... It is not my TV show, it is IDol that is screwing around some how!

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You know, with the guys there are a lot of thin, not very powerful voices. With the women, just the opposite. A lot of powerful voices.

Sabrina was good, but I think she was a bit pitchy in parts, almost screaming at times. Another powerful voice though.

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Antonella has to go this week.

Then I would guess either Hillary or the Dixie Chick singer. But then again, I thought for sure she would be gone last week so what do I know!

Must go do my dinner dishes before "Lost".

Later all!

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Well sabrina disappointed me tonight...I think I just expect the pimpage spot to be really good. But the song choice was boring and Simon was right she wa shouting more in the end so was not happy with that.

just saw Gina on review yikes...she was off key. Not a good performance for her IMO.

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