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# 8 My titanium balled, taking his life into his big hands,


Thread Title Poll  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. What should the next thread title be for the FCA Forum?

    • I really look forward to hearing Clay bring a sexy Moon River back
    • All this talk of Moon River has made pour a nice glass of red wine, curl up on my sofa with Waldo
    • It makes your girl parts vibrate
    • The board of easy women
    • It's just that Clay's world is so much more than us. So much more than fans and concert dates and venue choices and juvenile exchanges on his fan site. He's just so much more.
    • He's just so much more.
    • He's a man of a 1000 faces and all of them are great to look at.
    • They have not fallen down on their knees and kissed his lily white ass!

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As you can see, it's just an advertisement.

Ooooh, off to watch the clip again. Glad it's up on YouTube...that way I don't have to sneakily find a way to download it on my computer here at work. (For the record -- atinal has listened to "The Prayer" mucho times. Me? I've watched this clip more times than I can count....love that snarky little s**t...)

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muski - you're alive!! :F_05BL17blowkiss: Everyone was wondering...

Well last night I got another inspiration....

which resulted in this here WALLPAPER !


Got a call from my boss's wife (who is my sister) this morning that he has the flu

and isn't going to the office. Since it's only the two of us, I get to stay home!

I caught up on some much-needed sleep!

Off to find Pauls Dean's tiramisu recipe, I'm making it for Easter dessert!

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I can't read it, what does it say?

I can't read what it says under 'Pods' either.


Invixible Auction is up at YouTube!


Sorry to post-ho -- but if you click on "more from this user" you get the other gala video too!!

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ROSEVIOLET! I love your station, but everytime I click on the link, I get the push to join window and no music. I can't find anyway to just get to the music. Helllpp! I love your setlists! :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hope you see my PM. If anyone is having trouble listening to my station, you might want to check out the instructions here and see if they help.

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LOL at that pods graphic. I actually think it's funny - if most of this kavetching was done with a sense of humor I could probably take it better. But, it will hold quite a few in comfort until Clay's next 3 million album seller. I think that's the sticking point for most...if ATDW had sold 3 million we'd all be happy campers declaring this the best album ever and giving Clay mucho props for his imput and turinng water into wine etc etc.

Oooh I agree with clayzorback -- love your graphics...beauitful...full beard is not my favorite look ever but I'm pretty easy when it comes to Clay.

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Okay, LovesClaysVoice. Who is using the PODS for an avatar and which board?..... Can't believe they would be proud of themseves, and what they've done, to want to openly out themselves as a poddie. But then again, we are talking about the Pod People. Some aren't too bright.

Muski glad to see you are alive.

cha cha your wallpapers are dreamy.

I'm loving the tongue action Clay avatar.... It is mesmerizing.

ETA: Hee Hee Nevermind LovesClaysVoice.....I found it.

Edited by Clayzorback
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Heh. I am such a northerner. I don't think I ever heard the phrase "had my picture made with _____" until I started reading it on the boards. It seems like almost every recap I read includes that phrase. Don't y'all ever just "have your picture taken with ______"? ;)

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Heh. I am such a northerner. I don't think I ever heard the phrase "had my picture made with _____" until I started reading it on the boards. It seems like almost every recap I read includes that phrase. Don't y'all ever just "have your picture taken with ______"? ;)

We Southern girls fix our faces before we get our pictures made, and then we go get a bite to eat. Never more than a bite. And we don't put stuff away either, we put it up!

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Damn - I can't put a radio station on my hate and avoid list - it has been there for too many years already, I need to think of some other punishment. Perhaps I can take it out on a sister clear channel station that I am a loyal member of for a while now.

I like the pod containers - sort of empty vessels filled with assorted crap - a different symbolism than I would go for, but if that is how that person wants to interpret it, fine with me.

Edited by playbiller
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Heh. I am such a northerner. I don't think I ever heard the phrase "had my picture made with _____" until I started reading it on the boards. It seems like almost every recap I read includes that phrase. Don't y'all ever just "have your picture taken with ______"? ;)

We Southern girls fix our faces before we get our pictures made, and then we go get a bite to eat. Never more than a bite. And we don't put stuff away either, we put it up!

keepingfaith in my neck of the woods we say "we are fixin to go get sumpin to eat." HaHaHa

bottlecap, I'm from the South and I never say "had my picture made with." I always say "had my picture taken with." Of course I did move out of the South for 15 years and lived in Omaha. However, the winters, there, sent me packing back to a warmer climate.

Totally off topic. One of the new young men where I work, had a date with one little Miss Kellie Pickler this weekend, in Tennessee. All the ladies at work wore red high heels in honor of the occasion. :cryingwlaughter: I told him I was excited for him and thought she was as cute as a bug's ear. Psst...We do say that in the South. bottlecap. Hee I, being the rabid Clay fan that I am, immediately confessed to being a huge Clay Aiken fan. His eyes got big and he looked at me all serious and said "Oh he's real good." *sigh* That made my day. I told him I wanted details when he returned to work today. So I asked him how his weekend went, with a wink wink, and he replied all sheepishly that it went great. I asked if there was a chance for a repeat and he said yes. So there is my 6th degree of separation from Clay...........We have a connection.

I like the pod containers - sort of empty vessels filled with assorted crap - a different symbolism than I would go for, but if that is how that person wants to interpret it, fine with me.

