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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


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  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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CLAY IS COMING TO OKLAHOMA? OMG Did you see this LovesClaysVoice? I hope it is going to be Tulsa or Oklahoma City.............Yippee I'm on cloud nine.................. Couchie, Clay was in OKC for the AI2 tour. He was at the Ford Center. It was a glorious concert I was there.


I got this email Friday:

Peggy -

While nothing is confirmed (and we want to reiterate that - NOTHING IS CONFIRMED), we are speaking to Clay's agent right now regarding a summer date.

We hope to know something within a few weeks, so keep checking the www.bradytheater.com events page. While this is COMPLETELY subject to change, we would guess the show would be very close to July 4th.

Again, nothing is confirmed but we are working on it.


The Brady Theater

Do you think we could be the first stop????? Maybe the squeaky wheel does get the grease!!!!! :TourExcite:


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Couchie, I'm with you on Quiana. While I'm always up for more Clay, and would love to here him sing more or all of this song, I love Quiana's voice. I love Clay for continuing to showcase her. Like you, I'm not watching AI this year, so I don't know about how others stack up next to her, but I feel certainly she was robbed in AI2, since she sang better than most of the top 12.

I think my reaction to Quiana surprised me. During the first JNT. I sat in wonder and awe, as Clay sang every song to near perfection, but when Quiana sang MGUCL, the hair stood up on my arm and I got a chill. This was a complete involuntary response, and the same thing happened during the JBT when she sang

IWALY, I can't explain it. My voluntary choice will always be Clay's voice and style, but I can't deny the wow factor I feel when I hear Quianna sing.

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That's why I'll always be greatful for A Thousand Different Ways. Whatever happened - the delay is the reason we have Lover All Alone. Clay would have procrastinated dong that until the end of time. And I do feel it is personal to him and maybe took him places he didn't feel comfortable with. But that actually surprises me because I thought Learning to Sing was deeply personal, much more so that I ever thought he'd be.

Ahhh listening to the clack. It's so great to hear his voice again. After all, that's why I'm still here. I love the personality but it is the voice that does it to me. I can't wait for the tour. Now that I can hear the clack I have heard the prayer before..I think Groban's version? IT is Fantastic!! I'd love to see them work this into the tour ..I can't even imagine how great it would be after 10 shows. I do think Clay is conscious of the small room and the power of his voice. On a concert stage he'd be much more free..oh my god, chills. This is Clay Aiken to me. I love all of his sides but damn, give him a good song with a beautiful melody that allows his gorgeous voice to venture all over the scale and it's heavenly. That's as technical as I can get...heeee.

Hopefully Clayboard isn't shut down long. I understand needing, wanting to discuss Clay after an important event to me and not being able to ...bic boi... no not bitter. heee.

I have never seen htis sanje..person ya'll are talking about be he has definitely penetrated mainstream because I've heard a lot about him, and only him this seson, and have never watched a single episode.

ETA: I do think Jaymes and David are great for him. I think they can help him identify his style so if he goes off with them I think we'd get a great album - (well maybe if David more involved..I keep thinking about the 4 songs previewed and really are they great songs other than Tears Run Dry heee). Clay loves songs with great melodies. David produces and writes songs with great melodies. They're a perfect fit I think. I know many fans don't want a Groban type..but I do think that's closer to who he is, but wiht a more pop sounding vocal.

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That's why I'll always be greatful for A Thousand Different Ways. Whatever happened - the delay is the reason we have Lover All Alone. Clay would have procrastinated dong that until the end of time. And I do feel it is personal to him and maybe too him places he didn't feel comfortable with. But that actually surprises me because I thought Learning to Sing was deeply personal, must more so that I ever thought he'd be.
That's a very interesting thought. My guess is that he did LTS to help kids and, to him, LAA was self-indulgent.

I do believe he's the one who left if off the album, and now am beginning to see how that might be for more reason than "it was too depressing". The comment about doing "this all for me" from the podcasts is popping into my mind right now too.

CB finally put the Gala thread in their "Vacation" forum... took me a while to figure it out.

Sounds like you gals get a Texas/OK three-fer!


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Hey - while I was checking out the TITN video on youtube,

I found this vid of Clay doing the weather at WRAL way back in 04.

I'd never seen this before - he's so darn CUUUUUUTE!

And hot in the TITN, but it's almost too much, he would have

spontaneously combusted TRL!!!

