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#1 - Ready for your constant state of celebration

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Can I provide simultaneous translation?

"Sometimes your fans seem much more invested in your life than you are. How do you handle microscopic scrutiny, unrealistic expectations and people living vicariously through you? How many restraining orders do you have?"

I think it may be time for me and HeidiHo to meet for a Friday afternoon beer and cynicism session.

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Can I provide simultaneous translation?

"Sometimes your fans seem much more invested in your life than you are.  How do you handle microscopic scrutiny, unrealistic expectations and people living vicariously through you?  How many restraining orders do you have?"

I think it may be time for me and HeidiHo to meet for a Friday afternoon beer and cynicism session.

WHOO HOOO!!! I am so there. Beeeeeerrrrrrr. <g>

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Hee, Skatejoy... great translation and right on the money... ;-)

cool question SOL...unfortunately it sounds too intelligent.... ;)

Yeah, seriously... I have a feeling the questions that they pick will be the following:

1) Did you see the card?

2) OMG, ClayEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I love U!!!11!!!1! Do u hav a grilfriend?!1? Will u marry me!?!?!

3) Do you still talk to Ruben?

4) Is Simon really THAT mean?

5) Do you think Corey Clark really nailed Paula Abdul?

6) Why do you hate LA, you ungrateful bastard?*

7) Where the hell is your next album?**

8) What is your favourite colour?

9) What do you mean you won't tell me?

I think I need to be invited to this cynicism and beer party... ;-)

*(for the record, I don't see anything wrong with his comment about LA since it was pretty clear to me that he was referring to the entertainment industry - and yes, I work in television myself and know that not everyone is like that - I'm certainly not - but there are a fair share of sleazy types in showbiz that have made me jaded as well... but if you've been reading the boards, you know other people do and will send him this question)

**(also for the record, I'm mildly disappointed that the album is going to take longer, but in the grand scheme of things, I'll live... so take your time, Clay... I'll be there to buy it when it comes out)

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8) What is your favourite colour?

Well, if it's an American interview, they'd be asking for his favorite color.

Beer and cynicism is an open invitation. I just guessed HeidiHo and I would instigators! B)

Yes, at FCA even cynicism is a party!

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Guest huskerfalcon
Hey! I want beer and cynicism! You guys have all the fun!

Yeah, what K'Andre said!!!

Well, I'll have the beer... not so big on the cynicism... ;)

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I just got my yahoo news alerts and there was an interesting Clay mention in this article. It talks about how Keith Urban is the hot seller at Musikfest this year - much like Clay was last year.

Here's the Clay-relevant part:

The fervor is reminiscent of last year when former American Idol star Clay Aiken performed at Riverplace. Aiken set the record by selling out in a day, inspiring fans to display signs proclaiming they were ''aching for Aiken.''

Last year, the market topped out at $510 for a pair of tickets to Aiken's concert. This year, with the start of the 10-day festival just two weeks away, tickets still remain for Aiken, although Plyler said it's close to sold out.

Aiken tickets also are being sold on eBay. A week ago, a pair sold for $280, but many current auctions don't even have bids.

Makes me wonder if it's time to send a letter to the local paper indicating just what this "claymate" thought of Musikfest last year and why I'm not going back. Hint - It's not for lack of love for Clay.

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Now, I'm about the *furthest* thing from a PANTS! person as you can get, but that one where he looks like he just fell off the chair onto his absolute? Those are some nice pants, y'all. Yes they are. Indeed. Mighty fine. Mmm hmm. Those jeans are his friend. And how.

There isn't a blushing icon, so just imagine one here.

ETA: http://bestofclay.com/gallery/newest1024/New

My little mouse hand does NOT like watermarks.

Edited by Sapphire
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That's quite the photoshoot. It's always amazing to me how different he can look from photoshoot to photoshoot.

Isn't it amazing how just when the Clay Nation is in an uproar something that knocks our socks off is suddenly discovered?

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Just a heads up for everyone that I finally got things together and started the ticket list. The list (a short one so far) of available tickets and the rules are here. PM me if you have tickets to sell. It's okay if they are listed elsewhere.

See, this is what happens when my afternoon company are a little late. I'm forced to be productive!

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I'm happy that the concerts are starting up finally. I think Clay will soak up the adoration and hopefully it will lift his spirits. And you know what, in the past whenever I've felt worried for him (and that really hasn't happened often) just seeing him in his element has done wonders for me too. Seeing him carry on and be funny and charming during the PETA mess is an example.

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Wow. Those new pictures are... uh... *gasp*... humina humina humina.

Thanks couchie for the originals and thanks sapphire for the wallpaper. Those are some tight pants, y'all. He is seriously hot.

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I made a new category in the gallery for wallpapers...there are just so many pretties...

try viewing it as a slide show...GAAAAAHHHHHH

If there are other wallpapers we can add to this collection just pm me and I can add it.

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So, this weekend, I have been doing the stuff I feel like I need to do to get ready for the next month's worth of concerts:

-Cleaning up the hard drive, except for the essential stuff needed for easy access, like the AI performances, some montages, and a couple of WDCs. Gee, its hard to delete stuff off the hard drive even when I've burned duplicates.

-Stocking up on CD-Rs (Can I whine here about how long it took me to figure out the combination of software and disks I needed to actually be able to burn stuff I could watch on my DVD player?)

-Checking the cost of upgrading my DSL service so stuff downloads even faster.

-Waiting for an update to a certain blog, even though I doubt it would get done on a weekend.

-Looking at ads for digital cameras [waves at Skatejoy], even though I've always been a "Stand still and say Cheese", "I hope I don't cut all the heads off" type of photographer. And my venues rules say "No cameras".

-Making a tracking list of my pin orders - received and pending.

-Compulsively checking my concert tickets to make sure they haven't somehow evaporated.

-Running some cash flow scenarios to determine when I will actually run out of money, and have to tap into my home equity line. [What. I know I'm not the only accountant on this board. BANKERZ RULE!!]


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Can I whine here about how long it took me to figure out the combination of software and disks I needed to actually be able to burn stuff I could watch on my VCR?

Well, to start, try sticking it in your DVD player instead. Hee. I kid. I kid.

I was talking with Buzztechie tonight and she wisely asked who had the tickets to our first show. Good thing I never go to concerts alone, or I'd show up with no ticket.

Me? Camera? Never! ;)

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