:cryingwlaughter: Now that was funny..........

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DJS = that would be Clay with the wise cracks and Pickler with the not so wise cracks.

I want to expand on my pod container remark - someone probably does not understand taht the whole pod thing is not about everyone, at least for me - there are inciters and pod people - the pod people (followers) are the ones I care about, the inciters - not so much.

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This is a stream of consciousness admin post:

The Clorilla – Will they be the death of him –This is a thread I started at the CH back in July 2004. It's languishing on the last page of the chatter thread. This fandom has always been of interest to me and I've always had a love/hate relationship with it.

I've been banned at least 4 times at TWoP for talking about the boards on the boards. I've always hated that rule. As we found ourselves, that restriction was removed from FCA.

We are an open board. Everything you say goes out across the net. There are no secret threads here.

Over the past few weeks we've had some fascinating discussions. I hope everyone feels safe in joining in without fear that there is some norm that needs to be followed. Please feel free to make your opinion known even if it differs from the majority.

Tying everything together – almost nothing is off limits here. I said almost because I can't think of anything that would be but am leaving myself an out. LOL. The admin staff would just like to request that the fandom be discussed in the broadest sense. I think for the most part it has been. Pointing out a mindset that has permeated this fandom, the lastest conspiracy theory, that is fine. Pointing out specific Clay fans or bringing their quotes here from other boards for disccusion is not. A few of our members have already been targeted for silly head games. We're not going to go down that road.

I hope that is not confusing. If it is please ask. We love having everyone here and hope this colored post doesn't scare you away. I think 2 in 2 years is probably pretty darn good.

Feel free to discuss openly.

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Clay blogged - a nice thank you for supporting TBAF. I won't hold my breathe about him remembering to post the total raised - I'm still waiting for the pics of a newborn Chamberlin. :P

As for watching Jericho - you're on your own there, dude. I'm not adding another TV show to my viewing schedule that requires me to pay attention.

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Clay blogged - a nice thank you for supporting TBAF. I won't hold my breathe about him remembering to post the total raised - I'm still waiting for the pics of a newborn Chamberlin. :P

Ooooh, I'd forgotten about that. As for the amount raised, I'd say -- it's a buttload and leave it at that.

As for watching Jericho - you're on your own there, dude. I'm not adding another TV show to my viewing schedule that requires me to pay attention.

Yeah, sorry dude. I'm not home Wednesday nights, and even then, I've got Lost to watch. Besides, I watch too much TV.

But Clay -- thanks for asking. *g*

Wonder what else he thinks we can accomplish. World Peace?

Nah...but we can accomplish whirled peas. :medium-smiley-070:

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I watched the first two eppies of Jericho. It bored me to death. Sorry Clay, you're on your own on this one. heee... unless he of course responds to my comment where I told him I'd watch Jericho if he promised to watch the Greys Anatomy spinoff. Do you think he's willing to do that?

Wonder what else he thinks we can accomplish. World Peace?

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Hee. I feel so rebellious... Clay, you'll have to come and make puppy dog eyes at me in person in order to get me to comply with that Jericho directive.

Still lurve ya, though, even if you can't get the ie and ei stuff quite right. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

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WOW...first a rare admin post from Couchie...then a rare two blogs in one week from Clay!!!

will wonders never cease!!!

Hey...Jericho is already in my TV schedule...EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE connection!!!!

But how cute is that!!!

He seems so happy...and relaxed. I can just imagin him an quiana watching that show.

Hey Clay and I can just debate this show and its many inconsistencies...hee

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Clay, you'll have to come and make puppy dog eyes at me in person in order to get me to comply with that Jericho directive.
Hell, I'd say he'd have to come and do that tongue in the ring trick and then show me how it translates to other body parts before I'd agree to help him with some tv show.

CouchTomato---oooh, you're all sexy and hawt dressed in blue. Go on wichya bad self. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

I'm in heaven. I'm ignoring the fact that the plumbers never returned my calls and instead am sitting here with my laptop, all quiet and shit. Giving the boards a quick once over and then I'm gonna finish my danged story, dang it. :allgood:

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Post ho-ing back atcha to say,

ldyjoclyn, maybe Linda Loveland had the best way to count how much the gala earned BAF when she said "That's a lot of panty money."!


Yep, couchie and I are gonna start walking together a couple times a week. Maybe sometimes we'll gab or maybe we'll just zone out to our own iPod favorites. But it's better when you do it with someone else.

heh. B)

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Still lurve ya, though, even if you can't get the ie and ei stuff quite right. :F_05BL17blowkiss:

Hey I never mastered this either...hey another connection with Clay!!! :medium-smiley-070: :medium-smiley-070:

Post ho-ing back atcha to say,

ldyjoclyn, maybe Linda Loveland had the best way to count how much the gala earned BAF when she said "That's a lot of panty money."!


Yep, couchie and I are gonna start walking together a couple times a week. Maybe sometimes we'll gab or maybe we'll just zone out to our own iPod favorites. But it's better when you do it with someone else.

heh. B)

so will you be following my mom and her friend's routine...after going for a power walk they always end up in someone's house for power breakfast...hee?

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I will join couchie and muski...I will think about walking.

As for my darling Clay...Just for you, if someone asks me about Jericho, I will say "good show", leaving off the parenthetical "Clay says it is", unless you are willing to come up with the tongue action as suggested earlier.

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