I figured out why the image didn't work yesterday, it was the '&' in the

folder name, the board don't 'low no ampersands!! LOL


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I know many fans don't want a Groban type..but I do think that's closer to who he is, but wiht a more pop sounding vocal.

I have been one who has always said I didn't want a Groban-type and I still do. But part of the reason is I don't like Groban's voice. I find it technically superb but ultimately boring.

I never find Clay's voice boring. I also think he is far more versatile than Groban and if TF (Team Foster) do continue working with him, I think that's something they won't ignore.

Just finished listening to "The Prayer". Just beautiful - and with very little rehearsal I imagine. I do hope they include this in the tour.

I am happy he is going to OK, but it better not be BEFORE Houston! I don't know if I could go to OK and I want Houston to be first because I want to be at the first concert! **pouts and stamps feet**


If only he understood how enriching and healing his voice AND his personally written songs can be.

Maybe in time, Diva. Maybe in time. This man has come a long way in the last 4 years but he still has a long way to go and while he is so confident in so many areas, I think he is just beginning to realize just how special he can be - or just how special those around him think he can be.

Edited by Claygasm
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Yep... I don't mean Groban's voice at all because while I do think he is technically good he has never moved me...but just the type of song Clay could excel at. It wouldn't be a carbon copy type thing because Clay's voice is so different - so warm -- so inviting. But I would also love to hear some Clay soul..I know that is in him too...don't know where David stands on that.. we need a David discography so I can see what all he has done and who he has worked with.

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Please...we need them front and center...


So fresh, so clean....

Teeth? What teeth?


Ok, then.... my mind is wanderin' a bit...


Why Clay, it looks like you've got something stuck in your mouth. May I help you get that out? Hmmmm...I think my tongue would be the best tool for the job. No, it's no trouble....let me help.

But seriously, it was like being in his living room. He was among friends, and I felt included in that assessment, even though I've never met him. He was just so comfortable. I don't even know how to describe it. I really and truly hope there is complete video because if there isn't it will be the biggest loss this fandom has ever had, IMO. Y'all just HAVE to see him in ACTION! :hubbahubba:

THANK YOU for this wonderful recap, and this paragraph in particular. It sure sounds like he knew that everyone in the room was there to experience him....and that's awesome. I'm so happy for you that you got to experience it live. Meanwhile, I'm opening a "Jealous as hell" car for the Clay train -- I'll be your conductor.

luckiest1 - great recap! I am jealous as can be of you!! Happy for you too. But this part has me thinking we won't get to hear him sing LAA on tour and that makes me sad. It also makes me think that the only reason we got to hear it at all was Jaymes. I think she convinced him it had to be released and it wouldn't surprise me if Clive/RCA wanted it on the regular album and Clay didn't - hence the bonus track after much arm twisting. My theory has always been that it is so intensely personal to him as it exposes a part of him he doesn't normally expose that he's uncomfortable with people hearing it - almost as if he's allowing people to read his journal. Or maybe its just he's not comfortable with his songwriting abilities. I think that may have been part of it in the beginning but at this point I don't think so.

It makes me sad we may never hear it live.

CG (or should I call you Gazzy???), I totally agree with this assessment, and yes, it makes me totally sad too. This combination of "personal" and "uncomfortable with songwriting abilities" is one that probably weighs a bit on him -- "I opened up to my fans, and yes, they love it -- but I'd really rather not revisit that feeling when I wrote that, thank you." Working through that, in a public way like that, has got to be hard. So, I'm guessing we need to thank Jaymes, and maybe even Clive (GASP!) for us even hearing LAA in the first place.

That's why I'll always be greatful for A Thousand Different Ways. Whatever happened - the delay is the reason we have Lover All Alone. Clay would have procrastinated dong that until the end of time. And I do feel it is personal to him and maybe took him places he didn't feel comfortable with. But that actually surprises me because I thought Learning to Sing was deeply personal, much more so that I ever thought he'd be.


Wow, I just finished listening to the clack from last night. Ansa, I'm sorry, but what are you ON?!?!? :F_05BL17blowkiss: I think "The Prayer" is fantastic, and their voices blend so well. Quiana has a great lower register, IMO, and Clay knows how to play off that with his voice. The blend is fantastic. I'm also not totally convinced that the song would work as a solo. But that's just me.

