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American Idol 6


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Yikes Sanjaya;s hair is not much better...

I think he should try Clay;s xmas tour hair.

I like the songs Blake sings...they are so much fun...but his voice was pretty weak on this one.

If he chooses his songs right...he will do well but I don;t think his voice is very versatile.

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I feel like an old fart. I hated the song Blake chose! I didn't think that was singing and he was all over the place with it - pitchy here, off key there - but maybe no one noticed because the song to me was a mess.

But Simon is right. He's current. He'll be there next week and he probably should be.

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Oh dear. Sanjaya's hair! Just say no!

And the hula? Not sure that did anything to help him....

This is best he's been - but that's not saying much...... Still weak. Still pitchy. Still not good. But better than last week.

ETA: I forgot. His eyebrows! OMG!

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What is with Sundance's hair?? I mean, even Clay didn't look good like that!

What is this song? All it is to my ear is raspy, pitchy screaming.

Not feeling him tonight. YUCK!

They'll probably love him....


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I agree about Sanjaya..his best performance so far...but not good enough really. He does have a good tone but he gets pitchy and he has no energy at all. He is jsut so youn...I would prefer if he didn't get to the finals...Simon will just target him week after week.

Sundance...ITA with Simon. He was just shouting that and he was off pitch so much...it was just painful.

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Chris R. - He can't sit on a stool like Clay, that's for sure!!! B)

Ok, he is not sounding good at all. He is soooooo pitchy and often flat.

Is it me or do the guys just sound terrible so far?

ETA: Am I watching a different show from these guys? I thought it was awful! And I agreed with Simon up until the "You sold it" part!

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OMG this Chris guy was so pitchy and boring...ok...simon really wants to keep him. He didn;t liek it but he wants to keep the guy so had to end in a postive note.

I am really getting sooo tired of Ryan...

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You know, Jared got all the teenies at his high school with this. It just is not frickin' good enough for national exposure. What's really sad is that I like it better than the four before him - mainly 'cause I like the song better.

Jared needs a LOT of training. A LOT.

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See this is the one thing that really bugs me with the judges advice...everyweek you got to be your best...

DUH!!! As if someone there would say...I don't want to give it my all today cos I'm leaving some for next week....Of course they are coming out they're doing their best. But the problem is...most of the time their best is not good enough. The have to actually do better than their best and start growing and improving to really make it.

Ya know...if Paula would just stay sober...I think she can give good insights at times...ITA on what she said about Jared...

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OMG...What a stupid song choice for Phil...this is really not showing his voice to the best advantage...just shows how weak his voice really is, wow a right on critique from Randy and Paula.

BRandon...totally agree with Simon...bad song choice and pretty boring.

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Chris S. - as much as I hate his hair, that little bit of hair on his chin below his lip drives me crazy - and not in a good way!

Well, he's starting off good. You know, to borrow a phrase from Simon, I prefer him with my eyes closed. He sounds pretty good (at least he wasn't pitchy!), but he's so odd looking its distracting.

However, by far the best performance of the night - which isn't necessarily saying much.

The guys are not very good and not very interesting.

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So who goes home?

Sanjaya SHOULD - but I have said that every week and he's still here.

I thought Chris R. was terrible so if it were up to me, it would be Sanjaya and Chris R. (with Phil a possibility) but I think Jared or Brandon may go.

Now its time for my other boyfriend!!!

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WOW...I can't believe they were actually honest here. yup I would say only 3.5 guys deserve to go forward. I would choose Chris S, Blake...oops I think I have to change that to two people...

that was just baaaaad...

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Coming in late - saw the last part and the clips

What I saw, I did not like. Blake and Chris S were the only onea to have a spark, everyone else seemed to sing lifelessly -that extra umph was not there, I like some of the songs, I liked a few voices, the where was the spark. With Blake, he is listening too much to Simon, that Beat Box is going to doom him eventually, I just hate it.

Sanjaya his head is channelling Michael Jackson, I don't know if he is a fan or what, but he does not have any power - I know that they cast for story, but at this point they should be sorry for not having a few better singers there.

I think Phil might be growing in his hair, he does lookdumb bald, so the hat might mean something positive,but I have never seen Pauyla so negative as she was on him.

Chris R sang the song through his nose, he needs to blow.

Couldn't get anything from starshines clip - it just sounded like noise.

Brandon did good except for the lack of oomph.

Anyone could go - this show sucks. Thegirls should be interesting especially since I am sure that no mater how badly Annotella sings, she will not be bounced.

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