ETA: I do think Jaymes and David are great for him. I think they can help him identify his style so if he goes off with them I think we'd get a great album - (well maybe if David more involved..I keep thinking about the 4 songs previewed and really are they great songs other than Tears Run Dry heee). Clay loves songs with great melodies. David produces and writes songs with great melodies. They're a perfect fit I think. I know many fans don't want a Groban type..but I do think that's closer to who he is, but wiht a more pop sounding vocal.

Bingo!!!! I think there is fabulous synergy between him and the Fosters, and I think they all know it. What I don't understand is the thinking that Clay will turn out as a "rock star" because of the connection, according to some fans. After listening to that interview with David Foster a few months ago, I believe that he works with people he knows he can develop into even better singers, without compromising their beliefs in what works for them. As I said, great synergy, but I don't think there's going to be all that much swerving.

Sounds like you gals get a Texas/OK three-fer!


Yeah, except that I have a non-refundable ticket to Houston. I'm pretty much stuck with MY plans. What I'm hoping for though, is this -- he plays Oklahoma July 8 or 9, and I'd just have to miss that one. But then he keeps driving east and hits the midwest in some of those "missing days" -- when I can take more time off and drive rather than fly. PLEASE!?!?!?!?!??! And yes, just say no to OK being the first show Clay!!!!!!!!!! Just for me, PLEASE?!?!?!?

cha cha, I've always loved "weatherman Clay." That was such a fun clip.

couchie you are so smart:

Yep... I don't mean Groban's voice at all because while I do think he is technically good he has never moved me...but just the type of song Clay could excel at. It wouldn't be a carbon copy type thing because Clay's voice is so different - so warm -- so inviting. But I would also love to hear some Clay soul..I know that is in him too...don't know where David stands on that.. we need a David discography so I can see what all he has done and who he has worked with.

That's how I see it too.

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Couch, David wrote stuff for Earth Wind and Fire and Chakha Khan as well as hundreds of great songs for many others . Just google him, it's staggering. He played in Chuck Berry's band at age 15.

He wrote "After the Love Has Gone"(EWF), "Through the Fire" (Chakha), "Can't Slow Down" for Lionel Richie for example. Tons of megahits for many artists. I once found a song list site that was perfect. Can't get it today. But yes, he could write soul for Clay.

He also played keyboards and piano for The Wiz!

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Quick cute link to what is left of the Clayborard for today . Yes, Moanica is at it again - did everyone see her at the gala? Guess what she got her toungue on!

Miz Trusty - if that is the link to the video posted by Linda6084 - click on the name and review all the videos - a lot of these were from old clack sites taht went out of business and cause the CH to form the vault. I think all the videos are in the vault now, but one of my favorites is the one before he went to Hollywood. The account is dead other than that because it is on copyright violation from everything being deleted, heh.

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ldyjocelyn, I think you are correct about "The Prayer", it looks like it was written to be a duet. Thanks for posting the lyrics, by the way. I have heard the song several times. I think I have it on a Celine CD as a duet with Andrea Bocelli. I know one of Josh Groban's earliest "big" performances, was to stand in for Bocelli to sing this with Celine on some awards show, if my memory serves me. Incidently, I have seen the song skated to on a skating special before, I'm pretty sure it was a recorded version of the song, hmmmmm.
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I can;t stop listening to The prayer...I also listened to the Andrea Bocelli/Celine version. The arrangement seems similar except Clay does Celine's part in the bridge.

The thing is they are both excellent yet very very different. Andrea is classic sound and Clay is pop. I also think that Bocelli/Dione version had the advantage of getting produced and arranged by David for them. I think if David was able to rehearse this with Clay and Quiana and arranged it with their vocal range in mind...this would be soo much better. I do like that in the verse he stayed in his chest tone when going up...it may seem jarring if you are used to the Bocelli version...but this way he kept it pop and his own. I do wish they sing this on the tour...GAH...with the orchestra...this would be a killer.

UM...the reason why I liked this better is that I liked the dynamics and interpretation better. It is much more sophisticated and has more texture to his voice than the AI version.

hee I didn't mean to start a debate on Quiana. I do think AI didn;t let her through because they had Klo and Frenchie. I think it was a choice between her and Klo, I think Frenchie was in from the first moment she opened her mouth. But between Klo and Quiana...I think Q is better technical singer and better at interpreting a song...but Klo's voice had a more distinct tone. That huskiness makes her voice more memorable IMO than Quiana. I also think Klo had a stronger personality than Q that stood out more in the minds of the judges. But I do think Quiana is a great part of Clay's musical family. They are great in a duet and I think she may be one of the people that pushes Clay to stretch himself musically. I hope she will always be with him...kinda like Barry and Debra Byrd.

WORD Couchie about Clay and the Fosters. I also agree that Clay's voice is more exciting that Josh. It is jsut more passionate and dynamic. I don't want Clay to sing all of the songs Josh sings cos a lot of them are too boring and heavily produced. But I think he would sing songs like Believe...a lot better. I really want David to write more songs for him. I think he understands Clay's voice and his strengths. I don't think he will make him sound like Josh. I do think he would encourage the soul to come out too if that is how Clay is so moved by a song.

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I always felt it was Trenyce that had the Quiana spot. They were similar in many ways. I think Quiana has the better voice but Trenyce was more "glamorous" so she got through. Quiana really did look like a 16 year old back then. She looked so young.

I agree about K-Lo though. That is my girl and talk about somebody with the wrong company giving her the wrogn ass material. It makes my heart literally hurt.

ETA: as for the Quiana debate..it's great. I love hearing people's opinions about all of this. When it comes to music I really don't know that much...heee..just what I like. Ansa can go on and on about stuff and I'm like..it all sounds the same to me. I just know what sounds good to me or what moves me.

God I don't want to go clean my kitchen... keep talkin ya'll..keep me distracted.

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I agree about K-Lo though. That is my girl and talk about somebody with the wrong company giving her the wrogn ass material. It makes my heart literally hurt.

I too loved KLo, and still do. She's still got that great husky voice...it's just wasted on the songs she got (and seems to be getting). *sigh*

Y'all HAVE to see the auction clips. The Invisible one is hysterical -- the puppy dog eyes, the taunting and teasing to get someone to bid higer....fantastic.

And if anyone knows how to make a gif of him doing the thumbs up, I'd be mucho appreciado. Or of him doing the puppy dog eyes. Or hell, any gif from these clips.

EXCUSE THE SHOUTING, BUT HE'S FREAKIN' ADORABLE! The beard works now that I've seen it in action. Behind the facial hair, it's still Clay. Damn him for being so cute.

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They have tried to turn KlO into a pop star. SHE IS NOT A FREAKIN" POP STAR. When I listen to her first album I wanna choke somebody. Some of those songs seemed made for the Beau Sisters are some other anonymous YOUNG pop singer. I so loved her concert in Raleigh..that's K-Lo singing songs she loves. You really get a feel of who people are through the songs they choose to sing on tour. I have a real sense of KLo and of Clay. I don't know if I'm right..maybe she likes that stuff. And it's not even bad stuff..the songs were good for what they were - something Hilariy Duff could sing.

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CLAY IS COMING TO OKLAHOMA? OMG Did you see this LovesClaysVoice? I hope it is going to be Tulsa or Oklahoma City.............Yippee I'm on cloud nine.................. Couchie, Clay was in OKC for the AI2 tour. He was at the Ford Center. It was a glorious concert I was there.


I got this email Friday:

Peggy -

While nothing is confirmed (and we want to reiterate that - NOTHING IS CONFIRMED), we are speaking to Clay's agent right now regarding a summer date.

We hope to know something within a few weeks, so keep checking the www.bradytheater.com events page. While this is COMPLETELY subject to change, we would guess the show would be very close to July 4th.

Again, nothing is confirmed but we are working on it.


The Brady Theater

Do you think we could be the first stop????? Maybe the squeaky wheel does get the grease!!!!! :TourExcite:


OMG...Thank you for sharing Peggy. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Now see, my interpretation of Clay talking about LAA, is that he was trying to get the bidding for it up, by talking it down. By being his awe shucks self. Did that make sense? Hee I do think the lyrics have personal meaning for Clay. I don't think he was dissing it. I fully expect him to sing it on tour. It's his very first published song, written all by himself. He should be singing it. I think he has many more songs written stashed somewhere. Waiting for the right time to bring them out.

Claygasm I think Clay had very little rehearsal time for The Prayer too. I agree that if it had of been the 10th time or so that they had sung it together, it would be killer. I guess I am just used to the way Josh sang it. Change is hard on us older folk. Hee

I don't want another Josh Groban or Michael Buble, and I don't think we will get that with Clay. No matter what label he is with. While I don't expect to see rocker Clay, I do expect to see uptempo songs in the future, as well as the ballads. I feel Clay likes singing ballad stuff more. I think he feels that is his specialty and I do too. I'm a Josh fan, but I have to say, to me, he does not sound as good singing live as he does recorded. Clay is a much better singer live than Josh is, IMO.

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The other thing with Quiana and AI - we don't know how she did in Hollywood. She may not have been at her best. That was also 4 years ago and maybe she was too green back then, or too shy. She could have been one of those who had a good voice and just wasn't ready. We'll never know.

But AI did bring Clay and Quiana together and with the passing years she has grown as a performer. I always get the impression Quiana likes her career the way it is. She gets to sing what she wants in the small places near her home. She gets to tour with her pal. I don't think she is overly ambitious. She is able to make a nice living singing. She doesn't need the big recording contract and the super star career. She just wants to sing.

At least that's how I see it.

I hope Angela will be on tour with them too. I can't imagine he would only have Quiana. I also would like him to have a male back-up.

I am continually surprised at who all DF has worked with. For whatever reason, though, it seems lately it has more been the Groban/Dion type stuff. Maybe he just hasn't had a singer lately who can do more.

Maybe now he does.

Oh, and add me into the camp of those who want more soulful Clay. That man definitely has soul in him. Some of my favorite things I have ever heard him sing have been his green-eyed soul.

Off to download. My hard drive is screaming "HELP ME!!" (and my fussy cat still won't eat!!)

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FWIW, I loved hearing Clay and Quiana singing The Prayer. Something about those two friends singing such a beautiful heartfelt song makes me tear up every time I hear it. BUT, I do feel that Quiana's voice overpowers Clay whenever they sing together. She needs to remember she is singing a duet and not a solo. Clay adjusts his voice, but she doesn't seem to.

I just watched the Inivisble Auction clack. He is just too hot to handle! Working the crowd, making faces, pouting, dancing around. He knows exactly what he is doing!

I have never wanted to be a striped shirt as much as I do right now! :drugsneeded:


Edited by LovesClaysVoice
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Wow, I just finished listening to the clack from last night. Ansa, I'm sorry, but what are you ON?!?!? F_05BL17blowkiss.gif I think "The Prayer" is fantastic, and their voices blend so well. Quiana has a great lower register, IMO, and Clay knows how to play off that with his voice. The blend is fantastic. I'm also not totally convinced that the song would work as a solo. But that's just me.

hey I never said it wasn't good!!! I love it thats why I can't stop listening to it. I have lots of versions of this song since it is one of my all time favorites. The movie it came from is also a favorite of my daughter so I know the solo versions by Celine...and the solo version by Bocelli. Then there are the duets. Its just that everytime I hear the solo versions...I always imagined Clay singing it and I want to hear him sing it solo...in a proper setting with the orchestra behind him...I think that will be another stunner like AIW. But this duet was fantastic and I love it. I just think that it would be better if it was tweaked a little with Clay's type of voice in mind since I think this arrangement was for a classically trained tenor like Bocelli.

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Geez, I feel so shallow. I come back this afternoon, and y'all are debating lyrics, vocal performances, arrangements, songwriting and what not, and I'm still stuck on thoughts of teeth and tongues and rings.


My nephew and his buddies were messing around at dinner, and one of them said "It's all fun and games until.." and I wanted to scream out "Someone swallows a thumb ring!" instead of the more typical "losses an eye", but I managed to restrain myself.

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OK I've been meaning to do this for awhile.

Songs that Clay has chosen to sing on tour..am not countin AI2 cuz I don't think he had much imput...



All About Love

Without You

Field of Gold

When I Need you

Carolina on my Mind

When Doves Cry

Open Arms


Where the street Has no Name


Sweet Baby James

You've Got a Friend

Still the One

I Knew You Were Waiitng

Chain of Fools

Signed, Sealed, Delivered


You Were There

The duets with the backups were all soul..wonder if this was Clay's idea or the backups. He really did stretch with those songs. ..some of my favorite ever.

hmmm didn't list jukebox since it was a theme... I guess it can tell you something about him but not as much as the others. I guess you can always think about what he left out vs what he chose for each era.

Is folk-pop a genre...LOL. That's how I see Clay.

BWAH Bottle. I know..maybe we should be a bit more shallow first..LIPS! PANTS! heee how's that.

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